BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. MAY 29 1895, VOL. VIH- Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U.S. Gov’t Report Declared for free Silver. j —Roberts Bros, can sell you a The Herald --------- late improved bath tub for the KBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY Owensboro, Ky., May 1G—The small sum of$12. BY convention of Western Kentucky W.C. BYRD SON. Democrats held here to day for the I —W. N. Jorgenson has just re P ublishers and P roprietors . purpose of nominating a candidate ceived a supply of first class violins, for Railroad Commissiones closed vio'in bows, and a very excellent I SUBSCRIPTION RATES: with a most exciteing clash over $2.UU One Year ................................. l.oo selection of violin and guitar ABSOLUTELY PURE Six Months ............................... 75 the monev question. As soon as S A Three Months............... ' 'J _____ 1___ strings . the nomination was made the con ­ HERALD CLUB LIST: —The Havana press drill for Boarding anil lodging at Mr and 5.00 vention was turned into a howling feraldand Harper’.' Magazine......... 5.20 sale at the hardware store of C. H. Jerald and Harper’s Weekly........... south west Mrs. Andersons in the 5.20 crowd of gold and silver cranks. Jerald and Harper’s Bazar................ NOTICE 3.75 Jrraldand Harper’s Young People. division of our town, Customers Voegtly i’ a new one. Mr. Voegtly Jerald and Alden’s Manifold Cyclopedia,. .2.90 Senator Blackburn, who is making can be accommodated with meals offers it for less than cost for cash, each additional volume after Vo). I 55 cents: his fight for re election on a free Is hereby given to whom it may 10 cents extra ver volume, postage. at all hours and the proprietors because he wants the money. opiesef all the above works can be ex silver platform, led the contest and concern that the partnership here­ spare no pains to make guests com­ I mined at leisure in the Reading Room. t lie was aided by ex Congressman i tofore existing between W. F. Get one of I, S. Geer & Co’s, Publishers of periodicals are solicited 1 Ellis. Resolutions calling for the Kingsbury and John A. Robertson fortable and nt home. premium purchase tickets. This eien.i clubbing rates, a copy of their work for | that, and E. J. Anderson. jur Free Reading Room—We file and bind lhe( unrestricted coinage of silver were under the films name of Kingsbury atter at close of every half-volume, end v»v »i I firm agrees to give the holder of —Mrs. Robert Drink water will such tickets a fine life size Crayon passed and recommended to the j Robertton j, this day dissolved. topics bv advertisement. I D< inccracy of the State. After de­ John A. Robertson having re-1 be in our town in a few days with a Portrait absolutely free of any I ADVERTISING RATES: claring for a tariff for revenue only moved from Harney County. first class stock of millinery. She charge, by purchasing $20 worth 1 wk 2 wk 11 mo 3 mo j 0 mo I J this declaration was made on the politely requests the ladies of Dated at Drewsey Oregon, March $8.00 ¡'$11.00 '»5.00 $15.00 of goods for cash at their store. It »1.50 »2.50 Burns and vicinity, when her stock I 3.00 4.U0 0.50 12 oil 18.00 28.00 currency question: 29, 1895. 00 40 is not necessary that the whole 1 24 00 15.00 8.00 8.50 5.00 “We declare it to be an elemen­ arrives, to call and examine her I 4.50 r.. oo 10.00 29.00 : : ■- 'Mt 50 14' W. F. K ingsbury . amount should be purchased at one I 6.0) 1 .00 j.i.UO 28.00 1 18 0 54. ■< line of goods and prices. 112.VÜ le.OO 28.00 48.00 1 SO.1'0 120.0 tary principle of Democracy’s faith 140. 0< time, but any amount from 5 cents 120.00 80.09 40.00 60.00 1 110 00 that I otb gold and silver coin shall MUSIC. to $20 as exnlained upon the tick­ [constitute the primary money of I —Mrs. Mary Matthes is sole JOB WORK located in Having permanently the country; that both me tals shall • ogoot *n this town and county for a Burns, will teach music on Piano, ets. )f every description executed with neatness he receivid for mintage without ¡New 5 oik firm for the sale of lace, ind despatch, at reasonable rates. Organ, Violin and Guitar, Music Pamphlets Circulars, Poster«, discrimination against either, and I window curtains, pillow shams, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Stivelopes, Huntington To The Front. furnishetl for balls and parties, ititements, Note Heads, Cards, Tic sets. at the legal ratio that existed prior I portieres, table covers bed spreads Memoranda, Imitations. Dodgers, Etc. md laces, and at prices so low as terms to suit the times. To Patrons—Huntington is now T he H erald la kept regularly or. file for re to 1873 [16 to 1], and we demand E. A. Scherer. the envy o Competing pointe in a •trance, in the Geo. P. Rowell Newspapei Ad- • o as'orosh the most incredulous^ the unrestricted coinage of both rer ¡linn Bureau. 10 Spruce at.. New York. Railroad sense in particular, we gold and silver at tins legal ratio, Mrs Matthes solicits a call trom have advantage over all, we are 'her neighbors and examination of and that both metals be declared now a competing point for two R. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY A good ranch belonging to H. G. ■full legal tender in payment of all 1 goods. R. lines Union pacific and O. Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 R. and the N. Co’s. We have the I debts, public and private.”—Tb< national : miles south east of Burns. This — Mrs. Mary Matthes Milliner, choice of two roads and each one President ............................. Grover Cleveland | World. ?iceTre«i. heretofore' vour Attorney General . ' C. M. Dilemmi Seyeral leading democrats of this shipments and cutting off the •overnor very much pleased to have you call !existing ami kilo« n as D. L. and I . . Wm I“ Loro jecrettry of State HR Kineaic city expressed a desire to go into U. P. Ry. and the O. R. A N. Co. treasurer......... [< and examine stock . Phil. Metschai W. II. Shirk is this d iv and date agents may visit you and make fupt. Public Inatruetiou ............G M Irwin the contest, but doubted the propri lute Printer r ...... W H Laeds I —John Sweitzer,carpenter,under- I February 9th 1895 dissolved by statements to the contrary but bear tv of the action until, as they 1 K. 8. Bean inpreme Judges . Wm. P. Lor< ........ [ W consent Furthermore in mind they are looking for their tverred, the county is blessed with taker and cabinet maker. His work­ mutual ) F. . A. Moore interests not yours. No point SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: a democratic administration. Chas shop is the old restaurant building. that each and not one for the other, own offers greater advantages than district Judge.......... D ... M. D. C liffok . Adie, telegraph operator and signal Mr.Sweitzer guarantees his work at but each foi himself shall assume i Huntington. None can work for .......... James A. Fee Siltrict Attorney .1. L. Ram Cof­ his own obligations and that neith- ; less wages, i o point will have mere ’»tnt-Kepreientative (R) <> t Patterson service reporter at Neah bay, is the prices to suit the hard times. Mnt-Senator .(R) A. W.Cowan leading candidate thus far in the fins made to orde»’. Will take pro er shall stand ns ’surety for the wool buyers, our charges as low’ or COUNTY—HARNEY: , duce partly for work and balance in other. In witness whereof we have lower than others, this being true field.—Sun. lounty , nlge • ........ P. Rutherford -l«rk ca«h. ' set our hand and seal, this 9th day is it possible considering above • (D).. . c. E. Kenyon treasurer conditions that any point can do as ■ • (R) .1.8. Geet iunevor I of Feb 1895 Easton, I’a., May 19—Patrick ■ _T. A. McKinnon Rieri ft. — J F. Boyle, photographer, is well by you as Huntington? We ___ r (R) .. A. Gittltigi Assess., Grier, who has made nine attempts D. L. S hirk , / real S S. W. Millet i *to>ul ‘ ___ _ are here to stay and give you Superintendent .’¡R)” still here. A rare opportunity .C has . Newe 1 'VOCI Inspector Inituo.t... W. II. S hirk , seal > to suicide, st ill lives. He was dis square deals our past record is our ... R J. Ivere is presented to all who have not ID) I A. B, Marks charged from the hospital yesterday "’’imistioners recommendation. Don’t be misled already supplied themselves with ,R' i R. R. Sitz by agents or others statements after the sixth attempt by taking samples of his excellent work. Re­ HARNEY v. 8. LAND office : ship your goods, wool etc. in our Wister He was locked in the member his prices, $3.00 per doz. . Thomas Jones laudanum. care. * W '., SW'T <ts or cutting» without success.—Sun. Notice is hereby gi ven that the or H M Horton, M. W. any number of acres of said tract, or caused I Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention _ J W 8»yer, Rec’fl to be done, but that said tract 1» in its I undersigned has been aopointed by same make final proof in support of his claim,and natural condition, the said partie» are hereby I to to appear before A W Waters a j that said proof will be made before Register Mrs. Robert Reed and children, the count» court of Harney county ‘ summoned BTRNO n IA HONOR Lodge, N o . » Receiver at Burns Oregon, on June 28. 1895, N'otaty Public at hi»Ottiee at Burns Oregon, on 1 and W«et*every 2d »nd 4th Monday. 1 On-gon, Sitting in probate, admin 16th day of .May 1895. at 10 o'clock A M. to re­ viz- J ames II. H unt . accompanied bv Miss Annie Ward, Hd. No. 1 for the 8W% anti Et$ 8W»4 • M n, Sayer C of H. and furnish t< st I mon v concerning said; istrator of the estate of T. H. Glaze, spond alleged failure, and the hearing of the ease will and HK’4 NW'4 8ec. 85. Tp. 24 8 R 32 E. passed through Vale Sunday, en ­ deceased. be considered by this office on June 8 1895, at i He names the following witnesses toprove HARNZY LODGt, NO. 77, I. O O F. his continuous residence upon and cultivation 10 o'clock A M. Meet» it Odd Fellows Hall, every Saturday. route from the Harney country to All persona indebted to said Estate I of said land,viz: Benton Kmbree.of Burns Ore W. A. WILSHIRE, Register. | Hco't Hayes, George W. Harkness. Bailey '»P». J.C. Wooly N.O. Weiser, Idaho, where they expect are requested to settle the Kame, Hayes, of Lawen Ore .____________ W . C. Byrd, 8ecy. immediately, and those having THOMAS JONE8, Register. to locate —Malheur Gazette. ».«"•O***' K>ST No- «•- '■ R I claims against theestate will present i them to me, at my residence in »r ^»«Ineiday of e,<,h •••uod•’endingfBrited ’ A11 Comrade Hurns-Canyon Stage Line Ex-County Clerk I. L. Shideler, • Burns, Oregon, with the proper of Harney county, accompanied by vouches attached,within six months T. A. M c K innon , contractor. his wife and daughter passed thro’ from the first publication of this Ü. 8. MAILS, notice. Carrying U. S. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express Co’s Express. here last week, enroute from Burns »raw»— vale : Dated December 5th 1894. Krrivesand departidally, U California, where they will make . I Stages I>eave Burns daily for Canyon City, and intermediate points. , I H K elley , j ° ~ “ - ... iusct TT: their future home.—Malheur Ga- Administatorof the Estate of T. H. ” Pareifo. -I Depart» daily. except Sund»’ ' *'• Leon Brown, Express Agent, Royal s zette Glaze, deceased. Ben for contractor, Ben Brown, Brown, local local agent agent for contractor, Burns Oregon.