Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1895)
A high o I hbb illuatraUdma^ai r, ma^axiiiP in the home is no longer Hanjer’s Magazie. a luxurv. It is a necessity, and to meet the demands created by this ILi ustrated » > ivlpTììl 4111.T*r^ CA tAI0,inAULMAW\5| necessity, I HE COSMOPOLITAN ILLUSTRATED. COPYRIGHTS. MAGAZINE, giving yearly, as it The Simpleton JXX ¿.Ci ’ a^ln -rtt. to îi , e bL?egu%i n nXÎ^:L^ does, 1536 pages of reading hy H a * i > y , wtE l ' ____ _____________ KTÍI m Ato ^tbo have bad nearly flfty years’ ■tkgfL* la th! patent bosinew. 6.mmun>c*- rjntlnued to November 1895 Who- _V1__ À i:„:___ __ ______ • . W.M. and continued Rtrirt. r enoBdRntiaL TTH• with over ever may be oue’a favorite among Et glish Nov ablest living authors, V ¿vriz-rrnüf PalrnlB and bow to ot>- elist», it will be conceded by all critics that tain tbsm sent frss.^lao a twtalogue of meebao- THuuai-HAKtiY stand» forern st of a master PzOO illustrations by clever artists, artist in ficti n. and The Simpletons may ue **V’atent»:1tai<m tbrolgh° J»unn A Co. reeMve expected to ar. use enthualams not infenhr in has stepped into the breech, with nal notice in th« SrlmtiSc degree to that which has marked Trilby—the I are broaaht widely ^VhT.^niPndíd tlper’ east to the inf»*nt»>r. TbiB •plendld Papar» most eucecMful at.iry of the year. Another a reduction in its price that haj »d weekly, etaatntl, illustrated, baa by far the 'catling feature will be the Personal Rei-ollec wt einulatioB of any free U tioi a of Joan of Arc, bv the Sieur Lovis r>a tartled the liter rv world . l<L S3 a y«?ar. Saniple copie« __ . i vKTE, Her Psee and Secre-arv. under which ><H|w Edition, monthly, a year. Single The H erald , fully aliye to tho guise (he m. st popular of living American copies cent», fcwery number contain« maeaxine writers will Present ahe story of the ti ful platea, m colora, and needs of its patrons, has made hotiaea. wltb plana, enabling builders to show the Maid af Orleans Iti the Januarv Nu nber Will latest dsslsti« and n-eure contracts. Address appear a drofuael' illustratee paperoil Charles **MUNM X Ci».. NSW YOMB. 3H1 BnOADWAY. arraiigei.,e-nts with this i. i and he - aroliusf, the first of a series of special Southern Papera, superb monthly, whereby it will Ni.athern Africa is attracting more attention at any otbertiine since it was the seat of em pires The next vulumi s of H A RPe-e MA'IA- receive urders for yearly subscrid- ZI. n . will four il Instr a eil arlti eaon thia regi-i, and three of them will dep i t the present life tions to both publications combined THE DISABILITY BILL 18 there. |CLtAS R alph will prepare for the M A'.AZINE a series of eight S'orier, depleting for the sum of $3.U0. LAW . typi< al phases uf Chinete Life and Mam.era. The price of the great illustrated Soldiers disabled since the war are Besides the long stories, toe re v. Ill begin In the January Numlier the first Chapter of A Three Etitiih-'l I Part Novelette, hy Ri< hakii HAbniva D avis — monthlies in the past has been __ ____ Deiiendent widow-» and Parents now l>e~ iheloneest work vet attempted 1». thia wri er whose «oim died from i iieiiilent — ............... : ------ Hie • • eflei r» of i < uinplete «hurt stories by popular wri’ers Wil) $3 00 and $4 00 a year, ana they ■__________ .____________ i.. *.. 1 I . ....... army e>rvice are included, if you wish cuntlnue to be a feature of the MAGAZINE were to be found only in the more HARPER ’ S PER O. ’ ICS pretentious homes. Our offer fur i I nishes a help to all families, r<o Per Year: i HARPER’S MAGAZINE....... !... . tt.nt matter how modest their means, HARPER’S WEEKLY ................... . . i.<M to keep in touch with the greatest HARPER'S BAZAR .. 1.0 HARPER’S YOl'NG PEOPLE . ¿J* minds of the world, as The Cosmo, Itoubtfni Reeds alone. The beat are easy to get, and cost no Postage Free to all Subscribers in i In politan han today the strongest more. Ask your dealer for United States, Canada, or Mexico. regular stuff of any existing period The volumes of the Magazine begin will Send orders to the Ntuuliera lor June and December o’ ical. T he H erald , eac ti year. When no ime i- > ■ecifieil, <ttb 'cripiioiis will liegiti wi.h the Numlier cur Burns Ore. rent at time of receipt of order. Always the beat. known ofCTENT^ t» ¿ -ads Tivt» Design Punirti CnffigK ( . . .1 Pa-ent business roadivvd for MOOTRATE FEES. ir ■ < n t” la vea lor« eitbosl "•t.R’i'Mi tn»* ad FffKSS CLAIMS CO., uOHN wedd : rburh , Maaiigtag Attorney, P W ash i motos . D. C. - ens ' r r " I r I le »U., -Y I, managed by a eomblnatloa of o«t Inltuvntlai n«vapapera la the I V «spesa» purpose o« pewlees- uwrlbere agstaat uarrspulona i I'. e il Assai», and ss*b paper ri|.. u. at vourhesforlhe mponsl- v-a bug of Iba iTs*- »llabus Cm misar Our Premiums FOi THI* Y£AI --- ------ —THIS PAPER— — WITH---- THI S N FRANCISCO Weekly Call ! PklL'K ai.aa PFK E» AM. --- ■>*--- IF rou WANT MFOKMAriON HfT , 1HE SAN FRANCIS.0 PENSIO Morning Call! mit K •«.<> i P» K YKA». -------- rK-------- -«• a leth-r or i ■ «1 • ■ r HI M Cl.tlh» « O» RBURN. - - M. n >a. _______ wash i xi, prvino»» ptuM-mi'.ii m't W1"O'V •OLOIER8, CHILDREN, paR-RV. Ate*«, f »r I o MI rfr and Unllnre *’!•« I» <11« ’ ’h. |nty in ttw regular Arwifor ' «iMfe’l w of fh»- Indian war« •»! lMClu » • 1 '4'*» t&lr wMowa. mow «ntltlrd Old» bftHMiialty Tl usands nndlb d lo hl. • • r nd for n»w li»ws. chant« fur adri • > • t 111 SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION r',r,F V «s» . ïa ■ i is* ••• nt t’ . <lmar C«"-~h Cure I» »> u >ul a parallel III . h. orr < i medicine / idriiaelnta ar aulhoi t,ad to«ell hoc a po« t ve gu'i-vsloo. a lest tn«t n-> o'herc renai* •vaaiully aland. Tha’ Il it tv become I I tarn, ÜM P.e t>r‘atora, atún anormoua ex- m. r« plS' ng « Sa noie lint tie Free into I a bom in the United -italo* nd i añada. «>'■ bat a Couah, Fore 1 limai, or Bron dia lira d. for P will cure you. If yout lid baa the Croup, or Whooping Conch, u«. nro-nrill , and relief la «era. tf you dread i I >t tn-ldioiia diMaa» Conan nipt >■ n, was It A yo ir Dragete* for H'ilLti’l S Tfltlt, I i ire lo ota.. M ula. and 11 .un It your Luug* are note or llAck lame, nee Shiloh'« Pnrnna Pleat ar. Price Mot«. Forante by all Drug gist« aud Dealers. L han Lir. i nE NAN FRANCISCO WEEKLY CALL '* 1» a liaiidsbni« eight- c pBtfH pap^r. It is is'Ued every Thursday, and contains all of tn« Important news of the week, gleaned from every <iu tr ier ot the globe, complete up to dale of publication. Il fur nish ea the late-t and most reliable On«nclal new« nnd market quotations, a d gives special attenti' n lo horticul tural and agricultural nawa, and is In every re«i oct a Arsi si as« family caper, apponili.g pl the internili of every lueiiilier of the hounelmld ------ *+»’ — HF. MOltM.NU CAI.I, (bavae iaevas a Waea) is a live li., ti ol itili. h •Ini IV. It io me MORT REL1A* HIX and 1« lec.sjriijc I as being the 1.EA1HNG NEWS- PAPF.H > f »he Partite Const. Either of the ahm« , nper- w- wiil semi po«lu Oil at a pre mium on fem’ll t "f the ( k II ow . lug aut»-erf|iiluu price« for lb« eoiiiblnailoa : everywhere. Ferry’s Heed Auau.l for IMIA tells you what, how, nnd when to plauL heutF Get It. Address D. M. FERRY A CO., Detroit. Mich. h STOCK BRANDS. I om . Address HARPER W BROTHERS. Nev York. Hap’ Eaza I L L U S T R A T E 1) . HARPER’S PERIODICALS K «j » I < • V Elegei.t and exchul e designs tor out-door and Indoor Toilettes, drawn from W ohtii mod el« by H anim z at d CHAfl’ts, are an iiupur an ■erture- These appear eteri week, a couip«< ied hy niinuie ueseriptiuii« and iietai's n Pari» Letter. b\ K athani . xb ng F okkst , is weekly trai script of the lai t si rtlli s and cap cer lu the nn de. I’niler the h* ap *i Ne v Yu _ Faahtetia, pialn dsM i p 11 » a in hill paithu- 1 ars arc given sn o shapes, tanrii s. Iriinminii. uud access* slesof the costume« of »ell-en-sre I women, t hildrei ■ t loihtng receives pr«< tieui attention A fortnightly Paitern-sheei auppie- nent enahles readers to cut and mrke their own cowh The woman who tak. s HARPER’S BA Z v S Is prepared for every occa«l >n In life, ce remonious ur informal, where beau itu. drvs» 1« rt quliiti . PER *1 I iMK WZcKl.Y < '•->1 Iti FREE BRAND COLUMN. brand bar ten on left shoulder; CaT» >ar te ox left hip and npjær clip on n-»ts are. T. A. McKimioi.. I'.urna Ore. Poata.’e Fiet to all «uba ritiera in -h- Un Matea añada, or Mex co. rhe Volimi « of the Weekly will nef the tirai Nu le- for laiiuari ot ea When no time ia mentioned, aule rtp liedn with tiie Number current at <i i nipt of order. Rollini Volli- ea of Itaiper'« W eg ■ t i ears Imi k. in eat elotli btndiny il by mail Poetase imiti, or by express. <r peuae i provided the freight dues not ex per a »'.nine I tor $7 <«» a «ohimè. Cloth i na-a for each Volume, in:» btndiug iv nl <■« aeut by mail p-atl-paid relpt of II. Remittance« sh«u.d tie made by Po« Monet order or Draft, to avoid chance of Address H A KI’ER A B RO fri K RS. Ne 12.50 / I otv. rr better A *out beven time« cleaner A ’ »ut l 'vo tim'** cheaper Aijuut 1 v.o h .mlier rhst, I.UO -N Bar H i 4 Ki ev, cat’te branded V m left a', »• lorae brand T left «I le. en. tiur a.ort« >’' year : H \RPER WEEKLY............................ HA LIEI! > MAGAZINE HARPER is BAZAR.................................. II ARPKR's Y'lVNi: PE »RLE Aud Ibn Pip , P f ï ar, Move J. Folev, cattle brand = on riunì olde. torse bran.I _ on left ah >ulder. « t|le < a tie din’n.>ndon left hip h osea <’V •»’’ le’ «h. uhler. t haro-« H. Vose • . i nr a'»regi»' Horae branded P on right shoulder. < aille F •n right hip. R. A. Hendrit Ita. P.O. LawenOr Horse brand !<•> on left shoulder, e’eo threi dote.', tn shape of triangle, cattle brhuded earns F. E. tirout Burns Or. Mias Rosa Dickenson Horee brand anvil ot 'eft »title. Cattie branded bar’R on left hip. ' O. Lawren Ore. H A Kl‘> K> W eekti Isa pictorial hietorv of the time» tf.r. • • I. fnp.rui.t vie t I promptly, ------- accurate!'. and vxhausrt-elv in 11 luatrali, n and ucs< riptlve text ..r th>- htgnva or er The man«eria which, durltig l>e*4. ft has treated the chi *««■ Kaiir,ia>i strik » a- d "h" chino Japanese War, and the si^.mnt of H<ht _ ,o - - It . w«s s ite ». to .A. throw« tn* i s-a-ita'tei. ikm was .’liee'e.1 t«i that little k -wn cm .tv, are rxamn v« of ire alm. »• bound ras rwmn es Ju Ian Ka an. ths diati -gu -hr. writer SUU cor, rap-o'.lent, has been sent to ih<* s.-a- of «ar. and there joined >» < l>. Wrl.i.u, now fur man« »ear»’eeldsnt lu Jspa n, w h-i hat been e «a-ct io i-v-operate »I h Mr Haiph In Send- lion H » RP-H‘-WEEKLY excitialie lufoiina liuti and tllaHrnthin S19 MONTUOMIRY «T.. •. P-. cal . I RitlR I ¡ '•co William«, h.naee and mules branded rounding w. ,.tl »title. P.O Kiis> Ote Horse brand p on right stjfle. lloree brand har m on left shoulder; Cattis brand bar m on left hip and riba. Catherlns Marshall P o Narrow« Ore. «sued, of right hind lag. Or*. <s A « W. B. Pit Phil «with Burns S, Lampebtre and Son catti« bra id p con aeri ml. FBr mark «wallow fork la right «•’ underfill |n left, p, o Pania Dm Ri'-wt and t attle brande.! J P on left «bol der sun« b .nded Jr coaaected Mary J- Price Burwo Or« £"» ra a:.<iM Exnavor Washington. Few Jersey. No «i "<* M«. James Roust I P O Ruma tire Home brand J «u left shoulder and same o» Pi-r Year Htkl-U's M VU »FINE H ARPFICw WKFKI.T H Ul*> fc ' VOI X.. I •’uri » J. P Dickenson cattle brand J Pconnectedes i left hip Hone brand auvil on left »title P. ’’ Iwwen Ore Cattle brand figure 7on either hip: mark light crop off each ear, slip In each ear, «nd watt nu left jaw. H ree brand figure Ton either hip J. H. Bunyard.Bttrus Ore- Horee brand on left shonlder 9 Mies Laera A «■» Mancltft. Rums Ore HARTER'S PERIODICALS hakpeb - w nr foreeo hr« te ’ )-( on le* o’lfe. i’ar’lehr«' <t ■ ' on le hip. Marlon Ho i srl, PI» Buri • 1 I. I.TSTU ATE l>. .km & Co., Afts. ELKHART CARRIAGE a ' a»’te bren’ It., on leb r” n> r’er Fl’ It i’fteir. ili! s’ jie In rbuh' ear Horse bruni ■| on righ’ ■ rile. R E u. A. Williams P. 11 W Hau’S . I’Uuh If v tir • roerr doesn’t keep it, bvml us his tu’ne with ioc and jU -i e I m » un ! . valuable Family hu....eho’d book tree L>o Bound volumes oi Harper''Magazine fot ' three year» back, in neat cio h binding wi 1 lie ient by in.dl. po.M-i>tud. on receipt ot $' per volume. Cloth cases, for binding '»0 cents each—by mail, post-paid. Remittance* dmuld be made by Pos’ottiee Money Order, or I>r a ft, ton void chnnc o OUR f.'IND |A lx FERRY’S