A high-el.xss illustrat du av’fiine magazine in the home is no longer Hand's Mag azis. r a luxury. It is a necossiiv, and to i meet the demands created by thir F ILi USTRATKD CAVtAI 0. InBULMAKKS necessity, THE COSMOPOLITAN ILLUSTRATED. COPYRIGHTS. MAGAZINE, giving vearlv, as it CAM I OBTAIN A wrdTtS The Simpleton, a new no.iel by T hom ih prtinipt answer and an bote»» opin Ion.. H* ki v, will be begun in the December Number, does, 1536 pages cf reading bv the 111 I NN Ac CO., who have bad nearly fifty t«*” pi I mid continued to November 18H5 Who­ I eiperienoe In the patent bujiueaa. <¿’“¡‘“¡J In_ authors, with over mav l e oue'a favorite among Ei glfsh Nov­ ablest living tlona »trlctly eonfldentlal. A ¿ k . ever elists, it’will be conceded by all critic, that formation concerning Pairala and b°’3?h?£ tain them »«nt free. Also a catalogue of mechan­ T hom .» hardy stands foreiuoat of a n.aa er 1200 illuatrations by elever artists, ical and scientific books sent free. artist In fiction, and The Simpleton, may e Patents taken through Munn s Co. recet breecf), with expected to ar uae enthnaiama not li erihr in has stepped into the special notice tn the Kclenliflc American, an degree to that w hich has marked Trilby—thy thus are brought widely before the public with­ a reduction in its price that ha? inoat successful at'.ry of the year. Another out cost to the Inventor. This splendid paper. 'eadin-' feature w ill lx'the Pera hi al Reeollec Issued weekly, elegant ty Illustrated, has by far the largest circulation of any scientific aorkln the tior a of Joan of Ate, by the Sieur L»UI. i a tartled the literary w »fl I world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent freJ- . < oNTX. Her Pave and secre arv, uider which Building Edition, montlily, C.S0a year. w,n«le The H erald , fully alive to the .Ui.e the m at popular of living Am rican copies, MS cents, kvery number contains beau­ traerxine writer. »111 PreBent ahe story of rhe tiful platea, in colors, and Phot‘*r,Ph,E0,_D.h’ of its patrons, has made Raid *f •»' '•«>’» In the January Nu uber Will needs housea. with plans, enabling builders 'O’h,,w l“e latest designs and secure ixintiwcts. Address appear a drofuaelvilluatratee paperon Charles Mb'NN A CO, NlW Y oh B. 3B1 B hoauwat . arrangements with this ton and he Carolina., the fi.Btof a aerie, of special Southern 1‘ap.via, N.athern Africa 1. attracting more attention superb monthly, whereby it will at any other time since it whs the .eat of em­ receiv-. orders for yearly subscrid The next volum». of H A RPe a MAGA­ Pensions, pires ZINE will four i I lustra ed article.on thi.regtn. and three of them will d.p ct the present life tions to both publications combined TtlE DISABILITY BILL IS A ■ here, cilian K vli 'U »111 prepare (or the M AGAZINE a aeriea of eigh: stories. depleting for the sum of ; 3.00. LAW. typi< al phases of Chinese Life and Ma era. The price <>f the great illustrated Soldiers dinabled ci nee the war are 1 eaidea the long stories. toere will begin tn the January Number the flrat Chapter of A Three Entitled monthlies in the past has been I’.rt Novelette by R ichard H acking D avin — Di'pemlfiit widow« and I’arciit' now o Per Year: HARPER’S MAGAZINE................. .. i».û( matter how modest their means, HARPER’S WEEKLY ................ . . 1.0 to keep in touch with the greatest HARPERS BAZAR .. Í.O HA RPERS YOING PEOPLE ........ . 2.1» minds of the world, as The Cosmo- Doubtful Reeda Alone. The best ere easy to get, und cost no Postage Free to all Subtcrilierx in ihi polil in h is today the strongest inori'. Auk your dewier for I nited Staten, Canada, or Mexico. regulur staff of any existing period- The volumes of the Magazine begin will Send orders to the NumLers for June uml PeceinLer o T he H erald , cue h yeitr. When no time is si.eeil.vtl, "ul scriptlens will begin wi'h the Number cur­ Burns Ore. rent nt time of rt ceij t of order. Alwny« th« best. k nown 1893 V ATENTÉ dur Mi.'»D > Our Premiums THIi YEAR FO ---------------------- THIS PAPER— -----WITH----- THE S N FRANCISCO Move I’ollJl I'll IC». •!.«.'> PKK Y . AK. iH3 SAN FRANCIS 0 Morning Call! i Co., Agis HE SAN FRANCISCO wUKLI 1 ILL . - Ate RY 6T. I« a liand'OitiH rlght- paite paper. Il I« i.^ui-d every Thursilm, «'d contain» allot lue important newt of the Is T ide Tiarkt. Dtwgn Patents Copyright», L FERRY’S week, gtauned from every . »«. IF YOU WAV l’IFO’ì AHTION ABOUT H HI M* n I « 'he McMullen Wov n W h n-. •* í » in au<* N. 'i.u i., » au. < i > i < PER YEAR: i‘iu \ < i » HiVkil • < on i* i > y. I . WKi-uny AthWRev ¡ I. ________ V VII ’» ' - S P < PTOK)M riuMi nai' pon WIDOWS CUf^ORCN, P HTC , i r '»■-»» >«it< Falltür« h I • HfMlar \ nu y . i S • « «• o « . - r- ».( «Le ladiat' «»r- »'f l*Ct. » h.««, n»»H .tiiiHlrti UM* ’ rv . .1 » h wir II y . Tb”U««’id» vHlhhd io bl* L«r rtlm a. I t.f • w Hw«. K ■ lUargv f. r lu. X » «H «U a > in t W* Fli’get t Mini excluaive deign, for Out-door nml lanixir Toilette., drawn from W orth mod e . in s y ni , z mill i I(,gc|, ttre Hn jiuporian fertuie I lie.e appe.r even week, a lump*, led in minute ue.< rlplioi n and deiaii. fl I'arla Letier, by K athahinr ng E uhkst , is weekly Ira m rlpt of the la < st still. and cap n . in the in.nle. I'l.iler the h. Hp ..I Nn.v Ye Hi.In., .a, p ain ,1, a, cpti..; n and full paitieu ' nix n-e given ar .. .lixp<>H. .ulirlc., Irlmtniiiul. . ir d necea*. *'e«of the eostu . ..f »ell-ereBue.l women, t Id al re i . < In. hit g iei eives practical attc. lion t fortnightly Pa lern aheei Niinple me t enables reader, to cut uud mi ke the. r ,.wi FREE BRAND COLUMN. gnwli The »(.ina.i who tak. . HAKI'ER’S Uy Z »> i. prepared tor every oeea«i >n in life ce- Hora brand bar’on on left .boulder; Ca’”» remnidiHi« or Informal, w here In-au ltui dre.a bur ten oh left hip u>.d upper clip on boto la i«quialie. •are. T. A. McKitniou. Burna Ore. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. TOI’R Kt TURK hai :: ei : weekly HA KI'El; > M AG AZIN E HAi:i'i:i:> uazail HAItl’EK's YOVNG PE’b’I.E J C. Folev, cattle brand — on riant able, lorae brand - on left ahouhler. .. P< a'ng-Free to all su ba. ribera iu tire ITn Ma'... vanada, or Mexico. I'he V.iiuin. a ot the Week ly w ill to g| 'he first N.i ni»— f r January ..t ...... « t. h iu> ti n ■■ t» ne.i oued, s 1 « rip | begin with the Num >or curre i ai ,i n ceipt of order. Bound In U’n,w of l.ur|H>r's " . gl, f , »ears l.a k. bi neat cl th binilo wiH b bv mail I', at-.ge paid, r bi ex .... pens, (prx»vi.:ed the freight does . o' ex •« perv.dume) for»? «• a volume. • h ' as.-» for va, h Volume anta'. « «•ei'plof »/* b> “lal1 I’•‘ P**'*, on I.mai., He mad« mail« by Fu Po.t « «««lupi. Ib4»I. Frv« luto u. '<• t t U .1 N'«Ira aad»'aaa.ia • ' a.h, r tv l'hrsk.l, or Hivu I». tor H Will cwt. you. It you» • v'roup. or WhoupiagC.Htgb . am . «•<■! roll«« 1. turw. if » —d a»umMU«A. UM II k «P-warnr-ww- »«Asittll RlINK CO., •ielle . i* P ^en*un < «ft I»« brand J P roti r»erte<1 < n vft hip Hur»« brand anvil on left atilie P. <1 H yRPFK’s "««.*1, i, , pictorial hlat<>rv of I await ore. the lime« it p-. sent» even Imp.rtai.t eie o-,, t , i Cattle brand figure Ton either hip; mark light ’Ì'-.TJ m ' .nd exhausit eli in f|. ti|>'i'e text ..i the iiigncs' crop off ea<‘h ear. alip In each ear, an»l watt on If ft Jaw. H r>f brand figure 7 on either hip ,wWrh- ‘“»b e KM, n ha. J. H. Bunyard.Burna Ora. Gt« rd the < hi .a.“ Kaib.a.I -irlk-s and the VOW I.VVÎ Market st. Sau ' bli <> Japauewe War, and th« ai,..unt ,,f 11 >, It was ah;« t„ throw ,.n K.>rvw the I a ant a te Uou was lli.-cfct to that linfe km.nn counlv are examp ,« ,,f ti» „ ts>1| >r, rW(>ur, ' Ju lan Ka ah. the dlatinKUiahtd writer and h,b ’ 'u >b' of war and there h>iue.| .» y ti. wr„i,,u n, w . ’ manyjeara .val iant 1« Japan, who h.» h^,, C'C'lvt ««'t and mule« brar<*ed rounding * , on right «»trie. P. O Riley Ota. Horae brand | on ri^h? atifla. Jamea P O Burna ore liora. brand her m on left shoulder: Catti« brand bar m on left hip and riba. Catherine Marsha.l P O Narrow.ore. Horae bread on left .houldwr 8 HARPER’S PERIODICALS .*> »».«> . » "• tl ».4 • it- »«>1 stancllft, l'urna Or. Ore. HARPER'S HARP» Rh» H ARI'S a > H ARI'S H> aw* '* ' * 24 çaiMata tatatt» at ■««, . ruwraoi ¿iw < AR I. Mtati amali » fatui» cmcm » tu l‘.«»ft. p, q Barna Ore. Rotara and Cattle brandw.1 J P on left «bowb der aim. b .n.ied jp cwunnrted Mary J. Prtea, Huraa Or* • » ar 1 .w har« IWri«« «Mtr -« th. •1 BEATTYSORGA