’{anoe^s ut with your CAN I OBTAIN A PITENTJ T e Simpleton, a new tioxel bv T homas , 1 »on r i- II > io v, will be begun I" the Iieeemhor Number, G0C9, lOou pllgCS CI reading by the I .m.,!. on inue.i to November . Who- ...;.E with over ever may I e one’« favorite am,mu- Ei g!i«h Nov- ablest living authors, .-ii. k . it will be conceded by all eriti. « that Tito'ta- tuitd »tanil» forenn »’ of a matter 1200 illustrations by clever artists arti« in tii-ti n and The SiinpleUhR may be Breech, with expected to nr. u«e enthiiRiam« not inferihr in has stepped into the degree to Ilia’w hich ling marked Trilby—the in. rt auiceaa'ul «tory of the year. Anothei i a reduction in its price that Has leading feature «ill be the Personal Recollec tim » of Joan <>f Ate. by the Sieur Louis na tartled the literary world . c, sig. Her Page and Secre'arv. under which The H erald , fully aliye to the gui«e the m< »t popular of llvli g American irag.-zlne writara w111 Present aiie «rory of ihe patrons, has made Maid «f Orleans In the JauiiHry Nu uber Will needs of its appear a drofn«elv illusirHiee paperou Charles with this tm and the''srollusf, the first of a series of special arrangements Southern 1*«] .irs, it will Nuathern Africa is at’ractingmore attention superb monthly, whereby a'any othertime sii.ee it « as the seat of em­ receive orders for yearly subscrid- pires The next volumes of HA RPe-s M A'.y Z'Nli will four illustra-ed articleson this regin, ami three of them w ill depict the present life lions to both publications combined ihere. ¡ iliin Ru.i'li will prepare for the MAGAZINE a series of eight storiig, depicting for the sum of $3.00. fyi.ieal phases <4 Chinese Life and Mam era. Soldiers disabled since the war are I I cside.i tl e lor.g stor'es. toere will begin ill the The price of the great illustrated J«uuary Number the first CliKpter of A Three past has been Part Novelette, by R|i H VKI> llAhi-lNG IHVIs— monthlies in the lo-pi lull nt willows ami Parents how de the loners' work yet a te.noted Io thia wri er. ' I emleiit who-e -o:is died from the ellecrs of < mnplete shojt stories by p-piPar w i i’er« Will $3.00 and $4 (X) a year, ana they army »••nice are included. If you wi.*h continue to be a feature of ihe M AG AZiNE Our Premiums f 0. THI> YEAR --------!>+*•-------- THIS PAPER— -----WITH — than THK S N FRANCISCO Weekly Cail! Pensions, THE DISABILITY’ BILL LS A LAW. »’KICK |i 15 I’Hl ¥• AK. ----- <»R—» i' ‘t V <• fj,* prornrg iniwrr and an hrim-.t op nmn. Sil N N A < <>.. who have had e«l«rieriee In the latent bu’ini ’»- ; tlons strictly omfldcntlal. A Hundbuii» formation concerning Piitent» and how5*h _ tain them sent free. Aino a catalogue of median- leal and »clentlfio book» »ent free Patent» taken through .Munn A co. recet »necial notice In the Si-lentHic Antertcnn,» tlm» are brought widely before the I'ut.he » out emit to the Inventor. Th'» «plendtd nti|»r. Iwmed weekly, elegantly Illustrated, ba* by tar me largest circulation of any acientiHc wort in me world. Slf a vear. nan pie »•<•10.— »ent rrl*- Building Edition, monthly, f 1M a year. Single copies, 2.5 cent». Every number contain» t*aii- tiful plates. In colors, and photograph» or new bouse», with plans, enabling builders to show tne lat,-«t designs and secure lontr-o '«. Address MINN £ CO.. NSW VOKK. 3t>I B ho ADWAT. +- Entitled 1HÏ SAN FRANC’S 0 Morning Call! .i>c. ILLUSTRATED r COPYRIGHTS .IVEN Stove Per -------- -+--------- “P HE SAN FRANCISCO fl ' WEEKLY < ALL . H. F.. *dl/*VC* l»THt!«8T. -JljULflTFOH AKINS I. CORDOVAN, rRtNlHAlNAMClltOCALr. 4*3.“ FiNt C alf i K ancari » ♦ 3 riP 11 l.tCF. 5‘.3LE3. »2.»I.LPBOYSSCHODl$HOil ■ LADIES • Xu- bWUCKTUH»MA»A. ()% »r On» Million Propl« wr«r the JOJ jctfvop JttoC 1f»v ‘ÍUOtlt OU !»<».> pun ‘|.i3 |‘| ,<r the money. Tl.< V x |U»l ciMtoi > »1 ox • In »t y Ic «nd t't. 1 h-(r wearing i|u»lltlea ate un.tirt>i>««-»t»mp<<1 on »ole. I i .-i * i t > * i • . 1 over other mnt ». Il your itealvr cannot tu| ply >vu we can. void by I egei t ai d ! xi lueive d, signs lor Out-door «••’«or I lileitt'«, ! ran u from W orth i tod y » oi - ixi- ■. ai d i it vpt’ls, are an imp, an -irtute Ho M-appesr ,-iv.ty week, aeompc.ti- i.d h. mimiie rn-» ripii.o » »„4 Mj;s In 1» 1 ,-ti, , n, g ,ru xijimj ,,K FotiK.-r is weekly , rt. » ■ -,.T of dm If,st ni h P H:|,| . I "dm Cm h.apol Ne.v via H shim ». p ,1, », . ! .. K f|11| ,b u u ► n ■ gium ni o »hup. ». niurit s, trimuiinyr ■c o i„ , ,- m , » ,,f n,........ U,|,,.K ,,f W(.¡ ( ... I- ' >1 I -rm » 1 loihing i-i - elves ;.rn, timi » •■■ "•■n t lorti.mhtly Paiten »... sn, „ ' e> ¡m ,-» on.I,-.» ; llt plr|i...h<.lrI<;i,. gown l le w-otiiaii who tsk. « H A Kl’Fhu m >’edu;ift" liry-ss r*> iUg «uhacr!|itlmi price« f r the com bin at loin DAILY CULL AMD IHIS C, ■. . P.. EV, : .♦<> oo Airi FREE BRAMI COLUMN. 1 run.I ' nr ten on left shoulder; Ca’t1» ''tirte:i on left hi;» and tipper elip n'l both '■arg. T. A. McKinnon, Burna Ore. Hardin A Illiev, cattle branded Von left «11» Horae bran.1 t left aide, p <>. Burns.i'rt»on i'i:n y far : WEEKLY CILL TOUR FUTURE l.R WEEK 1.5 \RI'i:i: ' M \G AZINE Aud IhP Pip , P t Y r, #2 .r>0 CHILOIKN, ài WK BRANDS. HAMPER’S PERIODICALS Either ot the «le 'S . apir-wi will irnd in-to id a» a |irr- inl'ini <><• r> rel t of the follow % I L < . Fide.-, catlie brand --on rinnt »Ide. florae brand on left «h. ttider. .............. Ki l l: > BAZA 11............ II All I'l-'il » YOl’NG I’F’H’I F............... >'^"<:.m';':;,MeG^,,r''M,r’'i"H,e rn P»R«NTr>. "f the Wwklv w k,r jan|ian \ ' I. « ,,v 5utiilmr curie, Cuttle b end. II., on left rii nt der bl' In eft ear. n >•■• »'ope in ri-. h* ear Hor»ehr*»t ■1 on right « irle. >1 E J. A. William« P. ill I. , ! ,, r- H t .11 i v io n 1 vipi oi onlf-r. 1 bum I Vo.u-m» of Haipc-r’s W.-ei li f r **v’ < F» » h I giklhir« iUwih|« 1 its t , tin • f »rgitiitr v v 1 • «iiirt ,t •f r*<- 'htliqit kt ar» »f I IM1 • rv< It st Ni. Riley Or ■• ! ■ / Sclentiflo America» Aaency for Kiniitu»,,,,.» .Imii .i |n. n,a<|e i - '■ p - ^rirntifií 3mrritan *•*«'t •lliv’ Iv4 w ! *?. ta t Mutai* BV Htv t'AWFlOtalU I«. « a (aititi) V , M <• I, mima attuti * r»t mt (tiUMu t u **■«•••. * Y H k»i»» s;uA«( «t r »*•••*•'-•» »*-“ Niw liOMK >rw i\ t, • 11 Í N I t i 1 'd . . -. I'aichc S hh m \ Francivro, Cal lb*|uirtnifttt. V. u mb « «■»*■* »tt- u i M lei'gUl of I He I X oy ijyg •«< Io why» i' i >• Il I «nh Di drrn klv'A« to '»Ht \ .4 w . ■ml of ih«-*« in |Km rw-t • yam. v M a *» ahmeiivr y ;»t>. •»’’■I l‘»»| « »rfV R> ’ «d the fi m 1 1 j to toit?. I « I g ., I « q • tn 1 he At IK k K LINK or HT VIT G-.- *>• fendr rtw Mt i »tr-’ixht link nr t vrt. ... rf-il hfe; the rr*r ve if d I <>r RKAI TR *<♦« •o Bill the hr» in hint» t N.aeitr p bltohet w kmeetftk V « «ill h •*» q IH?» <«e «• ! i’i E «»F \ K " I s u, ,1 ir • ni» be having Itotu-ek *t*» '**• fiNi f H- h fvt i*'»4 ** •>«k* • f art e • rb be, »-.Ina, [Ux , I» »buk I» » tn..»: a •—*1 ' »I >41 pal»1 ugwlirk « aam.-aaiM tkomtin t «• wv Nir it* «»a« lf«i B-.ttvV till ...» e»<-r <"♦ Aar, a»d .1 th» • oT tr l«^r»l at- «1 th. ”* *k*Br IblvreMO»» nr*. »r ! iw», for ta» wtMg. r>« It ‘»1* »< - - t. y- * J. P Dickenson cattle hr«nd J P connected < » left hip liorte brand anvil on'eft «title P. 11 II ARPFIT' W o ( Lawvn Ore. |d< torlal hl»t >rv »»' M »»♦•». n pr • ».-t.l« every import», t eie t < jirui Cattle brand figure Ton either hip; m»’k light I r* >np: iy -• ... --.«...« a i j an s'i ■ (.|> i \ in j|. i’ l>. »ml t . - xhauk-i- -1 ami .-M-rip i- eu V ..f n,e hlgni.t crop off each car, «lip in each ear, and watt O ■ '^rrtbiVhii ’M; '<«’ ” h». on left jaw, llorae brand flail re 7 on eltln r hip J. H. Bunyard.Burr.« Ore. '«I- -<• «» î .V,t'' Mr;k” hwB.ahi..- .!.? * • Ä,V’,he *'• "n,'t of luhl '■’■•' William«, h. >r«e« and mule« branded i • ’»» 'I • •, i ’ t ", t‘2 t'o'* ’Ï* b ”’“1 ■ »«■'• rounding w,«n tight »title. P.O Kt.vy Oie. X*' • ■ " <•■ ‘ 11.IV, • v r- Horae brand on right stifle. Jimei K >u»»l -h i * “• 1 '1 '»»’»•»■tir e». Julian ‘Ita» ■ • h”. wr;,er ami ■ V ’ W|. P O Burn« Ore an . 1 Weldon n„„ f . •r . ;,."u;,;i«n.»h. h», i«.;' H. -ae I rand barm on leYt «honlder Cat’a t« ist î ' •;»’•■« I h Mr. Ralph it *. ,„j , brand har m on left hip and rib«. Catherine h II K K f» '• _ K W ► F MA «xcluaive lnf..ltn» Manhall PO Narrow »Ore. i at.d illaatratûti H \RPEIUS PERIODICA!^ P« r Year Tb» Vo nm^ .,t t«7r.„.,, i i.l.t for Januarv * i 0*1 ud it* r eot !*•*«*“ r*» I r d i*] t| l.i ITT roíame • • « t ••) Mlsr Laura stane il ft. Pur«» Ore. Horse brand on left «hnu'der and «atre o« Phil Smith burn« 8, I antpahiie and Son cattle bra id^ Connected. Far mark «wallow fork In right e«» underMt in left, P. Q Rurn« tree. Ho-». « »nd Cattle branded J P on left »h. uF .1er ».>me h ended JP cor nectexl Mary J. Price, Burna Uta 'XT.λ^ ’7 »*>«• r. «a ¿o»-’ o_¿ *** Oü< <,°I ts*baM va ree«,« ,,f t«’ IftVI A. “ ’ >Me» ot b-.c -, PoetiMfle« vm' ... tke aaevw ai »--L. ««y •• « aor • » Oli laf*r i «t »1 Ï“ coa»1»~i1F» Horae brand on left shoulder 8 " n» le of right hind leg Ore. iRPER-s FAZ \R H IRPERS 'I U. kltNF 4 4 or ARPER - « t h Kl Y I! ARPSH’8 V>l 4 (M Ni, PBOpi a *’■* ««V Free to »' ^¿••Htwraia th* V.J5 -Ute» lanata,« “r Mevf,^. ■% Mill M'Mt* »Wat« I trt R h Ü, Horne brand Ml on left «boulder, «» ’bre< ■lot«.-, in shapeof triangle,cuttle branded»«me F. K. Grout Burt:« Or. I LET STR ATE D. IS IN YOUR o\V N H AND. » m MW ro H SALX UY ■it'k1 dinuion I on left bip: hornea CV on 1er ■rie ill 1er. Charlee H. Voegt! • <•, Hurt'« Oregot Mi»» K. »» Di< ken»on Horae '-ratid «"vil et eft »Hile. ' «ttie branded bar R on left hip. F . O. Lnweti Ore. L^W ¡M».*1 KH? I « I.;,! ’cd )■( on lofi «'tfle. Patri' brami. ( on lei hip. Marion Buiiyard. PO Rurn« Horne brande<1 Pon »boulder. < wtt’e P •n right hip. R. a . Hendrick», f.o. I a*vn Or *»« pmtAT. oAvaars, to* MARKS, I 3N RATI MTU, tUPVHiCNVa, eioJ aw ltal*<1t.MW *yo. yo Kitow «V. N.w Yoag. iw »-uto.» |.lr,AmcHiw «.« IwtMt out by u. i. bonghi t br a «KWIC» «irmi trw ut etwa» o, u„ were to be found only in the more pretentious homes. Our offer fur. nishes a help to all families, r,o matter how modest their means, to keep in touch with the greatest minds of the world, as The Cosmo* politan has today the strongest regular staffof any existing pt-nod­ ical. Send orders to •T iie H erald , Burns Ore. Hap’ Eaza 1 LUS T R A TEI). dally. It 1« tnc Mils I REl.l 1 ULE. and 1» leeognUe.l n lx I hu the LEADING NEW.S. l*AI‘F.lt i f the Faclllc "Dealwra every where Wanted, m «ut lu take vaelitalie rale for till« xiiii.lt'. ! r l.K 4.IK 2.(X tin The volume- of the Magazine begin witl the NiimG'i-i lor .lime ami December o' eac h year. When no time u xpeciHcd, aiE criptmiix will lagin wi:h the Nuinlar cur­ rent at lino ot receipt of miler. Ito'.ual volume^ ,>< Harper'- Magazine foi three vear- b.mK, in 1;eat elmh binding will I’c ent |,\ .ii .il. po.i-pain, on receipt ol $3 per volume. Clmh t’asis, for binding tit) eentti each by mail post-paid. Lemi. tat.ces h I ioii M I e made hv Fo-totliei Money Order, or Drati, to avoid chane o loxs. A 9 AH« 11 Ik <1 nsajppv II l ‘!> •■••’•LI 1"‘’S’ •Vivid •>! uat|.w pu«‘.wot| ‘iui| w im< s|| -i to*i joj r........ .. ■ •" »II« '•>1 u.wouyi •|»-M| *ut ».< um | v 1» a haiul-oiue elghl- l>ng<< papor. It I* i*-ii, d every Thursday, anil rontnln* «11 of the important new« of ihe week, glmmed from every qu horticul- lural »ml agricultural new«, and la In every revpect a firm, aia«« family iai>rr, npponil g lotlie iliteteat of every member ol the household. —el---------- W. L. D ouglas C Q HARPER’S 1ER O. ÎCS I FKI<;». «<).<> i Pl It YKAIA. Y • -, ils * '• » Magazie« I L k U S T R A T K D FuP. TH : PR!C: OF ONE. Polish A high-class illuatratt-lmagazin» magazine in the home is no ], njK>r a luxury. It is a necessity, anil to meet the demands created by this necessity, THE COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE, giving yearly, ns it 1893 %UR MIND •• h -wr e«.tHtmï ákurZ‘rk» ‘ U* * “hingtou, New Ji-rvey - m It i»» l’»v»ry \w h«-R KJW rlt« F BESnY’SORGANS.-