BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. MAY 15 189o VOL. VIH- Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report —W. N. Jorgenson has just re • ceived a supply of first class violins. BLISHFD EVERY WEDNESDAY San Francisco, May G—Theodore violin bows, and a very excellent BY Durrant will spend several quiet st lection of violin arid guitar W. C. BYRD a SON. weeks in the county jail before he strings. P ublishers and P roprietors . -------------- is placed on trial fur his life for the ■ NOTICE » i murder of Blanche Lamont and ' 6ÜBSCRIPTION RATES: Minnie Williams. The police will bsolutely pure Is herehy given to whom it may 0ne Year....................................................... FJ.Oc iix Months................................ 1.00 not hurry him to trial, desiring to Three Months........................................... .75 concern that the partnership here give him abundant time to prepare tofore existing between W. F. HERALD CLU B JJ S>T Boarding an’! lodging at Mr and for his defense. The case will, . Kingsbury and John A. Robertson —Roberts Bros can sell you Jerald Magazine ■eraiu « and Harper';- x*«*r*- - U -- ’^L-ly >- . . d. — Oj * (raid »nd Harper s W eeklj ... Mrs. Andersons in the southwest 5.20 therefore, not be call d until July. under the fin« name of Kingsbury late improved bath tub for the * . , 1 lY... nai>’.: Bazar iiüTîir ................ 3«raid«nd Harper's ¡Jerald and Harper’s Young People . 3.75 Chief of Detectives Lee said today division of our town. Customers small sum of $12. Herald and Alden's Manifold Cyclopedia, . .2.90 . A Robertson is this.day dissolved. can be accommodated with mtals each additional volume after Vol. I 55 c-euta: that the supreme court has passed John A. Robertson having re- .at all hours and the proprietors 10 cents extra ver volume, postage. strictures on the police department u. >vtu born Harner County. > SUMMONS. fgJ-Copiee of all the above works can be ex • mined at leisure in ___ the Reading Room. March I sPare no P®ins to make guests com- for having brought to speedy’ trial Dated at Drew sty Oregon, In the Circuit Court, of the State ' fortable • ___ and >.i at home. I publishers of periodicals are so! solicited Fredricks, who shot Bank Teller I /^■Publishers of ♦ «senu ien-1 dubbing Though Lee believes the,“^’ lee clubbing rates, a copy of their work for , Herrick. Shat, and E. J. Anderson. I Oregon for Harney County. ,iir Free Reading R jom >ur wm- —V-c " e S!e file juH and hind bind the rhe i W. F. K ingsbury . P eter F. S tenger , Plff.) after at half-volume, sod e nd r r-«v — v i r | at close close of of every every half-volume, criticism unjust, he said the su-1 ------- ‘ —Mrs. Robert Drinkwater will vs > topi»» bv advertisement. preme court would be given no op- —Mrs. Marv Matthes is sole ; be in our town in a few days with a A lameda S tenger ,Deft.) poituiiity for finding the same fault agent in this town and county for a first class stock of millinery. She ADVERTISING RATES: To Alameda Stenger, the above j 1 wk 2 wk 1 mu 3 mo j 6 ino named defendant: In the name of in Durrant ’ s case. politely requests the ladies of I-1-! New York firm for the sale of lace, '$11.00 $15.00 1 fl. 50 $2.;>0 $5.00 $8 -X) the State of Oregon: He added that the case of the 28.00 18.00 6.50 12.03 4.00 i 3.00 window curtains, pillow shams. Burns and vicinity, when her stock 40 10 You are hereby summoned and 24.00 8.00 15.00 5.00 3.50 it is portieres, table covers bed spreads arrives, to call and examine her! 50.00 ; prosecution is complete, and 32.00 6.00 10.00 20.00 4..’0 required, to be and appear in the 51.00 •18.00 9.00 15.00 28.00 6.90 any time. The and laces, and at prices so low as line of goods and prices. 80.00 120.0 h raadv for trial at 12.VO 16.00 28.00 48.0C above entitled court, on or before 1 ‘20.00 00.1« 40.00 tX).U) HU 00 140. U police are dissatisfied with the eyi- the first day of the next regular ! • 2 t Tr. . • I to as'omsh the most incredulous» MUSIC. deuce ot (hgamst King, who, in an I term thereof, to wit, tbe 20th dav .......... . . . Ä Mrs Matthes solicits a call from JOB WORK Having permanently located in I of May 1895. effort to ield Durrant, stated at' i her neighbors and examination of Burns, will teach music on Piano, | Then, the r», therefore be you, and If every description executed with neatuess the preliminary examination that' tad despatch, at rvabouable rates. „ goods. Organ, Violin and Guitar. Music answer, < — 1 ? A • plead otherwise to Pamphlets Posters, Jirculars, • • - • zx » « ’s or complaint, I • suit • • he detected the < dor of escaping I Leitvr Heads, Bill Heads, Envelopes, parties, plaintiff in this r . J ; furnished for balls and Note Ileail8, Cards. TlcKets. Statement». gas in the church on April 3d, al-' Dodgers, Etc. filed against you, or for want there Vemorauda, Invitations. terms to suit the times. though this statement is contradict of. the plaintiff will take a decree _ kept reRUlarly on tie lor re- T he H xralu is regularly un file for —The Havana press drill for E. A. Scherer against you for the relief as prayed I...... 1_ iu tbe Geo. .j. P. Rowell x t— Ad- * J ed l-y the janitor and bv tw<‘ htrence, Newspsper •enising Bureau, 10 spruce st.. New York. sale at the hardware store of C. H - for in plaintiff’s complaint. plumbers. Voegtly is a new one. Mr. Voegtlv 1st: That the bonds of matri- Threatening Utters have been re- • offers it for lees than cost for cash, now existing between plain- A good ranch belonging to II. G. mony OFFICIAL DIRECTORY ’ ceived by the school gir s who iden-' 1 because he wants the money. Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 . tiff and defendant be absolutely . * _ rr,. . annulled, •' »■» ”11^/4 cancelled, no nnnl I£5/4 and onrl set onfr aside. nc-irl« tified Durrant as Blanche Lamont’s national : miles south east of Burns. 11ns | and a decree of diyorce, absolute, be r day of President ............................. Grover Cleveland j escort from school on the —Get one of I. S. Geer & Co’s, Hce-President. .................. Adlai Stevenson 1 , rr.. - girls have I premium purchase tickets. This ranch has about 100 acrt-s of good granted. leerettryof State ... Walter Q. Gresham . her disappearance. The „ meadow . land. Price $800 or will ; 2nd: That plaintiff by said de Ucretary of Treasury........... John G. Curlisle I , .1 * :e huetaryefinterior ........... Hoke smith been warned 1 .hat 11 lllev testify firm agrees to give the holder of ci ee, be awarded the care, custody teeretaryof War................... Daniel S. Lamont against Durrant again, they will such tickets a fine life size Crayon trade for sheep. werettry of Navy ........ Hilary A. Herbert and control, of each, and all of the B ykd it K ino . iecretary of Agriculture. .. .J. Sterling Morton tttoraey General . ...... Ri< hard 8, Olney receive physical violence —Idaho Portrait absolutely’ free, of any 'children mentioned in the com- Foitmaster General............... Wilson 8 Bissell Statesman. charge, by purchasing $20 worth Notice Of Dissolution Of Part- plaint. STATE—OREGON 1 3rd: That the money and proper nership. vewtor« I J. n . Dolph —Mrs.Mary Matthes has received of goods for cash at their store. It | Know all men by these presence tv taken by the defendant, as al ..................... I J. II.Mitchell. | Binger Hermann her spring styles of ladies hats and is not necessary that the whole, leged in the complaint be’ decreed iwnzressinen ................... I W. R. Kilis that the co-partnership, heretofore to Attorn*,» General .... -amount should be purchased at onre . . . C. M. Iillemen a full stock of milinery. be the entire interest of defend Don't iurereor............................... Wm P Lord If amount from 5 cents I existing and known as I). L. and •ratiry of State ant. as alleged in the complaint be . H R Kincaid time, but any------ ----- - ireasnrer R ...Phil. Metschar. forget to call and examine her1 the tick- W. II. Shirk is this day and date decreed to be the entire interest of Aupr. Public Instruction to $20 as explained upon __.......... GM Irwin stock and bear her prices. Rate Printer R____ W H I.acds 1 February 9th 1895 dissolved by defendant in lieu of dower, in all ets. i R. 8. Bean. —John Sweitzer,carpenter,under ’npreme Judges . .> Wm. P. Lord 1 mutual consent. Furthermore of the lands and property of the > F. A. Moore herein, and of their joint taker and cabinet-maker. His work that each and not one for the other, plaintiff SIXTH JUDICIAL district : and community property. MrtrietJudge ... D M. D. C lifforu shop is the old restaurant building. Huntington To The Front. but each foi himself shall assume 4th: That the land ot the defend ii b A. m-. , Jamis A. Fee ■ Mitrici Attorney . ■ J. l . Rau<i Mr.Sweitzer guarantees his w^rk — - . ' his own obligations and that neith- ' ant and the land of the defendant ■eiut-Representative . (It) . O. L. Pattersun. i Mnt-iseuator. . (RL- ----- A. W.Cowau ; prices to suit the hard times. Cof To Patrons—Huntington is now a er shall stand as "surety for the and her three children jointly, men ' the envy o feompeting points in fins made to orde”. Will take pro Railroad sense in particular, we other. In witness whereof we have , tioned in the complaint, be decreed COUNTY—HARNEY I lonnty . jdge to l>e for the use and benefit of the ”.«tk............... (D;..1' A-.'E.'Xon' duce partlv for wurk and balance in have advantage over all, we are set our hand and seal, this 9th day Bmuter ... .. children mentioned in the com (R) ■ 'L .. T. A. McKinnon i. 8. Geer ' z>a4b now a competing point for two R of Feb. 1895 ittrveyor ....... I a '*** plaint the issue of said marriage, *berii. . ........... (R).. R. lines the Union pacific and O ■ A. Glttit’gg U mnt D. L. S hirk , — J F. Boyle, photographer, is and that the same be held in trust 8. W. Miller • — ill,, •?;k 1Äi ,.en,kn‘’ ■■ «>" R. and N. Co’s. ’.Ve have the • C has . Newe l ' H. S hirk , •tort luipector ¡for them, by the plaintiff herein, A rare opportunity R J. ivers still here. choice of two roads and each one and that defendant be decreed to <icim:»»ion»r» (D) t ARBRIllsiti ’9 presented to all who have not after your business. No better rates iK) i have no right, title or interest there already supplied themselves with can be gotten at any point than harney Ü, 8. LAND officb : in, whatever, ar.d that the decree I _ I here on wool and other goods send ier.ver ’ ’ * ---- Re .. Thoma» Jones samples of his* excellent work. herein, when made and entered, *«*iver I your wool to Huntington and get ....A. A. Cowing — member his prices, $3.00 per doz. benefit in prices received by cut stand in lieu of a deed, for the pur poses mentioned herein. I for cabinets. He guarantees to rates on either road the O. R. A N SOCIETIES. And lastly, for such other and please even the most fastidious. Co. will prevail on you to ship to SYLVA REBEKAH Degree No. 43. further relief as to the court may Keet» every lat and 3d Wednesday. other points on their road than Administrator’s Notice. seem juet and equitable. Lucy Rnek, N.G. Huntington thereby controlling You will also take notice that the M L Lewis. Rec- Sec’y. vour shipments and cutting off the Summons is served upon you by U. P. Ry. and the O R. 4 N. Co. In the matter of the Estate of T. A. O.V. W, Burns Lodge, No. 47 publication, in the E ast O regon agents may visit you and make H. _____________ Glaze, deceased. lt*U»very 2d and 4ihThursdays - ¿ wanted by H erald printed and published at statements to the contrary but bear Notice is hereby given that the " “ underFigned bM W«« »W»"’“ .’ in mind they are looking for their Burns, Oregon for six consecutive weeks, weekly, by order of the Hon. ..... county -- --------------- j county ------ j ,own interests not yours. No point the court of Harney •VUNO n U HONOR Lodge, No. 8 Morton D. Clifford Judge of eaid **‘«* t M and «h Monday. Oregon, Sitt’ng in probate, admin .offers greater advantages than Court, and that said order was Mr». Sayer C of H. istrator of the estate of T. H. Glaze, Huntington. None can work for made and dated at Chambers in less wages, i o point will have mere ■4»tT LODGt, NO. W, 1.0 O r. | deceased. Canyon City. Oregon Jan 30, 1895. • ^«Odd Fellow» llall, every Saturday, | All persons indebted to said Estate wool buyers, our charges as low <>r "»•- J. C. Wooly N. O. are requested to settle the same lower than others, this being true Hyde A Pack wood, W. C. Byrd.Secy. I immediately, and those having is it possible considering above Atty, for l’lff. claims against theestate will present conditions that anv point can do as •4VWV POÉT KO- «• O- A. ». Huntington? We ’ ‘ .’ "'■ i 'MFL:’ H**L AU Contrada ofeurh them to me, at my residence in well bv yon as f Eurns-Canÿon Stage Line Burns, Oregon, with the proper are here to stay and give you vouches attached,within six months square deals our past record is our T. A. M c K innon , contractor. from the first publication of this recommendation, Don’t be misled U. S. MAILS, by agents ... or others statements | Carrying U. S. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express Co’s Express. j notice. Ly aran*— v » l *: Dated December 5tb 1894. 'ship your goods, wool etc. in our vrv'.vttand departadaily, Stages Leave Burns daily for Canyon City, and intermediate points. H. K slley , 1 care. .M. wax»--cm ton city : | Administatorof the Estate of T. H.: Respt. Fare $5. Leon Brown, Express Agent, RundaT Glaze, deceased. ' O. C. Co Ben Brown, local agent for contractor, Burns Oregon. ThsI^riLi Plenty of Time for Durrant. IW & A mu I I IM L 1 Cl 1 V <* I'OVl VS « V. »J • • ~ V- • - . ' - ____ ____ _____ . Kz V