—Hanley Bros, in the last 7 or 8 divorce granted and plff. awarded _ months have marketed about 1700 the custody of the minor children and other relief as prayed for. head of beef 6teers. w IDNX8DAYMAY»18P». Anna Robertson Plff, vs John A. = l —The Hon. W. R. Ellis, con­ Robertson Deft, divorce. Contin- gressman of this district is decided- | -3 LARGEST CIRCULATION of in session six dav6, and dur-1 tached property U I 3.25 “ 5.50 Coaper ring our Ks ion, have found and re- W. A. Olden plff., John of last we< k. I turned to the court two true bills I et a]8 Deft’e. continued —Every possible effort is being land that in addition thereto we Ah QUon Plff. Sworts and Miller made by the goluites, to H duae the I have invt Migated a number of ____ other' _ , , . ,, people to swailow Carlisle s English j eharge8 and complaints that have , Deft s., continued for term. financial doctrine. . , , . - 1 W. H. Mahon Adms. Plff. vs. A. been made ■ before us. We ha ve also visited the offices • Sittings, Deft., judgment for Deft. —May the 24th., at Memphis, E. B. Hanlev PlfT. vs. Chas. Nel­ k Congressman Bryan tore the speech of th County C1 erk Sheriff. Treas- of Mr Carlisle made at that place, son Deft., cortinued. to tatters. Mr. Bryan did not leave urer and also the County Jail and Thos. McCormick Piff. vs. M. H.; a single thread of Carlisle’s gold find the same in good condition Brenton Deft., judgment of Jus-. standard effort, but utterly annihi­ and neatly kept. tice ’s court set aside. lated the whole fabric. ‘ We have not had the opportunity Jas. F Mahon Plff. vs. P. L. S. | —D. M. McMenarny, who took I f°r lack °f time to examine neither Co. Deft., dismissed. to market three car loads of beef I have we specialknowledge necessary steers, a short time since, returned . to a correct examination of the books r H. Ruppin Plff. vs. Bailey and last Friday, lie sold his steers at of accounts of the various ceunty Johnson Defts , judgment for Plff. Huntington and is very well satis­ Abner Robbins Plff. vs. John offices, but have heard no com­ fied with the price paid. plaints as to the management of Robertson Deft , judgment and or­ —Frost recently in several states the financial affairs of the countv. der for sale of attached propertv. of the Union has done great damage,. We hatfe concluded our labors and .John Muldrick Plff. vs. John The damage to crops, vegetables return thanks lo your Honor and Robortson Deft, judgment and or-' i and fruit can hardly be estimated, to the other officers of the court for der for sale of attached property hi the state of New York, in i the courtesy that has ever been ex- A. ' W. vs. - v-hae. Chas. A w' Waters walers Plff. 1 vs many places, frost was half an inch i tended to us during our, session, _ewi,t a,‘d Uulu Dewitt Defts., ¡j thick. and for the facility with which the judgemnt and order for sale of at-1 vjl/GJOOX it* lauuivy nun wniuii me j* ° Mrs. Thos. Jones, wife of our business of this term of court has I tabbed property, H- Voegtly Plff. vs. Peter F. ¡and office Register left Sunday thus far been conducted, and most > t evening on the Ontario stage for respectfully ask to be discharged'’ Stenger Deft., continued. - Kentucky her native .state to visit for the term. John Roberts 'Plff- ve. J. w. ' m » J t ames ------ , Shown Deft., verdict for Deft. the scenes of her childhood. Mr. T. B. J, Durkheimer Plff. vs H. C Jones accompanied her as far as Foreman. Ontario. Levens Deft, demurrer to complaint s % overruled. < -New goods arrived at the John , Circuit Court Proceedings. j W. A. Olden, Appellant vs. Lin- »on Cash Store on the 27lh inst., > I nie J. Walton, Responent Cause EQUITY DOCKET. i nsisting of cashmeres, challies, I dismissed. lawn and serge. Also Ladies and' May 25, C. H. Stutter Plff, vs CRIMINAL DOCKET. * l,9ei oxford ties. Ladies of John J. Mahon etals Deft foreclosure State of Oregon vs. John E. ”‘rn* and vicinity are invited to mortgage, default entered and Roberts, Deft. Libel, sentenced to call, see goods and get prices. cause continued for the term, as toi pay a fine of $250, in default of nen you .earn the prices we know the other Defts. you wifi buy E. B. Hanley Plff vs Chas Nelson ’ paynient t0 be imprisoned in the „ _ . . . . . rnnrifv ini 1 not county jail not tn to avnnnzl exceed 19K 125 days. I E li J ohnson . Deft injunction continued. State of Orpgon vs. John E. Rob-1 Peter French PUT, vs Thos. Sea­ erts. Libel, dismissed. The colony of four hundred State of Oregon vs. Chas. Newell,: located in Payette Valley, ward Deft, injunction, cause con­ tinued. Libel, fined $100, in default of pay­ 18 called New Plymouth, ment confined in county jail not to | A. Newberger and M. Wright and 1 » headed or fathered bv Will- J. Wright Pliff. v. Ira J, Boyce,' eXC?dJifty. State of Oregon,. E S,"Vthe. Mr. Smythe says e are multitudes of people in 1 et als Deft., injunction, continued, guilty> fined |25O. in default con-' G. W. Anderson plfl, vg J. H.I fined in county jail not to exceed * fast anxious to come t ai — t Jordan and John Ivy deft, refree i125 days locate \v i. Iw.«nJ *Wg. CO“r,l'y case case in in me the nanus hands oi of Thos. Jones. •* think • l3t POTne l’m® a°d Report of refree filed. . To be decid - 1 ln the near future, will be edin vacation. Attention Harney Post No. 48. for ,hat it r,.||v ‘ Baker City National Bank Plfl’ On May 30, 1895 Harney Post •orlh It I u,„ I*ing situated so far v’ Wm’ B,actl et als Foreclos No. 48 G. A. R. will assemble at the ure of mortgage. Court finds $100 rr):" the R. — R is a - great - obstacle T ” . ™ to M. E. Church in Burns at 2 p. m. as a reasonable atty’s fees. devel 'opement. But **»»•••/ Harney Orofino uronno Casebeer vaseoeer PlfT, rin, vs Chas. for the purpose of observing Mem­ deal be 01081 aMure