1893 OUR HIND RÄPBIT ArD ? > S . b » i O b . Ci i Tb Il» »B '" • ’tkn * Y, '* t--------' *> •' e:i bwrn MOV» l’oUJi I. PATENTS Cbeeau. and Trade Marks oMalued. and all Fat- enl iMislnew» ronaneted for MeOeeste Tees. If • '• r r*rtt er «!-- sn‘t kc-p it, and f nd il» 'vs I :n.c wtt'l i i r i. in ! .i v I liable free. L> ; • .c Co V-»-• » * A * » « A- 619 AOAl 33A«R f CT., t*. P.. CAL. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION • • Our 0*cs is OrooMte U S P”,"' 0*ca. »nd we ran »eenn- ;.«ier1 In le»» time than the»» vn.. ie from W»htneton •s a d model dm» ■ ■ p ion We advi»«. If patentaWe »»r not, free of r barer Our fee not due till ¡»aient 1« aerwrod A ».»»Met H-w ir» Obtain l'aient», with name« »factual client» la your .evale, cvmsty.or town, aent free Addrwwa. C.A.SNOW&CO • Opposite Patsrt OSes Wasamston. 0. C. « - C U..E. r A I > i ) I t i 1 4 Round volume.« of Harper’.« Magazine fo three year« bacK, in neat elo.li binding wil ■e «em by m.-iil. p<>M-|-aid, oil rveipt of $. er volume. Cloth Case«, lor binding 50 cents each—by mail, nos -paid. Remittances should 1 e made by I’ostoftic Money Order, or Draft, io avoid ebnne o lusts. A ire-« HARPER A BROTHER*. Nev York. w !«»U bow. »mt »ben lo plant. Sent»»«. Get tk Ad •re­ F* ik. M. FCRk> a co. [Wlr»t, Mk.lt. nt !' **»i Cipfeh Cure !* lui in i ie iÀ«»t«*ry <»$ utvdivune r < nell it on a pò» i rA. >’ •» »ts >r*»r'ui el­ ea Ra* »r Motti« Fi.*« iato VMl’ ì Jkiaie« I » aaada TV»* t.or Bmn »r l v e«»« v » If y <*Qr I aibc t Hand’s Magazie« ÒMEN7-.J röirp red w’th j uur c'vtn A high-cla-t.s illustratedmagaiine magazine in the auiurô3uoqo[stoio «csv»»«» Tt __ F a a 111 luxury. It Sro is ro a . necessity, and meet the demands created by this F I L L USTRATKD CAVtAIÒ,lnALtMAKJS necessity, THE CO.SMOPOLITAX ILLUSTRATED. COPYRIGHTS. MAGAZINE, giving yearly, as it The Simpleton, a new noxe) br T homas H a RI> y , will be begun In the Decemlier Number, does, 1536 pages cf reading by the ts-t and continued to November 1895 Who- HtóXS tWÄÄggss ever may !«• oue’s favorite among Evglish Nov­ ablest living authors, with over elists, it will be conceded by all crltica that them tent fïWkTiton a of niée •»- T homb .« HARbV stands foremost of a masiet 1’200 illustrations by clever artists artiat iu fiction, and The Simpletons may lie i and aclOTttte boot» a o no »I t » Manta tal mi t b rough Mona â expec cd to ar» use enlhusiains not inferthr in has stepped into the breech, with •pectal notice in tbe «k-ie»l1Re America«'• tll degree to that »» hich has marked Trilby—the tbn» are brought widely bet-y» tbe pobbe_w^ m<-st successful story of the year. Anothei a reduction in its price that has ■eadirg feature will be the Personal Reeollec tiui-s of Joan of Arc. by the Sieur I ai L'I s us tartled the literary world i .- nt «. Her Page and Secretary, under which guise the m. st popular of living Atneri. an The H erald , fully aliye to the s of new tnagszite writers will Present ahe story of the •hew tbe Maid af Orleans In the January Nu uber Will needs of its patrons, has made dreM • ¡.peat a drofuae', illus’ratee paperon Charles Ml'MM A CU. Naw ïoaa. 341 Baoauwar. ton and he .'aroliuat, the first of a series of special arrangements with this Southern l’apors, Noathern A friea is at’racting more attention superb monthly, whereby it will at any other time since it was the seat of em­ pires The next volumia of HARPem MAGA- receive orders for yearly suhscrid ZIN >: w ill four il lustra ed articles on this regin. and three of them wilt depict the present life 'ions to both publications combined THE DISABILITY BILL .here. |ii.tA.N It a t. i'll will prepare for the M AGAZINE a series of eight stories. d<-pi'’tltiii fur the sum of $3.00. LAW typical phases of Chineie Life and Mauers The price of the great illustrated Soldiers disabled since the war are liesides the long stories, toere will begin in the Jauuarv Number the first Chapter of A Three Entitled monthlies in the past has been Psrt Novelette, by Rl< HARD 11 akihno D avib — ihe lunges work vet attempted bv thia wri er l»ej-en«cribers in th< politan has today the strongest I'nited State«. Canada, or Mexico. regular staff of any existing period­ Th» volumes of the Magazine liejnii witi Send orders to ical. the Numhers for June an«l December o «■ac h year. When no time 1.« speoiiieil, sul T he H erai . d , Known «criptioii« will begin wi.h tlie Number cur­ r»ervwhere. P’«rry'» skr.l Burns Ore. rent at time of receit-l of order. l.aaal far l‘M5 — , ■-u •* tr.w •" 'MS CO STOCK BRANDS. HARPER’S PERIODICALS Fut TH.FRICi OF uNt. I Our Premiums FOi Ml YEAR ---- *•*--- —THIS PAPER— ----- WIT*----- Eiegent and exclusive designs for >or - i Indoor T.iileitv», drawn iroiii W orth mod ■ » » -is z and i 'H api ’ is ,are an iinp>rraui ‘ertutv rh<-s>-apiwar every week, a conipan- 1 d !•» tninub- ui - k Options and de ails tt.tr I arts letter, b, K athakikr i - k E orbst , is u "»ttern-ahcei supple­ ment eiia'dcs mailers to cut ami inrke their own i ■ -wh Tbe w- ma-, who Ink a 11.1 REEK'S BA- I / >s is prepared forvier, occasion in life, ce- I llora brand bar ten on left shoulder; Ca”!» r< noil vs - r informal, where l-eautifui dress bar ten on left hip and upper clip on botn » i.gu.si e. •art. T. A. McKinnon, Burns Ore. Tfil S I FIARCISrO os SMALL INVESTMENTS Weekly Call rmcAi t I I riKT am . ìli SAI FIANC1S 0 Rrturning progperity will make many rich, but nowhere can they make a.i much within a abort time m by aucv«a»ful SjwculaUon in Grain I’roviRtong and Stock U?|H 00 FOR Ul'HDOlltR INVESTED CIN BE M-CE BI OUR »PlvJa Systematic Plan d It ia alao a fact that th»w»r who make the largest profit» from com parativelv email inveatnienta ou thia plan arv •»wnswh, live away from Chioago and inveat through broker* who theroughlv underatan«! ayaietnalic trailing Our plan do»« not risk the whole amount i»re»ted on any trade.but covers huh aidea. ao that whether the market riaea or fall» it bring atea«iv profit that pile« upenormoualv in a »hort time U KITE FOR CONVINCING 1‘ROOFS, alao onr Manual on aucceaiiful speculation and vur Ihstly Market Report, full of maney making pmnter* ALL FKFF Our manual explains margin trading fully lligheet rehrenoe* in regard to our »taading aod aueoe»» F«»r further inf«wmaticn adilreaa THOMAS & CO. Banker« and Brokers 241-242 Rialto Building Chicago ELKHART CARRIAGE and HARNESS MFG. CO $14 $21.50 Morning; Call! raicR •« • • r» k ikAs ---- -+*•---- SAN ERANCIstO UUXLT CALL 1« a Ua -J«uSW right- page paper It is i««ued every Tbsradai. a d roatalas all nf Vw imp«rtast sews ot the • t«ok. c-aaswl fr<-m en-ri qs «r- t»r ot ths globe, rnuipl- te up Io Male ef osb cati.-a. 11 far« stab«» the introt and rno.t rwltshie •n«a*ial new. .nd SMirtot « «-lati it, a d giro» spee-is allenti a io hortieuL turwl »»d aaroriiltsral naw% Hl ao.1 is Is every m-aet a It«', i-su family raiwr, agqpmd g k>Ovr 1» I enrol ot ey»*p Be.. l» ■tall*. It is t-» MONT RELI a - BIX. a -d la ’ sown tur. I g. LKAIHN« NKWx- pArm I the facile C-.a<\ K tber of Uw ab- ,« apre« w* «III a»»4 •M b •4 bs » pro ml»m «» trowi t •f Ih» Mtow. M aah^ftpHvj Rrkw» Ut ura ••mbanetEm : DAILY CALL UO :u> I. . ,L iw. tfttv Abt . X* ■ $50 Hardin £ Rilev, cattle branded Vnn left side lorae brand ~ left si ie. e o. Burns.Or, gon PER year : I AX. ER WEEKLY II \i!: El; s MAGAZINE HARl’EtEN BAZAR. H \ RI’El. - Y-H N ; |'E H’LK J. C. Foler, cattle brand »on rignt side. 'Ionie brand - on left shoulder. P.wtagc Preet«» all s-ioe -ribers in th e Mat«», i anada. or Mex • o. The Volum-S of the Weekly will b i- g •b«- fir.' N I.e- for Januari ot e • . « " heu no time is mentioned, su e« -rip t iHiti- with • :e Numl»er current at ti ’ eipl of order. '"'i*' I Yolu nea of Hs’-per’s Week'v f 'ears •-k. in to-at chah binding, »ill » ■-*. i'-at i .«• paid, ,-r b, exp e»«. tr 1« »•' >rr»>vni«M the freight does not ex •,*«■• •>- in- <• f. r „ v«dutne. i l--ih i aeea lor each Vomme, sunn binding wfll be sent bv mail mat-raid ceipl of »1. Remittances sh.-uld be made by p.«s Money Order ».r lirait, 1«, avoid chance of Vddree» H A Rl’FR A B ROTH ER.« Ne < atti» brand. IL. on left rii under bit in ’ef’ ear. u ule- s'ope in rivht ear . Borse braad 71 on righi «irle. R E J. A. Williams P. 0. W Hat’s . Mis» Roan Dickenson Horne brand anvil °r left stifle. Cattie btanded imr^R on left hip r O. laiwen Ore. Rilev Or Horses bra' ded H on left stifle. Cattle brand, “d )-( on left hip. Marion Bunyard. PO Burna t attle diamoli 1 on left hip: ho »«■» CV on let shoulder. Charles H. Voegtlsjr. Burns Oregor Horse branded P on right shoulder, cattle P on right bip. R. A. Hendricks. P.O. I awen pr Horae brand xs on left shoulder, also thre« dots.’, in shape of triangle, cattle branded same K. E. Grout Burna Or. I I. I.T.ST R AT E D. J. P Dickenson rattle brand J P connectedun left hip Horse brand anvil on left stifle I. <’ HARPERS Mcekli is a pi< tor al history of I Lawen Ore ” ' tvn»-n-« eier»- in>|«.r'ant rveit‘ Cattle brand figure Ton either hip: marklight pn-nip' ,. accumtel» and exhaus t-el, I.. in o H- ’ - si »ii,.B ■ oceeriptlre text of the'lugneat crop off each ear. slip in each ear. and watt ou left )«w. Horne brand figure 7 on either hip The wism er in ,hl< b. dsrii-g 1M!M. it has J. H. Bunyard.Burna Ora. ’r«a-,,i the < hi -a«o Kailr. a 1 « rik-s and the ' nino Japaneer War. and the . nut of light Geo Williams, homes and mules branded It » able to throw wn Korea tne ii • ant a:ta«i- rounding w, on light stifle, p. O Riiay Oia ’I n naa dUeate.1 tv that Irtle kn..« u «am..ty, *cr examy m ,-f its a:ni, •: I mmi ■ d <*»» rv»oiir< eg. Home brandy on right atifl». Jam«» Rous Ju.ian Ra »*». the distinguished writer and roerrayxo-.-e'il. has lern »ent to )he »ea' of war P O Burna Ore ami there juincl t>, » y. Weld.m. n.-u k,r •an, leamiealda tiu Japan, wh. h«» bswu Home bmmt bar m on left shoulder: ’’’ r,'r Mr H»iPh swnd brand bar tn on left hip and riba. Catherine i. n H l RPr R « w , EKIA exrlnai,» infoima Marshall PO Narrows Ore. tl-n and illUMmtktu I harpers periodicals I Per Year ARTER S BAIAR .. . , RTERM v An \ z : xf IKI'FR » WEEKLY IRTE« » Y-'i'NO PROP,.* I’,wt aa-■ F n* h, _____ ... ««•»■ «•»ew « aca-la. u< Mexicw. H H H H n «’ edìr ,h* 4 4 4 3 '***■ •’”» ’h» Phil Smith Burna ». l.amvahi'e and Son cattle bran I Q eon reefed. Ear mark swallow fork in right ear nn-irrbit in left P, O Burn» Ore. Horses «nt < attla branded J P -s left shoul­ der aome h sn.led J F canuwcted Marr J Prie», burns Orw will been *"Wr•»’•*«•••» receig. wawe I**41’«« wilt he sent by mar LT TfL?1.1 .°». »»pm»e tree .»'ripevea ■JÜ^ ’oXTÄÄ Ï Xä? ■'’ bT ‘•»»a •’ >«wa A ime. w^, TT______ _ H AÌTRR « l*R**THERS *0»W % N< Miss Laura Horae brand ~ an lBft shoulder and same oa n-ua-le of right hind lag. Ore WEEKLY C -!A Ü4 Uh F 9 , F r Ï4?, Hors,- brand on left »boulder S stanclift. Bums Ore. r.;srB«rsr “• "S PIANOS