HOTEL BURNS. WANTED.. A^ru.i. to sell our choice and har­ dy Nursery Block new «¡ w H h I varieties, lioth in fruits and ornamentals to offer, which are the Hardware This large and comfortable hotel is well turnished and the proprie­ tors use every eflert possible to make their guests feel at home M ay B rothers , Nurserymen, •tore of 0. H. Voegtly. The table is at all times supplied with everything the Roche«ter, N. Y. — Don't forget Henry Cheatham barber, desires a part of your For Sale Or Trade. pat­ _ ronage, at the new barber «hop. —100 acre« of fine fruit land — Who «aid you couldn’t get a Oregon, 1 Call at the City Drug Store mile - west of Spenser Butte. Lots at 4400 each Horses and cattle part pay on each lot. if ... .. ~ I the purchaser so desires. For —Chas Voegtly oners a Havana . . , .. . • • , . .. . (her information inquire at press gram drill at less Ilian cost' olhee. * * — Builder« tools and all kinds of building hardware at the ¡{urna ■ urns hardware store, at bottoni prices for cast«. I V Mareelue» l>l»«o«»ry Free pretty _____ ■ The Roberts Bros. E. B. AND C. I). R oberts I Tinners, Plumbers, Wan-Tsian Rmur.-Mn wtml«l.,w‘» boolhltig Syrup h»» been uaed for <>»«•. Il 1 1 r »rara bv million» ..fmolhvr« for Hielt n wlillv tirlhiug. with (»•rfect ancra» I.CHitbea the child. »..Lena th« kuiiii , alia'« all pain, • ur. a wind ( olle, ami la me beat rema elv Dlarrhaora. la plenaant to the t«»ta —The Saloon, in th" new hotel sold for by Druggis a In every part of the world. a buttle, ft» value!« invai à building. Richardson and Stephens Twenty lable Ile »nrr anti ark for Mr« Wlmlalow'a Sool hl ii ( Syrup, ami take no other kind. proprietors, is nicely furnished and Its customers is given the brands of liquors and cigars. af­ Much Treatment Without Aval and inquire. fur cash. market fords. Mr. Charle» <*• l'anther Walla Walla, _ ----- Wash. , Innaminatory Rheumatisir in I 10 acre lot« 5 miles south of Eugene ■ food flavored cigar in town for five tents? T. M. A MRS. E E. BRITTEN, P roprietors MR controlled only by us We pay —.School books at the drug «tore commission or «alary. Write us at •f II. M. Horton once for terms, and secure choice —School book« and stationary of territory. •heap for cash, at OREGON. BURNS, We have many free Correspond Send for sample copy Superfluous hair removed per- bi Bow Knot, fl|s>kan«, Wash I manently, instantaneously, without Ladies advertisements inserted free , pain, by Electro Chemical Fluid. All work in their line done at very reasonable figures and guara.i- |f> be firgt claj), | Hood’s^'1 Cures winter weather nor any time aince have I felt any of the eymptom« of the return of my rheumatic trouble." C ha «. G. pANaKER, Walla Walla, Washington. I I STORE. PIONEER DRUG [W. E. G ba < e ’ m old stand ] Hood'« Pills >»re purely vegetable and de not purge, pain or grl|«. All druggists. 29c. Proorietor —■ -AC Worthington Barber Shop K.DEAI.ER IN.^_ • ___ » DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONARY, DYES, PAINTS. PERFUMES ■Inorder to prove superiority, we | —The Elite Saloon has again —Tonsorial parlor Ed Walton (linnged hands The proprietors will for next 90 days send sample proprietor. All work in his line TOILET ARTICLES, AND NOTIONS. A full line of School Books and School Supplies. Confection» are now Caldwell and Smih. The I bottle and testimonials free, on re­ guaranteed to he first class. Call i Nuts and fruits. building li'is undergone a complete ceipt of nineteen cents to pay post i and see him. tl„. •>?**• Electro Chemical Co., 25 E:nt f fff~Mail orders promptly filled. r< novation, this l»cing done by' Edwards present proprietors, The bar fix-1 Uth St Npw York tlirt s. |MM»I table, pictures etc the Caldwell saloon have from Sometime ago I MriiN troubled with1 Burns Ontario Stage Line Real Estate. I ife and Fire insur been an attack of rheumatism. I used nnee Collections s Specialty. moved to the Elite. Give them a Chamberlain's Pain Balm and was OREGON cull completely cured. I have since M l hns , —- Leaves Burns daily at G:30 p m . Arrives at Ontario in 42 hours adviser! many of mv friends and The recent change made bv I lit* I customers to try the remedy and t«| Ntw York Week I v World in issii- A Woman Who Will Work Fare Oneway 46.00. Round trip $11 f America. 4 » (M out­ JOHN ROBINSON P nor your own country Congress is fit free. Aliy energetic woman can now in session. Every movement z I make from 415 to 450 wt.kly. Everything in my line guaranteed will l>e of the greatest interest. Send for circulars and terms to be done satisfactorily. Keep abreast of the time« by read-, IIYGKI \ M F'G CO . 37S St , New er «Notice is hereby given that I am r nys»fviHn r. lake's Cream Itaking 1‘owdci 1W & WIN urer of New York Citv. HANGERS purchased Ad •4 4th 44 5th n Monteiths 65cls 40 •a 55 •4 MO *4 »I 00 •• Elementary Geography Monteiths Comprehensive Geography 41 25 Grammar N\*ts Grammar ¿Nets And ail ether school books in proportion and after this date I will sell s« I m ad books at the above prices for rash and for cash only Orders by mall promptly a tie nt rd to SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. ('larks Normal Sills Dated thia let day of Cough Such gooM» » i w. iS >. ».» ,»»<*'. a» Ity.^aLaw«« -v » • »• .« • •ack to the druggist from whom he j had obtained it for two more k>t I lies of the same remedy When you have ar ugh nr cold give preparation a trial and like -A4 DOWS -. ' TINWARE. GBASlT WARE. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE GARDEN SEEDS. FAR obtained from its u»e that he sent 25ct« GL ASS doors While at P.vkskill. N Y . Mr J Remedy. > m 1st Reader« at •4 2nd OIL WARE Twice a We. k World at this ep*'ci,| rate T hk II kkai .D. SUPERIOR .'oiler Jon». I am.I hu.tnrae. »nd Kral Ra.ata n.aliat proiuptlv alt»nded u> a kittle of Chamberlain's A mt M im M M«lil M k I chhw PAINT A Scnv» n, a prominent manufact O r R oon Bl NN«, ALSO DEALERS IN and the T*iee.v-W»ek New York Worldboth for 12 25 a vear. Tike a MF.» HAN1C8’ TOOLS a - Call and «re our Holiday goods. MKR8 UNDERTAKING GOOD* this Mr St riven you nill want it wh< n again i in nerd of such a medicine It is a remedy of great worth and merit. 50 « ent trottlra Horton for sale by H Proprietor M I ’»s. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, KRBATMta'KS CliTMl'm. J W SI’S«*. St«»» Hicks & Biggs ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office« al Canyon City and Bum«. , • M FR. patent medicinks stationery , diamond dyes , choice perfumen * FAN« 5 toilet ARTICLES. TOBACCO. CIGARS ETC. Fine \X ine$ & Liquors for Medical Purposes K^P^nptiom accurately compounded. First Cl««« D«nUl W» rk Duo«