â wkdnwdayjuly « Wf5 Editor. light was obscured and the splendor | of the vision that had all at once burst upon our view* was all we ’ 1 see. A vision which, could in all probability will not be wit-! nessed again by any one now living. , The star seemed to rest for a W e infer from information gained from our exchanges that the mone-. short while lovingly upon the point' tary conference will certainly be of the_m^__appajrentlÎ ’ with the If the called in the near futura. 1. — greeting, “dear o d moon we may conference does assemble and no never while time lasts, have anoth definite action is taken, how will it er opportunity like the present and effect the cause of bimetallism? let us affectionately greet each oth Like conferences heretofore have er and thank God for our splendor , had a tendency to befog and mis and brilliancy ” It was a sight long to be remem lead the people. bered and the planet Venus, also, Why does any nation consider it a duty to consult other nations re the moon will hereafter have a garding a question of very vital greater attraction for us than ever importance to its own people? Or to before. own interest, not for party leaders who advocate something which you believe to be detrimental to \ vour interest and an injury to our liber- ties. S ecretary Carlisle, doubtless thinks he was instrumental in win ning a victory in Kentucky. But there is much deception »ur rounding that kind of success Money can accomplish wonders for the ti.^e being, especially when lavishly spent. There is certainly every rea’on to b< li°ve that a I ig majority of Kentucky’s voters are unqualified free coinage men. The next presidential election we predict will condemn the present administration. The Kentucky acknowledge the consultation to be convention indorsed the Cleveland all right and a matter of courtesy,! A lady at Tooleys La., was very regime, because Carlisle begged it whv should anv nation able to live sick with bilious colic when M. C. piteously to do so. within itself and its exports so val Tisler. a prominent merchant of the The members of that convention uable a» that of our government, be town gave her a bottle of Chamber to-day, at heart, bitterly oppose the for a minute and a half, debating a jain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy He says she was well in administration, but Carlisle hereto measure of so much importance to | forty minutes after taking the first fore has been an idol of Kentucky its people as that of the remonetiza- dose, For sale by druggists. or rather its people* and his in lion of its silver? A monetary con For whooping cough Chamber- fluence is very great with them. feren e is good so far, that is, it ag- iain>8 Cough Remedy''is excellent. Kentucky we believe, is a free coin ¡fates the question giving it an im Bv using it freely the disease is de age state and that fact will be pot tance, com mensurative with its. pHved ot all dangerous conse- proven at the polls, when the proper signifiennee and real worth to the '(luen<**'8; There is no danger in , time conies You take the true , c..,, , e -e giving the remedy to babies, as it people. Still such conferences if „ . • ... ■ . . ’ . . contains nothing injurious. 50 cent state of politics in that state and not mid in good faith, but as a| bottles for sale by druggists, the true sentiment of the pvO’de blind, o 'y add power to the monev 1 • »nd the platform adopt'd by the sy dicat ', which, if let alone, can Persons who sympathize with the convention i. i aim ab«olut< y noth only end m the down fall of our re- afflicted will rejoice with D. E. ing. Senator Dubois of Idaho si.:d i u' l’c and the establishment of an Carr of 1235 Harrison street, Kan recently; sas City. He is an old sufferer oligarchy fearful to contemplate. ‘Thepeople of the United Static from inflammatory rheumatism, But let us still hope the people of are opposed to the single standard but has not heretofore been tri ubled of gold. A majority of the repre our country are so much imbued in this climate. Last winter he seniHtives in congress and United with free and independent patriot went up into Wisconsin, and in con Stoles senators have been in tavor ism that the right of self govern sequence has had another attack. of free coinage of silver ever since ment will assert itself and our peo- ‘"It came upon me again very acute, ID’S, including the members of the and severe.” he said. “My joints saved from a living „ j i • <> \ • list congress. They have beer» pie and country / , . , , 6 | swelled and became inflamed: ; sore * • - - cheated out of the presidency bv death and serfdom which beggars' ! to touch or almost to look at. Up-. false promises in party platforms description. ! • on the urgent request of my mother-1 They will not be deceived mrich I ! The restoration of silver is at this (in-law I tried Chamberlain’s Pain I •-*” «• ^lltliuvciiaill B rain longer.’’ time the most important step to be' Balm to reduce the swelling j and ai,d A majority of the people of the ¡ease the pain, and to my agreeable taken b'v our people towards crush Inited Stales in both the old par 'surprise, it did both. I have used ing the damnable money syndicate ties desire a return to the finance ! three fifty cent bottles and believe that is sapping the life blood of our I lt to be the finest thing fo'/rImuma ofthn days of our republic prior to republican institutions. 1 tism, tism, pains pains and and swelling- swelling- extant. extant. I'") at which time the liberty ol Other legislation is necessary, we, For ^°r sale 8a^e b/ b»- druggists. druggists, «or people received a blow which admit, but let the people proceed | n'” threitens to annihilate our If King Solomon alive he' ..Go was to th(j present government and turn over *° undo the great wrong of 1873 wou|d would now say: 10«monied aristocratic anarchial and restore silver to ns rightful | lng man. learn his wayB) and be "irr. ” Mr. C W. Battell, a Cincin- wrporation the blood-stained vic- and proper place and that will be, , wise. torie»ofour forefathers and that such a stride in the right direction I natti traveling man representing dependence declared by them on is will cause the monev anarchists the Queen City Printing Ink Co., after suffering intensely for two or * J'h dav of July, 1776, and to open their eyes. It will be a three days with lameness of the "k *e are RH, R8 American free oomb in the camp of the enemy shoulder, resulting from rheuma n, going to celebrate tomorrow • hat will create a panic to the un tism, completely cur»d it with two ** Ihif cel< bration become a dojng of the most damnable scheme applications of Chamberlain’s Pain to undermine the liberties of the Balm. This remedy is gaining a owekery? Is il a n*ere form we people ever perpetrated. What is wide reputation for its prompt are going cur-is of rheumatism' lame back, orosj» ritv to the people at large is sprain», swellings, and lameness. ’ r''uZ'i because of habit? .,,7 »"<1 republican detrimental to the mony kings. 50 cent bottles are for sale by drug-' I J«* «"'»lion, hae forjea« The poorer they can keep the peo gists. ■..,) I ,h' Pl,,fon" P" pie the more money and power for H>Z!i"”""er’,n look forward them. This stands to reason and („J? • «""»«iiation of the there is no denying it. I Are not the people of the United ^'“■"•loflhepeople. I I Sri', "V J“ly ,ome °f thcee States more intelligent than to suffer themselves to be gulled by the I ¡X pr°'’ii'<' ’"m"ch »"•I Rothschild money syndicate, which «... ,he ""’i’1'. <'•«’" h.s or its object no other purpose ih ,h' than that of causing the abjecti in,, «""'nmeiil in slavery of our people? -<1 lhe «mhu/i ''"■'f“’1'«« when th.v ■'* *........... ... rf * • I ----- ■* Confjh Cure f. - ... ,h’ ’hl"' .uoni uparsile' ¡nt «e history of medicine druftt-i»», are n Mom)' f veil eell it itone no. T he evening of the 25th ultJ Vll .Idraxri.r.ar. on a poi .Uvei".’ mt«,., ai < «r . ,On »"’■>"« 'ioing. “o other c ro can Venus and the moon were very' «JOMaMily , • ïft •* t ■ <y become ■mn, tn* f’r«. > ■ nr«, uc ' iionnouj ex- close together or in conjunction. •i«e, :,re piaci nr ’ bclt.e Free into m er-(./rh* into the y hon' : in »ne buitMl Slav « anj Canada. ■— j e The phenomena was very beauti- <'.■• . C->ui r> >re Throat, or Bron ‘^tunec ‘ there’. , ful, indeed. There was nota cloud jf yoot .-. It. V-r 11 . > 1 err-. TOI “«>« coming ” I. - -heCnr:- f r ’.'"hoo-nng C.m^h, «at 'intheskf, which made the condi ’ W “rod »• ’. *n<l i ‘cl iiisnre. If you dread « < <5is< .«• COTiivimotion, nm it about», v. ,me can ** tion s of observation very favorable « ycir n »rl.- f-r CURE. Unger ^P*® if thev and if there were other stars in the -e v. st ’ and ai.t >• liyo« Txintri ■ K-r »it Rvtr je. flhllnh*« Form», no Ion Hn,t 10 P*rtV lead- ty all Drug- firmament visible to the eye, the l ■ ttr. PHce JS c cte. A or U ** “mlled”Ty lb’?,n*e,re® 4>al« witü I>«alcr». exceeding beautv and brilliancy of ** work lf”,deT®. hut the moon and .he magnificent plan-1 ««ate * °Wn cen‘ et. Venus, seemingly perched upon •ts point, attracted the attention of Î I IM || that i.,your- the observer so much that their V I '■ -W » ! Ì I Now is the time to Subscribe for the TWO $ ONLY TWO $ three good reasons . IST-ll IS ONLY $2 A YEAR, YOU CAN AFFORD TO TAKE IT. 1 SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION Vf 3d--lt is the largest Paper in the County & has the largest circu \ 11 I^TlOn. cL*t ¡on