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A PaiMhtel. “How to Obtain Patenta, * with uamaa of actual clients in your Hate, county, or loWK, taut free Address. I Patent (Mee. WaahMcton. 0. C. 519 MONTGOMERY 6T..6.F., SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. T'iti • «i **«•«« of t O fmi Cnugh Cure fa w .ho it a parallrl In dia history <»f medicina. AH flniirct-t« am Author I rd to «all lion a pot ■ f< «I that no other c re can I ick ■ f' . . rally aland That II ni ly lwr«mi • n, the I’roprlrtors. at an enormous ea- .r arc |>la.'lnu s mt»k Itotliw Free Into I ... -he t'nc I Stales and Canada. ) .»vea Cough. b.-rs Throat. or Bron 4 uau it, for II *111 <nre y»u. If you. ■ a 'he C’oup. er Whooniag CXmgh, use « ■ V, >nd rrilef is s.irr It you Urea.I I I «i In- 'Iona dlaraaa Con-u motion, uro It w yoir Druggi’t for All I Li »If ' S CUHK, Ifyour Lungs i ic tn >• wet. audit.on < ... <o 'in k I» no. n«e thlloh'a Porous i r • ■’S ns. Fur aale by all Prun j b aia »ud Uxaiwra. Doubtful Read» alone. The be«t are nuj to gel, and oo»t uo more. Aak your dealer tor FERRY’S ya Hie keet. Known everywhere. Ferry’» Seed Amuwal for 1N«S Iella you whaLI Haut F ree. ’ Gai IL Adire»» Is Traje mart» Design Peten!» CoffigMx l». M. FERKY A CO Datroll. Mich. \ii I ul Pili* m .Ninne» conduced for MOD RATI FItS. riHAf n t > Inventor« wtthovf o mt» I ■ •«!%••• A Idre»« <• c * ms co., Jüh ., WCDOIRBURN, pre *** The volumes of tiie Magazine liegin will i the Numbers for June and December o cue ti year. When no time is specified, sul scriptions will begin with the Numlier cur rent at time of receipt of order. Bound volumes of Harper’s Magazine foi | three years bacg, in neat elotli binding will , be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt ot $3 j»er volume. Cloth Cases, for binding .50 . cents each—by mail, post-paid. Remittances should be made by PostoiHc» Money Order, or Draft, to avoid ehanc o loss. Address HARPER A BROTHERS. Nev 1 York. STOCK BRANDS. ILLUSTRATED. W MHISUTOX. D.C. HARPER’S PERIODICALS ' anr U by a combination of nl o*t fi' urat'al newspaper« in the if ri re«« purpowa o' |>r«UrU f ir •»ithifi rl’acT« «ruinât «aacrup'ilou« 4t«. an«! •« b paper • I ti vi ?t forth* reapon«i- • m t .»«-» m | luv i‘rw-‘IkumaCuaiiMUAj - * Year: HARPER’S .MAGAZINE..................... ft.O HARPER'S WEEKLY . t.ft HARPER’S BAZAR ........................... 4.0 i HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE 2.0» Postage Free to all Subscribers in th» ( United States, Canada, or Mexico. Hap’ Baza Mau f.ng AVorney, ll<»\ tU3 HARPER’S PER Ot‘ICS Per C.A.SNOW&CO Da-idlan S Co., A^ts ILLUSTRATED. The Simpleton, a new noiel br T humis H ikov , will be Legun iu the December Number, i 18"4, and continued to November 18H6 Who- I •S90FMB0B IS WO BStSB* .. of ever may be oue'» favorite among Et gliih Nov-1 rilA” to Ob- ell»l». it will be conceded by ail critic» that TuoMai HAHOV stand» foremoat of a niaslei 1 art in tn Action, and The Simpletons may <>e teal and actanUfia book» »«nt fr»». Patent» taken tbrvMb *tun? * .„d expected to arcuae enthuaiama not infenhr in •pedal noOeelatbe HeleallSe A•"'I',¡.Jf, ’».»>. degree to that which hag marked Trilby—the most Bucceaaful story of the year. Another 'eadfng feature will be the I’eraonal Recollec tioi » of Joan of Ate, by the Sieur Louis ns J«? SFkSSf ^n»tt | C osts , Her Page and Secretarv, uader which guise the m< at popular of living American magazine writers will Present she story of the • tH%l plataa. la eolor«. and .Msid at Orleans In the January Nu uber Will bouaeiL with plan», enabling bulld»r» to ihow tba appear a drofusely illustratee paperon Charles- lAtaat d««imi and awcura contracts. Adareaa MISH ICO, Msw Tons. 3fil BSOADWST. i ton and the Caroliuas, the first of a serie» of Southern Papers, ' Nvatbern Africa is attracting more attention at any other time since it was the seat of em pires The next volumt s of H A RPera MA’lA- ZI n E will four illustrated articleson thia regin. and three of them will depict the present life THE DISABILITY BILL IS ( there. fVLtAN R alph will prepare (or the i MAGAZINE a aeries of eight atories, depicting LAW. typical phase» of Chine»« Life and Mamers. Soldier« disabled «ince the war are Teafde» the long storlra. toere will begin in the | Jauuary Number the first Chapter of A Three Entitled Part Novelette, by R ichard H arping D avis — ltejiendent widows and Parents now de- | the longest work yet »'tempted by thia wri er [»endent whose son» died from the effeers of Complete shout stories by popular wrl'ers Will army service are included. If vou wish continue to be a feature of the MAGAZI N E K < » T - c > Hand's Magazie- I Li U8TRATKD w^CAVEAlu,liwUtMARKS^w COPYRIGHTS.^ •fl zt- TEN C . -»• i A high-clais illustratedm tgajine magazine in the d(iiU4o3uoqi>|s(0)l) a luxury. It is a necessity, and meet the demands created hy this necessity, THE COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE, giving yearly, m it does, 1.536 pages of reading by the ablest living authors, with over 1200 illustrations by clever artists, has stepped into the breech, with a reduction in its price that has tartled the literary world . The H erald , fully alive to the needs of its patrons, has made special arrangements with this superb monthly, whereby it will receive orders for yearly subscrid tions to both publications combined for the sum of $3.00. The price of the great illustrated monthlies in the past has been $3.00 and $4 00 a year, ana thev were to be found only in the more pretentious homes. Our offer fur nishes a help to all families, r.o matter how modest their means, to keep in touch with the greatest minds of the world, as The Cosmo politan has today the strongest regular staff of any existing period- ical. Send ordern to T he H erald , Burnä Or« , •»l Fjh TH£ PRiCI OF ONE. Our Premiums FOi THIS YEAR ------------------------------------ r THIS PAPER— -----WITH----- i ON SMALL INVESTMENTS.. I Returning profi|N»ritr will make many rich, but nowhere can they make ao much within a »hurt time as by fiucceaaful Speculation in Grain rrovmiona and Stock <C|H 00 FOR MCN DOlllR INVESTED CAN BE M OE BT OUR Systematic Plan rf Speculation •rifinatod hr ua All fiuceceaaful «peculator« operation a regular «vetem It i« a well-known fact that there are thouaanda of men in all parte of the I nitfid Stat»« who. hy «yatvmatic trading through Chicago brok* era, make large amount« every year, ranging from a few thoueand dollar« for the man who invent« a hundred nr two dollars up to 150,000 to A lOO.tMM) or more by thoae who inveat a few thousand It >■ also a fact that thoen* who make the largest profit« from coni parativelv email investments on thia plan are prreona who live away from < hicago and invest through broker« who th*roughlv understand •vatematie trading Our plan d<wa not risk the whole amount ¡arreted on any trade,but covers both aides, so that whether the market rise« or falls it bring« a atfiady profit that piles up enormoualv in a ebon time WRITE FOR CONVINCING PROOFS, also our Manual on aucceaaful «peculation and our Daily Market Report, full of nisnry making |•"inters ALL FRKF Our manual explains margin trailing fully Highest references in regard to our standing ami auoeeaa For further informaticn address THOMAS de CO. Bankers and Brokers. 241-242 Rialto Building Chicago. Elegent and exclusive designs for Oui-doot »nd Indoor Toilettes, drawn from W orth mod els by S anihiz Rnd t'HAruta, are an iinporrau krture These appear every week, aceompnu ied by minute description» and <te:ail» Our laris Letter, by K atharikr i > r F orest , is a weekly transcript of the iatiat »tike and capri ces in the mode, Under the h»ap of New York faahlona, plain descriptions and full panleu-- lara are given a» o shape», fabric», trimming», and acceasosleaof the costume« of well-ereaaed ’ women, i hildrens Clothing receives practical attention A fortnightly Pattern sheet supple i ment enables reader» tocut aud mrke their own eowh The woman who lak.s HARPER’S BA Z iH is prepared for every oecaeiou in life, ce remonious or informal, where beautifu: dre«» 1» itqiiisiie. THI S N FRANCISCO Weekly Call! CRICK at.fifi CF.R Y. AM. I ----- OH----- I 1H& SAN FRANCIS 0 MorningCall! rnit-k •« o > ri r v mai ». ------- ------------- T» HE SAN FRANCISCO (I ' WKKKLY ( ALL .V/' la a hfi.id’vme righi. page paper 11 la ia-ued every Thuraday, a"d con la Ina all <>( Ibe Imp.rtant newa of thè weok. alea ned front every qu ir to* of thè globe, cotut'l-le up lo fiate of imbPMtion. It fur. ■ lahee the late—t and mn.i ralla bis financial new» .nd market quotations, * <1 gtv«s »perlai attriitl n to hortlcuL turai and agrimltural u«wa, ara» la in avrry r*’.«ct a lire, alfiaa fatnily i-aper, app*-.i| » tothe Interrai •( every uiru ber at Ih» h.'Uaenohi. ----- Hi?----- Hi MOHMNU CALI, (»ava» laurea a Waaai la a Ita« n.- trni-oilt .a li <a io« MOS r RKL1A« aod la racgniwi a« th» LKAblSU NKWs. FREE BRAND COLUMN. Hora brand »-ar ten on left »honider: ('»"!• irten on left hip and upper dtp on boro ir». T. I. McKIniton, Burns Ore. Hardin A Riley, cattle branded Von left site Horae brand T left aid«, r. o. Burna.Oregoa PER year : HARPER WEEKLY HARPER’S MAGAZINE HARPER’S BAZAR.......... HARPER’» YOUNG PEOPLE t Poatage Free to all subscribers In th e States, Canada, or Mexico. The Volumes of the Weekly will beg flr,t Number for Januar' <f ra when no time 1» mentioned, aul rcrip- begin with the Num tier current at ti , ceipt of order. Hound Volumes of Harper's Weekly f vear» back, in neat cloth binding, will * 1 by mall Postage paid, or by express, fr «•*••• (providad ths freight does notes per volume) for |7 00 a volume. ■ !!,b i •»«• tor ,or each •*ch ’ Volume, suita suits ‘"J -«» t* •*"» by mall post paid J. C, Folev, cattle brand = on right sida Horse brand = on laft shoulder. Cattle brand, IL, on laft rib under bit In left ear, u uier slope In right ear . Horse braad 71 on right sttfle, R E J. A. Williams P. 0- Riley Or. Horace branded )-( on left stifle. Cattle bras'1. ed H on left hip. Marion Bunyard, PO Burn» I attla diamond on left hip: horses CV on 1»' shoulder Charles H. Voegtlsy. Burna Oregot Horse branded P on right shoulder, rattle F on right hip. R. A. Hendricks. P O Lawen Or Kemittancea should be made by Poe Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of Address HARPER A BROTHERS. Ne , Horse brand 36 on left shoulder, al»’ tbret dots. -. in shape of triangle, cattle branded »am» E. E. Grout Burns Or. W Hau’s . Mias Rosa Dickenson Horae ’'ran-1 anvil <•« left stifle, cattie branded l>ar.R on left hip “ O lawtn Ore I L LT STR AT E I). J. P Dickenaor. rattle brand J P connected «a left hip Horae brand anvil on left attfle P. • W**k,y • pictorial hiatorv of laiwen Ore nhr .. »”*•*"'* «»•’' important eve. t1 Cattle brand figure Ton eltherhlp mark H<bl P It »V - •.,,d *lh,u,ri el’ *" I or*er * d ,le,, rlP’lv'' »( (he hlgnest crop off ea< h ear. slip In each ear. and •»»’* on left jaw. Horae brand figure 7 on either hi» The manner in which, during lws. ft has J. H. Bunyard.Burna Ore Ck*ja<” *aUp”a'1 NtHkes and 'he Geo W'illiama. horaea and mnlea brat-cad bin.» Javanese War. and the a., wunl of light: •t was a Me to throw on Korea the instant arten- ' rounding w, an Hght aUfle. P.O Rley Oiv Hon waa dheeted to that little known eufinty. Horae brandy on right Stifle. James Roas« ■ •^'■’‘•"’»’ ^‘•»i'salm.et ta»uud ,-es reeourt es. Julian Ka ph. the diattngulshed writer and cwrt»»,.lt.tei1t. has been sent to the sea' of war P O Burna Or«. »"•IIthe-e Joined b, <• 0 Weldou. no. f.w Horae brand har m on left shoul-ier; ' mam .ear. 1(^f faut la Japan, who has twen brand bar-m op left hip and rii'O. Catherine L »l b Nr Ralph It. Send t T It \Rp’** ' ? rEKLY •’**»•*»• inform» Marshall PO Narrows Ore. lion and illustration Horae braad m left shoulder « Misa Lfi«r« HARPER’S PERIODICALS titaacHfl, Burna Ore. Horae braad ~ «a loft ahfifildar an-i aataa u» Per Year ELKHART CARRIAGE and HARNESS MFO. CO. $2« DAILY CALL tniUi Hr. .fi. TUi, LOO H IRPFR'< HkZlK <* H OiDR-j M V. \ZINK •t H ARI’KK S WEEKLY HAfiPTRS Yf»| Xtï ¿-Kopf* rr** ,o bl1 •’I'ocrtbers In the Unite* Matra i asada, or Mesic«. s. « i « • • "h,the,%"^2"™, itwfier lad l)h P p -, p t lj»t IM W. B. PRATT, S«crvt*rv, Elkhart, Ind. I «!•% % Cat. «. I.ampfihlr« and Son ra’ti« bran f Q Horae« and CettJ« braa-iei J P «a l«P d«r some b ended JP connected Marr a Price, Baras Ore <*ll'Îi1Zën’t‘hv mto’ . r • votame • “°* taawiU^T!2!>.^!y.Y*l?**»_*tofMe for Ma« H ietk w»*by -fill pefifiald oa rv«aip of ”• •2 BO Phil S«i*b a«'* eoaneeted. Ear mark swallow fork la right •«» naderMt tn left p, O. Barna ora. •»b^rtati.m wlu Pewit atthetimeof receipt AI.W %><’«. WEEKLY CUI *»ua*-)e of right hint leg. Oro. by Profite. 4 «