Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1895)
1 »* *■ A WEDNKbDAY MAV 11* •’’• —Carl Cecil,and wife and Frank — ; Dibble and wife all of Silver Creek helped Burns celebrate last Friday. —Mrs. Robert Reed with her two boys, started from here this morning f0 Idaho, where she has a brother living, with whom she expects to i make her future home, — '■ the ' . vkgest CIRCULATION of US .'-n.i-APFK IN this COUNTY. ' Births A I Mr and Mrs. Taylor Simmons a j girl, on last Saturday th« 27th ult. I M tb . Simmons is stopping in this, place at Mrs. Andersons during her i sickness. i Economy Is Essential To Success! Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Roberts of* ----- Ih'hgiousJ^rvices. | —Ex County Clerk Shideler and this place arc also rejoicing because d 3rd. Sundays of family will leave here for California i of the birth of a baby girl to them, Burns 1st. an mth H a. ni.<-and < P-nr.inext Saturday. Mr. Shideler’s ( horn last Wednesday. th« nin 2nd. Sunday, 11 a. m.and many friends here regret to see ^arrows 2— Silver Creek 4th. Sunday him leave. Boarding and lodging at Mr. and 7 p. ni. Harney 5th 11 a. m. and ” P- 111 —Several parties from Harney Mrs. Andersons in the south west' p. m and Sunday U a. in. and 7 and vicinity were here at the Odd division of our town. Customers i Thursdays at 7 p. in- before the 1st. Fellows anniversary, among whom can be accommodated with meals ' and 3rd Sundays. Poison Creek were Misses Ida and Hattie Clark, at all hours and the proprietors A good lesson may be learned by calling on J. DURKHEIMER Thursday at 7 p. m. after 1st. and Jane Page, Annie Comegys, Hattie spare no pains to make guests com-' I Hill, Lucinda and Ida Marshall, fortable and at home. 1 the leading merchant of Harney Valley and getting his best terms. ,3rd Sundays. R ev . G ibson , fchai. and E. J. Anderson, Mrs. Drinkwatcr and Joe Morris. I buy all | My stock is large complete & only first class qualities. Pastor. —The Ball at the Armory Hall : my goods for Spot Cash & the following prices talk. I Local News. Administrator’s Notice. on the evening of the anniversary I r at wits well attended and all seemed ; —L itest style of ladies hats I to enjoy the occasion very much. | In the matter of the Estate of T. eastern prices. J Duikheimer.' The supper at The Burns was ex-( H. Glaze, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the „ celleut and if there was any dis- —Roberts Bros, can sell you a! undersigned has been appointed by , , , , - , i satisfaction we know it not. the countv court of Harney county LADIES late improved bathtub for the AT $2.50 ELSEWHERE SOLD SHOES $1.40 Oregon, Sitt ’ ng in probate, admin - I — The goods lately received by j • 44 u small sum-of $12. H H 2.00 1.10 E. B. Johnson are about all passed | istrator of the estate of T. H. Glaze, —A neicc of 1). L. Shirk is in 4C u H K | MISS 1.10 2.00 into the hands of customers, so deceased All pt persons indebted to to c*<iiu said hadvölv Estate j , ‘rbonb niUriHvti Burns the guest of Mrs. Cal Geer. u id 4w ÍC nnic.i for low prices and staple are reqUested to settle the same CHILD .88 1.50 — Link \ anderpool is paying out ! gnods Onor before the 5th of immediately, and those a H il mens 2.50 5.00 town a visit this month he will receive more claims against theestate will present j 44 having I -Messrs Stewart of Diamond, I goods. He desires to call atten-| ^em to me, at my residence in. his present fire line ofi Rurns’ Oregon, with the proper, and Oard of Laiven are in town to- 1 Gon to vouches attached,within six months 1 ladies dress goods, stockings, silk from the first publication of this < day. . ! mits, lad:- s vests, etc. notice. —Our siiiet, with 1 » —The raw restaurant under con Dated December 5th 1894. a force of bauds is doing work on II. K elley , trol of Mrs. Mary Caldwell will be Administatorof the Estate of T. II. i the streets this week. opened for guests this afternoon. | Glaze, deceased . —Atty. Geo. W. Hayes was in i This restaurant is fitted up in splen Harney oa official business yester did style anel all persons acquaint Digest of Laud and Mining De day ed with the proprietress knows her cisions. —Next Sunday several persons excellent qualifications as a hotel 1 i Furnished by W. D. Ilarlan, Land will be 1 aptised at the usual place and restaurant manager and her I and Mining Attorney, Washing south of town. entire knowledge of the cuisine. ton, D. C. —Atty. Messick and wife — \V. Y. King and family left j ■ f* Baker City are stopping at llie(here this morning, w. W. Y. and A gbicultural . I french Hotel. Mr. Messick is en- | j wfe * are delegates to the Odd Fel-1 Where a single woman makes a | gastd m a refeiee case now going on 1 Jow and Rebeka I. O. O. . F. Grand homestead entry and subsequently I li< re [ Lodge, which meets at Salem on marries, and thereafter lives with —Mr ¡Laser, salesman and bus-1 the 15th inst. Mr. King will re- her husband (who had filed on an llie^ mai uger for the firm of Kiesel, turn in three or four weeks, his adjoining tract) in a house built t'inlliiig ;u.d Danilson, is in Burns wifi* and the children will remain across the dividing line between this week. I at his father’s near Corvallis for the two claims, by such residence -We are told by residents ofthe , 8everal ,nonth8- abandons her own entry. I :r,0As iha! the water of the lakes ( —The celebration of the 76th. M ineral . I u rei '<inig aud ranchers are sowing I anniversary of the ,I. 0.0. F. by In the selection of a newspaper fe'Miu ¡aid making garden ou ground Harney lodge No. 77, last Friday in vivert-d with water the whole of this place was impressive and en fi r publication of notice of mineral *Mt spring and summer. tertaining. The orator chosen for application the Register, in the ex —Mrs. Robert Di ink water will the occa.-ion, Atty. Geo. W. Barnes, ercise of a proper discretion, may 1 111 »ur town in a few days with a I of Prineville delivered a well con designate a paper that he regards' class stix k of millinery. She nected, logical and touching oration. best for the purpose of giving the of An orrtt«on that will add many to greatest publicity to the ! notice, Mitely requests the ladies' 1.1W1 '‘■■is and vicinity, when her stock ( the ranks ofthe lodge in this place. | even although it may’ not be the paper nearest the land. land . to call and examine her! The procession was very nice, in-, Mineral land ao known will not deed, ami composed of men and lue ,!l floods amt prices. any town I P a88 under a townsite patent. women, Rebkahs. whom ‘r rePTt(<l that the crickets' or lodge may be proud of The day1 Mineral land must be shown 111 g their appearance in this 1 passed off quietly and good atten such as a present fact. ■■;^ty in several places. Mr. Cross |.......... .... . ..................................... .... tion was given to the oration which fir-t ,,t ] , . I ‘n town tlie i certainly had a good effect upon the THE rtiiatton ; -weliL “’.audkno... | '♦ in his neighbor hood ' "‘ ¡’♦■uly and he feared would do tu«ch damage. , —Xear8v- * ni»1 " >it er^GUn,v Pn ,b 27th ult.. i --1' ' 'l'o<Les of Earr.e,. Ma << < t and her ‘»•ebUdre '■ »raged re specti ve 1 y t w o )*«• and -3 IS months, were found in lke ?owder ■ -¡ver. ri It is stated she »uicidtd •nd look her children •ith her because of ill treatment "i a d “ ru. ken husl •'‘•««.en nusui and. __ A ‘i'ale disturbance <_____ occurred i o * * , !1< -lhi town, about 1 or ■ • * on the morning i _ of the U Lf'; t A ®an ,efl the ’»loon in Lhu7 d • W«»n:c’e’ .. ‘*\1/fwhl’e«rthly ■he b;.li missed him. B and I nstruments From the 1’olk County Itemizer we learn of the following treble mar- riage between two families by the name of Edgar and Williamson: qq)t Edgar family consisted of two daughters and one son. The Willi W’lUdseioar NEXT PKESIDEXT. Gow k, timn to form new Band« for Can-.pikl^Q Wo ar« offering spooial Inducomente for |h<»* **«■* ««e* *r lU«MratrJ Cfttalag *a. < mt . JOHN 7 STRATTON ■¿AV! «r< uavAM. NEW ÎOBJL BUCKINGHAM & HECHT BOOT $4.50 44 ll u ELSEWHERE $6.50 3.25 “ 5.50 r 1 AM PREPARED TO HANDLE THE TRADE OF S tock M en & farmers . M ake liberal CASH ADVANCES ON WOOL. BUY CuUNTY WARRENTS & NOTE-S. jphx F. ST RATTO-’ ” • > CBLESStATii.O sk , amson family consisted of two sons zA 9>d one daughter. A ahort time r ». 7 a ago both families were married to j each other, the two sons and one «SSt-OCU&S, jflrrç ri V/hoZesu’e Oe«l»ir 2 daughter of one marrying the two Mll&'GAL MCFtUK/ f f € ** r 4: < • daughters and one sou of the other, —Prineville Review. r- Í-. F-TRA ; Tvii’S JOON F. STRATT01 CMirO’lATtD KEW TOBK »PAH/.» »•d, D m I w . la all ktod. of MUSICAL MARCHANDISE, Vlellni. CuHan. Banjo«, Accordeow«. Harmon*. CM, 4c„ all kind« ol String«, etc., etc. Please call & my liberal term a will be sure to meet with your approval. - w 1er !a a?| k--, U MCÜCHAHC í S» .’EcitCt' - cw York. Yours truly, J. Durkheimer,