*4 Dixon’s line.” Camps were called upon to sub scribe to the monument fund. WEDNESDAY MAY 29 18'5. Dr Ch»cini’s Electric Spavin _ Robert E. Lee cam p, of Richmond, Cure positively remove« Bone Spa'- in. Ringbone, Splint or Curb in 4 ~Hon^Henrv Blackman, collector headed the 1st with $1000 and in a hours without pain. $ »'>0 -e«ard of interna] revenue, has been in- few minutes $10,000 had been add- failure or slightest injury The greatest wodder of the Nineteenth strut ted to discontinue work on the ed to the fund.-Statesman, Century, astonishing as it does the tax returns, and to forward all rec CoryBlliB, Or. 21—William Uhl- •mtire veterinary world. Circulars ords. papers and returns relating to AT THE man, superintendent of the Coast and testimonials free. I>r Guy the income tax to Washington. | he cinu 378.Canol St N> w N ork. Carriage <fc Wagon Company, who The income tax has been decided six moths ago arrived from Moline, » i unconstitutional, and it probably jy . an(j was foj]owo<j two Weeks « » compels ai. extraordinary session ago by his family,committed suicide » t of congress to devise means to today by strangling. When found t t raise the taxes provided for by the lying on the floor, there was a three- È income tax. Senator Morgan Bays s:x-teenths cord twice around his to the per*in subniHtlnx the ‘ The decision leaves the taxing neck and tied to a waterpipe four mont meritorious intention »? •luring tbu i’O i •••Un* “"‘.'S'Ufl powers of the government in a state feet above, which held his head and Wlf SB* L'HB PATh.NT* FOH INVKNTORS. mil the -> of a wreck. It will require a long shoulders suspended. He had been of this off- r 1» to en- J object counure per»ons of an invent time for us to gather up the frag dead three hours. I ive turn of minil. At •*: th« 1 Mine time we wi-h to lmpri =- i t t ments. The principles of taxation I Broken cords scattered about in the fact that :: I i which were considered well settled SCHERER’S ORCHESTRA, CONSISTING OF MIJBIC BY dicated that several attempts at It’s the Simple, < are torn up by this decision . ’’ i selfdestruction had been made. Trivial Inventions ( VIOLIN. PIANO, CORNET. ANI» TROMBONE An exchange says: “ That a Desponde. cy on account of business That Yield Fortunes ; number of the ladies of Colfax are troubles is supposed to have been —»uch a. Do Long'« Hoo1« and Eye. "See that Hump. • , riding bicycles,dressed in bloomers,1 the cause of his unbalanced mind. "Safety Pin." "Pig« iu Clo > and thev make a pleasing appear — Portland Sun. ver.’’ "Air Brake." etc i ■ V Almost • very on« c> ncelv ance. We knew that the bloomer| a bright Idea at »nine time or Latest and best Munie of the season. Grand March at 9 o’clock I other. Why not put it In i>nu- craze had struck Colfax, but we Ileal uae? YOVK talent» in n Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Ito In thia direction. M;iv were not aware that the bicycles Di n't sharp. Supper will l»e given at the Magnolia Restaurant, opposite I k Idle Away. make your fortune, vbynot , I were wearing them.’’—Scout. tryt :: a :: » "■ Postoflice, Main Street. is the truthful, startling title of a »> t WWrite for further information and . mention tins paper. D The following agricu'tural item book about No-To-Bac, the harm Jt THE PRESS CLAIMS CO.;: is now going the rounds: “When a less, guaranteed tobacco habit cure young man tells his best girl that that braces up nicotinized nerves, Philip W. Avirctt, Oen. M«r., W W he is a regular self binder, th »ugh eliminates the nicotine poison. 61H F Street, Northwest, P he may be only a rak»1. he droceeds makes weak men gain strength, WASHINGTON, D. C. W to binder in his embrace, and she, vigor and manhood. You run no tW"Thr responsibility of I..- >I inf any (♦ may lie iudg< l by 11.» '».t tlrni it, *♦ instead of being disgusted, calls for »t.H-k 1» held by ovn oi.» tl.«.u«ati I 1 ! physical or financial risk, as No-To- • d the lending newypatwi» It. tin* »1 mower.” I'nlteU Staten. Bac is sold by druggists every where Mr. J. E. R igon and Henry under a guarantee to cure or money Address Canady, of Burns, llerney Couty refunded. Book free. Sterling Remedy Co , New York or were in our city last Thursday and Chicago. Friday. Mr. Ragon is an old ac quaintanee of Rev. J R. N. Beli Beware of Ointments for Catarrh and superintended the first building that contain Mercury, he had done in Roseburg. Mr Ragon helped do some building in as mercury will surely destroy the Baker just nineteen years ago this sense of rmell and completely de month. These gentleman repirt range the whole system when en I, business fairly prosperous in their tering it through the mucous sur- fac«s. Such articles should nev- r -t'ction —Baker City Epigram. OF HARTFORD CONN. oe used except on prescriptions from reputable phtsicians, as the 1 he Dulles Mountaineer says: ) In the iqqier country thev are kill damage they will do is ten fold to mg squiriels now with lice. Thev the good you can possibly deri* have tried to give them the email from them. Hall’s Catarrh C , The largest company in the world writing l>oth life and accident insurance. pox and other contagious diseas s. manufactured by F. J. Cheney A but it tail 'll. Finally they import Co., Toledo, O , contains no mer- ed a few lousy squirrels, and m»M ury, ami is taken int rnallv, act where there used tube twtnty there ing dir.vtlv upon the blood and mu is but. one. 1 he lice seem to eat cous surfaces of the system. In the n up alive. Those caught in miying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure traps are lousy and as lean a« a I you get the genuine. It is taken HON MOGAN G. BULKELEY, P kkmipknt match, and are more dead (han id ter n al y and ig made in Toledo. J. C. WEBSTER, J. i._ ENGLISH, »live. It seems to be sure cure, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Tes- Vira EarmnaMT. S kcrktahy . »nd are more dead than alive. It timonials free. G. W. Rl'SSEL, M kdicai . D ihkctok . seem.« to be a sure cure, and the f WS >ld by Druggists, price 75c. ASSE TS, January 1, 1895, • . $42,052,Ilk» 44 LI ABILITIES, Jan 1. 1895, . . 35,500,063 21 time will come when they will sell I per bottle. SURPLUS, Jan. 1, 1895, . . 6,552,108.23 squirrel lice over the counter in r » drug stores as they now sell bird W ’ * . . t « CBLF.BR» seed Thp. ïï?nll A Wonderful GRAND BALL ¿rmcry fiali, Burns Oregon. $100.00 Given Away Every Month □ /ETNA LIFE 1NSUANCE COMPANY. I n» .E tna I. ifk I nbi han . k C ompany , with well invested assets exceeding $42.000,000, and surplus cv»»r lt>. an.» tiuu, and withover forty-flve years' ex|>erience, oilers special advantages in Lifi Term Endowment, and Accidnt Insuranc. CONFEDERATE REUNION. VJIAWDOL1MS, Hol stox . Tex., May 26—At the confederate reunion Uwiav, General mnt ‘ ° ’ report ‘»f’^com- n Hteeen the Iuvis monument fund. L . .’h. U‘rr’* on h^d was •howntobe $23 6x1. R„ hr j V>rttmu’ the1 ,lgh’i,,g PWO" ‘f k "»», made a rousing speech n"e .?Ori|Ofthei n.‘onu“'*nt move m«nt In conclusion, he said- “Let of lhi. Ita raUs trr low, r than iihm C oom pa ni»« It has daring the (mat twenty years given to ita insured con We f„„gh, f,.t atanlly increasing dividend»-—uniform rwaults given by no other I .if» Inaurane« Company. pnn«.pl,i ghl T hb .Era a I. ifb ad bere» et net I y to us charaetenetice of rigid »conoaay, abaolut« security, prwinnt i>*v lb-n: w. know th« ,e ..... righl tuei t »f claim*, and fair dealing with all. It give« the beet poaeibl« »esulta under ita policies. th« re no» So. Joni .„,1,^, go ,w noth|ng valuable in th« business th« .E tna luta dure uot furnish. lJ** 1 Import»»» of .nd Wholesale Dealers in »11 kind» MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, Bll.813.815.817 Eaat OthSt. New Yof’ THE STRATTON ¿J B and I nstruments C3 WUl.hawSKXT PBEMDOT W» «->• to 'n—. ROW Barato Ca-.oo'»» or««» . oocmi -it .trt-r----- tor •• « —— »- r.ui r— JOHN F STRATTON .».vraerm« .'OHM F. STRATTON CTLEnnATKD • rrl.lli.,u. •**«•>. 1 am no nb.1; tr r, r,riK . '-'-I. io, h- f..Uih, ,ni„„ con M L LEWIS. JfüY F. STilTTOJ he .ould h.„ Rowden» Agent. Burna. Oregon .1 . e hwgh! >.e,Ul li,hc«,„il„lio„. |f w ’- •«■>»» w. north ot Maw. and