" “But she’s not to go away for all mothers, but you and Dorcas l0Ve that, Aunt Soph,” said Guv, who each other so dearly that—why Guy, what is the matter?” for 'was devouring roasted chestnuts boy had rushed out of th .- room j BY MAHY J. HOI.MK9. like a dragon “Ask papa. She’s with an odd, suffocating sensation Fioin Aii'.rrl an Xa ijti. to la- Mrs. Paley one of these days, in his throat. CHAPTER II. He met Dorcas coming up the and—” garden path, with a bunch of scar­ Aunt Sophronia 1 “Guy always was a wild sortofa “Mrs. I’alev!” let holly-berries in her hand. , chap,” admitt-'d Mr I*.«lev. “I’tlt turned green and yellow, “It’s Well.l “Dorcas,” he cried, “you areas 1 his Hunts spoiled him. He never come to that, then, has it? false as the serpent woman! You ' had anv briiiniiig up to Rpe.ik uf I’ve suspected it this some time. | beau—” ■ But tliisFillfi«" seems to have ^n(j a«[ j’ve g()t f0 Hav 1«— » She comprehended him ¡n a exert« <1 a w<>nd«-rful influence over “Seven years frorn now,” said moment, though his voice was his up r.il natur», add« d Dr. Delfer. Quy( with his mouth full of chest- choked into silence. She flung away the scarlet cluster, and put ’ Ami I r -nil .• Hiiiik Dorcas has nllfP< “I shall be twenty-one, and her arms tenderly about him. , «him- it all. Iler ii fluence has * een (i|)e wj|| be twenty-six. Not enough “Dear Guy,” she whispered, “I wonderful ” difference to signify. And,” he. love him; but if you are unwilling “She deserves a great deal of Uttered, with a grin, as his aunt —if it takes away any of the home It is first class in » very respect. The proprietor having been raised feeling fur you. it only remains Dr in the business knows just how to conduct it Meat at retail and whole credit, I am sure,” said Mr. I’alev. fl(1Unced wrathfullv out of the you to say so, and—” , "I should like to set« her and thai t rootB “you’ll get your walking- •ale prices You can buy by the «piartcr, less or more, and at prices Her voice died away, her head Irr I’— ............ - a r ------ ---- ■ for ve ' bought few presents 0],j ¡a,ly, when I’m married! dropped on his shoulder. There as low at you would have to pay ranchers lleef Pork,.Mutton, Sausagt h< r. I've Ixnight _ a few . presents for I’d as soon have a death’s heati was an instant’s silence, and then ft«-. K A. M atthes , Proprietor her—a warm shawl, a silver snuff- an«ir opened «nd Dorcas lie added, with a forced laugh. W, liter came in, carrying« jtudt nt and movement struck th? boy. I never raw father look so And then and there Guy Palev I imi>, w hi«-|i she had just fille i and voting and bright before,” he learned his first lesson in self-abne­ trimmed anew. thought. “Something must, have gation . hhwakh I ¡s the whole story I Mr. P,-«l-y x :•! Hst >ni.«l>meiif Soph is going to marry to i marry ries and went into the library, where 1 ‘ I N g \our pardon, 1 urn sure!” some old fogv or other, and the her promised hu band stood. “I have just seen Guy,” she said. court will be clear ” ■ sia'iimeri d b»-. •‘Isn’t Im pleated?” ‘So you knew all aho"t it, Guv?" A >• t er ; i «-« imii | hiii Dorcas “Guv is a strange hov— ■‘About what, sii ?” j voting Guv on I|)x jourii. v home a noble nature. I am not sure, ‘ About my engagement. M Iff 3(TPC ”° raorc • that «o dd i.nd« rstaml an, . cis say-« she will always love vott drawing Dorcas tenderly to his a:1 ber own son. As a gem ral B»4e j t i- g a1 < nt nursing!” THE END. ‘ She dees though,” said Guy thing, 1 don’t approve of step- i Do You Sht's a I -:«!,-, Aunt S« ph. And I dupense u ith In r si r- Disease commonly comes on with slight V < re,’ s id Xis- S,q hr« ¡.la "A symptoms, which when neglected increase boy that eats the quantity «if mu»’ in extent anil gradually grow dangerous. ti is ai.d pUm j ,ins roil did at tea To every person send­ if iiwr from headache , oys - TAKE RIPANS TACULCS I (ftlk M INDIOfITION. . .1. ' >a«t night c.inmit call himself m. ing us the amount of If pa Bll lout. CONSTIFATf 0, at ha«a | nvdid anv longer, She h «.- I «n. ith ten c *nts extr«, II*fW COMPLAINT.................................. TAKE A TRUE WOMAN ARA AND HAi\A\ER SODA ► ► » I RIPANS TABULES If p«» COMPlfXION It SALLOW ar |O« AUAta 01 »HUM AFIIR CAHN«. TAKE rar O'ftMtvr BRTATH aM ALL OISOR- DIM Of INI SIOMACH. . . . TAKE 1895. Single copies R pant Tabulat H»g»!^fa th» Syttam and Pr»t»r»» th» h'aa/th. j r c RIPANS TABULES RIPANS TABULES i li -it* A u.iitnli, and —" t 1 I RIPAN3 TARULi 3 tutor fV |4.».w «»/ A COMPICTC I MFCHCINC chest «Ml to to--» > « • EASY TO TAKE, QUICK TO ACT. SAVB MANY A tMKTOR S lllt.l. Rn rvcrlvt ni («rive. '.'Vitr.lv. lx. '. i THE RiPAN'i CHEMICAL CO. ie rf»»i»cr wTwrrT. - • ntw yorh . 1 i. i / AND ZNCYCLOPEDIA FOR 1 h e» w u 'J The Best Reference Book Printed. A Volume of over 5C0 pages j It Treats 1,400 topics . } Endorsed by STATESMEN, EDUCATORS and STUDENTS everywhere. J Ha# Reached Such a State of Per- ¡J fectlon That It is a Veritable j Encyclopedia of Facts, Statis­ tics and Events Brought Down sJ JANES R. WAITE, J, X to January First, 1895. n“ “**•»* J*«. F' M I. ' •< HE 1895 volume is a whole library ja in itself. One can hardly think of a question it cannot answer. It tell* all about party platforms, election sta- > tistics, the new tariff, religions of the earth, population everywhere, state and L 1 government statistics, occupations of men, foreign matters, literature, science iSl and education. It is . . . ! i'll»..«- «r» ' I«’ 1» t «»'. T ' - *“ •? "«i* L.« «u, t.» NERVINt HAS . p x. • *•>«'••••••«,-ya, s t .• CURED MANHOOD RESTORED! ?•' p- v.;-; •.-r.’x.- “ •?•.;.: .‘rv,'1.-: » . .. J' • »—-«rixal - • >•»«■ . w, wtr«. « «»-•». ... ■ . .r«*rw . m... »• ., W ie» -MM» * ».I». w»wa W»JI V- «• ...H.«* I««M<, < >a Y— ra—-4 — • 1 . - . a •% ., Vr .»1 ., _ |a> > • a W •a a <«.«•«-, .. .w.4 a a. «■—« . tk.i-4 .. Zl *> a., «•» *•* 1 * «a. »••• r-' ... '»• <• ■ • f - 1 —• w w wa r « w*. ■ . 4 IMnwklMI Sat A <•««*,. x------- -- _ T • .« aa«-a •*««*.**»». •* II ■ ItONYA X , S>«aa*x ; ,x. £r.;.y I la 1 - THOUSANDS J taa'a"« _ YEAR BOOK. ..j •• • n-.no» O’ “lLU »»1LLS.ftOOc,ti;5i. ' PRICE, postpaid b mail, - 25 CENTS A—. THE WMU, Mew Yo^X '