< t Ba WUT’VW Wi Mffií' <^ * I K Business Locals NOTICE. Mi'MY A d VAV i d ON Wool - I have money to advance on wool at the pr -sent time, or at any time be fore delivery Sacks and twine fur- —School books at the drug store niebed. Wool can be deliver. 1 at .............. Baker City or Huntington Oregon. •f II. M. Horton. Addres. Maavix S wokts , —School lx*oks and stationary Baker Citv, Oregon. •heap for cash, at thr> Hardware •toreofC. IL Voegtlv. WANTED. Agents to sell our choice and har — Don’t forget Henry Cheatham bar her, desire* a part of your j»at- dy Nursery Sux-k. We have many new spc. ial varieties, both in fruits ronage, at the new barber shop. and ornamentals to offer, which are —55'ho said you couldn’t get a controlled only by us. 55’e pay good flavored cigar in town for five commission or salary. 5Vrite us at cents? ( ail at the City Drug Store once for terms, and secure choice and inquire. of territory. M ay B rother », Nurserymen, —Cha* 5’oegtly offer*a Havana* Rochester, N Y. pre»* grain drill at less tbun coati fur cash. • For Sale Dr Trade. Is Your HOTEL. BURNS. Blood Pure” - If it is, you will be strong, vigorous, full of life and ambition; you will have a good appetite and good digestion; strong nerves, sweet Bleep. But how few can say that their blood is pure! How many ¡x-o, 1« are sufering - - - OREGON MR T. M. A MRS. E. E. BRITTEN, P roprietors This large and comfortable hotel is well furnished and the pn.jirfo. tors use every effert possible to make their guests feel at home DlCKMJy buruium, naiv rnr.!”t, inr.imax.o* --- 1 caturrh, nervousness, sleeplessness, and ThatTI.-ed Feeling. b, . ti|neg Buppiie(] wif}j everything the market, at- Hood’s Sarsaparilla purifles, vitalizes . 1 f ■nd enriche* the blood. Therefore, it is lords. the medicine tor you. It xx'll give you pure, rich, red blood (-;jve Burns a call and sve feel assured vou will continue to be and strong nerve*. It xi.il o.'T -.ie that tired feeling, jjq guest when in town. er-ite a i «-'pelLe, p'v* refreshing sleep ■nd inase jou strong. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is tho Only True Blood Purifier Prominently in the nubile eye todav. E. B. and C. D. R oberts . Tinners, Plumbers, <fc Electri cians. —Builder* toolsand all kinds of after-d ti’ r ¡ I and —100 acres <>f fine fruit land in I • J r\ S I 1113 » the fatnllv caJ .u-tiC« - <* building hardware at the Burns > 10 acre lots 5 miles south of Eugene hardxvare store, at bottom prices Oregon, 1 mile we»t of Spenser for cash. Butte. Lot* at $400 each Ilorse» On the corner next to Armory Hall Burns, Oregon. —Th«- Haloon, in th« new hotel ; and cattle part pay on rach lot. if TOSSORIAL PAKLOR, I All work in their line done at very reasonable figures and guaran building. Richardson and Stephen* the purchaser so decires. For fur- ROBINSON A WALTON I proprietors, ia nicely furniehed and ther information inquire at this I teed to be first class. It* customers ia given the best otlice. P roprietors , I brand* of liquors and cigars. A »1 a i % *• J. • tt •» I > I ar • < t«'r*y *• i«» •* •1 ' 'thi’ gin (heir line guaranteed —Subscribe fur the Portland AM OLD AND W ill F kikd RtWKDY. —.Mm to Lc done satisfactorily. *\ 55’eekly Sun only $1 a y,-ar. This Wfndglow'« StMithin« *vru|> hn» been used for ovtr fifty yrar« bv inlUlu doitR «tfnitdiipr« for their u bllr teething, ’X, *hh perfect «tier paper should l>«> encouraged, for tin- rblldrrn Ilt'MithtMi the child. • i [W. E. G race ’ s old stand ] Bathes at all hours. aim pi* reason it j* truthful andl^"-JM:i an<| in the bew! rem« — I»''-VW. it ■ ■ ploatMtit to the t*Me newsy. by bruMici« R i»> t-s vry p«irt .1 f I he w«. • I. J< ri es "Ed”wards. I H<»ld Proprietor. C Worthington Tweiit) flit*, (tiltin'' ■tile t« vnluv it invn 3 ■bl«-. I«« aan . yforfi . — Lee CuldwelB* sahxin which) SooitihiK Syrup *u<l mke ti<> of her kiti. * ^iDEALER IN a ^ j R- il E-t.ite. Life and Fire insur wm closed for a few dajs, prejtara DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONARY, DYES, PAINTS, PERFUMES anee. Collections a Specialty. lory to making «<>in.. improvement»' TOILET ARTICLES, AND NOTIONS. Rl’RNS. and other arrangement*, is now' OR kg > n A it: : 1'” of School Book8 and School Supplies. Confection- Hl. i* is very thankful tu | bV him ha* gaim«i f.«r the Dr. op'-n ne i Nuls anil fruits. ' ! g “ reputation ‘ hi- frirmis friends fur p i-t p Promi.G-' 1 ' istii Gil O. S. SIZEMORE, 1 orders promptly filled. «nd his adopting n <- hm | i , -t. iii | Sujierfluou* h»i . sir remove I p< r- ATTORNEY. is nut intend. <1 us any reflection X ........... ............. OlII’OON on hi* customers who have muncntly, instantaneously, without i* I an•( bii'ii1. 'M. .in<{ tn«'«' patronised him heretofore, but cash pain, by Electro Chemical Fluid. 1-r | r< Hl).tlV .«.tended to. ia Iiece*snrt to the l:le of hi* busi- In order to prove superiority, we he*s. and he faisitivt ly want* one will for next 'Ht day* send sample and all to understand he will not iH.ttlc and testimonials free, on re The r< i't change made by th» I . V - Bur s daily at 6:30 p m . cte«lit any one Arrives at Ontario in 42 hour* ceipt of nineteen cents to pay |s>st N< X* York W< « Iclv ,r|d in ¡; issu I — W -------- , age. Electro chemical Co., 2.'» East ing two pajw rr i .*•< • k in p’ac- • • f Oil- Fare One way $6.00. Round trip $11.00. A Woman H ho 55 ill 55 ork 1 Illi St. New 5’otk. is me ting with great favor The penpl • appr. -iate the chang 55 5 N BED in *v<-r\ county to n- Through freight 3|cts. a pound. Sometime ago I w as troubled with and are taking iuiv.mtag- of it. troduce the Celebrate«! ' ''IIx ‘ g.-ia" an attack ut rheumatism. I used T ' o d ivs notice at any P. O. on the route and covere 1 coaches >\ii I n « t j> . i ‘ i ■ < 11<-> j ,f what i > up 55 ai*t* *br all ag. x This Ibis i xx ns* Eliamberluiu’s Fain Balm ami xvas <’ fern -I: <1 for p issangers. 11. A. Williams. Proprietor. •ti|«-rr«le* the cor»et. ami has re-j c nnpleti ly / cured. I have »¡nee on in the world and particularly in crived the unanimous approval of advised many of my fricn Is and your own country, Congo** is now in Beasi >n. Every movement 1 A custom* r» to try the remedy and to Al «rev. Anv energetic woman can sja.uk highly of it. Simon Guida will be of the gr atr*t interest. make from lift to $50 weekly. bnum. San l.uis Rcy, Cal. For K ep abreast ofthe times by r ad . tbe TWICE-A-WEEK F. ml for circulars and term* sale By 11. M. Horton 55 ORI.D—two papers a week —104 HYGKIA m eg CO.87S St., New 5 ■ It paper* a tear for only $1 (X). Manu acturer Arr/tngvmet t« lura br<h i ii.a Arare & Sbe-, - iron Good By wuich we can furnish this p r uybiuiMii «v surgeon. and the Twi.. _.\v, ,’K v, ■ Schools U tent ion. ALSO DEALERS IN 1 A graduate of the Iowa Stale World tat h for $2 25 a ve*r. Notice ia hereby given that I am University and College of Phyai- advantage of ;hi* ofi. r and get , HARD- PXIMT vour own local p*p r H,„j the imw projMtred to exchange the f«»|. | ciana and Surgeon*. Twice a W. k World at this *p al lowing Ifo.-k* which have boen WARE OIL Otlice at rvaudvt in Burn*. rate. adapted fur the following »ixvrar* T he H erald . S’JPF.HIOR GLASS >> . kt Price Maxwell* first Ifook in Engiiah .25 DOORS "’hi. ,*t Be.\-kiil. X y \Ir Ò i U V L D Introductory Fug Gram. 30 A. Scrivt n, a prominent manuf ict Advanced •• •• •• .35 & WIM ur. r.if New Y .rk Citv, purch;w.«i 1 aterman* Civil Government .4M . 9 ( a Mlle of Cbambrrlain’a Cough A. C. 5VOWTH1NI.TON. DOWS Reme.ly. Such good result* w. re ammunition ¿ 1^.1.151’ 5' KRr « Roi k’vuJ TINWARE, GRANIT obuine*! from jti Ist Reeders at \ -, , . \ mk . U? GL ass " ’ ARE GARDEN SEED8, FAR back tn the <lrug R i»t from whom he 2 Yet* «« itid. had obuhwd H for two more M 40 > UNDERTAKING GOODS »« 3d. He* of th* **llie »emedv. 55 hen 55 •« f* Art* * •« 4th. you have a rough or cold give this NO M 5t h fl OQ propamtion a trial and like Mr S*-rite„ y„u Bl|l wan| -t wh n Monteith* Elementare Geography STORE. 3nviis Ontario Stag© Lino 1.1. SEER i EO. 6 Act* Monteith» Comprvhr naive Geography II 25 Clark* Normal Grammar MVts Sill* Grammar «Aeta Alni a'l etlw-r • c I h «»| l.<<vk* in prcpoet « and aflcr tht* «late 1 will »eil aeb«»d K«ok* at llw ahove prirr* for caah and f«»r cash oolv. Order* hy mail promptty aiu-nted Io. Daled thia l*t dar ut March Invt C If 5’V HOTLY lit* need of ,iHh a niedjclne h a remedy of great worth and merit C* nt boule* foraafo bv H M Horton. Proprietor ii «... , ’, 4. I KKk.*T KICK», CMYw* « TV». 111 ks j B »IGCt*. ***** Biggs ATTORNEY.AT.LAW. 0^MC<n*<nCUr .„j Rumt <—^»DKAt.taa i.x. xrFWlN18, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINE-* 11 NEID. DIAMOND DYES. CHOICE PERFUMER FAN i \ TOILET ARTICLES,TOBACCO,CIGARS ETC. S & Liqucrs for Medical ••"Pmeription. aeenrauly commanded. Í irei Cla«» I>-nUI Work Don» Purposes