Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1895)
A high-cla«s illustrated magazine magazine in the home ia no longer Lanier’s f/agazie« a luxury. It is a necessity, and to meet the demands created Ly this I L L ÜSTRATKD necessity, THE COSMOPOLITAN ca VEAIS .TRADE M arks Jai ILLUSTRATED. COPYRIGHTS. MAGAZINE, giving vearl X» ns ii The Simpleton, « neiv noael bv T homas H akhy , will be begun fit the December Number, does, 1536 pages of reading by the |s 'i. and continued to November 1S9’> Who ever may be cue'« favorite among Er gli«h Nov ablest living authors, with over Kr.Sk’XSS’fti.'.ll“"»;’“',»: ell»'«, it will be conceded by ail critic« that lain them «ent free. Also « catalogue of mechan Tiiosas hako V stand« foremo«t of « master 1200 illustrations bv clever artists, ical «nd « ci . ci tme book» »ent free. artist in fictn-n. and The Simpletons may be' I Patent« taken through Munn A Co. receive expected to arouse enthuglams not infenhr in has stepped into the breech, with •pedal notice In the MrleatlSc degree to that w hich has marked Trilby—the ■ thus are brought widely before tbe public w»“’ most successful story of the year. Another a reduction in its price that has out eoet to tbe inventor. Tbl» P*. laeued weekly, elegant I y Illustrated, baa by far the 'eading feature will be the Personal Recollec I largest circulation of any »cientlBc lh* tion» of Joan of Arc, by the Sieur 1-ouis na tartled the literary world . world, fi.’l a year. Sample cople» .• ( owti , Her Psge and Secretary, under which Building Edition, monthly. sfAOa The H erald , fully alive to the guise the mist popular at living American eootea, 'id cent a. tevery number contain» beau- magazine writers will Present ahe story of the 1 tlful Platea, In color«, and photograph« of cew bouaes. With plans, enabling builders ’o ■h"" lhe Maid af Orleans In the January Nu nber Will needs of its patrons, has made latest deelrna and «ecure contract». Addreaa appear a drofuaelv illintratee paperon Charles Ml'MN L Co, N«w T ok «. 3»1 B huadwat . with this ton and lhe ' aroliuas, the first of a series of special arrangements Southern Paper», Noatbern Africa Is attracting more attention superb monthly, whereby it will at any other time since it was the seat of em The next volumes of HARPe-« MAGA receive orders for yearly subscrid Pensions » pires' ZINE will four illustraied artieleson this regin, three of them will depic t the present life tiens to both publications combined TxIE DISABILITY BILL IS A and lhere. fi'Liaa R i LI- h will prepare for the MAGAZINE a serie« of eight »lories depicting for the sum of $3.00. LAW. typical phase» of Chinese Life and Mam ers. are The price of the great illustrated Soldiers disabled tdnee the war Besides the long stories, toere will begin in the Jauuary Number the first Chapter of A Three Entitled monthlies in the past haB been Part Novelette, by Ru iiaku H akihno D avis — Dependent widows and Parents now de the longest work yet attempted by this wrl'er |-violent whose sons died from the efieers of Complete « stories by popular writers Will $3.00 and $4 00 a year, ana they army service are included, if you wish continue to l>e a feature of the MAGAZINE were to be found only in the more HARPER’S PER Oi'ICS pretentious homes. Our offer fur nisheR a help to all families, no Per Year: HARPER’S MAGAZINE................ ,.p.« matter how modest their means, HARPER’S WEEKLY .................. .. 1.0( HARPERS BAZAR .......................... .. 4.<X to keep in touch with the greatest Known HARPER’S YOi’NG _________ PEOPLE ____ . 2.W mincis of the world, as The Cosmo Everywhere , Posture Free to all Subscribers in th» Sold Everywhere. politan has today the strongest I’nited States, Canadn, or Mexico. y Grown Everywhere. ’ regular staff of any existing period i The volumes of the Magazine begin will, ical. Send orders to the Numbers tor .lune and December oi ftaS oi I T he H erald , cac ti year. When no time is specified, sul ■ Ask your dealer for them Hend for i scriptious will begin with the Number cur Frrry’a **rrd Annunl for I **9.5. Burns Ure. rent at time of reccii t o; order. . k Invaluable to all planters and Invert j OUR MIND with ; our r ‘ * > I • • F0Ì Tüh YEAS -------rH-------- —THIS PAPER— t i.r tn es ber ter Than ;vf*n ------WITH — THE S N FRANCISCO Move Weekly Call ! I’ullJl 6 e THE SAN FRANCIS 0 Morning Call! FHiCF •<!.<> > 1*< It IkAP. ------- ■+•------- Co., /A rts HE MAN FRANCISCO WEEKLY CALL la a liRiid'oin** right. page paper. It is ia-u* d every Tteursdav, a d eonislnv ail of the imp rtant lir»< of lhe week, gleaned frum every quar ter of the globe, ennipl>-te up to date of publ'catlon. It fur. nlshre the late-4 and most reliable finirne lai news ><nd market quotations, » d gives special allenti- n to hiirtlcul- tural and agrlculttira I news. ami is lit every respect a first, •lass family paper, npp--ii| g pl tile iliteieal of every luumber of the hcuaeliold. Y IT ,S. H., W. L. D ouglas eUOE* uthebcst . O IT VCa FIT POM A KINO. M CORDOVAN, I. ritt NCSA CHAMClltO CALF. 4.*3« F ine ùumfANCiwin • POLICE, 3 soLts. ^•2. WORKlNGMtq’, »EXTRA FINK« Q» •2. •IT? BOYSSCHOTISHOEX • L. ADILS • of Eli»« Vegetable« and Beauilful^O flower«. Write for it l i t t-.^fl 1» H- FFI(U\ A < <• l»t trull. Mhh Bound volumes ot Harper's Magazine fin I . three i cars I i . uk , in neat cloth binding will i be sent by ni. il, post-paid, on receipt of $3 I pi r volume, t loth Cases, for ,binding <’>0 cents each—by mail post-paid. Remittances should ne made by Postottici M-m y Order, or Draft, to avoid cliane o loss. Address HARPER A BROTHERS. Nev York. STOCK BRANDS. - - - - «+-- - - - - ’vJEfffSyWXa- DMQCKTQN.ZAAS3. Over One Million People wear the III MOllNi NU <’ % 1.1« (N rvbn IHaii m a W kkm ; la a IlV« hr UU| Mill ill dally. Il is the MOST RF.LIA- Ill F. and Is recognised as being lhe LEADING NEW’S- PAPER <>i the Parian Coaai. Either of the slmvs i «per« we will »end po-tuild • • a pro. ■lilnnt on rceelt t of the follow. Ing subvert pilon prices fur the ruinblnatlou : W. L. Douglas $3 & $ $ Sl’oes L- tory Ail our »hoes oro ci.-Aoy S ee They give the be t v-l » f r tbesrorew, I lo V «qual cuatoi'i alio, a In el v le «nd fit. Their wearing are un-uri>u«sed. The privée ara uniform.—-atimped on «ola. Prowl Si tn Sy saved over olhrr makr». Ii your doaier cannot tupply you wo can. bold by » I HARPER’S PERIODICALS. I I » Fiiget t and exclusive design« for Onr-door mol Indoor l.olete», Uraivi. from W okth mod * ’ ' ' 'i?" z ’*'■'* 1 '• il’l’ls,«re an importau* fcrtuie Iheae appear every week, ai compe.ii- ied bi miinre ucacriptioiis and detai's Oi Paris Letter, b> K. itii . uunk i > k F orvst is weekly tra: script of the latewt nib» «„d capr "•»In the mode, I inter the h, Hp of New Yoi. riiRhioiiH.j, ai;, d<«< options a id full paatii u- lars are given as o shape«, labile«, trimniiiu-r ' ami acres» H OS.if Ihe Cost time« of well-cressed 1 women, i hildre: s Clothing receives praetii a! altentlim i fortnightly P.tteru ,|He| supp “ meat enable« reader« to cut aud mrke their own I FREE BRAND COLUMN. icowh lhe nouian who ink s II .1 ItPEli’.S BA '• if 1« pre| «red for everi oc< anion ui life i-e -I Hora brand bar «eti on left shoulder; Ca’ a remonmu., r in form a’., where beautiful dre«« bar ten on left hip «nd upper clip on leifb earn. T. A. McKinnon, Burns Ore. At » • XI K. WEEKLY OUI And Ibis Pip \ P r Year, TUVK FIT URN HARPER \\ REK1 Y HARI Ei: > MAGAZINE HARPER’.- BAZAR. HAR, EK’ s YOPN-. PF »Pl.i; ’ ♦ 2 50 I Hardin A Riley, < a"!e branded Von left sMt Horae brand T left si it*. r o. Burns,Ort gon ter year : «trie brat;.», II., on !«r, rt| under hit in '•■ft ear. ti -r »lope in r! th’ ear Horse Fraud 71 on righ » itle. R £ .1, a . William« P. O. ,n ,,,e tiu .m » < Art! Nu üiq.- fur Januare ,.f , f When iiohnie mnrntl.iied, «in. Hiiio Riley Or Horses bra,, j.( on |ep «tifle. Cattle brand, ed i ( on left hip. Marion Butiyard, PO Burns. "■‘■Tvr’MVeokli for iv«™i« 'v-i i^1 Cattle diamond on left hip; horses CV on lot shoulder. Charles H. Voegtl • y. Burns Oregot ....... Horse branded P on right shoulder. cattle P ou right hip. R. A. Hendricks. P.O. Laweu Or Scientific) America» Agency for'öii''” ’h”,M ’* m«'’» br -, »No . ist o I I rl!*‘r ”r avotd chanee >t los .. Ad Ire»« H ARl’Hi .k B K «'■dd I Hl K chance Rs, . _ n?co.owfc(.i»>F THAO« M DiaiCN PATISIT OOPVtttOMT*. * ras Haag»««« sots I« «oAitWAV/Nsw Venu. . » " H VSIS» SÇUAAt a v S-sra«.Ms* FOR BALX BY • -« wu’.L«*. NEW HOME SEWING MA - HINK CO 72 • M irket St . Paicfic San Francitco, Cal. Department. £ritntific ^mtrican l w Han’s . , ATTic^aDC|; ’ v»« piriop is '»»' oavb * Horae brand M on left shoulder, also thret •lo’s. . tn shapeof triangle,cattle brauded sama E. E. Grout Burns Or. Miss Rosa Dickenson Horse brand anvil ot left a'lrte. Cattle branded bar R on left hip. P O. I.avron Ore. I L L T S T R A T E I). >ry of eie t î in ti al;»J»"«nau.luc». r.pti.etcxt of the hignest Tbe minner tu which dnrli c i*j i. ¡^^rpXVir^td’.'h' S,r,k* • • ' ” J. P Dickenson r attle brand J P connected i n left hip Hone brand anvil on left stifle. P. O laiven Ore. Cattle brand figure Ton either hip; mark light crop off each ear. s'ip in each ear, and watt on left jaw. Horse brand figure’ on either hip J. H. Bunyard.Burns Ore. ii W.« able t..,hn,w ¿n K. ra^hv/rräLr!a!!-“1 'i.m vai diteetci to ths? Ihttlk, ’ * Geo Williams, horses and mules branded rounding w. on right stifle. P. O Riiey Oie. <h"o’iJ7 “ ' "«<*’> I. « pletorlsl hist Horse brand j" on right stifle. James Roue«! •hate joint .t ... , * wïm’n**',,f **»♦ P O Burns Ore Horse brand bar m on left shoulder; Cattia brand bar-m on left htp and riba. Catherine Marshall P O Narrows Ore. •v Horse brand on left shoulder 8 i harpers periodicals I Per Year pec,.« u. ■ < 4 s-«lh.«vsi>l~ I Ikl» Ir «I M aa b* i<u « »i • &< » ih I«4 v b pâiifar» rat «ito at «Ait rtteftetbiktf B* •*«»•««< B smb 4 t «MM» > «aks-ffw a* rr - - . imt M W »■ f. utMt ■ nane » Tattili, ukau . u AON t . H)-»W draw'ti» « y^teHv' •!!!» Il iMiirt *«M* k* u frw barro thu (*« m da» uu < s ^ mii la •arvMfvd A F *«AM * Il • wtlb Mau, t ».««al il.. Ms 1» yvn. Mate, r «taly.u» •swag seat t>*s AMrves C.f.SlOWàCO. Patawl ottvs •««siwaPs*. w C. •«. B» M î JXr'b’.r’X narv* flr» <» 0» n a “<•* a re Fme h, all î o> Male» »'aaa.ia.ur"tt«*xiraK • iterate tbs Vpfte, .. !• •ntr", \ ' ■ -•■.... c F • «<v wau rewidsltu freiste l L- b M • a« •* k • » M’WI ••»rv. Phil Smith Burns 8, lAmpshlte an I Son ca’tle brand Q connected. Bar mark swallow fork In right ear underbit in left. P, O. Burns ora. Horses and Cattle branded J P on left shoul der some branded JP connected. Mary J- Price. Buras Ore "heu n« „„ O- >* •«-it bv mal’ ; fr* "* »’»*»•» «aes b, t_ g ’ ’'»urne l"S wiu s, WBt * •ira»h ou left shoulder and same ou muscle of right hind leg. Ore. « » « ’ i;:;. ..... rr-rr« Horae brand II HUTHS B aia » It AKPERs N M. IZ1NE H I KPVRS WKRKI.Y B ■AMPER - — • , n n - »ii. \,, Xv »•KOPt • ■ Miss Laura Stanclift. Burns Ore. N»« «K*t>*ilca rvwsfp of '««B BfiUTHÌlT* I