FROM TAGE FIVE. 15 00 | J A McCune juror fee May term cir ct 1895 ... . . 15 00 Having purchased the entire stock formerly belonging to Cal 44 44 2 80 2 80 = j Mel Fenwick 44 44 32 00 32 00 ! D D Defenbaugh Geer, comprising all lines of k4 44 13 00 13 00 ---- | .Albert Busse Ik >4 21 00 21 00 | W D Baker HARDWARE, CRCKKRY, GLASSWARE, TINWARE, 44 k» 15 20 15 20 RACES!! I T B James 4k 44 RACES! 22 00 22 (X) S W Hamilton 44 44 23 00 23 00 Win Mahon 44 44 13 20 STO\ L HARDWARE, SUNDERIES, A CARPENTERSTOOL 13 20 ; Thomae Beker tk 44 • 14 00 14 00 I Byron Terrill 44 44 25 00 25 (X) I offer the same for sale at greatly reduced prices for CASH. W L Best 44 44 22 40 22 40 F M Gibler 44 C. H. VOEGTLEY 44 25 00 25 00 Wm Bonton 44 44 10 20 i 10 20 Chas Owens 44 k4 22 00 i 22 00 The Burns Jockey Club will give Walter Gray • 4 4k 15 40 15 40 four days racing, August 28, 29, 30 Peter Mortemer 44 4 k 26 00 1 26 00 LB Hayes 44 44 and 31,1895. 26 00, 26 00 i Jacob Lotz 44 k4 8 20 I 8 20 first DAY, AUG. 28. ; W II Caldwell 44 44 14 20 j 14 20 ' II B Mace 44 k4 1st ¡mile dash, free for all, 14 20. 14 20 1 D M Me Men am y I 44 kk $10 °l I) II Smyth 28 00 I 28 00 purse 44 44 14 80' 14 80 ! W A Goodman •Jd, i mile dash for Harney 44 44 12 20 I 12 20 75 Phil Bruner county horses, 25 class, purse k4 44 2 20¡ 2 20 ! Cal Geer 4k 44 10 20 SECOND DAY, AUG. 29. 10 20 | Chas Anderson 44 44 23 (X) 23 00 ! D A Cawlfield | and repeat, two in three, 4k 4k 14 20 14 20 15t) B R Witzel 44 44 free for all, purso 14 20 14 20 , Taylor Simmins 44 44 12 20 12 20 ; E B Reed THIRD DAY, AUG. 30. Corner of 1st. and B Street. 4k 4k 14 201 14 20 j P G Smith k4 Proprietor 44 14 20'M. H. BRENTON 1st j mile dash, free for all, 14 20 I II Cheatham serv ch bearer Burns and 150 1 Walter 11 ueton 10 purse John Day road 23 60 2d, 600yards dash, for Har­ ' Al 01dm 44 kt 4» 23 30 ney county horses that never 4k kt 23 20 marker R J McKinnon run fur public money, purse 0U'T A McKinnon k 5 “ surveyor Anderson valley road 30 00 4k 8 00 I Clvts R Peterson 3 days viewer kt FOURTH DVY, AUG. 31. 44 • 4 .< 4 * kk 8 40 ‘ A Venator k « 4k k * tt 44 1st, | mile and repeat, two 6 20 I W H Mahon 44 <4 2 20 175 ; Al Olden 2 in three, free for all, purse chain bearer kk 4 4k 4 4 2 20 : Gt o Soul h worth 1 2d, 1 mil • d.mb for Indian 44 Ct k4 44 2 20 J F Mahon 1 horses,Indian riders,entrance ¡-I Burns Times pub semi annual report and notice seal­ free, purse 47 00 ed proposals 47 00 Ten per tert entrance fee r‘ ’ j A M Byrd printing 50 posters: . 2 00 2 00 7 00 quired in all races, Entries to be J W Jones filling cavity around artesian well............. 7 00 26 50 26 50 made with the secretary on or be- C E Keny on cash adv for express charges for Co. . . 50 00 50 00 C A Swtt k legal service rendered Co ........................... lure 8 o’clock the evening before| A Gittings levies on road land and mileage and post­ The Proprietor of White Front Livery Stable as- euch race. Five horses to enter 496 00 age stamps 673 40 sures the public that he 'is prepared to accommodate 4 » and three to start in all races, u collecting $33,978.25 taxes for 1894 @ 2 in every way in his line of business. rin-t horse 75 per cent of purse, i per cent 679 74 Disallow’d and grain constantly on hand, and careful help. 44 30 65 j 30 65 shffs fees State vs Buck land et al............... second horse 25 per cent. The ’ 44 44 4k 46 00 I extra deputies cir ct shtl's assessments. . . . 58 00 races to i>e governed by the Blood I 4k Hearse and Job Wagon t k ex for arresting M Sworts and mileage. . . . 93 00 Disallow’d i Passengers taken to all parts of the country. Horse Association Rules. n connection H enry R ichardson , President, j I S Geer bal due on salary from Feb 23 1895 to Mav 36 85 1 1995 36 85 L ee C aldwei . l , Secretary. 7 65 7 65 ' Jamps P Kidd justice fee A Miranda vs R II Browrf 11 00 11 00 ¡J H Huston dept constable fee “ *’ “ 46 90 - Glass & Prudhomme stationary cop press etc for Co 76 90 8 45 8 45 W C Byrd justice fee State vs Joe Garred................. k4 Mrs. Rhodie Noah, of this place. Geo S Sizemore atty fee 44 5 00 5 00 4k 14 35 14 35 Matt Riggs . was taken in the night with cramp­ W C Byrd justice fee kk k4 5 001 5 00 ing pains and the next day diar­ I C A Swefck atty fee 44 4k Tom Lofton witness fee 1 70 1 701 rhoea set in. She took half a hot- i 4k 44 44 44 1 701 ,, e.. , . Ed Walton 1 70 ■rfot blackberry cordial but got no jo}in Sweitzer 44 44 44 4k 1 70 1 70 relief 44 4 44 44 S. BAILEY, Proprietor. 5 501 - . She then sent to me to see Scott Haves 5 50 44 44 44 44 >f I had anything to help her. T * I I Chas John 1 701 1 70 44 k4 4k k4 1 701 1 70 •‘‘Utt her a bottle of Chamberlain's j H Harris Winss, Liquors, Cigars and Cigar ttes 4k 44 44 4k 1 70 1 70 t dir. Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem-1 | Tom Dodson Good Billiard tables, Pleasant Card Rooms, etc., etc. S W Milb r services as Co assessor and dep hire. . . 294 00 294 00 ”iy aid the first dose relieved her.1 I S Geer & Co coal oil locks etc for Co......................... 43 94 43 94 Saloan is first class in every particular. Experience bartender Another of our neighbor,, had been A J Wilson viewer to assess damage Burns John Day ’J*k f, r ah<’ut a - eek and had tried 5 00 road Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. 44 44 kk different remedies for diarrhoea but V Ottn,er k 3 00 “ “ 2 20 K,pt getting worse. I sent him John Jacquemin I Chas II Voegly bal due on furniture etc for Co 85 77 remedy. Only fourd uses Roberts Bros eave and leader troughs court house. . 18 30 11 ” «ere required to cure hii... m. He, Cal Geer grading court house grounds per contract. . 225 00 fa.'^ he owes his recovery to th’ ’.8 1 L B painting *' T' Culp " ' “ ‘‘ per contract...................... 150 00 »oMerful remedy.—Mrs. Mary E II King lumber for diet No 9 ..................................... 8 82 “ “ «• 5 18 s'»ley. Sidney, Mich. For sale by I “ “ <* ., « .. «« 8 56 *11 druggists. Fred Bliss hauling lumber road dist 9.......................... 14 70 L B Culp one extra coat paint court houi e front .. 2 00 JOHN SAYER, Proprietor. L N Olsen hauling lumber dist No 9.............................. 21 50 Ltt’t ’»«tomer one of our I S Geer & Co lamps cement etc for Co........... 76 25 grand j Situated on Silvies river 1 mile Ea,t of Burn., near the bridfr C. E. K enyon , County Clerk. ?'’ldren wa« »ick with a severe ; trouble. Our doctor’, s reine- i r- ,e«had failed, then we tried Cham- Customers wil receive GOOD FLOUR from '^»’•Colii, c. Cholera and Diar- MÜT. Good "Wheat Remedy, which i Rave very , ............... ' J relief. We rpgarj jt ag tJ)C I m. ine ever put on the mar- , I ______________ / complaint».—Mrs. E • reg<>rv, Frederick »town. Mo. E. JORDON pROPKIETOR. fT rta >« the beet medicine £7' »» <». „„rkrt fu, buhin S rLOuK & S aw mill “7„7*'r.con,’’,,int- 'olic *"d ¿"I“'1"" " child"‘n- “i In the Lecker Building under the Armory Hall. r”IB,)nabie time and lr,nted directions are - I • n,olher8 bavé ex- Meat at retail or wholesale prices. *’nCFre 8rat«tuds for I Pork, and Mutton will be on the I Give me a trial F rii dn,«•M For B®Ie 'he nt • I BLACKSMITH 4 WAGON SHOP M c K innon & kenyon » burns W hen it is possible, Beef, Saurage always on hand. 8hop opposite the Brewery Iu.xsrk iD ?c:r,Uy *n‘i with di,Muh- Satisfaction