The town board unanimously differed with the justice and without a dissenting voice refused ro remit WEDNIBW Jl'NK 19 lio 5 the fine, the mayor ami council de Editor. .flaring the firn 8 imposed by both W.C. BT«” courts to be less than they should The attention, of the register be. and that offenders in every in- 81d re iver at this land office, re­ -tance, unless the provocation is garding the notice published in great, should be made feel that to L issue, is called to the act of offend means to suffer the penalty egress of July 26th 1894, entitled to a degree of reality. Further stating their right and •‘An act prescribing limitations of tin,t f.r completion of title to cer­ power under our charter to arrest tain lands disposed of under the and punish an offender even after act of congress approved September being drawn over the coals before 27th ¡850 and acts amendatory, ihe justice. This ruling <>f the board may le etc.” of which section first prescribes a limitation to the time within right and the justice was so far con­ which final proofs may be made, vinced that he ceased to protest and and their rights to donation» of from force of circumstances, and lands perfected by persons claiming illustrations produced by the board lands by virtue of settlement and compelled to acknowledge the wis notification under the provisions of dom of the council, at any rate in the act of congress creating the many cases. The council did not argue that office of surveyor general for the public lands of Oregon of 1850 as the justice bad no right to take rhe line but emphatically had the jus alreadv stated. lice to understand it had the right On condition of the publication | of the notice, it will be s< en that it'and would certainly exercise it to restores l-.i the public doma n all ar e-’, whomsoever it pleased with­ lands so claimed unless the claim­ out reyarding any previous fine or ants shall make and file such proofs punishment. The board in de- a^tiie proper land office before the j cl. ring that fines imposed, as agen- eral thing, were not sufficient to in lst day of January 1896. Persons who clxim such do i i 1 timidate would be bad men, is we t i ns by < ■. set 1.1, devibf. judic •• i hi“!; co; •• t for many are willing sale,or conveyance, in g o f fab , so pay •i 5.1'0 fine for the notoriety from theori^iua’claimam, provid-d of, eing termed “a bad man” and such are the said lands tf July - .¡eh iu 'iv duals should i»e made 26th 1894, and had been 20 years pay dearly for their fun. prior to that time in the quiet ad The Mayor, backed, at least, by verse possession of such persons, i majority of the council were ve- the iss img of patents for such lands ‘ heineiit • in protesting the looseness i- uirhoriz- d upon their making* with which prisoners were generally prwf uf s icii claim and possession handled by our officers declaring tin within th- time prescribed. punishment in nearly every case The object of this provi -Ion is, in to be no punishment, but a picnic addition to the recognition of such tor the offender, running at large cLims, to obviate the necessity ol with an officer at his heels seeing he provi the f ur years continuous is well cared for and gets his drinks 1 sied. then any person living on around, see the inside of the jail. wid lands who hariig exhausted Good thing for a man with noth­ hie lioin-stead right and who made ing particular to do, a friend to look reitleiiicnt prior to January let after his wants take him to his 1?94, and since that used the same meals and see that the bill of fare as a nona fide re.-idence, will be s such as to suit the fastidious I r iii'trd io pn-ciiase at on« dollar taste of the prisoner ami his drinks •a l ;.(fi,tv five cents per acre not | nixed “just so.” This friend is • X'-cdi.g ¡(Jo acres of the land | called a guard, and this liberty is * ' " 1 on >n ,nd occupied by him I called confin moot and punishment pr videi, he shall have filed within tor an » against the whole­ I'inety d ¡vs, from January 1st 1S96, time laws of our state and the good "‘"'e r- gister and receiver of the '•rai ding and safety of its citizens. -'id oiiiee of the district in which ’ th land is situated, his own af > The Portland Sun of the 12th togeih-r with the affidavits : nst finishes an editorial on the °f tno disinterested witnesses, es-1 UbliBhing the fact of bis bcna’fidel Oregonian as follows: The Sun has no desire to gloat twidence and settlement of such over the misfortunes of its adver­ »’’d- Ai«,! the Commissioner of the Genera‘ Land Office has the sary, but it fuels perfectly justified ,0 all,»w contests, to cancel in ejipoiing the contemptible hy­ 1 *'ani’; "hen shown to be inv fid pocrisy manifested by the Oregonian t > ‘>i-|)oiie oi th« la id as a part in its personal attacks upon indi­ viduals who dare thwart its wishes 0 1 puolic domain. and accuse them of methods entire­ ly foreign to their public or private ,J’ * town c«un i| at a nieetir.g |)Ut ln ,1Paue of whiCH ¡t8 »,?wF' ,y » V.- " f^al honorable grand fight made by the “thirty.” I ‘‘»d M, r u'*’ * l,‘*t the council w»t| |,e commended and rewarded, Wr. h‘ tiarrwt "n offender I while the Oreg inian, Mr. Dolph and •ad •M 1,1 r rn ofri‘n”* «Iready the ....... r st of .... the “machine” will be tfthe pea,.,. ,‘11* of the justice again ss justly _ J rebuked as they I were ir. the last legislature. •r | ~A lady ai Tooleys La., was very sick with bilious colic when M. 0. | Tisler, a prominent merchant of the town gave her a bottle of Chamber­ lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy lie says she was well in ' forty minutes after taking the first dose. For sale by druggists. For whooping cough Chamber­ lain’s Cough Remedy is excellent.. By using it freely the disease is de-1 prived of all dangerous conse­ quences. There is no danger in , giving the remedy to babies, as it contains nothing injurious. 50 cent bottles for sale by druggists. $2 $2 Persons who sympathize with the afflicted will rejoice with D. E. Carr of 1235 Harrison afreet, Kan­ sas City. He is an old sufferer from inflammatory rheumatism, but has not heretofore been troubled in this climate. Last winter he | went up into Wisconsin, and in con- ( sequence has had another attack. “It came upon me again very acute and severe,” he said. “Mv joints swelled and became inflamed; sore to fou‘‘h or almost to look at. Up- I on the urgent request of my mother-■ in-law 1 tried Chamberlain’s Pain Balm to reduce the swelling and ease the pain, and to my agreeable surprise, it did both. I have used three fifty cent bottles and believe it to be the finest thing for rheuma­ tism, pains and swelling- extant For sale by druggists. If King Solomon was alive he would now say-. “Go to the travel­ ing man, learn his ways, and be wise.” Mr. C W. Battell, a Cinciri- uatti traveling man representing the Queen City Printing Ink Co., after suffering intensely for two or three days with lameness of the -boulder, resulting from rheuma­ tism, completely cured it with two applications of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. This remedy is gaining a wide reputation for its prompt euros of rheumatism, lame back, sprain», swellings, and lameness. 50 cent bottles are for sale by drug­ gists. is the time to Subscribe for the ¡ -------- . ., I / / «i»' a/ a:i I Kidtvv raeiicine to w’.ii ?a y o u cm pin your fa th for a cur e. Z mild iixi- t v >, a n <1 i ire'v veg- ('Libi?, act- at V * ♦ / r—- ; I» • r • : ' : •> >■ ixZ f i” 1 1. THREE GOOD REASONS. 1ST—II IS ONLY $2 A YEAR, YOU CAN AFFORD TO TAKE IT, in ■ n.i '■?: V. r ?t lid’ll ms T » ’ !*•!; •u-s’ V r I 11 » la I, • ' — I . U ..... . • I’.»er. 1 1 " ca VE A iS,TRADE MARks^r COPYRIGHTS.^ CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT » For . CTJt, TT» ,niJ ■" opinion, writ. tS MINN