NOTICE. Business Locals. Is Von 41 Blood Pure ? F* M oney A dvanced on W ool .—I have money to advance on wool at the pr -sent time, or at any time Ire- fore delivery Sacks and twine fur­ —School books at the drug store nished. Wool can be delivered at I Baker City or Huntington O.egon. •f H. M. Horton. Addres, M eicvin S wokts , —School books and stationary Baker City, Oregon. •heap for cash, at the Hardware •tore of C. H. Voegtly. i WANTED. Age.its to sell our choice and har­ — Don’t forget Henry Cheatham barber, desire» a part of your pat­ dy Nursery Slock. We have many ronage, at the new barlier shop. new special varieties, both in fruits and ornamentals to offer, which are —Who said you couldn't get a good flavored cigar in town for five controlled only by us. We pay cents? Call at tho City Drug Store i commission or salary. Write us nt once for terms, and secure choice and inquire. of territory. M ay B rothers , Nurserymen, —Chas Yoegtly offers a Havana} Rochester, N Y. press grain drill at less than cost; I for cash. For Sale Or Trade. — Builders tools and all kinds of —100 acres of tine fruit land in building hardware at the Burns > 10 acre lots 5 miles south of Eugene hardware store, at bottom prices i Oregon, 1 mile west of Spenser for cash. Butte. Lots at 1400 each Horses —The Saloon, in the new hotel i and cattle part pay on each lot. if building, Richardson and Stephens the purchaser so desires. For fur­ proprietors, is nicely furnished ami tlier information inquire nt ti. ia its customers is given the best office. brands of liquors and cigars. If it la, you will bo strong, vlgorou», full of life and ambition; you will have a good appetite and good digestion; atrong nerves, sweet sleep. But how few can say that their blood Is pure! How many people are suffering daily from the consequences of impure blood, sc-ofula, salt rheum, rheumatism, catarrh, nervousness, ale pliMsness, and HOTEL BURNS. I _ BURNS, _ - - OREGON - MR. T. M. & MRS. E. E. BRITTEN, P roprietors This large and comfortable hotel is well furnished and the proprie- torH use every effert possible to make their guests feel at home. The table is at all times supplied with everything the market af- That Tired Feeling. Hood’» Sarsaparilla purifies, vitalizes and enrichee tho blood. Therefore, 7'n u fords. me . the memcine medicine lur for yuu. you. Give The Burns a call and we feel assured you will continue to be It 1 will give you pure, rieb, red blood nerves. and strong nerve». It will overt- i ' iw that tired feeling, its guest when in town. Create ail appetite, g'-e refreshing sleep ---------------- -------------------- ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ and make you strong. Hoodrs üarsaparilla The Roberts Bros. Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently in the public ej-e today. I t-mrt’a Dill z after'liiin-r | I oud I a v AVJLI 2^ I lilJJ family cathartic. ’¿5c. a Tinners, Plumbers, & Electri owns. On the corner next to Armory Hall Burns, Oregon. TONSORIAL PARLOR, ROBIN8ON E. B. AND C. D. R oberts . All work in their line done at very reasonable figures and guaran- to be first class. WALTON P roprietor «, PIONEER DRUG STORE. Evt ry thing in their line guaranteed —Sulmcrilai for the Portland to be done satisfactorily. Weekly Sun only 41 a year. This paper should bo encouraged, for the Il pi i n i i su' 1 i rn. the rhll.l, t|1(. , „¡I»., [W. E. G race ’ s oi . d stand ] simple reason it is truthful and I •'* r«1"-"m* »¡u.i. , «n.i i. tn,-• ,n r<1>æ <-'lv for l>l«rrhr <■». I, |>l.-omtn| t,, tun!« newsy. i Kohl by Drussls ■ In , ,.-r> purl of th,. World. Proorietor A. C Worthington ’Twr’iit) n»r Mini a horn,-, it, valu,, i, luyala „.I . til , ••'»I«- Its «nrr- mid ark for Mm Wl .Ulov.'a — Lee Caldwell’» saloon which | Mouthlim syrup, and tuk« no other kind « -^n.DFAr.ER IN^k^j Real Estate. Life and Fire insur Was closed for a f>-w days, prepara- ' ” DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONARY, DYES, FAINTS, PERFUMES ance. Collections a Specialty. — Dr. Cate is kept prttt. busy tory to making tome improvements TOILET ARTICLES, AND NOTIONS. - - _ _ _ OREGON and other arrangements, is now The universal good dentistry done BURNS, A full li ne of School Books ami School Supplies. Confection- - ----- — I open He is very thankful to, | by him has gained for the Dr. a ——--- --- - Nuts and fruits. his friends for past patronage lasting reputation, GEO. s. SIZEMORE, ?iF“Mail orders promptly filled. and his adopting a cash system | Superfluous hair remove I per­ ATTORNEY, is not intend)d as any reflection , ... ................... O regon on his customers who have manently, instantaneously, without B < urns ’tU’rc.hing, ......... ........... I.ami . bu-inetw. and Real patronized him hervtofsre, but cash pain, by Electro Chemical Fluid. K mmu * proniptlv attended to. is necessary to the life of hi» busi­ In order to prove su|a*rioritv, we I I ness, mid he positively wants one will for next *.K) days send sample and all to understand he will not bottle nod testimonials free, on re­ The recent chmge made l>v the leaves Burns daily at 6:30 p m . credit any one Arrives at Ontario in 42 hours ceipt of nineteen cents to pay |H»st New A ork Witklv World in issu­ age. Electro ('hemical Co., 25 East ing two pajjersa week in place of om Fare Oneway 46.00. Round trip $11.00. A Woman Who Will Work 14th St. New York. is meeting with great favor The peopl? appreciate the change Through freight 3jcts. a pound. WAX LED in every county to in-' Sometime ago I was troubled with and are taking aeak highly of it. Simon < Keep abreast of th»- times by r-ad-‘ make from 416 to ♦fiO witklv. | baum, San Luis Rev. Cal. the TWICE-A-WEEK. Be , ^ » Tinware & Sh by which we can furnish this pajier <- uy5»iuiMti ôc ourgeon. and the T»ic. »-Week New York School* Attention. •ALSO DEALERS TN Oridboth f ,r 42 25 a vear. Take A graduate of the Iowa State HARD- PA1NT Notice is hereby given that I am I tdvvnily ami College of I’hvai- advantage of this offer and get y<»ur own lm-al pap'r and the now prepared io exchange the fol-I ciano and Surgeon*. WARE Twice a W< «< k World at t* is sp ,; ,| OIL lowing Book» which haw been Other at re»«dei ee in Burna. rate. adapted tor the foil vwing »ixyears T he H kkald . [SUPERIOR GLASS Kg I'llt-e Maxwell» first IUs>k in English .25' While It peekskill, N Y., Mr. J J bTO V tb DOORS Introductory Eng Gram. .30 A. Bcriven, a prominent manufact “ Advanced “ “ “ .35 & WIN urrrof New York Citv. purchased I > termana Civil Government ‘ 'ANGEhS .48 a bottle of Chamberlain’» Cough y DOWS A. C WoMTIIlNuToN Remedy. Such good result» were nMnc tinware , gramt I v Ji t obtained from ita use that he sent ^ARE^ cf I h . vfpv Ifv!NG 1ACKLE 1st Reader» at back to the druggist from whom he NERS’ a MECHtKir^ t LASSWVRE GARDEX SEEDS, FAR Siete •*4 rf V «4 •• 2nd had obtained it f w two more but -nd . urr HoHd.^* UNDERTAKING GOODS. 40 o •• 3d. ties of the same tetnedv. Wh-n 65 •• 4th , you have a cough or cold give this NO «• •w4 •• 5th preparation a trial and like Mr • 1 (W * V * Scriveu you will want it wh< n again Monteiths Klemantary Geography A [ in need of »uch * medieiM It is 85cta Monteiths Comprehensive a rwmedv of great worth and merit , G-^ftaphy II 25 Clarks Normal Proprietor 50 cent tottlea for »al* bv H M Grammar 801» Sills Grammar Horton. SActa. And all other ach«a>l bowk» n ^fcDtAUnu ix^m^ « lit pn portion and after this dale I ht t EPU IKE8 ’ CH1MICAL8’ PATENT MEDICINKS I will sell arhmd book» at the al*ov* Burns Ontario * I. S. ÍEER & EO. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION xaa»TNh Kl prices for cash and for cash only. Orders hv mall promptly al ten ted to Dated this 1st day of March I MM C li VoCUttV J. w *IGV< . r iv'^ IHAM0XD PYES. CHOICE PERFUMES ' n TOI‘ ET ARTICrEs-TOBACCO, CIGARS ETC. Hicks A Biggs u attorney - at - law . fc.. Offices at Canyon Citv and Burna I 4 Liquors for Medical Purposes F r* ’ption» «eeur.tely compounded. FirttCkM Dental Work Done