Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1895)
WANTED. E. H. THOMPSON, A Great Blessing Agents to sell our choice and har My wife «nd I h»T* found in H od’s dy Nursery Stock. We have many Banaparill*. Bhe h*d rheumatism very I new special varieties, both in fruits severe iy, with ankles and leg* and ornamentals to offer, which are badly swollen,«nd controlled only by us. We pay hardly able to cet —School books at the drug store | commission or salary. Write us at up and down •f H. M Horton «.air* without 1 once for terms, and secure choice he!?. Many other —School book« nnd stationary of territory. remedies failed, M ay B rothers , Nurserymen, but Ilood’s Csrsa- aheap for cash, at the Hardware parflla entirely Rochester, N. Y. store of C. II. Voegtly. ■ cured her. It was :on!y shortly after that I was taken 3 wlih the oa ns 1 complaint, a-oct- ioj my limbs and hips, ao I just tried the same medicine with the same resalt. My wife and chll- dren take Hood’s Sarsaparilla whenever ther feel the need of a medicine and it im mediately make* them feel better. —Don’t forgot Henry Cheatham barber, desires a part of your pat ronage, at the new barber shop. For Sale Or Trade. —100 acres of fine fruit land in 10 acre lots 5 miles south of Eugene —Who said you couldn’t get a Oregon, 1 mile west of Spenser j good flavored cigar in town for five Butte. Lots at $400 each Horses tents? Call at the City Drug Store and cattle part pay ®n each lot if and inquire. 1 the purchaser so desires. For fur- „ ,, (ther information inquire at thia —Chas Voegtly oners a Havana 8a--e* rn* doctor’» bills. I am an engineer preee grain drill at less than cost' ■ nd well known in this locality." <j. W W yatt , White Bead Hill, Indian Ter. for cash. DEALER IN Dry Goods, Clothing, Notions, Staple Groceries. Classware Crockery Cutlerv FRUIT TOBACCO, AND CIGARS ’ Hay, Grain. Flour, Feed and Country Produce. BAKER CITY, OREGON 1 | HOTEL BURNS ■ | BURNS, OREGON- MR. T. M. A MRS. E. E. BRITTEN, P roprietors Hood’s Sarsaparilla A Marvalou» Discovery Free — Builders tools and all kinds of am old amd WaurTaian R kmmdy .—Mr*. Wli><l*l<>w*i Soothin* Svrup ha* been u*e<l for building hardware at the Burns I over fifty year» by tn I lllotte of mot her* for their teething, with perfect lurrru. hardware store, at bottom trices children «•hUiir.-n while wh’i* teething. 1 ' ■ It It Soothe* »ooihe» the child, lot (often* the gum*. »ll*v* —The Saloon, in the new hotel building, Richardson and Stephens proprietors, is nicely furnished and Its cuatomers is given the best brands of liquors and cigars. *11 pain, cure* wind colic, nnd 1» the beet retne edr for Diarrheoe*. I* ple«**nt to the taut* Mold by DruKgiat* In every part of the world. Twenty flvecent* a bottle. It* value 1« Invala lable. He aare and ark for Mr*. Wlndalow'a Hoothiu* Syrup, and tak* no other kind. This large and comfortable hotel is well furnished and the proprip. tors use every effort possible to make their guests feel at home Hood’s pnis^; The table is at all times supplied with everything the market af. fords. TONSORIAL PARLOR, ROBINSON A WALTON I I Give The Burns a call and we feel assured you will continue to U , its guest when in town. I------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ---- P roprietors , — Dr. Cate is kept pretty busy The universal good dentistry donej Everything in their line guaranteed —Subscribe for the Portland to b« done satisfactorily. Weekly Sun only $1 a rear. Thi* by hi in has gained for the Dr. a paper should be encouraged, for the lasting reputation Bathes at all hours. simple reason it ia truthful and Superfluous hair removed per- James Edwards, newsy. 1 manently. instantaneously, without I pain, by Electro Chemical Fluid. — Lew Caldwell'* Saloon now| Real Estate. Life and Fire insur- , . . running on a cash basis is well pat In order to prove superiority, we' ance. Collections a Specialty, for next 90 da s send sample1 ronized nod the proprietor finds . will ... , . . , , 'BURNS, - _ _ _ _ OREGON __________ the cash syHtem to he good for him bottle and testimonials free, on re-. oeipt of nineteen cents to pay post ' self, also, his customerr. He is GEO. S. SIZEMORE. Chemical Co., 25 East thankful for part and present pat-1 ***. Electro v v . PIONEER DRUG STORE. [W. E. G race ’ s old stand ] A. C Worthington ProDrietor • KAI.FR in , DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONARY. DYES, PAINTS, PERFUMES TOILET ARTICLES, AND NOTIONS. A full line of School Books and School Supplies. Confection* Nuts and fruits. gW*Mail orders promptly filled. ATTORNEY, * °W °r B urns , ............................. O regon . Sometime ago I was troubled with Collection*, Land buine»*. and Real Balate matter promptly attended to. an attack of rheuinatieiu. I used » Chamberlain's Pain Balm and wan A Woman Who W ill Work i \ » completely cured. I have Bi nee rhe rei t nt ni.ule l>\ ’ I'*'1 Leaves Burns daily at 6;30 p m . Arrives at Ontario in 42 hour* WANTED in every county to in advised many of my friends and troduce the Celebrated ‘’Hygeia” customers to try the remedy and to New tork Weeklv World in irhu -' ing two papersa week in p’ace of one Fare One wav $6.00. Round trip $11.00. This waist J spest highly of it- Simon Golda is meeting with great favor l aum, San Luis Rev. Cal. For The peoph appreciate the change ceiwd the unanimous approval of sale by H. M. Horton Through freight 3|cts. a pound. and are taking advantage of it. phyriciana of America, 83.00 out« Two davs notice at any P. O. on the route and covere 1 coaches wil Keep informed of what is going fit tree. Any energetic woman can II. A. Williams. Propristsr. on in the world and particularly in be furnish 'd for passangers. make from $16 to $.50 weekly. q ? k| T • • your own country. Congress is* Bend for circulars and terms. r uysiuittn or surgeon. now in session. Every movement, HYGKIA M’F’G CO , 378 St. New , York. A graduate of the Iowa State will l»e of the greatest interest. Keep abreast ofthe times by read-, University and College of I’hyai- ing the TWICE-A-WEEK ciana and Surgeons. Nchoola Attention. WORLD — two papers a week —104 Oflice at residence in Burns. papers a tear for only $1.00. Manu acturer Notice is hereby given that I am Arrangements have l>een made now prepared to exchange the fol .fOHU F. STRATTON by which we can furnish this pajier lowing Books which have been CttxmtA n r> and the Twice-a-Week New York ALSO DEALERS TN adaptrti for the following aixywara. World both» for $2 25 a year, Take advantage of this ofler and get HADR- paint M « ii « . F» Price. Maxwell* first Book in English .25 your own local paper and the itOAL M “ «V' ' * ' *4 ••entart f'i»|.i, m ,,,« \ a ,.4 Introductory Eng Gram 30 OIL Twice a-Week World at this spec ia| WARE **l •*. _<i.. «Il kl* * •* . 1»^, tv . t, I» » Advanced “ •• •• r *te. T iik H krai . d . .35 Peterman* Cinl Government GLASS .48 I A C. W orthington Or-I “*>eer»ahn Mud.-. I Diteci«?. DOOR? While at Peekskill. N. Y., Mr. J. ’ bTOVEi -laiKkarvi Tneatrv Orebvalrtt A. Scnvvn, a prominent manufact < lile ><o. |’’a A or I. H, ISM & WIN M*»«r» John F *• ,t „ 1*1 Readtfrs •*. urer of New York Citv, purchased 25c t a I twa ir» I him ,. , t., be »' e to ti 2nd. •ara ta*« le -fe *r •> >- n n • • d v ,r i.u. a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough DANGERS 40 •• DOWS *. Owl <r f r « e* *< • * , i|, •< Id. Remedy. Such good result« were 55 Ivor mvu • f ,r th». a ruou.4 let . .cug- •• a fishing •YSS* 4lh ....... W\RF I'PiWvox- -- tackle TINWARE. GRAM! obtaincl ««vm from ns its uw use mai that ne he sent mmt ammunition SO ’ oars Iraly, CARL ~,H'i;i..iH.* I» 5th I $1 oo back to the druggist from wh m h.- uvrq . . AND «hASSWARE GARDEN SfcEDS, FA« Monteith* Elementary Geography i «iii .„a^HA!,ic?;TOOLS * vndkrtaking goops had obtained it for two more hot 1 au and see cur Holiday goods. •Acta Monteith* Com iprvhenaive ties of the same remed v. When I Geography $1 25 Clark* Normal , you have a cough nr cold give (his Grammar SOvt* Silla Grammar preparation a trial and like Mr «Seta And all ether school hooks I Scriveo you will want it when again in proportion and after thia date I in nerd of *uch a medicine It i* w i.l sell *<*h<Hi| liook* al the alx>ve M «ne* » «M W l fcikM I '-» D m I m « > a.11 W a rvmedv of great worth and merit.1 Proprietor M.«e»a«.4. MaaaKz 1 i.'sa. prices for caah am! for cash only. . A . «•»• *• *wa • » • - • I >ea»*» i*w • » < e w a a * • • » *’ V 5O cent bottle« for sale bv H M ■ Orders by mall promptly attentesl | Horton I to Dale,! thi* 1*1 dav of March FDICTNES. CHEMICALS. PATENT MEDICINE* I «94 ULBaTHU K*. J. W UGQ*. STATIONERY. DIAMOND DYES, CHOICE PERFUMF? C. It Vorort y ronage and courteously solicits his friends to continue their patronage Burns Ontario Stage Line 1.1 GEER I tO Tinware &, Caavw* Cm. PiLES PANCA TOH ET ARTICLES. TORACCO. CIGARS ETC F* I Fl £ Wf i n pe i • ~ <5f Liquors for Medical eomp„und^. Office« at Canyon City and Bum« S»"' - npu„„. ’ ,pjUra^17 conaP°un<ied F>r«t (. lana DenUI Work Dona ATTORNEY - AT - LA W, I. . iron Good »«aw* Hicks A Biggs f*»'« JU». W Ml M <*r« *M m*^ . . V uva**4*-'* «wit m h«*. Sa sua n *« X «■• ■ Purposes