Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1895)
¡¡At Jerald. —The cattle and sheep men of I Camas Prairie are having trouble. —Ed Stauffer is in town to-day. Summons. Boycotting Banks. In the Justice Court for Burns dis —Chancey Cummins is in town W ashington , July 20.—The trict, State of Oregon, Ccunty —C. A. Sweek, as the legal ad this week, Times prints the outline of a mani of Harney | viser of the plaintiffs in the school —See the new ad. of Fry's Cash festo to be issued by Master \\ ork- H enry W illiams , Plff house injunction case, will appear Store on the first page. vs. man Sovereign, of the Knights of J ohn A lexander , Deft. before Judge Clifford next Friday. : <AB THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF —The grasshoppers are playing Labor, for the boycott of all nation To John Alexander, the above al banks. It will he addressed to named defendant: —Misses Abbie and Day Ken havoc in parts of Grant county. ANY newspaper in this county . the Knights cf Labor, the fiirmer’s yon, who are in Salem going to i In the name of ihe sta'e of Ore ReliKiOHS ^lices. f 1 8Chool, have written their parents: —Mrs. I. S. Geer and Miss Mag alliance, the people’s party, the gon: You are hereby required to Rurns 1st. and 3rd. Sundays oi | ....... , gie Sinyth leave for Crane Creek Reform Club and kindred societies, be and appear before the under ■ that thev will spend a part of their to-dav to visit friends. the month 11 a- m- reciting “The wrongs of toiling signed. a Justice of the Peace for I vacation on the coast. Silver Creek 4th. S — Ben Brown and Jack Ragon thousands and their sufferings at the d;strict aforsaid, at the ollice of such justice, in such district, on the — It is stated that the prosecu and 5 p. »• The 2 are absent taking in the mountain the hands of the money-making 29th day of August. 1895, at 10 tion in the Durrant murder cases, streams and we suppose are catch powers,” and will call for a boycott o’clock in the forenoon of said dav, has discovered a very important other fields. ing many trout. of national bank notes in all deal io answer the above named plaintiff witness, that is. a woman who will R ev . G ibson , in a civil action. —Mrs. A. T. Clark of Diamond ings between individuals It is to Pastor. give very damaging testimony on And you will take notice that if Valley is in Burns the guest of Mrs. into effect September 1st.—Journal. you fail so to appear and answer or behalf of the prosecution. Local News. J. B. Huntington. otherwise plead to plaintiff’s com | —The I. O. O. F lodge in this plaint for want thereof plaintiff will —Latest stvle of ladies hats at place is still increasing in members —John Hunsucker and George An Engineer’s Nerve. take judgn ent against you for the The order O’Neil, the latter is the owner of eastern puces. Dulkhe imer. i and trying in interest. sum of $65 and costs and disburse J Duikhei U tica , N. Y. July 20.—The pas ments of this action the Prineville brewery, and both of expects to put up a good and sub i W.C. B yrd , —Bob Baker was in town last stantial hall this fall, that is, the Prineville were in Burns last week. sengers on the Montreal express on the Adirondack St. Louis rail Justice of the Peace. Monday. second story for a hall and lower — By Jorgensen you can get the You will also take notice that the road, due last evening at Utica, B orn —To the wife of G. H. storv for business. French Transfer Designs and Var had a thrilling experience As the service of this summons upon you Dewitt on the 20th inst., a boy. A nother A ccident . — Powell nish at the Chicago price. Any one train rounded a curve on a heavy by publication is made by order of —Harney Valley hay crop will. Brown, son of H. C. Brown, of Har- who buys $1 00 worth of materials, down grade, seven miles above the W. C. Byrd, the justice of the peace of the above entitled court, in the nev. was thrown from a wagon last instruction given free be short this season. chain of lakes, wheae ex-President E ast O regon H erald for six con — Messrs. French. Sitz Bros, Harrison is spending the summer, secutive weeks, weekly, seven inser —The school house injunction Wednesday and his leg broken be low the knee. He was brought, to Catterson, Otley, Frank Jordan. Engineer Wm Brasse], of Utica, tions, and that said order is dated case will be heard before Judge town by A. Venator and Dr. Mars- Page, Dickenson and Harkness are saw 500 feet in front of him, a tres the 23d41ay of Julv, 1895. Clifford next Friday. G eo . W. H ayes . | den attended to the fracture. here as witnesses in the Jordan tle a quarter of a mile long envel —Robert Drinkwater and Atty, for plff. — A black bird dog belonging to preliminary hearing oped in flames. The flames were started for the Willamette Mr A. A. Cowing is missing since — A little boy, son of Win shooting 20 feet above the track. last Sunday. Proposals Wanted. th" 4 H. The supposition of Mr. Buffington a resident of Diamond It was impossible to stop the train —Steve Woods some time sin< e Coding i< the dog followed some Notice is hereby given that sealed Valley, was brought to town the before the trestle was reached had a fight with a vicious horse and | one home Mr. Cowing would like latter part of last week, by his With lightning like decision the proposals will be received at the came very near getting th<- worst of! to find om if possible the where grandmother and uncle, the little engineer threw the throttle wide office of the county clerk of Harney it. a> out- of his dog. fellow was suffering with a broken open. The train rushed swaying county, Ore., for the keeping of the —Frank Howard came in last —Sheriff’Gittings returned from arm. Dr. Marsden reduced the through the flames and stopped county poor of thiR county, begin Fndav. but his returned to Drewsev Malhuer Monday without his man fracture and he is now doing very tafeon the other side. Before it ning Sept. 7. 1885, and ending Sept to get the race horses Dick Hooten He went over there to arrest Bob well. came to a standstill the burning 7, 1896, said bids to be opened bv and Red S. Jordan charged with cattle steal —The ground for the Sunday trestle fell in a heap of ruins on the the court Sept. 4, 1895, at 10 o’clock —It is now thought that the ing, but when he arrived at the School picnic has been selected and rocks 50 feet below. There were 75 a m, of said day, the court reserv Corbett Fitzsimmons “knock out” ( place Jordan was said to be, he some work done on it. We are in passengers on the train. ing the right to reject any and all will have to seek another field as found that he had gone to Baker formed the committee of arrange bids. C. E. K enyon . Texas is kicking. ! City with a freight team Mr. Git ments have defered the time for County Clerk. L awen , Oreg., July 21, 95, -The Prineville Review savs the i rings sent a notice to the sheriff of having the picnic two weeks, which I E d . H erald : Haying in full Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your sheep men if Crook countv are yell. Baker county to arrest him. will be the 17th of August. Life Away. blast here, crops liuht and more pleased with the prices they got for1 The local news immediately in —About 3 o’clock on the morning fox tail than usual. is the truthful, startling title of a wool this year. I and about prineville this week of the 19th inst , two unknown book about No-To-Bac, the harm O. W. Porter and family are less, guaranteed tobacco habit cure —The preliminary examination ! might tie summed up as follows: men broke into Hope Bros.’ Store of the Jcadfin 1 < t s has 1 een slow Two-thirds of our citizens gone to at Vale and succeeded in blowing visiting our neighborhood. that braces up nicotinized nerves, eliminates the nicotine poison, because of the difficulty in getting' 4be mountains, the Willamette val open the safe and robbed it of $700 Miss Gertrude Carter of California makes weak men gain strength, the witnesses here. I let, The Dalles and other localities, in gold and $500in currency, Thev is nere visiting friends. ' vigor and manhood. You run no _, one-third preparing to go, and the also broke into the saloon of J. N. —Sluite a number of persons are., , . This locality is and haR been the •physical or financial risk, as No-To- in tow» 1 • 1 balance going as soon as thev can Fell, but did not succeed in blow town as witnesses and interested . ,, . scene of quite a cornmotion for the Bac is sold by druggists everywhere ing the safe open. The sheriff' and in the preliminary examination of' ' get a rig.—Review, past two dais, caused by the arrest under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free. Address a posse are after the robber^. — An insurrection has broken out the Jordan boys now in progress. of supposed cattle theives and bterung Remedy Co., New York or J. E. Shewmaker informs us that chasing others. Then* has been Chicago. The following town boys has ! in China among the Dimunganes, | inhabiting the towns of Si Fing, he will likelv leave about the 1st of Pin* on a fishing excursion on t he quite a number of cattle brands H. M. Horton, Burns. he*d waters of Silver Creek; Frank Fu Sun and LoueTing. The rebels October, for Kansas City, where he changed, also ear «narks, cutting M'Her. Ren McIntyre and M. L I carried the last named, whereupon will attend a dental college the com off dulans and horns. But un Beware of Ointments for Catarrh | the governor put all the members ing scholastic year. After finish Lewis. fortunately we find no one who will that contain Mercury, | of his family to death and then ing the course there he will go to own the cattle. "Nimrod ( omegvs, who has been suicided ---------- 1 in order to avoid falling Philadelphia or some other eastern as mercury will surely destroy the » offerer f.»r yea's with hemorr-l into the hands of his enemies. Geo. Sizemore and Samuel Ken sense of rmell and completely de school, and complete his education »ids hail an operation performed i yon were on a business trip to our range the whole system when en hv Dr. Marsdan last Monday and! —The people of Butte, Mont., for the practice of dentistry, Ilis locality today. tering it through the mucous sur are raising a fund called the “mule many friends here wish him suc- M Ulli writing is doing well. Mr. Peter French and crew were faces. Such articles should never fund,” to keep a mule in luxury cess.—Maitlrnd Herald, The -The General Land Office have ' the rest of its life for kicking its above named person is a brother to in our vicinity today, looking after be used, except on prescriptions prided the laud contest of the his cattle that the brands had been from reputable physicians, as the master to death The man was a Mrs. J. S. Kenyon of this place. V8 ^U8t'n Goodman, adverse wife ________ __ ______ __ the tampered with. damage they will do is Un fold to beater, .___ and upon taking D ied —At Clover ranche in Mai t® the the el latter. 4,1 r T Tl)e* decide halt of body horn« the neighbors found hi is the good you can possibly derive I here is work for three or four huercounty, about 125 miles from ,nbe ,,amp and the from them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure wife chained to a staple »n the wall this place, Mr. O. D Bosley of more bands haying. *** half road land. manufactured by F. J. Cheney A The fund is growing rapidly.— Catarrhal Appendicitis. ] M r, Bos- The water is drying , ip very -»x of the Jordan boys, broth Times. lev was a resident of our ■ county rapidly and stock is liable to Co., Toledo, O., contains no mer cl.'tlWn0. are eharKed with stealing cury, and is taken int rnally, act —The Grand Lodge of the A. O. i living about 12 miles south east of suffer from the effect of it, 1 -it** ar,S UOW under arrest, U. W. convened in the Temple at ing directly upon the blood and mu ■ Burns. He was on his way to C J. Johnson, Wm. Catterson, The .hr«- cous surfaces of the system. In Portland, on the 16th inst.. elected I Baker, his team loaded with woo! Fred Ottley, Sitz Bro , Kelso and buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure haVi"‘a Pre‘ the following officers for the en when ne was taken sick. His wife » e, >urt. »'»'nation in the Jus- suing term to wit: Grand Master was notified and went immediate)v j wife, and J. P. Dickenson are turn- you get the genuine. It i8 taken Workman. Wm. Colvig. of Jackson to his bed side, where she arrived indnedto attend the preliminary idlernaliy and is made in Toledo, dau«hleT Mrs. ville; Grand Foreman, J. D. Cole only about two hours before he died trial of the Jordan boys the 22nd Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Tes timonials free. n Proprietress of The Burns. man of Portland; Grand Overseer, I The deceased leaves a wife aud C. W in from Portland several Charles Stockton, of Astoria; Grand three small children to mourn his | Sold by Druggists, price 75c. i per bottle by her Recorder. Milton Clark, of Hood loss. He was a good citizen and Th^rei. 'ng,a8t s*t«rdav. River; Grand Receiver, R. L. Dur an obliging neighbor and all h ho •live t V fi»ni'ly difference rel- ham of Portland; Grand Trustee, knew him aympath'ze with his Jonx r. rtuattob but for three years. G. H. Durham; afflicted family MEW H lnl posted r •■towhat * it is the Supreme Representatives, John G. ^ndmnn<* cr,li«hlen iu» _ - - —J cur- Haitz, \\. D. Hare and W. Brannan. I Binjot, Accord^eng