i VOL. VIII. rn1- a TT « w ’ 1 ¿A BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON and jflb one FROM BUTTE CITY MONTANA everybody in a hurry 1 Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov t Report ion to me. 1 began --------- paid any attention , We received the following letter looking about the wickede» Ueitv in BY from our friend, Marion Bunyard, the world, I saw many cnurches W. C. BYRD &, SON. a few’ days ago. The original let- which seemed to augur well for the P ublishers and P roprietors . I do not ter was written on old pay rolls and Orthodox theory, measured four feet in length and blame them for the smell of the; SUBSCRIPTION RATES: eighteen inches wide- We hope sulphurous smoke coining from the u>ne Year .................................................... fix Months .............................................. ABSOLUTELY PURE , Marion will pardon us for shorten- copper Suielters. reminding Olie Three Months ing it some. The letter is interest- forcibly of the old time orthodox " HERALD CLUB LIST: /»raid and Harper’s Magazine....... —W. N. Jorgenson has just re ing and we have omitted nothing h—11 and wondered if it was ¿■ally ’ —John Sweitzer,carpenter,under­ Herald and Harper’s Weekly ......... 5.20 ■ of importance: Herald and Harper’s Bazar.............. ! worse for brim stone than But »City I taker and cabinet-maker. His work­ ceived a supply of first class violins, Herald and Harper’s Young People .. 3.75 j E ast O regon H erald : In ohe and T determined I would neyir shop is the old restaurant building. violin bows, and a very excellent Herald and Alden’s Manifold Cyclopedia, 2.90 I each additional volume after Vol. I 55 cents: . dience to my promise I write the again lake mv chances of a future Mr^Sweitzer guarantees his work at selection of violin and guitar U) cents extra ver volume, postage. strings . I am still roaming the existence by riding on a Ontario- • prices to suit the hard times. Cof­ ijy-Copiesof all the above works can be ex - ■ H erald . i slued at leisure in the Reading Room. world in mortal form. Burns stage wagon. Co’s, fins made to order. Will take pro | —Get one of 1. 8. Geer /^Publishers of periodicals are solicited I left Harney Valley and bid an Another thing that impressed me duce partlv for work and balance in premium purchase tickets. This «send clubbing rates, ti copy of their work for jur Free Reading Rjoin—We file and bind t he everlasting farewell to Oregon April was lhe multitude of school houses firm agrees to give the holder of atterat close of every half-volume, end r»v ci ca-di. »plan bv advertisement. 8th, 1895. Right here let me state of all grades, and allow me to say such tickets a fine life size Crayon Boyle, photographer, is Portrait absolutely free of any 1 I never expect to get forgiveness that Montana can give ()regon cards | —J A rare opportunity charge, by purchasing $20 worth ADVERTISING RATES: 1 for the profanity I used on that and spades and then heat her badly still here. «FACI 1 wk j 2 v,’k 1 1 ino 1 3 no 6 rao |?_ir j ride of 150 miles stage rude from in the wav of schools and school is presented to all who have not of goods lor cash at their store. It 00 1 $11.00 ;»i .ci- .'loch Il.ùO »2.50 35.00 3.Ü0 4.00 <1.50 12 UH 18.00 ! ** 28. uU j Burns to Ontario, it was a dead system. .The schools are supported already supplied themselves with is not necessary that the whole i “ 3.50 5.00 8.00 15.1» 1 24 00 40 "O 4.50 b.00 10.00 20.vu 1 ;■ oo 0-', U4< u \e wagon and slow time. t “ I should by a property tax and bachelors, samples of his excellent work. Re amount should be purchased at one Wool. 6.00 3.00 15.00 28.0< 4. JO 5 i“ 12.00 ><■. itì 2S.00 48.0 ■ ! w.;i0 l’*< O- h; e i.ik n it on foot, after starting like myself, in aflluant circum- member his prices, $3.00 per doz. time, but any amount from 5 cents l “ 20.00 0.1 J 4o.00 60.''0 i ’ ’ 'M) 14i ■■ ami f.«lmg the strain on the nerves stances [like myself] are compelh d for cabinets. He guarantees to to $20 as explained upon the tick­ and all the organs ot my body, but I to contribute to the shooting young please even themost fastidious. ets. JOB WORK I had paid for the ride and deter- “ ideas. ” I think Butte City needs H every description executed with neatness —Mrs. Mary Matthes Milliner, mddespatch, at reasonable rates. , mined to stay with it. I less schools and more jail room. .’ireulara, Postern, Pamphlets Bill lieadn, Envelopes, Letter Heads, I reached Ontario on the 10th at | The copper mires are going but has just received another supply of WE OFFER itetements, Note Heads, Cards, Tie Rets,. millenery goods including hats, rib ­ liemoranda. invitations. Dodgers, Etc. 4 o’clock p m, and a short time af­ ■ the Bilver mines are closed, this be­ Stock Salt at $8.50 per ton sacked! Tm H erald in file kept — -------- on for regularly re- terward boarded the train and was ing the consequence of the republi­ bons, hat trimmings etc. Mrs. WOOL STORED FREE! irence, iu in the Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Nt erence, Ad- rertiiina Bureau. 10 Spruce st.. New York. whirling away towards I’ntte City can legislation of 1873 but still this Matthes is meeting with success, R. R. RATES THE BEST! ’ at a speed that to me seemed Hy­ will be a great mining place for which proves the quality and style Can any point offer more? We of her goods and also her customers ing, after my experience aboard the rears to come. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY are the competing point and this is are satisfied with her prices. Ladies ‘ Burns Ontario fast time stage coach ' There is a great many stove up --------------------------------------------------------------- -- , she solicits your patronage and is the place to send your WOOL. national : 1 I (if a dead axe wagon is ,a stage ?nen and horses here. Good horses 25 cts rate to Pendietion from here. JiÄüL, ................... Grover Cleveland I coach.) ' We crossed Snake . and Boise price very much pleased to have you call 1.90 ^pesxleiit. ................. Vilas .Stevenson ' . . , . _ well broke bring a very good “ •• Boston “ “ and examine stock °J itH,e •• Walter Q. Gresham .-Ivers 111 quick succession and I i here. wreiary of Treasury............. John G. Carlisle No point can offer better than of interior ....................... Hoke smith saw old land marks I was familiar Stock cattle are bight r here than Hfrttary of War Daniel S. Lamont here. Buyers are here getting wcol. Hcretary of Navy , Hilary A. Herbert with 20 years before; old War Ea- in Harnev. The range is declining Mcretary of Agriculture. . J. Sterling Morton I Don t overlook your interest in the MUSIC. ±XVie!'-eral .................... Richard 8, Olnev I many cattle, horses "ostraaster General .. Wilson S Bissell gD Mountain’s snowy cap away to because of so Having permanently located in above WHICH ARE FACTS. the southwest, where I had waded and sheep. Hay land is in demand STATE—OREGON : Burns, w.ll tench music on Piano, Don’t be misled bv irresponsible of- N. Dolph snow in ««»tors the Palmy days of the at a premium. 1 J. J. H.Mitchell. | Organ, Violin and Guitar. Music fers— we can duplicate any proposi- (Binger Hermann i Owyhee, but. the train was in a I am at work with my WnKressnien nepnew, furnished for balls and parties, tion. Send your wool in our care. (W. R. Ellis Attorney General ■ ■■ C. M. Idlemau hurry and did not stop for mv ob­ on a mining b ase, which so far has •orernor . terms to suit the times. Win P Lorn Resp’t. jjeretary of State On we rushed, Moun­ (only paid an irish dividend. It is • H R Kincaid servations. JiiMurer j> • I’hil. Metschai E. A. Scherer. O C. Co., ^eWiut1eCr,n,,rUC,ÌOU .......... G M Irwin tain Home, Glenn’« Ferry, Sho- placer ground, coarse gold and R . W H Leeds; Huntington Ore. - “ 11 shone and we pulled up at Pocaiel scarce. We are on a break in the I~--------------- -------------- i R. 8. Bean. »uprerne Judges 1 Wm, P. Lo- 'a a,>d changed cars for Butte City; I channel and sometimes get. a pros­ ' ( F. A. Moore A good ranch belonging to H. G. SIXTH JVDICIAL DISTRICT: there I took the Utah Northern. pect that reminds one of th° earlv »tatnctJnHge D ... M. D. C uffok ., ! Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 1 thought the Short Line was fast, days, in California »‘•trirt Attorney JRmea A. Fee Please re- °Xa. fiSS“"'« ¡KÏ o. I.. LnelS but it is not “in it’’ with tne Utah meher me to al) my friends I miles south east of Burns. This 3. cordovan ; ■ - IK).. A. W.Cowan ranch has about 100 acres of good FRENCH A ENAMELLED CALF. Northern. l like this country very well indeed. COUNTY HARNEY; meadow land. Price $800 or will .;.#lt4*3sp fine C alf &K angarmi 1 have hunted Indians on the * i i. OUR HIND train through Beaver canyon. I HARNEY V. 8. land office ; that the co-partnership, heretofore _ „ B lockton , Over One Million People wear the Thomas Jones I almost wished myself back in Har­ Is har^ Univer wor ’ : < compared with existing and known as D. L. and ........ A. A. Cowing I ney or on the Ontario stage wagon. chan'jin-j the «.ppe-r-nte : of your ‘ W. H. Shirk is this day and date W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory SOCIETIES, I Fortunately the train stayed with stove with They Rive the beet value for the money. . February 9th 1895 dissolved by T^K. equ,l.c“,ton,..,hoc* •« «tyfe «nd nt. < sm 'IA ' rere KAH Degree No. *8. the trackand Ihung on like a leech Th» Ye,r VZZN morning we reached Butte City, M I- Lewis, Rec. Sec’y. | but each foi himself shall assume “pealore everywhere Wanted, agent to the greatest mining camp on earth. r“rt his own obligations and that neith ­ take exclusive «ale for this vicinity. Write » F v Rurni No. 47 As I walked up the street I was G » _ enM»Dd4fhThnri<1aTg er shall stand as ¡surety for the st once. recognized H as a tender-foot and M Horton, M. W. "------ alau other. In witness whereof we have r- ” I 1 ’ X", ■n-j - ...___ J * aa>«r. when I pointed out the picture of <•» set our hand and seal, this 9th day w I idei :. the fat woman posted on the side M . , OB Ixx1^ No. s ?T of Feb. 1895 i ‘ 4th .in Monday. .Nonany c of a barn, I heard the street “gam­ L 5 - ~ ----- Mr». Sayer S( — Mr». C of H. ~r D. L. S hirk , / seal > ■ - k L , <.'* ins’’ say something about “hay­ Loo »s That, «4 WUtaai. Dr.Ur, In .IUhHl W. H. S hirk , < seal > , •■'*’ !<0’ n’ ’ O O F. fl".0*1, M|RCHANDK F.H ow . h .11, B at M rdan seed.” A short distance further up 4*A 4 out Stove VI- 'n-. «♦nJ .■ '• I p, ®- •- M atls . in bloomers. However, this little Carrying Ü. 8. M.il, Extern Oregon Expre.. Co’. Exprc, '""SSKÄfco,. i « ook i.xe. unpleasantness did not deter me Burn, dai'y for Canyon Chy, and inUra.di^ J «TT : from proceeding and finally I got ■ 1 ^*Iy.»x«>>t Saadwy A - •* 1., ~ I B«n Brown. f.r cn^ into the city proper. 1 Here I found | 515 ., PI’BLISHKD EVERY WEDNESDAY Vi IJ?PUC-AS $3_SHOEn?JS» ? / » T.. e„ CAL ’ Burna Oregoa.