Riley Items. — - Mrs. • Geo. him and the animal, at the same B orn —To Mr. and —Fred Hains and Joe Morris were in town on Tuesday. Young a girl baby, last Sunday time the cougar started for him. Some few have commenced hay­ The Mother and child doing He succeeded in getting his gun ing on Silver Creek. There will afternoon, Gill has been in town sev­ ' but his adversary was so near him not be much grain raised here < n I eral —Joe well. days. impossible for him to shoot so account of dry weather. I —Two law suits in the Justice —Tom McCormick,who was so un it he was punched him with the muzzle r HE laboest CIRCULATION of court to day. fortunate, some time since, as to Mrs. Cecil has gone to California of the gun and shoved him back in this county . break his peg, is on his legs again, but he made a second leap for Mr. to visit he~ boys that are attending ! —Say! You 4th of July folks though ha still uses crutches. -—Bdigions » Services. Jones knocking the gun from bis school in that state. . can't afford to miss the Ruggles Sundays oi . —We are sorry to learn from W. hand. Fortunately the shovel was The Ruggles circus is camped Burn? Bt- and - -j ora. and _ i P- m- circus D. Buchanan that his grain and po- reae j 1 he grabbed it and a lucky at R. J. Baker’s ranch. They have month o/sunday, 11 “• nl 11 »• m-and ""Duke YounS’ who has been blow checked the animal. Mr. a good band and make fine music ^rows -i— " Creek 4th. Sunday absent for some time in t he Drewsey tato crops have been injured [ crickets and the frost. Jones again jumped for his gun, fir- and are well worthy of being pat ip. id . Silv« Harney 5th country, returned last Saturday. Hi m.and 7 p- '« —Fred Ash and wife have re- ing quickly he knocked the cougar ronized. They will show here the t. m and —Lee Robins, of Drewsey, was Surday 11 a. ui. and .7 < p- turned from Baker city, Fred re- down but it got on its feet again 29th; when they raisad their big .before the 1st. jn town two days the latter part of Thursdays at - P- m immediately and ran towards the tent with the flag on* top we had to ports having had a good visit. Poison Creek jag^ week 3rd Sundays- river crossing to the opposite side. hobble all the children on the —Mrs. Johnson, of Crook county, —H. A. Williams, now, has ip- ’ Mr. Jones fi”ed the second shot and creek. They will be at Burns the mother of W. J. Johnson, clerk in j charge of the Burns* Canyon stage then retreated towards home and 3d ard 4th. A C itizen . «R ev . G ibwx . the store of J. Durkheimer, is here in hie mind gave the people ot route. Riley, Or., 6-28, Pastor. visiting friends. Harney county to understand he —On the evening of the 27th ult —We received the full program was a badly frightened man. Local News. a fire broke out in San Francisco for the 4th since our last issue and On reaching home he related his —Atty. Gee. Sizemore defended -Latest style of ladies hats at destroying $2,500,000 worth of pro as we issue today, the time is so experience to his family, then put an Indian in the recorders court perty. * short that we think it unnecessary to J. Dulkhei mer. out to Wm. Gearhart’s to get as last week. The Indian was arrest­ —The Ruggles circus is ju«t what publish it. sistance. Messrs Gearhart and ed for running his horse through -Rev. Gibson and wife returned the hills represent, so we are in­ —Tapsv, Indian, was arrested Moffit returned with him to the the streets and by some hook or Menday last. formed by people who have enjoyed by our marshal for running his scene of conflict, but no cougar crook Geo. cleared him. The In­ -Dr. Cate has been doing dental' jt. Don’t forget vou will get your pony through the streets and fined, showed up. But this morning sev dian was to pay him a good saddle ' . money’s worth with interest and in the recorder’s court, $10, or five eral parties started in pursuit of and pony for his work. The sad­ nrkin Harney this week. dle and pony was at the White days in prison and work on the hiscougar-ship. Among them were Front Livery Stable, after the trial —Joseph Price an d family left never regret the Ruggles circus —James A. Wilson, travelling streets. Tapsv endured the con­ Jesse Jones, Holey Ross, Ace John­ the siwash finding himself free ta, »few days ago for Idaho. proceeded to the Livery Stable -The Prineville Review says agent f< r the Boise City Statesman, finement and labor, because he did son his brother and Ed Dun­ taddled the pony and “skedadled.” i paid us and our town a visit last not have the $10. can, determined, if possible, to Louie, Indian, in explanation of the j limes are lively in that "burg ” I S turday and Sunday, leaving Mon- —Mr. Boyle, our photographer, capture the man-eater. Just a few conduct of his brother said, Atty. -Wesaw Al. Rifleman in town I day morning on the Canyon stage. talks of leaving our town the first days since Robert Moffit and his Sizemore only gaye him “a two one day the latter part uf last we< k. ‘ —A <1 i ver on the Canvon City of next month, probably the 8th. dogs had a fight with, we suppose, dollar talk and wanted a $35 saddle and a $20 pony.” Geo. when he -We had the pleasure of .-haking and Burns stag'- line named, Me. He has given excellent satisfaction the same cougar but he whipped found himsel ' “scooped” gathered I tlje hand of A Venator, last Mon Kisic was badly injured in a run hi re and we are sorry he is goii g the dogs and made his escape. together himself the marshal two diy. T railer - away last Saturday morning, We away. All persons desiring pic­ fleet horses, four revolvers one win­ chester rifle, came into the saloon —We saw Win. Hanley of the are in form°d that no bones were tures should call on him without DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER­ displaying the whole outfit, except stock firm of Hai ley Bros, in town broken but he vias badly shook up delay the horses, vreated, then he ar.d the SHIP. last Sunday. ■ and bruised. —Hon. R. M. Veach, register in The partnership heretofore ex- marshal started in pursuit. Every­ -Messrs. Morris and Gilham. —On the night of the 27th ult., a the land office at Roseburg, this sating undvr the name of C. E. body who saw them, thought residents of Harney, were in Burns fire broke out at Minneapolis in state, was in our town several days Porter & Co. wherein C. E. Porter, “awfully hard” as the women say, list Sunday. McDonald Bros, crockery and glas- of last week, hearing lhe case, in Abner Robbins and John I). Daly seeing blood, scattered pieces of In­ all of Drewaey, Oreg., were co dian, scalps, etc. The Atty, and -A. C. Worthington will mix ware establishment on First avenue this land office, uf Chas. W. Wells partners in the flouring mill busi­ marshal succeeded in getting in you an excellent glass of soda water South. The estimated loss is $200 vs. The Dalles Military Wagon ness is this the 17th day of June A. sight of thé red skin, who finding 000. Eight firemen lost their lives * Road Company, involving a tract 1). 1895 dissolved by mutual con­ himself pursued turned in I ub sad­ for five cents. and a large number are injured. of land situated in Malhuer county. sent. The business will Be con dle facing the boys, placed his -T R. James, of Harney, Wil? tinued at Drewaey Oregon, by Abner thumb to his nose little finger ex­ — Supper at the Magnolia Res Rsgister Jones, of our land office, Robbins w’ho will pay all bills owing tended, gave the dreaded war- w »he latter of last week with a taurant on the night of the 4th having a similar case pending could bv said firm and who alone is au­ * hoop of his tribe, then “vamosed ” load of grain. This restaurant’s reputation for not hear it. Mr. Veach is a very thorized to receive and receipt for The atty, declares, now, that he -Messrs. Parker brothers, of pleasant gentleman and we hope he all amounts due said firm. should have turned over the proper­ Omaha, Neb., we understand, are good suppers, is well known and all ¡Signed, C. E. P orter . ty to the justice of the peace, the enjoyed his stay with us •• that is necessary to add, is the repu ­ in this county buying cattle. A bner R obbins . onlv man in town not afraid to fol­ tation of the house will he sustained —The Ruggles circus is here.] J ohn D. D aly . low and arrest an Indian. —Albert Ward, a resident of the on the evening of the 4th. This show is far superior to any­ — R>ppv \ »Hey neighborhood, was M arried —Yesterday morning at thing of the kind ever exhibited ‘ The German Struggle for Liber­ hereon business last Friday. The Burns, Judge Rutherford of­ here, and no doubt will be liberally ty” is the subject of a series of pa­ —Commissioners court in session ficiating, Mr. Chas. Comegys and patronized. Recollect even thing pers to be published in Harper’s fcd*v. Judge Rutherford and Miss Nora Marshall, both residents on the bills will be shown and there Magazine. The first article will ap­ ^omassioners Sitz and Marks pres- of the Blitzen neighborhood. T he is no “snide” about it. Everything pear in the July number. \ I | H erald is well acquainted with is first class. There will be,an ex "m Allen was in town last i bride and groom and sincerely hibition this evening and a matinee —GRAND BALL At Lochers rwk and told us not to notice him. I wishes the happy couple a long, tomorrow if it does not interfere Hall the evening of the 4th. Every­ But Tom knows we are al ways do I happy and prosperous life with our 4th of July urogram, and body expected to be present. Great > pains will be taken by the commit­ ng the reverse of what is expected. I _j g Osments of Cottage Grove an exhibit tomorrow night. Re­ tee appointed for the purpose to en­ ■“The Kentucky democratic state | Lane Countv, and his son-in-law are member if you wish to enjoy a tertain and introduce strangers. rition, on the evening of the visiting Mell Fenwick, who resides pleasant evening and have a healthy h ult., nominated P. W. Harden I near this place.. , Mr. Osmenta re- hearty laugh, don’t fail to see the Strayed. ■r governor and R. T. Taylor lieu- I ports crops very good in Lane Ruggles circus. ■*°*nt governor. I County, and wages low, because of From the P. F. Stenger pasture A Fight With a Cougar. -H A. Dillard and family are the scarcity of money. 5 horses 2 gray geldings one brand­ *°» '"joying the invigorating in- —Senator A. W. Gowan, while ed 3 on left side J gray horse brand­ D rewsey , June 27, 1895. i oence and curative power of the in Portland attending the Dep’t ed quarter-circle diamond, 2 brown A struggle for life transpired yes­ i'letx r— mares one branded A on left hip »»rtn spring? 8 miles this > Encampment G. A R.. was elected terday on the farm of W. F. Moffit. and foretop trimed square. A suit­ of Canyon City. alternate to attend the national en- Mr Jones, a tenant on the farm, able reward will be paid for their -Bob Williams and his little camPment to be held at Louisville, while looking after the ditch that return. »ere in Bumst.. the first of the K^’ in s*Ptember’ and wa« >n- brings water on the farm, had an ’’*k- Mr Williams i fays crops „„ on 1 8talled JudKe Advocate Gen. of this experience with a cougar which he r creek will p|)Orl unless department. F0RECLU8URE SALE will likely remember the remainder rai0 W1» in a few days —In conversation with Mr. O. J. uf his days. He saw a small break ' By virtue of a chattel mortgage -W. !.. _ »re _____ informed that th* ^ar,,t ,a8t Sunday we were informed in the ditch and having his gun l«rd orthi.'Z'trict"», given by J. H. Howard to Anna W. t ak 7” v‘1,1,8 a,w>ct ha« re-ithat the water 8UPPly at the Ido1 with hi.u, he laid it down and Sayer, dated the 9th day of Au- ’ U -■piored - - H. • A. Dillard Mrs mine« is about exhausted, and I etepj>ed into the ditch. Just after I’liiara and a guet, 1892, I will, under the term« T* 1* for the fall and wi ^Men winter term work wiH have to be «««Ponded he heard a noise like the roaring of of said mortgage, sell to the highest within a few dayr. Mr. Darst a lion; raising hi« head to see what bidder for cash, at Brenton’s livery barn, in the town of Burns, Harney thinks that with plenty of water the it was, he saw a large cougar with­ tu p k*n,P*hireand Murphy county, Oregon, on the Gth day of new mines near King’s mill could . in two rods of him just below his bicyclists who started July, 1895, the following described be made very profitable. Most of! gun. He instantly sa- his danger uh W.d„„d.y, were property, included in the said the men in Gold Gulch have done and knew there was no time to mortgage to-wit: About 105 head .reasonably well this spring and, in lose; he sprang from the ditch, of cattle and about 50 head of fact, all have made wages.— Burns shove! in hand and made for his horses. J D urkheimer , Assignee of Anna W. Seyer, Times. gun which laid directly between Mortgagee kiuu