East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896, June 26, 1895, Image 5

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The ground has been eoaked good financiering we believe can be.
_ thoroughly. The corn crop is al­ accomplished, no providential hin­
most assumed and the farmers, at
— last accounts, were «till ploughing
Editor, and planting. It stands to reason,
fflC.BVBI’ ” ”
z------= when the corn crop is a sure thing
and a big one, all farmers who are
hard times .
able will be found buy:ng stock
jipje? are • hard
cattle to feed; the result will be —
J uaiuw w kvu , vuv ivouav .....
rv, administration
' i i »"d leading great help to the cattle men of this
claim to be interested in county, both the large and small
unent, its welfare, pros- stock raj8er. We will have a good
our govern
market and fair prices, at least,
neritv and people
“re "" 801"g to, “ , there is every reason to think so.
H« W “in tbe People ’ .
We see it stated that Kansas and
L ,^,«1« «0 be gulled by this
Nebraska will not have many cat­
Hepel up by leading men and cor tle to feed this fall, That being
the case the outlook for Eastern
People, that is the common peo­ Oregon cattle men is much Better
ple are becoming poorer every day. and guarantees much better prices
Xanv who two or three years since for us. The sheep business will
commanded money and property also be lively, for feeders back in
ire now paupers, farms sold, stock those states will invest in sheep to
gone, or passed without sale to feed, so these rains have been a
creditors,' many meichants and great blessing to people here as
drances .
One great drawback to our town ;
and its advancement is our inability
to cope with fire. The result would
be terribly disastrous, in case of
fire, to our town, and some steps'
should he taken to make the town
more secure. This is not idle talk
but for the serious consideration of
our people.
A lady at Tooleys La., was very
sick with bilious colic when M. C.
Tisler. a prominent merchant of the
town gave her a bottle of Chamber
|ain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
He says she was well in
forty minutes after taking the first
dose. For «ale by druggists.
For whooping cough Chamber­
lain’s Cough Remedy is excellent.
By using it freely the disease is de­
of all dangerous conse­
well as in the vicinity where they
quences. There is no danger in
giving the remedy to babies, as it
We also see it stated that the ex­ contains nothing injurious. 50 cent
port demand for mutton has in­ bottles for sale by druggists.
creaPed jn the United in the last
traders unable to stand the pressure
have gone to the wall, many thous-
md laborers, on account of these {
failure.“, have been unable to obtain
work, consequently are today suf-
fering for the comforts and necessi­ rear very much, which is another
of life.
uco vi
, meat
tu uui
great uviiuitv
benefit to
our sheep men. .
During these years crops have | -pbe demand at the butcher shops
been abundant, clothing, groceries,. f()r tbe |ast tw0 years has been very
in fact merchandise of all sorts has I light because of the exceedingly
been and is. wanting purchaser-, , b ird times and scarcity of money.
vet want and misery envelope us, Pour peop'e, and this class is the
and the cry is for God sake come greatest meat eaters, have not been
tn our relief! This cry goes up able to buy it, consequently not
from thousands and thousands oi near the quantity has been used
households of honest, industrious that otherwise would have been.
ci’izens, to the government and cur
Times are getting better and the
law-makers, fot help in need and unemployed, we hope, will get
work which will enable them to
Does the administration heed ; respectably support their families,
the cry? Does corporations and which means a great deal more
money syndicates headed, by th. | beef< pork> ,uUtton" and everything
Persons who sympathize with the
afflicted will rejoice with D. E.
Carr of 1235 Harrison «treet, Kan­
sas City. He is an old sufferer
from inflammatory
but has not heretofore been troubled
in this climate. Last winter he
went up into Wisconsin, and in con­
sequence has had another attack.
“It came upon me again very acute
and severe.” he said. “My joints
swelled and became inflamed; sore
to toueh or almost to look at. Up­
on the urgent request of my mother-
in-law I tried Chamberlain’s Pain
Balm to reduce the swelling and
ease the pain, and to my agreeable
surprise, it did both. 1 have used
three fifty cent bottles and believe
it to be the finest thing for rheuma­
idmmuitration. give attention to. eJpe that makes up the living of he tism, pains and swellings extant.»
' .
the nravor
prayer nt
of thn
the nonnlo?
laboring man, will be consumed For sale by druggists.
Tne syndicate is very properly
which will haue but one ending and
If King Solomon was alive he
named the" Belmont-Morgan-Roths that will be a good one for the
now say. “Go to the travel­
child Carli81e-Cleveland”svndicate.
farmer, merchant, grocer and stock ing man, learn his ways, and be
The people remember "Black
wise.” Mr. C W. Battell, a Cincin-
Friday,” of 1869, when Jim Fisk
A government which gives em- natti traveling man representing
and Jay 6ould got a corner on gold.
ployment at fair wages to the la- the Queen City Printing Ink Co.,
Theahov« mentioned syndicate, I
after suffering intensely for two or
borer is the only safe and prosper-
three days with lameness of the;
if continued in power, will see the |
ous government in the civilized shoulder, resulting from rheuma­
same result that followed the Jay worjd&
Gould and Fisk financial break, I
We hope we will be able to report tism, completely cured it with two
applications of Chamberlain’s Pain
0,1 v the consequences will be very | a good season from now on. and Balm. This remedy is gaining a
wh greater and the distress and
the farmer realizing a good price wide reputation for its prompt
ffiiserv t>eyond language to express.
cur^s of rheumatism, lame back,
for produce and the laborer em
sprain», swelling«, and lameness.
The single gold standard adner-
ployed at fair wages.
50 cent bottles are for sale by drug­
^ts are laying up treasures in that
If silver was only remonetized gists.
,<v which in their last hours will
and put into circulation as business
c*u*them to pray for the moun-
requires it, in a short time we would
and rocks to cover them from
realize and acknowledge the saying
n right of ‘he sorely afflicted
“As old as
that “we have the best government
misery starvation and want
hills” and
the sun ever shone on.”
’he natural result of the pro-
never excell­
business that has been lying dor­
^dings of gold men. Then
ed. “Tried
we ment for so long would be put in
and proven ”
»’e the be»t government the sun
motion and the place of tears and
is the verdict
ininei on.
f millions.
The P°°r man is respected
and congratulations and grateful hearts
W°’«:ted. Better say the poor >uai,
man for blessing« enjoyed.
Liver Regu­
«'eked, cheated hood winked,
lator is tllJ
•'"died and robbed of his birth
only Li /e.-
Now is the time to Subscribe
1 t- ia living, his enjoyment, bis
O vr town authorities have order­
• *rty. md in this great free and
the improvement of two other
‘/indent America, where eyerv
streets in our little city, if thi6 is
with the right of
kept up we will all have reason to
’uPP°se,i to have all
• be proud of our town. The fact is
nkhts and privileges.
¡these improvements show energv
to and enterpjjgg an(j proves to the
ihk,1hL"’"' ,n •‘"“'V,
and traveler oui
our thrift and
I ■ visitor
visivor ana
./ ,l r*ward
what i
L -in "If ProsP*rity, and .hi« ad
Ivanes is not
tbe^?1' P,redict8’ wh*t will be
are able,
Uh*.1 he
1 mnnt- Morgan-
willing and believe it is necessary
W Car,,’l*-Cleveland
to our comfort and euccess.
In conversation with our present
lately vi’have been
T1,1.1 K)ak’n8 rains
’1'Ublet . , . a kinoB of grain,
wiN he tremen- I
mayor, a few days since, he affirms
bis determination, assisted bv the
council, during his 1brm of office
to pay eff, if possible, the indebted-
ness of the town, or at least to put
our town warrants at par.
This we hope will be done and by
and Kidn'"
medicine to
which you
c in pin your
faith for a
cure. FZ
> »/
mild lax i-
piriiy ve.4-
etdile, act­
in; direitlv
»"i »lie Li ver
¡1 11 d
nov». Trvit.
So;! Wall
I *>rin Row Jer
/ or ai.vlc in
■ i !.'»« r W.-.l! •
i • HH»H .») 'lx .
* *♦ i:»
I> ’
3d--lt is the largest
Paper in the County &
has the largest circu­