Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1895)
t — VOL. VIII. BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, JUN F Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report —Roberts Bros can sell you a late improved bath tub for the PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY There are many times, albeit not small sum of $12. BY , characterized by startling frequency w. C. BYRD & SON. when the nerve—the emotional —W. N. Jorgenson has just re P ublishers and P roprietors . nerve—of Macallister cllhennv ceived a supply of first class violins, reasst rts itself, and for the moment vio in bows, and a very excellent SUBSCRIPTION RATES: gives hopes to his friends that he v . .................... >2.00 One } ear ............................ j . oq selection of violin and guitar »ix Months.............. lye will vet storm the citadel of some Three Months............... _... .............................. i strings. e ■------------ ------------- fair maden’s heart and claim it as HERALD CLUB LIST: ■ The Havana uress drill for Boarding an 1 lodging at Mr and Jerald and Harper’s Magazine................. 5,00 his own. The latest recrudescence, ¡Jerald and Harper s Meekly ................. 5.20 south west sale at the hardware store of C. H. Mrs. Andersons in the Herald and Harper s Bazar .. ■, • • • • |.20 so to speak, manifested itself only NOTICE »»raidand Harper s Young People... 3.<5 division of our town, Customers Voegtly i« a new one. Mr. Voegtly SI.nd Alden’s Manifold Cyclopedia, . .2 90 last week. ^eacli additional volume after Vol. 1 55 cents! .aaitiniial volume cents, i can l e accommodated with meals offers it for less than cost for cash, The buoyant and hopeful Mac Is hereby given to whom it may 10 cents extra ner volume, postage. at all hours and the proprietors I because he wants the money. F»-Copie«of all the above works can be ex i had found another sweet creature concern that the partnership here-, »■niued at leisure in the Reading Room. vho had permited him to visit her tofore existing between W. F. spare no pains to make guests com I —Get one of I, S. Geer A Co’s, Publishers of periodicals are solicited after the first call. In that alone Kingsbury and John A. Robertson fortable and at home. I i premium purchase tickets. -fum! clubbing rates, a copy of their work for This Chai, and E. J. Anderson. I >ur Free Reading .. ...... hie and bind the was a certain triumph to which under the fin* name of Kingsbury atter at close of every half-volume, f "d w 11 : firm agrees to give the holder of Mrcallister Mcllhenny was not slow A Robert »on if this day dissolved. .opies bv advertisement. such tickets a fine life size Cravon to respond John A. Robertson having re-1 — Mrs. Robert Drink water will Portrait absolutely free of any I On the occation of which this moved from Harney County. be in our town in a few days with a charge, by purchasing $20 worth ■ 1 wkj 2 wk 1 1 mo 13 mo 16 mo |?_lr chronicle treats, he had tarried un Dated at Drewsey Oregon, March first class stock of millinery. She of goods for cash at their store. It Í1.50I U50 < .>.00 $8 oa j #11.00 V ..ix- 23. ,e til he was in sight of the wee small 29/1895. 3.00 1 4.00 0.50 12 0 1 ! 18.00 politely requests the ladies of is not necessary that the whole 40 IO 3.50 5.CO 8.00 15.00 i 24.00 5:> " I o>ir.', arid >n a wild burst of ent hu 4.50 ».00 li.OO •zö.t-, : : . 00 W. F. K ingsbury . Burns and vicinity, when her stock amount should » be purchased at one K. .. O 6.CO I J. to 1.-..00 28.0v ! -0. O Ill 0 siasm he . d proposed to her, as he 12.00 Í in.'.O 2.S.00 18.0 arrives, to call and examine her time, but any amount from 5 cents 20.00 1 .0." 4 woo" i lrt.00 1-lu.- h..d so many, many times proposed line of goods and prices. to $20 as explained upon the tick —Mrs. Marv Matthes is sole to so many, many other maid JOB WORK ets. agent in this town and county for a ens. )( every description executed with neatneks i New York firm for the sale oflace, ind despatch, at reasonable rates. But the girl resented it as if men Pam phlets ,'ircular», Posters, window curtains, pillow shams, MUSIC. Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, were plenty. WE OFFER. Matemeuts, Note Heads, Cards, Ticxete, Having permanently located in ‘•Go!” she answered him, haught portieres, table covers bed spreads Dodgers, Etc. Memoranda, Invitations. and laces, and at prices so low as Burns, will teach music on Piano, Stock Salt at $8.50 per ton sacked! T h » H erald is kept regularly on file for re ily, ‘go, sir!” ‘en tice, in the Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad- WOOL STORED FREE! She was so radiantly beautiful ‘o as'onisb the most incredulouss Organ, Violin and Guitar, Music wtiaiiu Bureau, 10 Spruce st., New York. R. R. RATES THE BEST! and Macallister Mcllhenny was so Mrs Matthes solicits a call from furnished for balls and parties, Can any point offer more? We dead in earnest, that before she ' her neighbors and examination of terms to suit the limes. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY are the competing point and this is 1 ¿oods. E. A. Scherer. knew what had happened he had the place to send your WOOL. bent forward and kissed her with a national : — AJrs. Mary Matthes Milliner, 25 cts rate to Pendietion from here. ?re»i<lent ....... ...................... Grover Cleveland | loud report. Vire-Preaident. ......................... ............... Artlai Stevenson has j >t received another supply of 1.90 “ Boston “ “ Secretary of State ... Walter Q. Gresham A good ranch belonging to IL G. “Sir!” she exclaimed, with great lecreiary of Treasury ............ John G. Carlisk miilenerv go« - - 1 * including hat-, rib- No point can offer better than Jecretary of Interior..................... Hoke Smith indignation, “ybu Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 have gone toi j«cr»tary of \\ ar .. Dai iel 8. Lamoni Hons, hat trimmings etc. Mrs. secretary of Navy .......... Hilary A. Herbert far.” miles south east of Burns, This I here- Buyers are here getting wcol. wcretary of Agriculture........ J. sterling Mortoi Matthes is meeting with success, Attorney General ................... Riehuro S, Olnet ranch has abou4 100 acres of good 1 Don’t overlook your interest in the “I beg your pardon,” he replied, ’»«master General............... Wilson S Bissell which proves the quality and style W H IC11 ARE FA Crl S. meadow hind. Price $800 or will above non-chalantlv, “you told me to go, STATE—OREGON: of her goods and also her customers Don ’ t be misled by irresponsible of trade for sheep. J. N. Dolph but you didn’t say how far, and senators I J. H.Mitchell. are satisfied with her prices. Ladies I fers— we can duplicate any proposi- B yrd A K ing . (Binger Hermann went.” congressmen .. .. (W. R. Ellis she solicits your patronage and is' tion. Send your wool in our care. Attorney General . But it availed him not. He had < . M. Iillenian "overtior . very much pleased to have you call1 Notice Of Dissolution Of Part Win P Loro Resp’t. iacretary of State lacked the I HR Kincaid the courage, but he Treasurer k nership. and examine stock . Phil. Metsehai O C. Co.. »npt. Public Instruetlou once more .............. GM Irwin strategic quali'y, and 'tale Printer i; Know all men by these presence W H l.aeds I Huntington Ore. —John Sweitzer,carpenter,under-| he found himself an emotional J R. ' Wm. 8. P. Bean. that the co partnership, heretofore blpreiua Judges Lori wanderer upon the face of the cold taker and cabinet-maker. His work ’ F. . A. Moore existing and known as I) L. and SIXTH Jt'IlICIAI, district : repellent earth — Detroit Free shop is the old restaurant building. Ji«rietJuye.................... D ... M. D. C liffor .. W. IL Shirk is this day and date Mr.Sweitzer guarantees his work at ayriet Attorney” . . '“Tu iU«! Press. February 9th 1895 dissolved bv prices to suit the hard times. Cof mutual consent Furthermore . CORDOVAN, fins made to orde»*. Will take pro Durrant's Trial. FRENCH «.ENAMELLED CALF. that each and not one for the other, COIMTY—HARNEY: duce partly for work and balance in 4.$3.s° F ine C alf &K angarkl oocty j nige • • C. P. Rutherford. but each toi himself shall assume lerk * 3.5_0 POLICE.3 SOLES. ca-d:. case (!>).. c. E. Kent on San Francisco, May 28 — The _____ j treasurer (R) ’ ~ * ’ bis own obligations and that neith- I. S. Geer turrevur $259*2. V/ORKINGIW- T. A. McKinnon of Theodore Durrant, charged with lheriff. —J F. Boyle, photographer, is er shall stand as (R) .... A. Git tin gy ’ surety for the Assess,>r 8. W. Miller the murder of Blanche Lamont and still $2>l.75B0YS’SCHGCtSH0EX L “lit here. A rare opportunity other. In witness whereof we have • C has . Newe 1 ‘took Inspector ■LADIES" Williams in Emanuel is presented to all who have not R J. Ivers Minnie set our hand and seal, this 9th day ‘>mm isvioners (D) t A. B. Marks church, has been assigned to Su already supplied themselves with ,R' S R. R. Sitz. of Feb. 1895 perior Judge Murphv, before whom samples of his excellent work. Re harney r. S. LAND office : I). L. S hirk , seal register . BROCKTON,MA3.S. will be arranged next member his prices, $3.00 per doz. Thomas Jones Durrant Over One Million People wear the Awtivjr W. H. S hirk , seal > •..• A. A. Cowing Wednesday. The work of theffor cabinets. He guarantees to W. L. Douglas $3 &, $4 Shoes detective department is completed All our shoes are equally satisfactory SOCIETIES. They give the best value for the money. and the case is pratically ready to please even themost fastidious. They equal cuator.i shoes In «tyle and fit. ' a rebekah Degree No. »3. Durrant’s I proceed without delay. I Th-ir wearing qualities are unsurpassed. •"'in 1st and 3d Wednesday. The prices are uniform,—stamped on sol«. attorneys say they will not only Administrator’s Notice. piNAL PROOF Krom Si to S3 saved over ether makes. Lucy Rusk, N.G. 1 If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by —M L Lew!«, Ree. Sec’y. | prove their client’s innocence of the murders, but will show who the “Dealora everywhere Wanted, agent to In the matter of the Estate of T. LAND OFFICE AT BURNS, OREGON. take A O v- ».Burns Lodge, No 47 real murderer is.—Capital Jour- exclusive sale for this vicinity. Write „ t Mnv 21, 1895. H. Glaze, deceased. •«Tery 2d «nd 4th Thursdays. Notice 1« hen by given that the following at once. nal. H M Hórton, M. W. Notice is hereby given that the named «eitler ha. filed notice of hin intenti.m ’f1l" "upport Of hlH Claim,and — J- W Saver, Rec'd undersigned has been appointed by that paid proof Vr,H will be made before Register TTIE STHATTO-i Debs Will Be Tried. »eeu\\-e* ’AlA ”',îi0R Lodge, No. 8 the county court of Harney county ""«■ ! AM e T i lln"' Oregon’ 0,1 Jun® I«». Hd. No. I for the SWU SE'i and FU swi r M ‘>"1 Uh Monday. Oregon, Sitt’ng in probate, admin and B and I msthume ?; t 3 HEU NW>4 8er. 85. Tp. 24 H R 32 E ’ * — M ra, Sayer c of H. istrator of the estate of T. H. Glaze, Uni Washington, May 27—The ..Ile,,»i'«'»the folowing witneai«-« to prove WilleloiK.ur HEXT PRESIDEKT , ?" '^t OddLr^K’ S0- O O F. Tvaldence upon and rnltivation ~O’w’ ’•"* C*mp,b,Bpu,. ted States supreme court today deceased. of aaid land,viz: Kenton Kmbree.of Buri,« Ore £ wffW”‘nr wpeeral lor |Sr> • *’ H"rkl11”* eIIow* Hall, every Saturday, denied the application of Eugene V All persons indebted to said Estate I H.jÄen'oS* „T™ JOHN F. STRATTON! J. C. Wooly N. G.’ Debs, the strike leader, for a writ are requested to settle the same THOMAS JONES, Register. By iti, Sec y. of habeas corpus This is a victory immediately, and those having NLW ‘>O8T **• O. A. R. claims against the estate will present for the government. 1 ’peHow?’ i?rVi,ne,<1ay of each them to me, at my residence in r’”'i•’•tn1ingiilvitvJ H*H- All Contrada Ëurns-Canyon Stage Line Burns, Oregon, with the, proper vouches attached,within six months T. A. M c K innon , contractor. from the. first publication of this °- S. MAILS. Carrying U. 8. Mail, and Eastern Oregon Expreea Co’a Eapreaa. notice.» —y a i » . rr T**<n^Jepart«d«ny, Dated December 5th 1894. Imr^rwr. nd Wk Dn)*ri Is all kledi - f Stages Leave Burns daily for Canyon Cilv Mrt»*te<ír¿ZL2Á7yo» city : H. K elley , Fare $5. ? ?/’ d ,ntermediate points. MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, ^parudaliy. except Snn<1.T VWIirt, Guitar«. Banjo«, AecortJeoni. Harnwni. Administatorof the Estate of T. H. Po. n , , ,j€on Brown, Express Agent taa, rll kind«of 8trine», etc., etc. Glaze, deceased. Ben Brown, local agent for contractor, n g X Ti? H??V I- HE HAD COURAGE. Royal ABSOLUTELY PURE W. L. D ouglas S3 SHOE,!™,^. 1 ’ Burns Oregon.