Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1895)
HOTEL BURNS. Spring WAITED. Agents to sell our choice and bar-. _ - - - OREGON BURNS. y Norat oew special varieties, both in fruit» MR T. M. A MRS. E. E. BRITTEN, P roprietors and ornamentals to offer, which ar* cot,trolled only By us. We pay I-a. .-eesity becaese-.2-tonic of winter a r . • gone, and milder sea:ter, increased —School book« at the drug »tore commission or »alary. Write us at m. ».ure, accumulated impurities in th« •f H. M. Horton. This large and comfortable hotel is well furnished and the proprie once for terms, ai>d secure choice d and debilitated condition of th« —School book« and stationary of temtorv. t<>dy, open the way for that tired feeling, tors use every effert possible to make their guests feel at home aerrous troubles, and other ills. The • h*«p for cash, at the Hardware M ay BsoTiirk». Nurserymen. akin, maom membrane and the various •toreofC H. Voargtly. The table is at all times supplied with everything the market af Rochester, N Y. i »rgana strive in vain to relieve the im 1 — Don’t forget Henry Cheatham barber, desires a part of your pat ronage at the new barber »hop. Medicine ptire current of life. They all welcome fords. For Sale Or Trade. r — Who «aid you couldn’t get a —100 *cr«-a of fine fruit land good flavored cigar in town for five 10 acre lot» 5 mites south of Eugene •enta? Call at the City Drug Store Oregon, 1 mile west of Spenser and inquire Butte. Iy»ts at I4< O each Horses and cattle part pav on each lot. if —('baa Vorgtly offers a Havana purchaser so desires. For fur- pre«» grain drill at less than coati (her information inquire at this I for cash. office. — Builders tool» and all kinds of building hardware at the Burns hardware »tore, at bottom ¡»Tices I for cash. —The Haloon, in the new hotel building, Richardson and Stephens proprietors, is nicely furnished ami Its customers is given the best brands of liquor» uml cigars. A Warveleua »Iseuvsry »res 4|| )>tfi àj||( Wsix-Tuist» R»ssi»v.—Mrs W '.«• I tolti» '» rup lias »wen used for . ■ ■ ’ ft, *r» t,, inillíuns >>fiao<b«rs for their < tu «I.: ■•'h k . with t-rf.-t-t su<-< <- m It • tees the child. ■ - < us tu-- xuins. allays sll pain. > un • > In i < olir, au<l • ' nr Iwst rema •■•l> for Itlarrhr.wa. It pleasant to the taste Sod by Prsagls’e in every t-art of (lie world, ente a to itile. Iti value is Invaiò a Be sure at d ark for Mrs Wit dslow*a v-ytliing syrup, and take no other kind. I; , *«• ‘ *4 4 ■ ■ ood’s Give The Burns a call and we feel assured you will continue to be its guest when in town. -r. The Roberts Bros. J to assist Nature at this time when she most needs help, to purify the blood, tone and strengthen the laboring organa and build up the nerves. “I was not sble to wait on myself and could not gain any strength until I began taking Hood's &raa|>arilla about three months sgo. Now I am doing my house work. My right lung was badly effected, and in the spring Hiid summer I was very weak, but Hood's Sama¡arllla has dona me much good and 1 have gn at confidence in it.** Mun. E. R. K night , Tecumseh, Uklu. Purifies The Blood E. B. and C. D. R oberts . Tinners, Plumbers, & Electri cians. On the corner next to Armory Hall Burns, Oregon All work in their line done at very reasonable figures and guaran teed to be first class. t PIONEER DRUG STORE. — Dr ('ate is k'-pt pretty busy "I have taken Hood's Sarenparilln and it .Marring» pnjH-r free containing The uni versai good dentistry done has always built up my system, given me « good appetite and cleansed my blood.” conta'iiing advertisements fro m by him ha» gained for the Dr. a raOMAS UOQHk, Tnlar«-, California.» ladies ami gentlemen who w ish to lasting reputation [W. E. G race ' s old stand ] tile after-dinner pill an< iloOu S Hills fuinily citliarUc. corrtsiximi S«*ml for sample copy Superfluous hair removed per Proprietor to Row Knot, fl|stkunw, Wash. I *”* A C W rthington manently, instantaneously, without Ladies ailvertiseiiicntH inserted free i « _^5. dsai . er in --^ « pain, by Electro Chemical Fluiti. DRUGS ROOKS. STATIONARY. DYES, PAINTS. PERFUMES —The Elite Saloon has again In order to prove superiority, we I —Tonaorial parlo’ E<1 Walton i hanged hands The proprietors | will for next 'dOtlajiS ycml sample r proprietor. , . All work in hi» line TOILET ARTICLES, AND NOTIONS. class. < ail \ full line of School Books ami School Supplies. Confection« are now Caltlwell uml Smih. i ... ( . I he atid testimonials free, on r •- « guaranteed to be tirai luiihling Iris undergone a complete I ceipt of nineteen cent» to pay post , and see him. Nuts ami fruits. Bathes at all hours. ¿WM iil orders promptly fill« d. renovation, this being done by the . age. Electro Chemical Co., 2’> Ea.«t fix-1 1 Ith St. New York. pre»« til proprietor» The bar I.™ lures, poo! table, pictures etc from , I Real Estate. Life and Fire in.-ur the t'ahlwell saioon have been | Sometime ago I was troubled with Collections a Specialty. moved to th«« Elite. Give them n an attack of rheumatism. I used | nnce. Uhnmberlaiii’a Pain Balm and w as 1 Bl.RNB ----- ORKOON call - i completely cured 1 have since The rt-f-nt change imide t>v tin L« a yes Burns daily at 6:30 p M. Arrives at Ontario in 42 hour» advised many of my friends and A Woman Who Will Work customers to try the remedy and to New York Wceklv World in issu Fare One wav $6.00. Round trip ÿll.OO ing two papersa week in p'nee <>f on« WANTED in every county to in sp'iik highly of it. Simon GolJa is meeting with great favor Through freight 3Jets, a pound. troduce the Celebrated ‘‘llvgrhi' bauin, San Luis Key, Cal. For The peopl • appreciate the change sale by II. M Horton Wais!« ror all ages. Thia waist I * ■ «lav.« notice at any P. (). on the route and cover©1 c -vil mid are taking advantage of it. •ujiereedM the mu« t, and ha* re Keep inforiu< «l of what is g ting i,4. furnish'd for passengers, 11. A. Williams. Pr .p iA-” reived the unanimous approval of on in the world and particularly in ph x of A iii < ri< x I.'HM) out« your own country. Congrt as is fit free. Any energetic woman can now in session. Every mover ent Pimi- make from lift to 150 wtekly. JOHN ROBINSON will be of the greatest interest. Hmd f,»r circular» and terms. Keep abreast of the times by read IIYGEIA M F'G < 0.37s St , N« w Everything in iny line guaranteed ing the TWICE-A-WKEK I to l«e done eatiafactorily. York. WORLD—two papers a week —101 Manu acturer papers a \ ear for only 11 (M). Arrangementa have l>een made School» Mtciition. by which we can furnish thia pa|ter ALBO DEALERS IN r iiybiuittn ourgeon. and the Twice-a-Week New York Notice 1» hereby given that I am Worldboth f >r $2 25 a year. Take H A FT O- paint now p'epervd to «sctiaiigv the fob A graduate of the Iowa State advantage of this oiler and get lowing B<><>k» which have Iw-en Univ« raity and College of 1‘hysi- your own local paper and the OIL adapted lor the following aiiyears WAHE Twice a-Week World at this •p'N-'il lx Pt rate. Tur II hiiaii ». 1SUPFRIOH GLASS Mai well» flr»t Book in English Introductory Eng Gram. DOOR' “ Advanced " " White at Peekskill. N Y , Mr J. Petermans Civil Government & WIN A Scriven, a prominent manufact A C WohTIIINUTO urer of New Y >rk Citv, purchased K ANGEHb ¡3 DOWS a bottle of Chantlwrlain'a Cough MF ...................... GRANIT ........ Remedy. Such good reault» were AMMUNITION A FISHING 1 At KLE - Dr. IMcw’aCream linking INiu TINWARE. AevM M-U MUrtw »M« Ma » WARE. CROCKERY AND GLASSW \RE GARDEN SEEDS, b Ab obtained from it» u*e that he aeut MERS’ «k MECHANICS’ TOOl.s A UNDERTAKING GOODS back to the druggist from whom he Ist Reader» at (all and see our Holiday goods. had obtained it for two more l«ot •* 2i.d ttea of the «ame temedv. When M «X •d. you have a cough or cold give thia •a 4th. preparation a trial and like Mr ftth. Il tn Scrìvo»! you »ill want il «ben again M«ntritha Kleineiitarv (»eogra II M HORTON. in need of auch a medicine It is Proprietor fl’-et» Monteith« Coniprwhet» a re med v of great worth and merit. Ws rs te« <raphy 11 Î5 Clark» Normal w’ -b* &O ernt loti 1rs for «ale by II- M Grantmar s<v t» ‘-ills Grantmar Al • -Al’« ai KR.« in _^_ . Horton. ( flAets And ail efl--r >ch<<ol bonks «■ DRUfiR MEDICINES. CHEMICALS. PATENT MEDICINE* in pn p>rtn>n and aft< r thia date I k< STATIONERY. DIAMOND DYES. CHOICE PERFUME? • ill «rll «eh ol In« k» al lhe al* ve i • aioua. It * Cawvwwcaw. prier* f<o « it»h and f««r cash only A FANCY TOIl.ET ARTK'LES.TOBACCO.CIGAR? ETC. Orders b» niail pmtnptiv attente»! Hick» A Biggs Fine Wincj & Liqucrs for Medical Purposes to Datwd tin» lal day «f Marc h ATTORNEY.ATLAW, MM Barber Shcp Burns Ontario TOHSORIAL PARLOR, Stage Lin e I. i. ÜEER (0. Tinware & Sb€iron Good C II Voauviv Öfter« at tanyee CltV rn.d Burn» ree rijAiou« accurately cotnpnunded. # kirsl ( las» l’entai Work Dona