VOL. Vili BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. JUNE have succeeded in reaching the Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report city, so strict is the watch kept by PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY The following was published in the Turkish government.” BY a recent -issue of the Albany Demo­ A rehearsal of the incidents of W. C. BYRD & SON. crat . the Sassoun massacre has been ob­ P ublishers and P roprietors . Mr. B. Nolton, of Marysville, Cal., tained from refugees and forwarded called at the Democrat office this from Bitlis for publication in Amer­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES morning and directed the Democrat ican papers. The report is practic J2.0O One Year .......................................... .1.00 to offer a reward of $200 for infor­ ally a confirmation of all the de-j gix Month«............................. ........... ABSOLUTELY PURE . .75 i Three Months............................ ■ ■ • - mation which will lead to the re­ tails heretofore received and recites i HERALD CLUB LIST: 5,00 covery of his wife and children, cruelties of the most revolting na­ Jerald and Harper’« Magazine.... Boarding and lodging at Mr and —The Havana press drill for 5.20 Jerald and Harper’s Weekly ....... the children. The ture.—Stateman. 5.20 particularly Herald and Harper’s Bazar.......... . south west I M rs. Andersons in the sale at the hardware store of C. H. Beraldand Harper’s Young People... 3.75 case is an interesting one. About Jerald ami Alden's Manifold Cyclopedia,. .2.90 Customers division of our town, Voegtly is a new one. Mr. Voegtly etch additional volume after Vol. I 55 cents: ten years ago, Mr. Nolton, then re­ — Roberts Bros can sell you a can be accommodated with meals I offers it for less than cost for cash, H) cents extra tier volume, postage. siding in Marion county, was mar­ late improved bathtub for the r^-Copiesof all the above works can be ex at all hours and the proprietors because he wants the money. cined at leisure in the Reading Room. ried to a Linn county lady. Six small sum of $12. spare no pains to make guests com­ /^-Publishers of periodicals are solicited years ago they moved to the y'cini- —Get one of I, S. Geer A- Co’s, fortable and at home. mend i lubbing rates, a copy of their work for >ur Free Reading R win-We file and bind the, tv of c f Marysville, where Mr. Nol­ Chai, and E. J. Anderson. premium purchase tickets. This gtter at close of every half-volume, end n«' ci I ton has a big sheep ranch with —W. N. Jorgenson has just re ■opie« bv advertisement. firm agrees to give the holder of about 5000 sheep and 2000 lambs. ceived a supply of first class violins, such tickets a fine life size Crayon He informs the Democrat that his vio in bows, and a very excellent —Mrs. Robert Drinkwater will ADVERTISING RATES: Portrait absolutely free of any «FUI 1 wk 2 wk 1 1 mo j 8 mo 6 mo married life was particularly a hap­ selection of violin and guitar be in our town in a few days with a charge, by purchasing $20 worth .'Inch »1.00 12.50 15.00 Ih.ool »11.00 first class stock of millinery. She py cue. Nearly two years ago strings. o.OO 4.U0 0.50 12.0.1 1 IS.00 Ì “ of goods for cash at their store. It i “ S.00 15.00 , 24 00 3.50 5.00 Chas McClothing begafi working politely requests the ladies of J 50 6 00 10.00 29.00 ' t “ . ')0 I is not necessary that the whole .» col. O.U0 J 00 15.00 •-8.0 , !.. for him. Three months ago he Burns and vicinity, when her stock NOTICE 12.00 ù. oo ¿.8.00 48.0> 1 M. ..(I amount should be purchased at one 20.00 .0. J 4 L00 00.00 i DO disebarg. ù him, on account of his arrives, to call and examine her time, but any amount from 5 cents drinking His wife even made th«1 j Is hereby given to whom it may line of goods and priceB. JOB WORK to $20 as explained upon the tick­ r< quest a number of times. A concern that the partnership here­ ets. )f every diacriptlon executed with neatness month later McClothing came back i tofore existing between W. F. tad despatch, at reasonable nites. ,'ircnlars, Posters, Pamphlets and wanted work again, but was Kingsbury and John A. Robertson tarelopes, Bill Heads. Letter Heads, MUSIC. tiatoneilts, Note Heads, t arils, Tiexets, refused. One Sunday morning xfr. under the fnm name of Kingsbury I Xonoranda. Invitations. WE OFFER. Dodgers, Ete. Having permanently located in Nolton, who has two ranches, went it Robertson in Ibis day dissolved, T hs H erald is kept regularly on file for re Burns, w.ll teach music on Piano, j Stock Salt at $8.50 per ton sacked! 'erence, iu the Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad- to the othtr ranch and returned fohn A. Robi .tson having re­ rsrtisiu» Bureau, 10 Spruce st.. New York. Organ, Violin and Guitar, Music WOOL STORED FREE! Monday evening. Two hours afte* moved from Harner County. furnished for balls and parties, R. R. RATES THE BEST! he left, his wife, three children and Dated at Drewsey Oregon,' h terms to suit the times. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY Can any point offer more? We , McClothing skipped out for Oregon '29, 1895. E. A. Scherer. are the competing point and this is | in a light Studebaker wagon,drawn • i W..F. K ingsbury . nationa l : t(> send your WOOL. by two horses branded O, some * ------ :—i—— , ...........................Grover Cleveland • ife-Preside-.it. Adlai Stevenson * books and about $500 in money. Pendietion from here. *ry "! Walter Q. Gresham — Mrs. Mary Matthes is sole 1.90 “ Boston “ A good ranch belonging to II. G. I ? "! 7ly,fl.’>ry .......... John G. Carlisle I Mr. Nollen immediately followed iteretarv of Interior" ............... Hoke Smith t Wcratary of War No jxiint can offer better than Daniel 8. Lamont and got track of them once or twice agent in this town an-d countv for a Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 lecretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert I hcretgry of A/riculture. . J. Sterling Morton New York firm for the sale of lace, miles south east of Burns. This I here. Buyers are here getting wcol. and has chased through Coos coun attorney General Richard 8, Olney '«•tmaster General pillow shams, ranch has about 100 acres of good i Don’t overlook your interest in the • Wilson s Bissell ty, Yaquina Bay and eyen Eartern window curtains, STATE—OREGON! It was his portieres, table covers bed spreads meadow land. Price $800 or will above WHICH ARE FACTS. »Won J. N. Dolph Oregon without avail. I J. H.Mitchell. opinion that thej’ would come to and laces, and at prices so low as | trade for sheep. Don’t be misled by irresponsible of­ I Binger Hermann oingressinen to as' onish the most incredulous? ( fers — wecao duplicate any proposi- B yrd ár K ing . (W. R. Ellis this countv. One would not think, Attorney General <’. M. Idleman «»vernor Mrs Matthes solicits a call from . tion. Send vour wool in our care. Wm P Lord though, that a woman would run ’«•retsry of State Notice Of Dissolution Of Part­ H R Kincaid rreu’irer r i her neighbors and examination Resp’t. ofl • Phil. Metsehar away with another ma to her for­ ’« pl Public mit™ Hon nership. ........... G M Irwin "*te Printer goods. O C. Co.. R............... W H l.aeds mer home. The family consists of Know all men by these presence ) R. S. Bean. 'Wine Juiigeg Huntington Ore. , Wm. I". r. U»r<1 r.-j Mrs. Nolton, with dark hair and —Mrs. Mary Matthes Milliner, that the co partnership, heretofore ) F. . A. A Moore «•yes, with only three teeth, the SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT : has just receive«} another supply of existing and known as I). L. and dirtrietJudge ... ß M. D. C liffobi . i others having b en extracted re­ Janies A. Fee. millenery goods including hats, rib­ W. H. Shirk is this day and date Attorney J. L. Rami cently for the purpose of securing O.L. Patterson. bons, hat trimmings etc. Mrs. February 9th 1895 dissolved by W.Cowan a new set, a girl 9 years of age, a SHOEniKiTSi. consent. Furthermore I Matthesis meeting with success, mutual COVNTY—HARNEY boy 5 and a baby 18 months old. s. CORDOVAN, ■îîrkT ‘"ldge .......... FRENCH A ENAMELLED CALF. which proves the quality and style that each and not one for the other, . C. Rutherford. Mr, Nolton will leave for Marysville • -.(D).. ; . C. E. Kenyon byt each foi himself snail assume 4 ’3.50 F|NE C alf & K ang aroi Usurer of her goods and also her customers ■••■(R) I. S. Geer tonight. Any information leading *3.50 police , 3 SOLES. T. A. McKinnon are satisfied with her prices. Ladies his own obligations and that neith­ (R; U msmt A. Gittinge to the recovery of his children will 12.50*2. WORKtNGMEiA • •.CD), S. W. Miller she solicits your patronage and is er shall stand as ’surety for the A -EXTRA FINE- ’’S. • C has . Newe 1 be rewarded by $200 Other papers «2.$IZ5B0YS'SCH00LSH0EX ■ R J. Ivers very much pleased to have you call other. In witness whereof we have ID) / ’■«Issionsr» LADIES' A. B. Marks are requested to notice. set our hand and seal, this 9th day /R‘ f and examine stock R. R. Sitz. of Feb. 1895 harxkt c. a. land OFFICE : fitter —John Sweitzer,carpenter,under­ D. L. S hirk , seal > *«*iver Tiloma» Jones Armenian Situation. _ „ ... BROCKTON, • A. A. Cowing taker and cabinet-maker. His work­ W. H. S hirk , seal > Over One Million People wear the shop is the old restaurant building. W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes A letter from Erzeroum, Turkey SOCIETIES. Mr.Sweitzer guarantees his work at All our shoes are equally satisfactory in Asia, has been received by Ho­ U-t/ "A R er EKAH Degree No. »3. «!ve.th® 5«s* value for the money. prices to suit the hard times. Cof­ "‘"••^nM.adSdWedne.d.y, Ju e1ual custom fihoce In etvle and lit mer A. Canfield from his partner, I Their wearing- qualities ere unaurpaMed fins made to orde”. Will take pro ¡7 INAL PROOF Lucy Ruak, N.G. J^r.IC£.” «""«mi,—stamped Sn soie William L. Sachtleben, the St. __.. M *- I^wfs. Rec. Sec’y. From St to $3 saved over other makes * duce partly for work and balance in If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by Louis wheelman who left here four ca«h. Her,-, ' ’ ’ * • H,>rnt Lodge, No. 47 LAND OFFICE AT BURNS, OREGON. “Dealors everywhere Wanted, agent to months ago for Asia Minor to locate ieOMand IthThuradsys „ , , Mav 2L 1895. take exclusive rale for this vicinity. Write — J F. Boyle, photographer, is and bring to juslice, if possible, the j Notice is her» by given that the following H M Horton, M. W. at once. named settler hen filed notice of hla intention J W sayer, Rec’d A rare opportunity murders of Frank Lenz, the Pitts­ still here. said proof will be made before Register ? burg cyclist, who lost his life there. is presented to all who have-not ‘ that "°SnR « "a- ^ nm H Hvx?Oreg°n’ °n June M "-’"703 trT « *nd «h Monday. already supplied themselves with Sachtleben writes that he has dis- i I Hd. No. 1 for the SWU SEW and F>' awi ■ Mr» »¿yerCor H. and SEli NWU See. 85, Tp. 24 it 1" 32 E ’ * covered the identity of the Kurdish samples of his excellent work, Re- • •V® the Io,lowing witnesses toprove ■ "2- o o - hie continuous residence upon and cultivation '"’"ton Kmbree.of Hurt " Or •» • FeI10w» «.II, every F.turd.j, chief who planned the killing ar.d member his prices, $3.00 per doz. 8<-<>-t Haye., George W. Harkness. Belle? C. Wooly N. G. for cabinets. He guarantees to the 5 men who helped him commit tn-r °5ÎCAL MERCHANDI* t - Hayes, of La wen Ore w C-Byrd. ^y. cirllHS. GuiiftrR a U ..-I 1 HOM AS JONES, Regiater. vas ¿ - ’ m ■" o». Aficordtons. Harm«.* the deed. The writer states that please even themost fastidious. lk r.dscfStr|nn-,tte.,Hc. '‘2*T No- **. O. A. R. he arrived at Erzeroum about May L11T "f each Isviteri Comrade 17th, and adds: “Out of quite a I-urns-Canyon Stage Line number of correspondents who THE «TIiXTT'1-l came to Constantinople in an en­ T. A. M c K innon , contractor M ails . B and I nstrume : deavor to reach Erzeroum, it not Carrying U. 8, M.ils .„d Ea8ter„ Oreion ln>»*a”diTu,,: * '•'»»wWF.XT i’RBUDErT '••nddepartadaily, Bitlis and Moosh near the Sawoun Mv n..n