Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1895)
E. H. THOMPSON WANTED. Business Locals. I » IX Agent» to «ell our choice and har dy Nursery Stock. We have many new sjiecial varieties, both in fruits and ornamentals to offer, which are . . . ., , . —School liooks at the drug store controlled . . only by u». We . 1 pay J •f II. M Horton commission or salary. M rite us at once for term«, and «ecure choice Dry Goods, Clothing« Notions Staple Groceries. Classware Crockery Cutlery FRUIT TOBACCO, AND CIGARS. n. Flour. Fecit and Country Produce. —School book» and stationary of territory. M ay B rothers , Nurserymen, •heap for cash, at thb Hardware Rochester, N •tore ofC H. Voegtly. — Don’t forget Henry Cheatham barber, desires a part of your pat ronage, at the new barber shop. BAKER CITY, OREGON For Sale Or Trade. I Prize Hood’s —100 acre* of fine fruit land in Sarsaparilla more than any remedy I have • 10 acre lots 5 mile« south of Eug< ne ever taken. I h .ve never been robust and OREGON. •—Who said you couldn't get a Oregon, 1 mile west of Spenser was aubjeet to severe headaches, and had no appetite. Eiace taking i I K. « , good flavored cigar in town for five Butte. Lot» at 1400 each Horse» MR T. M. & MRS. E. E. BRITTEN, P roprietors cents? (’all at the City Drug Store and cattle part pay en each lot if Hood’S Sarsaparilla and inquire. the purchaser so desire«. For •nd Hood’« Pill» I «m a well woman, jther information inquire at this have • good appetite and sleep well. I cordially recommend Boor1’« Far- —Cha» Voegtly offer» a Havana (ot|!Ce. This large and comfortable hotel is well furnished and the pr >prie- M rs . K. M. G orham , Fillmore I aaparilla. pre»» grain drill at lees than coat llou-e, Fill Cal torn*. tors use every eflirt possible to make their guests fee) at li »me for cash. U O’ 1 -ull*- A lllwnrar, Free IlOOtl S I ìli A ue,». heatlAthe. -5C. — Builder* tool* and all kind» of I A» otn k»n WrtiTniHi R«««t>V.—Mr«. The table is at all times supplied with everything the market af- Wtndalow'« '.H.thlny xvrup ha« been u»ed for building hardware at the Burn» i oyer tlfty rear» by inilUuus ofmother» for then ti . . .. : ' chtldrt n w bile teet bluff. with perfect mrrcM. / hardware «tore, at bottom pne< » ¡r;.M,ih<. the < hii i.-..f . nt th.-u.H.m an*’• - all pain, cure« wind collr, and 1« the beat reine i for cash. ROBINSON a \\ AL ION | Give The Burns a call and we feel assured you will continue to be I>ferrbe»»ca. 1« pleasant cdv iy’”f<»r for ’ JHarrht-oen. |>lvnaant to the taste laatc Give The Burns a >id by ItrUKKla Dramriatf a In in every Hold evert part of the world. * tie. Ita value ia invai 3 Twenty flveceiita a bottle. Ila la Invaip hotel —The Saloon, in the new _i, r - kA. i 1..4-L.»• _ I its guest when in town. table, lie anre and ark for Mrs. Wlndaluw'a building, Richardson and Stephen» Soothing Syrup. aud take no other kind. P ropkietoks . i_______________________________________________ proprietors, ia nicely furnished and Evei tl : g in tlo ir line guaranteed nOTZ'kTITT?TIES DT3TTr* It» customers ia given th« lient I —Dr Cate in k» pt pretty buxy 1 io !•> dom satisfactorily. J l JLV f X w «£¿.£11 brands of liquor» and cigar». Th»-universal good dentistry don«; i —Sjbecrilte for the Portland by him has gained for the Dr. w I [W. E. G race ’ s old stand ] Bath«» at i*ll hours. Weekly Sun only II n year. Thia lasting reputation paper»hould be encouraged, for the Edwards, Proprietor Superfluou» hair remove ! per- j A C Worthington ..................................................................................... ......... simple reason it i» truthful anti 1 manentlv instantaneous!v, wi’hoii* . , , , „ . new ay ■ . . .... i Real hstate. Life and Fire tiHiir- t ^.DEALER IN’-Sik— , DRUGS. BOOKS. STATIONARY. DYES, PAINTS, PERFUMES | pain, by Electro Chemical FlmdJ^. Colh.etionH „ Specialty. — Lee Caldwell'» Saloon now In order to prove superiority we ----- okegox TOILET ARTICLES, AND NOTIONS, running on a cash I luds is well pat will for next 1«) da* send sample ,u wss’ A full line of School Books and Schoo] Supplies. Confections ronised and th« proprietor finds bottle nnd te-’inionials free, on re- ' ( the cash system to be good for Inna- Nuts and fruits. c, ipt of nineb en cent» t«> pay p<»st GEO. S. SIZEMORE, £JF*Mail orders promptly filled. »elf, also. hi» customert.. He ia age. Electro Chemical Co., 2.’» East ATT ok . xky , thankful for part and present pat- 14th St. New York B orn «, .............................. O kkgon . Folio .ion». I.ami tiu ini-M, nnd Real ronag« and co.irtcomdy solicit» hi» Estate limiter ¡«ronipilv attended to. Sometime ago I was troubled with friend» I o continue tlnir patronage 1 | an attack of rheumatism. I used Uliamberluin’» Pain Balm and was bv <h< ut 6:30 r M. Arriv.. OaUrio in 12 hour. A Woman Who Will Work completely cured. I have since New Aork Weekly World in issu-1 WANTED in every county to in advised many of my friends anil ing two papers! wet k in place of one Eure Oneway *6.00. Round trip $11.00. troduce the Celebrated ‘’Hygeia” customers to try the remedy and to is meeting wi’* great favor Waists *or all ngc* This waist »peak highly of it. Simon Golds Through freight 3Jct8. a pound. The peopk» appreciate the change supercede* the corset, and Im* re- bauin, San Luis IB y. Cal. For Two day» notice at any P. O. on the route and covered coaches wi) and are taking advantage of it. . reived the unanimous approval of **1* '*y ” Horton Keep informed of what is going be furnished for passanger«. 11. A. Williams, Proprietor phiri< i in* of America, .......... . ♦3.00 out-_____________- on in the world nnd particularly in til free. Any energetic woman can ! your own country. CnngrtM is make from $16 to $.50 weekly. i J *”* j «i» » V •» •> now in session. Every movement Semi fur circulars ¡yid term*. lie <>f the greatest interest. 1 i- iiy^iuiMti < y ourgeon. will HYGEIA M'F'G CO . 37$ St, New Keep abreast ofthe time* by read- ' York A gratinate of the Iowa State ing the TWTCE-A-WEEK’ University and College of Phyai- WORLD—(no papers a week —104« I ciana and Surgeons. papers a jear for only $1 (Mb Manu activer School» Attention. Otlice nt rvsidei re in Burnii. Arrangement» have been made a TOM SOCIAL PARLOH. STORE. Burns Ontario Stage Eine. 11 GEER & (0. Notice ia hereby given that 1 am now p-r|Min*d to exchange the fl»l- lowing Hooka which have been adapted lor the following *ityrar* I l»v which we can furnish this paper and the Twice-»-Week New Y««rk World both fir $2 2«5 a year. Take advantage of thia oiler and get your own local pap-r and the Twice a-Week World at this «p i.ii rate. T iik H erald . : » i\ Ex Price Maxwells first Book in English “ Introductory Eng Gram. 3(1 " Advanced ............... .3' Pvt, rtuan* Civil Government I' 4 k • •*tn» Vr« ! 2 Sc t * 40 “ 55 •4 HO «I ♦ l HO C. L Ar» I it * i r -> I • A I« < 4« Monteith* Elementary Geography'« Ü5ct* Monteith» Cotuprvhennive Geography 11 25 Clark« Normal Grammar Mlrt* Sill« Grammar 6<Vts And all ether school ■•owk« in prv(b»rtion and after this date I will ««II school hook* at the above price» fur caah and for caah only. Order« by mall promptly attente»! to Dated thi« lai day of March IN'.H ALSO DEALERS IN H ADR- fVdl *•* ■~’v« I •«— «, Ml ’CT . rer * ** re • ■ —— l»Mton • »U t J 'AL MMRCHAMDI5E, -i » »•»■.•«, a .»»«»••i. Sv« ».»>•. i«l tlr>»9a,*t«.»«A pain * 52* WARE r on> GLASS DOORS ¡SUPERIOR srovtb A. C. WokTillxuTvN. let Reader»»! »• 2nd •« 3d. •• 4th •• 5th Tinware & Sbe^t’ iron Goods While at Peekskill. N. V., Mr. J. | A. Sen ven, a prominent manufact urer of New York Citv. purchased i HANGERS a botll«* of ChiitnU rlain’s Cough Remedy. Such gissl result« were TINWARE. GRANIT AMMUNITION Ji FISHING TACKLE obtaine«! from it« u«e that he sent , W are , CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE GARDEN SEEDS, FAR back to the druggist from whom he MERS A MECHANICS’ TOOLS A UNDERTAKING GOODS had obtained it for two more t»ut « t all and see cur Holiday goods. ties of the ».line temadv. When J you bav« a cough or cold give this preparation a trial and like Mr Scriv«n you will «rant it when again in need of such a medic in« It is | Proprietär il M. HOKTON, a remedy of great worth and merit.' 50 cent bottles for •*!• by H. M Horton. < ^«B.nEAl.ERS IM^W^ > & WIN S DOWS DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. PATENT MEDIC INK-* »OWN F. DTK ATTO IV F _ ca II VvfcOTI V STATIONERY. DIAMOND DYES. CHOICE PERFUMES KHSaY MICKS. Cawvww Cvw. J. « RIC.C«. Rva«« 1 Hicks & Biggs • • * FANCY TOILET ARTICLES.TOBACCO, CIGARS ETC Fine Wines & Liqucrs for Medical ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Officw« at Uanvon Citv and Burna. 7 gW Pt,». notions accurately compounded. Firat Clare Dental Work Dm*. I Purposes