NO 29 BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. JUNE 19 1895, VOL. VIII. —Roberts Bros, can sell you a Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U.S. Gov’t Report late improved bathtub f«»r the piBLfsHED EVERY WEDNESDAY Vancouver, B. 0. June 10—Mail small sum of$12. advices by the steamer Warrimoo W.C. BYRD & SON. are as follows: Anthrax, a disease i P ublishers and P roprietors . I —W. N. Jorgenson has just re of sheep, is prevalent in some parts ceived a supply of first class violins, of Australia in a most fatal form. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: The disease baffles the doctors, who vio in bows, and a very excellent tìn» Year |2.liu iii Mouth« 1.00 ABSOLUTELY PUBE can find no remedy to counteract selection of violin and guitar Three Months 75 strings . its ravages. HERALD CLUB LIST: I 5,00 Boarding and lodging at Mr and —The Havana press drill for deraid and Harper’s .Magazine... A number of bullocks shipped I 5.20 Jerald and Harper’s Weekly .... NOTICE Mrs. Andersons in the south west sale at the hardware store of (■'. H. 5.20 from Victoria c »lony to England ieraldand Harper’s Bazar.......... Jerald and Harper’s Young People... 3.75 division of our town. Customers Voegtly is a new one. Mr. Voegtly from plueropneumoma -Jerald and Alden’s Manifold Cyclopedia,. .2.90 have died eaeti additional volume after Vol. 1 55 cents: I- h. rehy given to whom it may i can be accommodated with meals offers it for less than cost for cash, on shipboard. ID cent« extra tier volume, postage. concern that the partnership here at all hours and the proprietors because he wants the money. Cattlemen are greatly excited, DF-i’..pie« of all the above works can be ex- I mined at lei«ure in the Beading Room. fearing England will stop all ship tofore existing between W. F. spare no pains to make guests com I —Get one of I. S. Geer A Co’s, Kingsbury and John A. Robertson I fortable and at home. fijFTiitdishers of periodicals are solicited ment. I «send clubbing rates, a copy of their work for fchai. and E. J. Anderson. i I premium purchase tickets. This rar Free Reading R min—w e file and bind the Pilgrams are constantly returning under the firm name <rf Kingsbury alter at close of every half-volume, rod v«v <i firm agrees to give the holder of topiMbv advertisement. from the new Australian colony in i A Robertson it this day dissolved. such tickets a tine life size Crayon - —1 T- — ---- John A. Robertson having re- Paraguay. They say that an at —Mrs. Robert Drink water will Portrait absolutely free of any ADVERTISING RATES: tempt was made to start a modle moved from Harner County. be in our town in a few days with a tFACE J1 wk 2 wk J 1 mo 1 3 mo 1 6 mo |?yr charge, by purchasing $20 worth Dated at Drewsey Oregon, March settlmicnt founded on the teachings first class stock of millinery. She nr-h 11.50 'Jz.50 '$5.00 Js.00 I 'ill.00 »1.1.00 of goods for cash at their store. It 3.00 4.00 6.50 12.0)1 18.00 ! “ 28.00 of Bellamy, but instead the whole 29, 1895. politely requests the ladies of » “ 3.50 5.00 a.00 15.00 "■! OO 4' m is not necessary that the whole W. F. K ingsbury . 4.;?0 u.OO lu.OO 29.00 ' I “ . iX) 5C «.»O I s. ttlemeiit was run by ihe devil. Burns and vicinity, when her stock col. 6.CO J. (X) 15.00 ■2S.0" ! 1- 0 54 ■(.' V ----------- amount should be purchased at one 12.M) ■ 0 2S. 00 48.0 ■ ! SH.-X) 1'20 00 Th ’ suit’ mgs of the members of Y “ arrives, to call and examine her 20.00 tu -4 43.00 60.uO 1 it..'.00 140. Ou time, but any amount from 5 cents . the Australian colony are terrible. —Mrs. Marv Matthes is sole line of goods and prices. to $20 as explained upon the tick I —Statesman. JOB WORK agent in this town and county for a ets. if every description executed with neatness New York firm for the sale of lace, i rad despatch, at reasonable rates. The Colorado Sheep War. window curtains, pillow shams, J’rculsrs, Posters, Pamphlets MUSIC. envelopes, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, portieres, table covers bed spreads i iiatemeuit, Note Heads, WE OFFER. Cards, Tic sets, Having permanenti v located in Hemoranda, invitations. W olcott . Colo.. June4.— Advices and laces, and at prices so low as Dodgers, Etc. Tits H kr ai . ii is kept regularly ou file for re- received today from Hayden’state to as' onisli tl e most incredulouss Burns, will teach music on Piano, Stock Salt at $8.50 per ton sacked!, in’lie Geo. 1’. Rowell Newspaper Ad- WOOL STORED FREE! •«riiiiig Bureau, 10 Spruce st.. New York. that cattlemen and ranchmen, arm Mrs Matthes solicits a call from Organ, Violin and Guitar, M usic R. R. RATES THE BEST! ed and masked, 800 strong, have her neighbors and examination of furnished for balls and parties, terms to suit the times. Can any point offer more? We decided to descend upon the camp goods. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY are the competing point and this is E. A. Scherer. of sheepmen on Eikhead creek. At the place to send your WOOL. daylight Wednesday the sh ep - —M/s. Mur; '*4tth*s Milliner, KATrONAL: e e . President 25 cts rate to Pendietion from here. Grover Cleveland I camp will be visited by a committee has receive«! another supply of Vice-Preeident. Adlai Stevenson 1 .. ■ ’ i-eretary ,,f state “ Boston ‘‘ “ Walter q. Gresham serving notice to move over on the milleiiery goods including hat«, rib A good much belonging to H. G. 1.90 ieeretaryof Treasury John G. Carlisle Mentary of Interior Hoke Smith Snake river divide within six hours. bons, hat trimmings etc. Mrs. Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 I No point can offer better than WNtarv of War Daniel 8. Lamont itcretary of Xavy Hilary A. Herbert At the expiration of that time the Matthesis meeting with success, miles south east of Burns. This i I here. Buyers are here getting wcol. Secretary of Agriculture, .1. Sterling Morton attorney General Richard S, Olney main body will arrive to kill every which proves the quality’ and stvle ranch has about 100 acres of good i Don't overlook your interest in the ’«•tmaster General .. Wilson 8 Bissell sheep in California park.—States of her goods and also her customers meadow land. Price $800 or will above WHICH ARE FACTS. STATE—OREGON : J. N. Dolph man. I Don’t be mi-led bv irresponsible of are satisfied with her prices. Ladies trade for sheep. i J. H.Mitchell. (Binger Hermann B yrd »V K ing . fers—we can duplicate any proposi she solicits your patronage and is longressinen l W. R. Ellis Attornev General Report ol' Destruction Confirmed. . C. M. Idleman very much pleased to have you call Notice Of Dissolution Of Part tion. Send your wool in our care. •vver-.or . . Wm P laird iwreian of state Resp’t. H R Kincaid and examine stock ■NSSUl ■ R I nership. . Phil. Metsi I ihii Shanghai, June 10 — The report •’’I':. Public Instruction . GM Irwin O C. Co., ’ «le Priuter R —John Sweitzer,car pen ter, under Know all men by these presence W H Leeds of the total des ruction of the miss Huntington Ore. i R. S. Beau. •»Mt»» Judge» heretofore I taker and cabinet maker. His work that the co partnership, ., Win. P. Lord ions of Cheng Tu, K ; ating and noi ' F. A. Moore f SIXTH J Il't't’TAI. DISTRICT: Yoachopu has been confirmed. shop is the old restaurant building. existing and known as I). L. and ^«riftJuIge ... date D M. D. CUFFOKi» The local officials refused protection Mr.Sweitzer guarantees his work at \V. II Shirk is this day and James A. Fee. ; '«tr.i t Attorney J. L. Rand to the missionaries until the mob prices to suit the hard times. Cof February 9th 1895 dissolved by ■^it-Keprisentitive *> CUAir IS THE BEST. (R) O. L. Patterson. □ □ Q h UL fit for a king . • <R). consent Furthermore A. W .Cowan had completed the work of demol I fins made to orde*. Will take pro mutual . CORDOVAN, COtNTY—HARNEY : ishing the buildings. The mission duce partlv for work and balance in that each and not one for the other, FRENCH A ENAMELLED CALF. * ..................C. P. Rutherford. ca-h. but each foi himself shall assume 4*3*9 F ine C ali & K angaroo . • (D).. . C. E. Kenjon stations at other places have been *3.50 POLICE,3 SOLES. ■ (R) I. 8. Geer his own obligations and that neith About 20 adults, be —J F. Boyle, photographer, is T. A. McKinuoli threatened $2. workingmen ’« (R) A. Gittings have still here. -EXTRA FINE- A rare opportunity er shall stand as ‘surety for the .(O' 8. W. Miller sides a number of children, K) .C has . Newe 1 »2.$ i ?» boys 'S chool S hoei at Cheng Tu and is presented to all who have not other. In witness whereof we have R J. lvers taken refuge - ladies - (D) I Yamon. Viceroy Lin is blamed 8<-t our hand and seal, this 9th day A. B. Marks I already supplied themselves with ,R> | R. R Sits. for the affair.—Statesman. samples of his excellent work. Re of Feb. 1895 r SEND FOR CATALOGUE LAND office : DEBS’ IM PRISON MET. I). I.. S hirk , seal W-L--DOUG L. AS- member his prices, $3.00 per doz. Thomas Jones BROCKTON, MASS. W. H. S hirk , seal Over One Million People wear the ■ A. A. Cowing for cabinets. He guarantees to Chicago, June 10—Eugene V. W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes SOCIETIES. Debs and other officials of the please even themost fastidious. All our shoes are equally satisfactory «YLVA REBEKAH Degree No. «3. They give the best value for the money. American Railway Union will be They equal custom shoes In style and fit. Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. ■y let and 3d Wednesday. s nt to the Woodstock jail tom )rrow. Administrator's Notice. The prices arc uniform,—stamped on sole. Lucy Rusk, N.G. piXAL PROOF The certified order of the supreme From $i to saved over other makes. I M I. tewia. Rec. Sec’y If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by c<iU't was received here today In ihe matter of the Estate of T. LAND OFFICE AT BURNS, OREGON. “Dealors everywhere The men under sentence are: E. V. Wanted, agent to 11. Glaze, deceased. Mav 21, 1RU5. take exclusive sale for this vicinity. Write I)ebs, G. W. Howard, S. Kelliher, Notice is hereby given that the following Notice is hereby given that the named settler has filed notice of his intention at once. L W. Rogers, James Hogan, W. E mske final proof in support of his claim,and Furns, R. M. Goodwin and Martin undersigned has been unpointed by to that saiil proof will be made before Register and Receiverat Burns Oregon, on June 2N. 1895. the count» court of Harney county Elliott. ”A H onor N o 8 vis J amf . s H. H unt . KF . V 'A.X. Oregon, Sitt’ng in probate, admin Hd. No. 1 for the 8W'4 SE'4 and EU BWU 4th Monday. _ ______ HE', NW'4 See. 35, Tp. 24 8 R 32 E. Mr», Sayer Cor H. istrator of the estate of T. H. Glaze, and - “ -• .r-ttJisM He names the fo lowing witnesses toprove deceased , his continuous residence upon and cultivation 1»O. 77, I. o O F. oi said land.vis: Benton Kmbree.of Burns '»re liuportera nad Whol«M!eDeal»r« In all kind» of All persons indebted to said Estate | Scott Haves, George W. Harkness. Bailey Ball, every Satnrdav Known MUCICAL MERCHANDISE, Hayes, of Lawen Orc. J. C. Wooly N. O. are requested to settle the same Viol! it. Guitar«, Banjo«, Accordtons, Hat muni Everywhere. THOMAS JONES. Register. — " C. Byrd, Seey. I immediately, and those having Sold Everywhere. cut, Lc., kind*«f String«, etc., etc. \\ «’° *. R. F Grown Everywhere. 1 I claim« against the estate will present them to me, at my residence in ot each iT . J H*H. AU Comrade L? urns-Canyon Stage Line Burns, Oregon, with the proper Ask your dealer for them Send for vouches attached,within six months Ferry’s Seed Annanl far T. A. M c K innon , contractor. from the first publication of this L Invaluable to all ptanienand lovers i c. «. MAILS. of Fine Vegetables and BeaatMWI^ riotive. Flowers. WrOeforit Krre.^| Carrying U. S. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express Co’s Express. w * s «- v « li : 1». W Ft ItHJ A to. Dated December 5tb 1894. RrtroK. Ml. t. Stages I/eave Burns daily for Canyon City, and intermediate points, H. K elley , I »ram—ciYOW CITI : I 4<ily . *un(1w< I Administatorof the Estate of T. H. Fare $5. I .eon Brown, Express Agent, 1 Glaze, deceased. Ben Brown, local agent for contractor, Burns Oregon. I •7 raid, AUSTRALIAN ADVICES. i > I I W. L. D ouglas t -s- R rrys 5 eed : 7-e f r--» »