SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES. tfisnrvGTo.v, July 17.—Secre- UrrUawnl said to-day that he did iiottalk politics and did not see any politician! Outing his Western tour. Amount of claims presented and filed against the county of Har j ” he r “ “I I mas was nut not hunting nutiim^ » ghosts, 1 e..---- , y, and amount allowed at the regular July term, 1895. aid, “though I am told some were, ney, about- My trip was a purely busi-1 am ’ t claimed am ’ t $ 55 94 ;1..isOne, a..d nJ "either pri„ Withers, keeping Co poor.......................... and I h had neither inclina- Price $ ipportunity to meddle in | •• •* Tobacco and mdse for Co poor ......... 8 00 uon nor opportunity politics. Aww. J.. only people I (Jhas. Newell 3 days service teachers examination . . About the 9 00 were the military and railroad J Dnrk-h 62 15 work, supplies for office etc 43 80 u 1 Pr yJfcrlI°,2< yd8 CarPet 11,1,1 towells for Co . people "You " observed the condition of I W sk,en 0,1 .iau^l,,K 8aw dust circuit court rooms. 5 00 ofthe country through which you Lob R ' "A'lT fr” Sts,e 4*20 0 Buckland........... 49 50 passed ?” "Yes, enough to see that it appear­ K nr i : tb >8 dayB 8erv,ce a8 jailor 16 00 .................. ed prosperous auu and promising. 6 00 pi,B. The ---- t ■Ira Nellie Cr " °B 9 ’nde f)ridge ««H and team railroad men ch? whom ”’ I ’ met »■>*-» told to’ me -j -irs Nellie Grace 800 letter heads ami cutting 300 that ¡hat outlook was very favora- fav ora- . 11 75 me.«. the e•— - “ k • mem book 11 75 - * T Thev 1 b»a_» ,» Q are blefor great prosperity. 74 55 74 55 about the only ones I r had an oppor- p r r . Pu . "'•'’rrant for col delq tax etc. . . . • i____• 4 50 4 50 L ---------- to talk with on tunitv the subject, j g W *’/ . fp' ■ to taxPayers.................................. 2 16 2 16 tunitv to talk with on and I presume that they are about m , .-I? . e rl,)t K blank attachm't exec etc for Co • ’ X .1 tliu A p» —----- the best posted. It was said that 1 going to Burns for doctor inquest E G the best posted. was said that | r r , 3 50 3 50 Marshall that whole corntry It wasexpenencing ----- 4k k4 kk 3 50 3 50 .renewal ofpr^rity and that th?!Lt«“ “ 15 90 15 90 people were contented and satisfied » i/*- t avi;'JU8^,ce acting coroner with the outlook. All thecrops arejj lb'.k']*1* | !’o,l8fa^e ^ee outlook. the crops and are I j p C , Buckland fee in witht the ’be best possible All condition ?,c . an(J jury J r Î2 S2 44 44 the reports from the various sec- F [............... M Williams “ 4k tions of the country indicate a p 7', 44 great product for the year.”—The /°i ’ 4k World 1-IohnMaho n 44 44 44 World. Dick Martin The foregoing Secretary I ' 2 00 Lamount shows how from industriously J a *.’arilnall witness fee 2 00 and assiduously the friends of the ' 1SS Oll8,ri(la Marshall witness fee and assiduously the friends of the - kk Ik . . t Mrs. Susan Marshall 2 00 present administration and gold -, (; j 80 40 80 40 bug followers »re w irking to hide V ri, Jhomme stationary blanks etc for Co j - • • 1 -* A _ V .* J _ ' ................................... ■ A 10 dare 8erv .urveyur Hur,,, John the true s ate of the feelings of the Day road 60 00 k4 44 44 • 4 4k 23 50 viewer r -i a ,,/WE Smith He learns from railroad men that i q (J(, jq.)gey 4k 44 4k 44 4k 44 23 60 the people are very happy, prosper j H 44 k4 4k 4k 44 k4 24 10 ous and contented. The < '• • rv • juror r fee May term circuit ■ court 1895. . . 8 20 ,, nty , railroid , 11 f p,. nen are very go >d auih when ’ j ... J m vu 4k vuu euui 1 44 kt 30 00 tee fact is i-la ted that tne people ir , „ , kk 44 k4 12 20 11 , 1 1 i 1 ■ nr Canaday 4» generally a id railroad! and railroad < .1 1 m 44 4 M »iliershead 12 20 men are ,, heeters • 4 kk 4k ,, continually J waning b tu b ' t' Mel 10 20 each other. , 1 < Ik 44 44 11 .1 • 1 1 <0 f’1 f") \ till 14 20 And moreover tne railroad men i <> r) M r 4k Ik 44 kk 12 20 have alwav6 been classed with the J * I \ ’ re • k 44 • 4 r rank .Jo-’dan 10 20 monopoly urd are one of the strong j James Edw ard» witness before grand jury May term 2 20 branched of the single standard. V S Ottiner • 4 44 4. 2 20 We can fully realize the gratifica­ L B. Culp 4k 4. k 44 2 20 tion of the Secretary upon learning 4k 44 kk . * * * 9J Williams V» il FJ 7 00 4k thwpeiceof good news from a" | [{ B Job inson kk kk kk ---------- 14 00 eneinv of the prosperity of the com-| »........... 44 <4 M M McDonald 14 00 mon people. And further beg leave , j ~ --- 4k 4k 44 J D Warlow 2 40 state his presumption that the whole I yy • k4 44 k4 fm Fritz 23 00 country was experiencing a renewal j S Geer 44 A 44 leer 4 20 of prosperity and that tne people (j Wooley 4 4k 4 k kk 4 20 were contented and satisfied with -p yj Britten k4 44 4k 2 20 the outlook, is all “gammon.” I Ch\fl NeWen 4k 44 k k • 4 5 20 the crops are good in our state 1 H A A Dillard n;ii„rd 44 44 4k 2 20 ’ 2 20 generally anil we thank God that k4 *4 4 2 20 2 20 the railroads and other goldite mo- W C Byrd kk 44 kk 2 20 nopoliee cannot control the growing 44 k k 2 20 of crops. Butthat the people are M L Lewis 2 44 44 • 4 44 L M Caldwell 2 20 2 20 Ulisfied, contented, prosperous and 4k 44 44 2 20 2 20' happy we deny. Whv did not Thos G Dodson 44 kk kk Stella Smith 2 20 2 20 Sfcr^tvy Lamont converse with the kk 4« kk 3 80 3 80 laborer, the farmer and the me | Geo Shaw kk 44 • 4 4k 3 00 3 00 chanic? If he desired to know just i Albert Shaw <4 44 44 kk I D B Cates 4 20 4 20 how the people felt and how pros- fck I H C Brown witness State vs Jno E Boberts 5 20 4 80 |»t the th. ¡»eople |«Lple ef “ the Ihe'welt 'ration that west I * * ’ä’l'LK 6 20 6 20 44 44 44 <4 2 20 »ere happy ai d prosperous because II A Dillard 2 20 <• 44 44 W C Byrd the railroad man said they were 2 20 2 20 44 44 Ik 44 Semuel Hanley ll| save he wasn’t hunting 13 00 13 00 wk ¿hosts’’ though he was told there Thos G Dodson 44 4 20 4 20 44 <4 44 4k 2 20;' »►re aotne around. We do not) G M Tregaskis 2 90 44 44 44 krow what ghosts or whose he had J C Wooley B F Smith 2 20 2 20- • 4 44 »4 reference to, but shall guess he James P Campbell 14 20 12 201 44 k4 kk n»*ant the ghosts of the silver [T M Britten 2 20 2 20 4k 44 k4 4k Promises, and never fulfilled, made O I’ Bolcroft 2 20 2 20 44 4k 44 hy our party to the people, and Trona Galloway 2 20 2 20 44 kk • 4 44 Ihese ghosts Mr Lamont and the E A Shearer 2 20 2 20 44 <4 4i 44 s'-THnbtration do not wish to ate I) B Cate 2 20 2 20 r ta.-kle, so satisfies himself with a Miss Pbehe Kelley 3 day services teachersexamina­ ■*» talk« with the railroad men, tion 9 00 9 00 *td then go home and t»ll news W C Byrd justice fee State vs Fred Haines 14 05 14 05 •4 P»per men that he did not meet i Geo S Sizemore atty fee u *’ 5 00 5 00 — — — - 44 ***▼ ghosts but met prosperity who, H C Brown witness 4 30 4 Î 30 44 44 *ppily, gave hi tn a good report of I. Woldenburg 4 30 4 30 4k 44 people It is our candid opinion Joe Morris 4 130 4 30 44 ta«t the Secretary talked enough Frank Miller “ 44 1 70 1 70 »’th ’he people to understand how S ’V Miller cash adv for postage stamps .................. 3 75 3 60 I“lt towards golditea. dictators W L Marsden post mortem ex E G Marshall etc . . 80 00 80 00 lrw enemies to the wishes of the Britten A Britton board and lodging II Stepens Indi­ P^H'le. and these enemies to so I gent 19 95 19 95 ’"•’’“•'fully trample upon the rights H M Horton ink stands pencils pen holders etc 11 70 11 70 nw-s ands of that yower who II W Welcome drugs for Co poor.... ........................ 20 tX) Continued P»» them authority and who in- Thomas Jones indexing Co records per contract 478 50 478 50 *y*‘ ^»peeting the demands of Thos G Dodson jailor fee and hoard Campliell «nd £**0^ took the -bull” by the Smith 124 43 46 43 and dictated to the majority ^■At should be done. CONTINUED «N PAGE THREE 2<)T WO THREE GOOD REASONS. iST-fl IS ONLY Î2 A YEAR, YOU CAN AFFORD TO TAKE IT. 3d--lt is the largest Paper in the County & ■- has the largest circu lation. i