the true construction of the grant which required partition to desig-, nate the land that each should Th3 Hwali and is sustained by authority. It is argued by counsel that this severally hold. No such estate was created by WIDNK8D a Y MAY 15 18 5 is a grant of an undivided interest in a tract of land; that the odd this grant. The right of the c< m- pepartment of the in - section granted, whether surveyed pany did not attach to any partic­ y tekiob . or unsurveyed, not having been se- ular section until after selection, grated by selection, are held under and the construction of the road 1 Waahinntion, D C., March 28, 1895. the joint right of possession with and filing of map of definite loca Wi l.n>etle Valley and Cascade , the other odd sections, until selec­ tion did not operate to withdraw Mountain Wagon Road Co. v George, tion is made by the company of the the lands from settlement and en- W. Hagan. try. particular section. The Commissioner of the But a withdrawal of laud by the The grant is of ‘‘alternate sec- General Land Office, Sir- This case comes before the tions of public lands designated by Secretary, in the exercise ef his department on the appeal of the odd numbers, three sections per authority, for the purpose of enab­ Willamette Valley and Cascade , mile, to be selected within six ling the company to satisfy the Mountain Wagon Road Companv miles of said road.’’ It is not a grant by making selections in ac from the decision of j our office of, grant of an undivided interest in cordance with the granting act was November 1G, 1893, rejecting the any tract of land, nor is there any equally as effective to with-holdthe claim of said company to the N.-J expression in the grant to indicate lands from settlement and entry of the NE i and the NE 4 of the j that a joint holding of any tract of as if it had been provided by the NW 4. Sec. 19, T. 16 S., R. 19 E., land bv the government and the act. This withdrawal did not become The Dalles, Oregon. , State was contemplated. Upon the application of the com As stated bv the Secretary, in effective, as held in the case of I ----- have considered with this the case of Rinenart heretofore cited, Rinehart, until it was filed in the pany, 1 appeal the cases of Edward R. Tay­ “the act makes no provision for local office, but after such with- lor and George L. Myers, now pend filing of map of definite location, dra al took effect it operated to re­ ing on the several app* als by said nor for any withdiawal of lands serve, for the benefit of the com­ company from the decision of your ¡from entry for the benefit of said pany, the odd sections within the office rejecting the claim of the road, but it is the completion of the 3ix mile limits that were at the date company to the tracts involved , road that gives position to the six of said withdrawal free from any therein, it being alleged that every i miles limits within which selections claim or right, and thereafter the important principle controlling the may’ be made.” After the line of odd sections affected by such with­ adjustment of this grant is involved the road is definitely fixed by ac- drawal would not be subject to set m one or the other of said cases. ' tual construction, the right is gi en tlement and entry under the home­ There are practically but two to the company to satisfy its grant stead and preemption laws, nor) questions presented by these sever- by making selections, to the extent could any right be acquired by set­ al appeals: ! of three sections per mile from all tlement and occupation upon such First, as to when the right of the ,the odd sections within six miles lands that would defeat the right company attaches to the odd sec- on each i-ide of said road, unless of the company to make selection tions granted. I excepted or reserved by the act. ef the same. Second, as to when the withdraw- (That the land was unsuryeyed at TO BE CONTINUED. al for the benefit of the road be- the date of the grant can make no comes effective, and wh ther any difference. It was not a grant of a Persons who sympathize with the claim to any of the odd sections half interest in all the odd sections, afflicted will rejoice with D. E. withdrawn can be perfected as nor of an undevided moiety in any Carr of 1235 Harrison street, Kan­ against the right of the company tract of land, but right to select a sas City. He is an old sufferer that was not initiated prior to the given number of odd sections with from inflammatory rheumatism, but has not heretofore been troubled i date of said withdrawal. in defind limits. As stated by the in this climate. Last winter he It is contended by the company Secretary, in the Rinehart case went up into Wisconsin, and in con-1 that when the route of the road (page 653),“the lands that Congress sequence has had another attack. granted or intended to grant could ‘“It came upon me again very acute act withdrew from entry every odd only be ascertained when they were and Bevere,” he said. “My joints swelled and became inflamed; sore section within six miles on each actually selected within the limits to touvh or almost to look at. Up­ aide of the road, which was not ex of six miles of the road.” on the urgent request of nty mother- pressly excepted or reserved bv the The distinction between a grant in-law I tried Chamberlain’s Pain grant, and that thereafter no right of an undivided moiety and the Balm to reduce the swelling and 1 of pre-emption or homestead right grant of a right to select from cer­ ease the pain, and to my agreeable could be subsequently acquired to tain designated sections ia i lus- surprise, it did both. I have used three fifty cent bottles and believe any of the tracts withdrawn. 1 (rated bv the opinion of the Attor it to be the finest thing for rheuma­ The position of counsel is pre-1 [ . ney-General, in the Portage City tism, pains and swellings extant. dieted upon the theory that the act'(:aBe. 8 Ops. A. G., 255. . That was For Bale by druggists. of July 5, 1866 (14 Stat., 89) mak- a grant to the state of Wisconsin, If King Solomon was alive he lng the grant to aid in the r con- for the purpose of improving the would now say. “Go to the travel­ ^ruction of this road, created J a Fox and Wisconsin rivers, of “a ing man, learn his ways, and be nanc\ in common between the quantity of land equal to one half wise.” Mr. C. W. Battell, a Cincin- » *1_ — J _ ___ _ _1 tl’l_ it from thus designated. »» hen the survey giving the remedy to babies, as it *6,.rT’ but that the taeh-j . grant umy only at was made it gave absolute precision contains nothing injurious. 50 cent soecifi 7 &ctu“l »election of the | to the grant, but it did net indicate bottle« for sale by druggists. •*e>nc tract. or determine the particular land Lxi,Uination °f ,his question that the State should hold in sever­ distort ' d,8c'oee *ny reason for alty. It might have selected either * ^rUHng’ bUt’ °n lh‘ odd ------------------------ w on ini JI- .. or even sections. - It was seized 1 1 f i ■ v.iv 41411 v. u i v ' —__ 1__ _ a ' Now the v-vn^*vuw a A $2 S2 * am connneed that it ¡a of an interest in the entire — -------- i estate, U || ™ Qg W CwroftirPH»«. ■ BH MB D ux 241&, ,<■ York City. THREE GOOD REASONS. 1ST-11 IS ONLY $2 A YEAR, YOU CAN AFFORD TO TAKE IL 3d--lt is the largest Paper in the County A ¡has the largest circu­ lation.