I could not help laughing a lit* both hands in hi«. I “I told vou everything that I felt tie. years ago,” he said. “I have felt it “Your clergyman would think BY MARY KYLE DALLAS. all ever since. There was some one me crazy if I came to him to be From The Illuansted Hoine<»ur»t you liked better then, hut you are married in the morning, in CHAPTER IH these all alone in the world now.” gorgeous borrowed feathers,” said I, “The man knows whereto drive, ’ Fora moment there was silence, and yourfriend would be shocked.” Mrs. ------ had said. "And there is I then I said: a servant to show vou to the studio * The clergyman neither knows "I have only half a heart to give I had been thinking of the past nor cares anything about dress." all day. and it was a luxury to be you, Harry.” said Harry. “I will explain to my "I am content,” he said “And friend, who is an Italian, and ro­ aide to lean hack on the cushions and indulge myself in memories. now I have a proposition to make: mantic enough to understand me. The Italian city was full of life and Marry me at once.” Anything the ‘Signor Artist’does is * color, but to my eyes all was grav do "At once?” I said. "What right in Madelina’e eyes. ’.Ve are as the twilight of a rainy day you call at once?” not in America, remember.” I wondered why God had per he "Literally at-once,” said By nature I yield. I hate re mitted me to live Was it alwavs "To-dav, this hour ” sistance, and though this seemed to be like this for me—a stranger in "What nonsense!” said I. very strange, and out of the ques­ it is first class in every respect. The proprietor having l»een raised la strange land, unloved and unlov- "No. indeed,” he said. “I know tion at first, when he had talked to in the business knows just how to conduct it. Meat at retail and whole ■ ing? I had such a warm heart; now you too well. You will go home me as he did for a long while, urg- aale prices You can buy by the quarter, less or more, and i at prices wm fly, hiding my face in aiv hands. that you must remain one You gan to feel that he was not propos­ •Suddenly the earring» stopped will write to me to tell me so You ing such a singular thing after all, "This is the place, nmdaiue," the will run away, perhaps. No, I that my village girl’s ideas of right driver said. have succeeded betterthan I dream and wrong made me believe so, and I alighted. A sort of concierge tjjat j COuld, and I shall not lose , that it was true that if people loved opened the door for me and escorted the a 1—xUpl ol pric*. Bu» d> «late, • > .-«nt*. PtM'k**« <4 .44'ra Fn Frw THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. 10 Wf aver STVrer. • • 4» u Ntw YOM. i b To every person send­ ing us the amount o world live with hmi He was very, • ->ne yearly subscription to The H erald together with ten cents extra, I kind, ver» gentle. we will send free a copy of The World Almanac for 1895. Single copies | As he painted away at th* folds may be orde~ed ut this office for 25 cents. | of lace and I re* ad« be talked con | istantly. ami 1 w«s glad indeed that ' I had found one friend again. 1 went home in hetter spirits, and I I looked forward tn mv next sitting with pleasure. I had many. 1 1 am sure that Harry prolonged them as much a* he poasibly could. W hen th»v were over the attendant server! a charming luncheon, and waiter! on us delightfu Iv. Harry 'always put me into lhe carriage The Best Reference Book Printed. ! himself, am! toward the end of ’he A Volume of over 500 pages >;? It Treats 1,400 topics ! time he su wont to hold nv Land ¡longer than was necessarr I Endorsed by STATESMEN, should u»trr a falsehood if I said EDUCATORS and E that I «lid not gue«a that he had STUDENTS everywhere. either loved me all along, or had fallen in love with me anew, and I Has Reached Such a State of Per­ knew that lie would one dav ask fection That It Is a Veritable Encyclopedia of Facts, Statis­ me to lie his Wife. What I should tics and Events Brought Down answer I could not tell my«wif. I to January First, I89S. •till loved my husband I should volume is a whole horary never love Harry Myrtle as I had One can hardly think him Rut I wm so lonely, so ni's of a question it cannot answer. It tell? eralde. and lhe life before me seem­ all about party platforms, election sta­ ed so hopelrM that I dreaded to tistics, the new tariff, religions of the far* it 1 rewuved nothing earth, population everywhere, state and One dav I a»i j to mieelf; “| government statistic«, occupations of • ill be true to Frank ttntd we meet men, foreign matters, literature, science in a Iwtter World ” Th« neit I and education. It is . . . falt-red. saving to myself that he Would not wish me to 1« solitary and wrvtrhrd, that I had no right to refuse myself the Live and pro PRICE, postpaid t mail. - 25 CENTS. lawtionoia good man Thus lhe last sitting came. At its cloee hr Addro.. THE WORLD, New York CH-. came and kmelt at my fret, taking ONLY TEN CENTS EXTRA, | | ' , ' ; i i ! WORMMMWC AND ZNCYCLOPZDIA FOR 1835 ■ AMERICA’S STANDARD YEAR BOOK.