could read well a. d was never sea- her in my presence that she was 1 sick. I had often boasted of the the most beautiful woman in Italy Utter fact as fitting me to be a and that he must have her por­ BY MARY KYLE DALLAS. sailor ’s wife, for some day I had trait. A wonderful young artist From The Illuatieted HomeOuest. hoped to sail with Frank wherever who ”-as very fashionable just then Pl* CHAPTER II. he might go, and they said I read should paint it in full length. He Rut after awhile I did open mv -v charmingly. was very expensive, but such a eyes, and it was hard to make me possession was valuable, The price And so it came to pass that I believe that I had beenlyingon mV found myself upon the sea, pleasing did not matter, and so forth, and couch for seven days; for it seemed the lady who employed me very so on to me that I bad been traveling for well; but, oh, bow miserable I was! I could see that Mrs.----- was a long, long while in the strangest I had thought that, loving the water delighted, but she demurred, Sit- wav. tings bored her so, she could as I alwavs had, I should greatly AT THE not I thought that, as I sat weeping enjoy a long voyage. But, alas! endure them. and saying to myself that all was everything had changed; the voices However, she would sit for the over for me forever, I looked up and face, and then if Mrs. Fair would of the sea eternally repeated, ‘‘It is saw an angel standing near me. we who robbed you of your lover— kindly’ wear her dress in the rest of I called it an angel, for it was like I we who hear him in our arms; ’ and the sittings, that would save her the the pictures uf those beings, dressec when I looked into the dark waters fatigue. It is first class in every respect. The proprietor having been raised in snowy robes, and with golden1 I was hired to be useful, and I it was as though I looked inte *u in the business knows just how to conduct it Meat at retail and whole hair and great white wings. | was too much of a woman not to •ale prices You can buy by the quarter, less or more, and at prices ghter, it said, “and "P®11 Br,ive- ‘ Rise up daug __ , ” ___ •s low at you would have to pay ranchers Beef,Pork,Mutton, Sausage come with me, and I will show you However, my fine lady cared lit know that my neck and arms were ,tc- K. A. M atthes , Proprietor. what will give vou hope;” and then lle f°r her companion’s feelings. finer than Mrs.----- ’s. I knew that 1 gave him my hand and I arose,1 Whon 1 looktid well sne merely ex- she knew it also. Mrs.----- sat and in a moment tve were above the a hope that I had not been several times before she called on me to supply her place. Then it world, and I was floating as one mistaken in the idea that I was She had taken was because of certain rehearsals in seasick. may on the water bv yielding to the in the interests o’ some private touch of a good swimmer and doing ladies’ maids before, but they al­ theatricals in which she was to dis­ nothing one's self; and all about rs ways were sick. She had hoped like the T ¡being a ladv, would not play her charms. She had taken a was a strange golden haze, 1__ ,______ sun kliiinng through a morning mist, make rash statements Happily notion to the young artist, and, I until suddenly we were hovering I was not ill during the voyage. i could see, was rather sorrv that she above >,n island where palms grew, Not onlv does misery fail to kill, had made this arrangement, llow- is the whole story and under one sat mv hiwbind. *»ut it often leaves one in good evei, I merely obeyed orders with­ about N ar |>:in crouched a naked savage, physical health for a long while, if out comment, costumed myself in madame’s lace and brocade, threw and a queer little boat lav below in the constitution is originally good, her white opera cloak over my the water. The savage seemed to J My ladv was the wife of the ■»boulders, and was driven to the be friendly, and was beckoning my American consul to----- . She was artist's studio, husband toward the boat, and I a spoiled beauty whom her bus- I TO BE CONTINUED. 111 IVirV^CrPC C°*t* no more thin other package sod*—oevarspolb saw him rise ami walk toward it. band believed perfection—a digni- ¿OHN F. b i KAI TOSS'tf AU flour—universally acknowledged purest lathe world. He bad a bandage alaiut his head, fled, elderly person usually, but she CELEBRATED K-ff^saly ky CHURCH fc CO., Wew Tert. SeM ky gmeers evtrywhert. ami it was Stained with blood. orderpd II.. I ordered bini him about nnnfinn! It was nil folly. Mv Frank ftpant Tabu lit th» Sjrttam »nd Pr»t»rv» th» f/ialth. went down with the wreck of the ‘Dully Fair,’ as thus«- said who saw 1»! EASY TO TAKE, QUICK TO ACT. hiut cl't gmg to the mast—the last1 SAVE MANY A DOCTORS BILL. K'l t by l>r<'itw»• <«■)>*•• »Wr»» ANE HNCYCLCFZDIA FOR 18 95 TMC R'PANS CHEMICAL CO to wear I efore. The Best Reference Bock Printed. 0 'l'"t >” (OfT, NCW VC Troubles never come singly. As though I had d«nr some great wrong A Volume of over 500 pages W fur which I was to la* puniidud tin-1 B It Treats 1,400 topics til I could bear no more, thev fell W Endorsed by STATESMEN, on me in showers My father, who (I EDUCATORS and W hail always been a careful, steady­ STUDENTS everywhere. going man. was jm ran ad rd to spec­ ulate Hr risked his own monev Has Reached Such a State of Per* iK »nd mv liule all «' st in the hope of feet I on That It Is a Veritable ■ making r..e immensely rich. In- Encyclopedia of Facts, Stalls- tics and Events Brought Down < w •I -ad of thia hr hmt everything C<> i * ■< to January First, 1890. The shame and misery thia brought ft Hi* !> 5 HE 1895 volume is a whole liorary kll rd him II«- dropped dead in to M* earth, population everywhere, state and ¿K In the midst of grief for which 1 government statistics, occupations of .* | have no «nnli, I was obliged to men, foreign matters, literature, science think of some mean* by which to and education. It is . . . uppnrt aayarlf I examined the advertieements, as people generally d ■ under such circuntslancee, and finally rveadved to *|qdv for a place secotapanitm with a lady who was postpaid b* mail, • 25 CENTS. atout to *ai| f„r Eunqw She de- Addroaa THS WORLO, New York CHy. < |sired the service« of a lady who The Vision of a Pream. ARA AND HANGER SODA FEEL SICK? O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONLY TEN CENTS EXTRA. S' T § ? AMERICA’S STANDARD YEAR BOOK. <