Business Locals • —Kchool books at the drug store •f H. M. Horton. I i —School book» and stationary • heap for cash, at ths Hardware • toreofC. II. Voegtly. M oney A dvanced on W ool .—I have money to advance on wool at the present time.’or at any time be fore delivery Sacks and twine fur- nished. Wool can he delivered at Baker City or Huntington O.egon. U r Addres. M ervin S wohts , Baker City, Oregon WANTED. Agents to sell our choice and har —Don’t forget Henry Cheatham barber, desires a part of your pat dy Nursery Stock. W’e have many new s|>ecial varieties, both in fruits ronage, at the new barber shop. and ornamental» to offer, which are —Who said you couldn’t get a controlled only by us. We pay good flavored cigar in town for five commission or salary. Write us at oents? Call al the City Drug Store once for terms, and secure choice and inquire. I of temtorv. M ay B rothers . Nurserymen. —Char Voegtly offers a Havana' Rochester, N Y. press grain drill at less than cost for cash. —Builder« tool« and all kinds of —100 acre« of fine fruit land in building hardware at the Burna 10 acre lot« 5 miles south of Eugene foTcw? 'tore’ “ büttOm P’’Crt Oregon, 1 mile i west of Spenser Butte. Ixrts at $400 each Horse« —The Kaloon. in ths new hotel and cattle part par an each lot if building, Richardson and Stephens i the purchaser so deaire«. For fur proprietors. >■ oioely furnished and ther in far mat ion inquire at thia its customers is given the beet office. brand« of liquors and cigar« A Martal—B* lH®e.,«®r> Free *■ .» m > ««ii Siulun Xtauv.-Mit * n.d®«>® » tktsc - -uj. bee® tased 1er *>»»’ «hj «ear® toy «r . Jvr tbeiJ etoildrt-a a toll* taaftofaf vtU. perfect lonrw paper should l>e encouraged, for tbe It ► . ' Era ‘hr r- 1 • . t® t ■,. ® a i», a a«® asd i* tue t<rat rr» simple reason it is truthful and I at! pali«. < arra vla4 el« l«r I’iarrt.r.«a I® | >ra®ar' u. the taele D«w«y j. tfc.1.1 by Dram. » la r’« ■ par! .f tbe a -Ki. . ■ r: t< f.r< < « i » a .. . . it, « alue to : , a - I- tare a- ««i .r M . a -» a'® —Lea Caldedl’« saloon which ' « «rmr axe we other «tad. ¡ To tall what Hood .s®-*»!*’ • b*« Jon« for me. 1 toad lt>e gr p an : ® ill effecta ®«ue«i all over me. I had er imp« in rry leg« frequently I had W pt V? st niyht and walk U>relax «hemus cles. I also tad •temach troub les. 11 hen took Hood's Sarsapa- £ rilla. One lottl« MR cured tbecrsmp, /A i. ®Dd »not her tu ’ h, helped ny stens- gX^ach trcuble greatly. I hare taken S bottles «nd u*e H .K>d ® Pills which are the t«-*t I ever took.” U. A. M klvin , Sisters. Oregon. OREGON BURNS. MR T. M. à MRS. E. E. BRITTEN, P roprietors This large and comfortable hotel is well furnished and the proprie tor« use every eflkrt possible to make their guests feel at home The table is at all times supplied with everything the fords. market af. Give The Burns a call and we feel assured you will continue to he its guest when in town. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier The Roberts Bros. E. B. AND C. D. R oberts . Prominently in tbe publiceyv today- For Sale Or Trade. —Sjbecribe for the Portland Weekly Sun only 41 a rear. This HOTEL BURNS I Am Glad 1 NOTICE. was closed for a f« few days, prepara- lory to making some improvements — Dr Ca’e is kept prette busy • nd other arrangements, is now The universal good drutistry done open He is wry thankful to his friends f«.r p«M patr<»naje by him has gained for the Dr. a • nd his adopting a cs«h •« stem I lasting reputation is not intended as any reflection on his customers who havei Su|>erfiuous hair rvmorel per patronitaNl him brrvt«.f«rv but ca»b manently, instantaneously, without 1« necessan to tbe |;h- of his bu.i pain, by Electro Chemical Fluid. nws. and he )M«eitivt]y want« one In order to prove superiority, we •nd all to understand be will not ' will faV neat 90 dais send «ample credit any one bottle and te«*.iri.>nia!>> free, on re- i oeipt of nineteen cents to pay post A Woman Who Will Work •** >. Electro Chemical Co., 25 East 14th St. New York WANTED in every county to m- ’ troduce the Celebrated ‘Hygria ” Sometime ago 1 was troubled w ¡th Waist« s,, .n This waist an attack of riteumatism. 1 used supercede« the r------ *. and ha* re Chamberlain’« Pain Balm and was <» '« i the unanimous approval of completely cured I have since ph>n< iana of America advised many of my friends and 0» free. Any energetic woman can customers to try the remedy and to ■»aka from $16 to |50 weekly. •peak highly of it Simon Gold« Send far circulars «nd terma. baum, San Luis Key. Cal. For HHiEl l MF G CO, 37s St., New sale by H. M Horton York. TOKSORIAL PARLOR, ROBINSON A Tinners, Plumbers, & Electri cians. tik®, Hood’s Pilis WALTON P roprietor «. On the corner next to Armory Hall Burns, Oregon All work in their line done at very reasonable figures and guiran- I teed to be first class. I------------------------------ PIONEER DRUG Everything in their line guaranteed to be done aatrsfactorily. [W. E. G race ’ s Bathes at all hours Edwards, STORE. old stand ] Proprietor A. C Worthington • -^.DEALER IN.aa^.* DRUGS, ROOKS. STATIONARY. DYES, PAINTS, PERFUMES TOILET ARTICLES, AND NOTIONS. BCHXS. - - - - - OREGOX A full line of School Books and School Supplies. Confection- Nuts and fruits. GEO. S. SIZEMORE. fM^Mail orders promptly filled. Real Estate. Life and Fire insur ance. Collection» a Specialty. ATTORNEY. Bv b ..................... OkEGON _ ’ ball i ' ];« K a - ih U iimlter ¡ rv.iapt!« »iiendei to. I Burns Ontario Stage Line ------------------------- --------------------------- ‘ g*-nad- « ’ Leave« Burn« daily at 6:30 p M. Arrive« at Ontario in 42 hour« New York Weekly World in issu-’ ing two papers« week in p’ace of one Fare One way <6.00. Round trip $11.00. i« meeting with great favor a Tbe peopl* appreciate the change Through freight 3Jcts. a pound. and are taking advantage of it. Two days notice at any P. O. on the route and coverel coaches wii Keep informed of what is going II. A. Williams, Proprietor. on in tbe world and particularly in be furnished for passangers. your own country. Congn ss is now in aeasi >n. Every movement, will be of the greatest interest. , Keep abreast oftbe times by read • ing the TWICE-A-WEEK W ORI.D—two pa|«ers a week — llH , papers a year for only $1 O0. Manu acturer Arrangements have been made by which we can furnish this pa¡>er M m and the Twice-a-Week New York School» Attention. ■ALSO DEALERS TN W ’ orldboth for 92 25 a year, r-uyMumn <* surgeon. Take advantage of this offer and get I HARD- Notice ia hereby given that I am A _ graduate of the ____ Iowa ______ Sute now p-. p.irvd to exchange the fob University and Collage of |’hy«i- your own local paper and tbe Twice a-Week World at this special OIL WARE lowing Itoctks which have barn» Cian« and Surgeon«. ra **- T he H eraid . adapted tor the fallowing aixyrar« Office at res.denee in Burn« IÍ GEER & [0. Tinware & Sbe^ • iron Cood PAIN r SUPERIOR ii n « Trice Maxwell« first Ifaok in Knghsh 25| Introductory Eng Gram 50 ---------------------- -------------------------- --- Advanced *• •• « W I t tf-riuans t iyi| Government 4» A U WotoTHlNOVON 1st Bradera at 2 Seta M 2nd 40 M I «• Ad, &5 - tt 4th NO •• 5<h • 1 O) “ Monteith« Elementary I Geography tecta Monteith« Com prshensiv« Geography «1 15 Clark« Normal i Grammar MVt® Sill« Grammar tecta Ami all »«her scb«'ol bowk« in prvpotimn ami after this date I will sell «rls>M»l l®«>k® at the alatw price® fur cash and far cash only. Orders by mall promptly a I ten ted Io Dated this 1st day uf March IMM C ii VoKortY A • • 1 —u». ; .t* » H .* . tL m . « tern Y r « it F r m w * à • • w«4’S * • • /I % Whi r at Peekskill. N. Y., Mr. J A Scnven, a prominent manufact uw«fv« Y-rkGtr. purchased! • •4.1,, I —» - I» ». M C m bTuVEo & WIN a bottle of ( hatul«erlain’« Cough hangers DOWS Remedy. Such good results were UARKVp.w’i-?. FISII1-'i^‘AvkLE TINW ARE. ORANIT obtained from it« use he MFRS’ AN11 GLASSWARE GARDEN SEEDS, FAR back to the druggut from whom he * ali ani^SHAXiC?\TOOLS A U^I>ERTAKING GOODS bad obtained it fir two more l«wt ail and see cur Holiday goods. tie« of th« same teniedv. When you haw a cough nr cold give this prvparati .n a trial and like Mr Senveu you will w.nt it when again in nerd of such a mediein« It is a remedy of great worth and merit Proprietor 30 cent hotllw for ««1« by H M Horton IDrrr«» * n tALlSi rw . . MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES aaaiT«hCs J B stationery . DIAMOND DYES. CHOICE PERFUMF8 * FAMt' TOI, KT ARTICLES,TOBACCO,CIGARS ETC Hicks A Biggs \\ i ATTORNEY-AT.LAW. - A«»?“»« GLASS DOOR? O®eee at Canyon City and Bum« eg Li(fGCPS for Medical «^rrwription. accurately compounded. I •irai Claac Dental Work Done Purposes