1 »* *■ A WEDNKbDAY MAV 11* •’’• —Carl Cecil,and wife and Frank — ; Dibble and wife all of Silver Creek helped Burns celebrate last Friday. —Mrs. Robert Reed with her two boys, started from here this morning f0 Idaho, where she has a brother living, with whom she expects to i make her future home, — '■ the ' . vkgest CIRCULATION of US .'-n.i-APFK IN this COUNTY. ' Births A I Mr and Mrs. Taylor Simmons a j girl, on last Saturday th« 27th ult. I M tb . Simmons is stopping in this, place at Mrs. Andersons during her i sickness. i Economy Is Essential To Success! Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Roberts of* ----- Ih'hgiousJ^rvices. | —Ex County Clerk Shideler and this place arc also rejoicing because d 3rd. Sundays of family will leave here for California i of the birth of a baby girl to them, Burns 1st. an mth H a. ni.<-and < P-nr.inext Saturday. Mr. Shideler’s ( horn last Wednesday. th« nin 2nd. Sunday, 11 a. m.and many friends here regret to see ^arrows 2— Silver Creek 4th. Sunday him leave. Boarding and lodging at Mr. and 7 p. ni. Harney 5th 11 a. m. and ” P- 111 —Several parties from Harney Mrs. Andersons in the south west' p. m and Sunday U a. in. and 7 and vicinity were here at the Odd division of our town. Customers i Thursdays at 7 p. in- before the 1st. Fellows anniversary, among whom can be accommodated with meals ' and 3rd Sundays. Poison Creek were Misses Ida and Hattie Clark, at all hours and the proprietors A good lesson may be learned by calling on J. DURKHEIMER Thursday at 7 p. m. after 1st. and Jane Page, Annie Comegys, Hattie spare no pains to make guests com-' I Hill, Lucinda and Ida Marshall, fortable and at home. 1 the leading merchant of Harney Valley and getting his best terms. ,3rd Sundays. R ev . G ibson , fchai. and E. J. Anderson, Mrs. Drinkwatcr and Joe Morris. I buy all | My stock is large complete & only first class qualities. Pastor. —The Ball at the Armory Hall : my goods for Spot Cash & the following prices talk. I Local News. Administrator’s Notice. on the evening of the anniversary I r at wits well attended and all seemed ; —L itest style of ladies hats I to enjoy the occasion very much. | In the matter of the Estate of T. eastern prices. J Duikheimer.' The supper at The Burns was ex-( H. Glaze, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the „ celleut and if there was any dis- —Roberts Bros, can sell you a! undersigned has been appointed by , , , , - , i satisfaction we know it not. the countv court of Harney county LADIES late improved bathtub for the AT $2.50 ELSEWHERE SOLD SHOES $1.40 Oregon, Sitt ’ ng in probate, admin - I — The goods lately received by j • 44 u small sum-of $12. H H 2.00 1.10 E. B. Johnson are about all passed | istrator of the estate of T. H. Glaze, —A neicc of 1). L. Shirk is in 4C u H K | MISS 1.10 2.00 into the hands of customers, so deceased All pt persons indebted to to c*it er^GUn,v Pn ,b 27th ult.. i --1' ' 'l'o CBLESStATii.O sk , amson family consisted of two sons zA 9>d one daughter. A ahort time r ». 7 a ago both families were married to j each other, the two sons and one «SSt-OCU&S, jflrrç ri V/hoZesu’e Oe«l»ir 2 daughter of one marrying the two Mll&'GAL MCFtUK/ f f € ** r 4: < • daughters and one sou of the other, —Prineville Review. r- Í-. F-TRA ; Tvii’S JOON F. STRATT01 CMirO’lATtD KEW TOBK »PAH/.» »•d WV.ml, D m I w . la all ktod. of MUSICAL MARCHANDISE, Vlellni. CuHan. Banjo«, Accordeow«. Harmon*. CM, 4c„ all kind« ol String«, etc., etc. Please call & my liberal term a will be sure to meet with your approval. - w 1er !a a?| k--, U MCÜCHAHC í S» .’EcitCt' - cw York. Yours truly, J. Durkheimer,