Business Locals. Agents to sell our choice and har dy Nursery Stock. We have many new special varieties, both in fruits and ornamentals to offer, which are controlled only by ub . We pay —School iKXjks at the drug store commission or salary. Write ub at I •f H. M Horton I once for terms, and Becure choice —School books and stationary of territory. M ay B rothers , Nurserymen, cheap for cash, at th6 Hardware Rochester, N Y. store of C. IL Voegtly. —Don’t forget Henry Cheatham barber, desires a part of your pat ronage, at the new barber shop. For Sale Or Trade. feOJÆPSON, Rich WANTED. DEALER IN Pinnd Dry Coods, Clothing Notions. Staple ~ Groceries. Classware Crockery Cutlery andition of tbe Wonderful Cures I?Ari I j t a ■ F by Hood'« fSaraapariila. Th it is Why the cures by Hood'j Sar- FRUIT TOBACCO, AND CIGARS. satMrilla are C ubes . That is Why Hood’« Sirsapsrills cures ths s*r -rest esses of 8 rofuis, Salt Rheum Hay. Grain. Flour. Feed and Country Produce. au i o.lier bl.-nxl diaearc-s. Ta st Is Why it overcomes That Tired F? ! nj, strengthens tbe nerves, gives en --y in pi««» of exha-istion. Thu. is Why the ea!.-s of Hood’s Sar- jn anirJi hive iacrcaoed year after year, | _____ _ njw re]ni.-e» for its production it it no BAKER CITY, OREGON. HOTEL BURNS. — 100 acres of fine fruit land ~ I-— «avAwl/t . • 10 acre lots 5 miles south of Eugene tto I^rgect Laboratory in A the world. - - - - OREGON. —Who said you couldn’t get a Oregon, 1 mile west of Spenser I BURNS, good flavored cigar in town for five Butte. Lots at 1400 each Horses I MR T. M & MRS. E. E. BRITTEN, P boprictors cents? Call at the City Drug Stor? and cattle part pay on each lot if and inquire. the purchaser so desires. For ' ther information inquire at this Is the onlv True Blood Purifier promi —Chas Voegtly offers a Havana . otj^ce This large and comfortable hotel is well furnished and the proprie nently it ‘.he public eye today. 3e sure press grain drill at less ihari cost tors use evary effert possible to make their guests feel at home c *. fi'i'’ and only Hood's. I 2 « " | for cash. •»_ »>••«_ »'■» to bn». •» ’ » to taka A M>ri.l«iu> I>l»e«-*nry Free food’s <? arsaparilla POOU _ —Builders tools and all kinds of , AH OLt> AHh WBLLTnith K kmkov .—Mr« Wlndalow'« XHithin« Si iyr*jp has bee» used tor »fmothera for their building hardware at the Burn* ( „... any year* i,y mill llutiH _____ children while teethliiK, with perfect iuci eu hardwaro store, at bottom prices,*' It ►«■Ihu the child, «of'ena 'he runn, alia«« all |>alii. I'un^ wind colic, and 1« the )H-«t rem« for cash. edy for I»larrhe<M-a. la plaaaant to the tame » 'Is ________ _ , Sold i»y briiKKi«'« in every part of the world. Twenty flverenia a l«>tile Ite.aluei« Invalg lalile H< ante and nek for Mr« Wlndalow'« soot hl.. ( Syrup, and take uo other kind. »r.nU- I The table is at all times supplied with everything the market af l fords. TONSOi’JZL PARLOR, | ROBINSON A Give The Burns a call and we feel assured you will continue to lie WALTON —The Haloon, in the new ' its guest when in town. I __________ ___________________ building, Richardson and Stephens P roprietors . proprietors, is nicely furnished and I _______________________________ Its customers is given the **est — I)r Cate is k**pt pretty busy Everything in their line guaranteed brands of liquors and cigars to be done satisfactorily. The universal good dentistry done —Subscribe for the Portland by him has gnined for the Dr. a [W. E. G race ’ s oi . d st ,\ nd ] Weekly Sun only II a year. This Bathes nt all hours. i lasting reputat'on pap*''should be encouraged, for the | Proprietor. James Edwards, A C Worthington ..................... < Superfluous hair n moved pcr- simple reason it is truthful and ' manentlv instantaneously, without t ^S b DEALER newsy. Real Estate. Life and Fire insur DRUGS, BOOKS. STATIONARY, DYES, PAINTS, PERFUMES | pain, by Electro Chemical Fluid. ance. Collections a Specialty. —Lea Caldwell’s Saloon now Inorder to prove superiority. wt>i TOILET ARTICLES, AND NOTIONS. OREGON running on a cash basis is well pat-1 will Lr next IM) «la » Fend nample Bum* • A full line of School Books and School Supplies. Confections Intis I ronited and the proprietor finds bottle and testimonials free, on re- — •Nuts and fruits. the cash system to )>«• g-»od for bins I ceipt of nineteen cents to pay post GEO. 8. SIZEMORE, Mail orders promptly filled. self. also. h!s eustoniert. He is age. Electro Chemical Co., 25 East ATTORNEY, ........ thankful for part and present pat-1 B urns , ............................. O kfgon . 1 Ith St. New Yu<k. die« . ioih . Land buine««. «nd Real ronag * and courtenu ly solicits his l"»<i,t«- mutter promptls «Hended to. friends to continue their patronage I Sometime ago I wastrouhl.d w th an Attack «>1 i heumstism. 1 used I Cl.amberluin's Pain Bairn an«i wm Arrives at Ontario in 42 hour* The recent change made by the Leayes Burns daily at 6:30 P M. A Woman Who Will Work completely cured. I have since New York Wteklv World in issu-. of mv friends and WANTED in every county to in I advised man/ Fare One way «6.00. Round trip $11.00. z ing two pii|»‘r»n w*-ek in p'ace of one troduce the Celebrated “Hygeia” customers to try the remedy and to is meeting with gr-at favor Waists 'or all ages. Thia waist speak highly of it. Simon Golds Through freight 3$ct8. a pound. The peopls appreciate the change supercedes the corset, and has re Baum, San Luis Key, Cal. For Two da;*8 notice at any P. O. on the route and c ivere I coaches wil and are taking advantage of it. ceived the unanimous approval of »ale by II. M. Horton H. A. William«, Propristse. Keep informed of what is going I ■a* furnished for passangers. physicians of America. $3.00 out on in the world and particularly in I fit free. Any energetic woman can your own country. Congress is* R MyPHKICTEiP make from $16 to $50 weekly. now in session. Every movement' Ben«l for circulars and terms. r-iiybiuittn et surgeon. x. »11 l»e of the greatest interest. I HYGEIA M’F’G CO . 37« Ht . New A graduate of the Iowa State Keep abreast of the times by read- ’ York. the TWICE-A-WEEK* University and College of Physi ing WORLD—two pajiers a week—104. cians and Surgeons. Manu acturer pa)>erM a year for only $1.00. Schools Attention. Oftice at .osideneein Burns. Arrangements have been made by which we can furnish this paper Notice is hereby given that I am ALSO DEALERS TX an«l the Twice-a-Week New York now p-t-|ksrvd to exohangc the fol- JOHN r gTRATTOM CELEBRATE!» Worldboth for $2 25 a year. Take paint lowing Books which have been HADR- nd vantage of this ofler anti get adapted tor the following sixyears. 1 OIL your own local paper and the Es Price WARE F- • wW«s«f '«»J WfewUeU L* Twice a-Week World al this special Maxwells first Book in English .25 ’ J X,. t "»- « ■ *. r . ■« '-vs, i, GLA-SS “ Introductory Eng. Gram 30 rate T he H erald . SUPERIOR • k'nu»»lt*r«4». le *r I.W lori ” Advanced ---------------------- I .86 DOORS Petermans Civil Government .4« 5TOV While at Peekskill, N. Y., Mr. J. i A. C. W orthinuton . /;& WIN .«•• n 'I A. Bcriven, a prominent manufact •sru <>r- L«.l-a a* < Me » «. li urer of New York Citv, purchased HANGERS DOWS J, b» FM un 1st Ra**»apsai W-«* 1 1 • • a ls»tlle of Chamberlain's Cough mu ele» - I »-s t ..»«» tt tnd * ■ t'.i le <> : ■» •».- r A FISHING~TACKLE- TINWARE. GRAN IT Remedy. Huch g,x»d results were AMMUNITION , •• 3d. “ CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE GARDEN SEEDS, FAR obtained from it* use that he sent WARE. ' tt 4th. •• back to the druggist from whom he MERS’ A MECHANICS’ TOOLS «t UNDERTAKING GOOD9 «• 5th I had obtained it for two more hot < all and see our Holiday goods. Monteiths Elementary Geography, ties of the same tented v. When I, 65ct», Monteiths Comprehensive you have a cough or cold give this JVr r. RYOATTOX tin toas preparation a trial and like Mr faieography $1 25 Clarks Normal Grammar «Oct*. Hills Grammar Seri ven you will want it when again 65c Is And all ether school l»oeks in n«-rd of such a medisine It is Proprietor H M HORTON, in proportion and after this date I Ia remedy of great worth an«l merit. MurtCAL MaacHANDiai. »•« «. tara. SIMM. a.ieSisas, a «re «ai will sell school books at the above 50 cent bottle* for sale by II- M «-*.-.-.1 II • .uttiH«e>’»». »*• prices for cash and for cash only. Horton I * —^DEALERS rw , Orders by mail promptly attentrd OS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES to. Dated th • 1st day of March I I STATIONERY. DIAMOND DYES. CHOICE PERFUMF8 J. W BIGW 1M4 Casvea t'ttv. Bea»«. A FA Nt \ TOILET ARTICLES. TOBACCO, CIGARS ETC. C. II V oeuti y PIONEER DRUG Burns Ontario STORE. Stage Line 4 11 GEER 1 10. Tinware & Sbe^t' iron Goods Hicks & Biggs mandolins . . , — *«*i muskjil atamCH aw □•*•. •" * -- .r*.-- - •• - Y •• Fine Wi. eg A Liqucrs for Medical ATTORNEY•AT-LAW. Offices at Canyon City and Bums 1 accurately compounded. First Class Dental Work Dons Purposes