The Herali w KDNKSDAYJ'.’NK12 WV5 __ Register Jones returned last Digest of Land and Mining De­ —Mrs. E. H. Stauffer of Crane cisions. Sunday. Creek, is in town visiting. —The Siletz Indian reservation Furnished by W. D. H arlan , Land I —Ed Jordan will start a butcher and Mining Attorney, Wash­ i shop in Burns on or before the 20th.' is to be thrown open for settlement ington, D. C. of this month. I the 25th ... .............................. of of this month. 4À. the largest CIRCULATION U,!....apAPERINTHI6COVNTY^ J- fteliglo“8 Services. —Wool is selling at from five to eight cents per pound at Pendleton. A Week of Accident. Last Thursday Geo. Williams, a Sunday, of Silver Creek, met with what may —Chas. Peterson, wife and child th. month llb.m- and 7 p. m. prove a fatal accident. His horse 2nd Sunday, 11 a. m.and were in our town visiting several in jumping a ditch fell on him in ?*TsU..r Creek 4th. Sunday i days of the last week. such a manner as to injure him in­ ¡f, m.and 7 p. m _Hamey 5lh —We are sorry to learn of the wardly. Will McKinnon, youngest son ot Snndav H a. ». and i P- m and damage being done to the crops in R. J. McKinnon, on Friday last, Tbu rri«y •' • P' 1,efure *p "t this county, by the crickets. ■ had ahorse to fall with him, catch- ,„d 3rd Sundays. P«i»«n Creek —W. R. Gradon and John Sayer ' ing Will under him i, bruising his a Portland r i Y « as — — representa- . - - — — —- A *-a - 1 nose XTZX W much but no TburrinyatTp. m.afwr 1st. and have gone to face « and very tive« to the grand lodges A. O U. bones broken 3rd Sundays. Jos. Buchanan, on the road from W. and Masons. R ev . G ibson , his home beyond Harney, to Drew- Pastor. —Public school closed here last I sey with a freight wagon and team, Friday, with appropriate exercises - down fix Bom#thi about Local News. Prof. Newell county school superin- [ the JouWe the team 8tarted double trees, the team started up eg ¡ in n pome —Latest style of ladies hats at tendent was present. up and and caugbt caught his his j leg some wav way, , — In some of the eastern cities ■ between the wheel or bed of the eastern prices. J. Duikheimer. people are dying from sun stroke. , wagon breaking it above the knee. Twenty-two deaths were reported We do not know the date of the _ Burns will celebrate. last weekin Philadelphia from heat, accident, but some time the latter —Don’t forget to come to the r partof part of last week Rev. J. L. 1 arnsh father of C j J. q C. Wooley, Wooley, who who left left here here celebration. W Parrish of Canyon City died at 8onie time since for Huntington —Mrs. Gittings is visiting in the his home in Salem on Friday the with a freight team, met with an last day of May. Mr. Parrish was accident. Just before reaching Drewsey country. i I Huntington he was thrown from old. 1 . ,j, , , , —Fire-works, splendid music, nearlv ninety years J this saddle horse and the wagon ran foot racing, and lots of fun at Burns —A very lively time was exper- over him. He was bruised up con- iei ced on the Kickapoo reservation siderably but no limbs broken. on the 4th. At Flinn station, about 6 miles _W. D. Huffman of Diamond on May the 24th the time set for from Prairie City on the Baker- gave us a pleasant call last Sundav. people to enter. There was a man (Canyon mail route, the station >r fa mil ? for every 20 acres. keeper, we did not learn his name. —Julian Byrd arrived t Lis hom> ( bvrt | was killed by a horse last Saturday No n< ws from the mines in Burns, last Monday on the O-B ’ morning. He was holding the the fact that the miners don’t come > stage team, and one of them reared stage. —Hon. A W Gowan ha« gone to to town, indicates that they are im- Up and struck him with one of his proving their time and digging gold I ! front feet, crushing his skull, Portland on business of some nature while the water lasts.—Items. , ----------------------- we did not learn what. a a —Capt. A. W. Gowan will stop over at Baker Citv on his way to Portland and solicit Lawyer Ander­ son of that place to deliver our 4th. of July oration. —Newspapers report, this week, that Mrs. Jim Corbett, wife of the pugilist has sued for a divorce. No cause for a divorce, as yet, made public. — Rev. Gibson a d wife accom­ panied by E B. Reed and family left here last Friday for Baker City to attend the Annual Baptist Asso­ ciation to be neld at or near that place —Nctice the new ad. of J. Durk- burner in tins issue, and remember that there is nothing made by going «wav from home to buy goods, when our merchants offer goods at the prices quoted by Mr. Durk­ heimer. —Chris Lachman is in the lead of anv of our citizens in the garden business. He will haye peas and young potatoes in a short time. Mr. Lachman by industry has im­ proved both in beauty and use his home very much, having the nicest «nd liest finished cellar in town. H. E. Thompson has erected a tower 30 feet high upon which he has placed a xink tank with a ca- iwcitv Jof three thousand gallon« H>»- engine lifts from the well which • 40 feet deep 400 gallons of water •n hour, to th« top of the tank mak­ ing a distance of about 80 feet. The mistake refered to in the ¡«•t issue of the Items regarding the *b«dule of county expenditures published in the E O. H erald , »•«Ung the amount allowed Cha«. • «»ell. fur printing stock inspector’s ’^ees. was 183.90, when he was • actually paid 116.50. The if it was a mistake was not e tn this office, it was published as the copy read we received hr publication. a ARMORY TROOP “A” O. N. G. AORICULTPRAL. On application for the survey j of an Island in a navigable lake in the State of Wisconsin,the adjacent shore owers are not entitled to notice, as under the law of said state such owners are without in­ terest. • A survey may be properly al­ lowed of an Island -in a navigable lake where it appears that such Island was in existence at the date of the original survey, but was omitted therefrom. MINERAL. Notice of application for mineral patent must be posted during the period of publication in the local office having jurisdiction over the land, and in the absence of ■ uch posting a republication must be made in due accordance with the statutory requirements. Notice of mineral application to one of the owners of a conflicting claim is notice to his co-owners in the absence of fraud. A Burns young lady requested to be released from her marriage en­ gagement on the ground that when she contracted it she believed her lover was a “duck,” but had since found him to be a goose —Canyon News. Strayed. From the P. F. Stenger pasture 5 horses 2 gray geldings one brand­ ed 3 on left side 1 gray horse brand­ ed Quarter-circle diamond, 2 brown mares one branded A on left hip and foretop trimed square. A suit­ able reward will be paid for. theii return. FORECLUSURE SALE-. By virtue of a chattel mortgage given by J. II. Howard to Anna W. Sayer, dated the 9th day of Au­ gust, 1892, I will, under the terms of said mortgage, sell to the highest bidder for cash, at Brenton’s livery barn, in the town of Burns, Harney county, Oregon, on the 6th day of July, 1895, the following described property, including in the said mortgage to-wit: About 105 head of cattle and about 50 head of horses. J. D urkheimer , Assignee of Anna W. Seyer, Mortgagee Don’t Tobacco Spit or Smoke ¿Tour Ufe Awty. is the truthful, startling title of a book about No-To-Bac, the harm­ less, guaranteed tobacco habit cure that braces up nicotinized nerves, eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak men gain strength, vigor and manhood. You run no physical or financial risk, as No-To- Bac is sold by druggists everywhere under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free. Address Sterling Remedy Co , New York or Chicago. —Ed Lampshire, a grocery mer chant of Portland, whose parents T roop O rders N o . 5. live 2 miles east of this plaoe, is On the next regular drill day. visiting his parents in company with Mr. Murphy also of Portland. I June 16, there will be target prac- These young men came from Port­ I tice by the troop at the place to be Beware of Ointments for Catarrh land on bicycles, making the trip prepared under the supervision of that contain Mercury, from The Dalles.distance from here , Lt Thompson, who will take full as mercury will surely destroy the 300 miles,in four days. The last day , sull charge of the squad in such sense of rmell and completely de­ they made 140 miles. They left j practice; Lt. Joy will take charge range the whole system when en­ Carl Ceeil’s ranche in the afternoon of the squad remaining at the tering it through the mucous sur­ of the day they arrived here at 10 Armory and exercise them in the faces. Such articles should nev»r minutes after 4 o’clock p. m. and ar­ Manual of Arms. No mounts will be used except on prescriptions rived at Ed’s father’s at 10 minutes be required for the day. from reputable physicians, as the past seven having come the distance II. The Troop will report at the damage they wiil do is ten fold to of 43 miles in three hours. We Armory July 4th., 1895, at 10o’clock hope the boys will enjoy their visit | the good you can possibly derive to Harney county. i a. m., for mounted duty, each troop­ from them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, furnish —We are sorrv to chronicle the I er By to order of suitable horse to ride. manufactured by F. J. Cheney