HARDWARE R ule 4—All trees, plants, cut-1 Transportation . companies, or' Ths tings, grafts, buds, cions, seeds or persons and consignees or agent Having purchased Jhe entire stoek formerly belonging to CaJ pits arriving from any v foreign shall deliver and cause to be de country found infested with insect, tained all ^nursery stock, trees, Geer, comprising all lines of ff£ENKSDAY MAV 81». 5. -■ pests or their eggs, larvae or pupa), plants and fruit at one or other of HARDWARE, CRCKKRY, GLASSWARE, TINWARK, or with fungi, or other disease the quarantine stations,for inspec-! Editor. . , tion, as provided by the rules and ___ _ or diseases hitherto unknown’ in ».GB'«” - " i this state, are hereby prohibited regulations of the board. STOA 1 • HARDWARE, SUNDERIES, & CARPENTERS Details as to quarantine stations, HORTICULTURAL QUAKIN’- from landing. tine REGULATIONS. R ule 5—Fruit of any kind grown officers, fees of inspection, recipes for I offer the same for sale at greatly reduced prices for CASH. in anv foreign country, or in any of disinfection and all desired in- may be obtained on ap-J C. H. VOEGTLEY. A^<vrtnithe United States or territories, t ’ , formation * At »special inttAmgo iL1 found infested with any insect or plication to the secretary or anv SW B»«d of HorUculture held | „„„ J Insects, or with any fungi, blight, member of the Board or by reference : or other disease or diseases injuri- to the pamphlet circulated *j bers present, the following regula ous to fruit or fruit trees, or to | Passed at a meeting of the State rs were adopted, in accordance other trees or plants, is hereby pro-1 Board ot Horticulture at Portland, ffllhtbe laws regelating such mat- hil ited from being offered for sale, | Oregon, April 3, 1895. Ie„ and are, therefore, binding up R C ardwell , gift or distribution within the state.' •- J. — on all person»: The regulations are Attest: President. R ule 6—Any boxes, packages, to take effect and be in force from George. I. Sargent, Secretary. packing material and the like in and after May 4, 1895. fested by any insect or insects, or R ile 1—All consignees, agents —To all subscribers of the E. O. their eggs, larvæ or pupæ,or by tny or other persons, shall, within 24 fungi, blight, or other disease or H erald and those in arrears, who hours, notify the quarentine officer diseases known to be injurious to will pay up and renew, we will send ofthe State Board of Horticulture, fruit or to fruit trees, or to other j the *r- Semi • TIT. l_l_ XT __ ù ork M orld . M eekly New Corner of 1st. and B Street. or a duly commissioned quarentine trees or plants, and liable to spread free tor s’x months. For reliable ' guardian, of the arrival of any Proprietor prohibited News there is no better paper than | M. H. BRENTON | contagion, arc hereby 1 trees, plants, buds or cions at t.._ 1 from being offered for sale, gift, dis-. the \\ orld. quarentine station, in the district of tribution, or transportation until final destination. said material has been disinfected R ile 2—Al! trees, plants, cut 1 have two littie grand children by dipping it in bciling water and tings, grafts, buds or cions, import who are teething this hot summer | allowing it to remain in said boiling ed or brought into the state fiotr. water not less than two minutes; weather and are troubled with any foreign country, or from a I give them • I such boiling water used as such bowel complaint. tiie United Stat-s or territories, are Chamberlain ’ s Colic, Cholera and I disinfectant to contain in solution hereby required to be in-p« ct<.d up Diarrhoea Remedy and it acts like on arrival at the quarantine station •one pound of concentrated potash a charm. I earnestly recommend ten gallons of in the district of final d< s’iuation: t.» each and every « it for children with bowel troubles, and if any such nursery st < k, trees water. R ule 11—Animals knowu as] I was myself taken with a severe plants, cuitii gs. grafts, buds or or English , attack of bloody flux, with cramps cions are found to be free of it.sec’ Hying fox, Australian and pains in my stomach,one-third pests ar.d fungus disease s, the said wild rabbit, or oiher animals or of a.bottle of this remedy cured me. I The Proprietor of the White Front Livery Stable as quarantine guardian shall issue a, ‘ birds detrimental to fruit or fruit Within twenty-four hours I was | sures the public that he is prepared to accommodate trees, plants, etc., are prohibited certificate to that effect. And in every way in his line of business. out of bed and doing my house1 furthermore, if any of said trees, from being brought or landed in flUEf and grain constantly on hand, and careful help. work. Mrs. W. L. Dunagan, Bon-1 plants, cuttings, grafts, buds or this state, and if landed shall be For aqua, Hickman Co., Tenn. cions are found infested with inaect destroyed. Passengers taken to all parts of the country. Hearse and Job Wagen sale by H. M. Horton. R ule 12—Quarantine stations: pests, fungi, blight, or other diseases n connection For the fifth district, comprising injurious to fruit or fruit trees, oi other trees or plants, they shall be the counties of Umatilla, Union, disinfected and remain in quaran •Baker. Wallowa, Malheur, Grant- While In Topeka last March, E. tine until the quarantine officer of and Harney shall be Milton and ' T. Barber, a prominent newspaper lhe State Board of Horticulture or Pendleton. G. A. Hobbs quaran-, man of La Cygne, Kan., wa taken tiie duly commissioned quarantine tine •flicer, or any member of the | with choler morbus very severely, j The night clerk nt the hotel where , guardian can determine whether board or the Secretary thereof. R ule 13-Importers or owners of he was stopping happened to have’ t-e said trees, plants, cuttings. nursery stockr trees or cuttings-1 a bottle ‘ c. Chamberlin’s Colic, KL-t’s, buds or cions are free from i-v'e ii jura us insect pests or theii grafts, buds or cions, desiring to ’ Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy S. BAILEY, Proprietor. laiVffi, pupa;, or fungus dis have such nursery stock, tree, and gave him three doses which • aseg lx fore they can be offered for plants, cuttings, grafts, buds or relieved him and he tinks saved wins, Liquors, Cigas and Cigarrtts ■ak. gift, distribution '»r transporta- cions ^inspected at points other his life. Every family should keep Good Billiard tables, Pleasant Card Rooms, etc., etc. • on. AH persons or companies art than regular quarantine stations this remedy in their home at all hereby prohibited from carrying, may have such inspection done times. N o one can tell how soon it1 Saloon is first class in every particular. Experience bartender anv trees, plants, cutting«, grafts.! where r- quired; provided, however, J may be needed. It costs but a trifle . . ... -- I . . Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. tud« <>r cions from without the Ithat such importers shall pay all ’ and may be the means of saving *!a'-rtoai.y point within the statebe-'ehftrges of inBPection’ Suctl char j much sufferingand perhaps the life Jpnd the nearest point of its line or I ges and expenses to be paid before a of some member of the family. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by I coursetothe quarantine station ini certificate is granted. »H M. Horton. e district of ultimate destination; | or *rt>!u any print within the state 11 -l|1y other point therein, until 1 »uch trees, plants, cuttings, grafts. | !’Qdsor cions have been duly in-1 f!>-cte-l, and if required disinfected j JOHN SAYER,.... . . .Proprietor. ? “•‘hereinbefore provided, and all ’°ch shipments must be accompan- Situated on Silvies river 1 mile East of Burns, near the bridge hr the proper certificate of the '"•Peeling officer. Provided, how-1 Customers wil receive GOOD FLOUR from 5 !>at after such persons or I € n^"n- have given the proper Good Wheat *r 10llr da-v 8 notice, he or they ■ ‘“•I not k required to hold such ' •■•hHuenu further, without direc- iror»‘ such officer. i . e .»—All (»each, nectarine. »P b-um or almond trees, and 0 er trees budded or grafted up- I nr ^ach •t'-ck °r root., all peach EA aor r I’t8' R" P^acK nectarine.- GEAT SEMI-WEEKLY, ONLY $1 A M c K innon * kenyon . , • P or almond cuttings,' Any reaber of the E ast O regon H erald can get The Twice-a- ¿-«•cions, raised or grown in a Wl eek Republic free by sending in three new yearly subscribers to The / Pt wh-re the -peach yellows’ ^PuUlic with 13. burns In addition to obtaining the gicawo, greatest ■■vw» news wn>»iy weekly Hl in Amer America everv • • p tell r> sette” are known w ««•»•••••.» tl . d __ ui!___ m___ ».-_______ . .. ’ ' J rx *t, are . lo subscriber to The Republic ten — times the price of , the r - will , save ----- -------------- ,------- ...j paper, or , Shop opposite the Brewery prohibited from more, i 3 special offers _ made subscribers from time to time every year by the 1 P rted into °r plan^j or | Sample copies of The Republic will be sent anyone npon recep All work in our line done neatly and with dispatch ^.»-i •ith n tu "a c’ glfl or distribution of card request. Address all orders,__ Satisfaction guaranteed. Give us a call. 0 the «ate of Oregon. 1 burns rLOuH& S aw mill BLACKSMITH & WAGON SHOP. THE REPUBLIC. St. Louis Mo.