to do to hi- subjects what ourdic-l —To all subscribers of the E. O., tator presumes to do to a free and j H erald and those in arrears, who | T i Having purchased the entire stock formerly belonging to Cal I will pay up and renew, we will send j enlightened people. BISCAY APBIL24W-»• D'd the good times come? And‘the Semi Weekly New York World Geer, comprising all lines of _____ - ' I . For reliable ■---- * _ _ _ Editor. did the glad smiles of prosperity free for 8’x months. . C. BÏ»P ' - HARDWARE, CRCKERY, GLASSWARE, TINWARE, .. again enter the homes of the farm News there is no better paper than i er and laborer after the repeal of the World. Oregon Legislature« the Sherman law? Has a single pre STOW » HARDWARE, SUNDERIES, & CARPENTERS diction of this would dictator come CONCLUDED. 1 have two littie grand children to pass? I offer the same for sale at greatly reduced prices for CASH. ThS legislature’s added receipts, Has he in any instance kept his who are teething this hot summer the secretary’s office, which pays . pledges to the people, I ecause the weather and C. H. VOEGTLEY are ■ troubled with i---- — 1 give them ’ * incumbent Chicago platform upon which he bowel complaint. COfit not 1$88 than $ _ was pUrtpd elected rnnfains contains his his pledges, or Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and hire the most of this was superflu I if not he had no business to I accept Diarrhoea Remedy and it acts like j ous as the clerks, or at leait mos | a charm. I earnestly recommend the nomination. of them did nothing but lobby foi We now look £o him for an ex-1 it for children with bowel troubles, Dolph so the state government , the 11 was > myself taken with a severe hired men to electioneer for a sen-1 planation why the repeal of i------- of bloody flux, with cramps Sherman act does not or did not attack gtor, and all of us are taxed to pay relieve the financial distress. and pains in my stomach,one-third this’eleclioneering money. But instead of him, like a man. of a'bottle of this remedy cured me. The Governor’s private secretary acknowledging his efror and try im: Within twenty-four hours I was 1S allowed $3 600, the half of it is to make amends for his obstinacy out of bed and doing my house enough besid. she is allowed $1.600 or open dishorn »tv he still persists work. Mrs. W. L. Dunagan, Eon- „ore for clerical aid. The secre For in the same course and goes arm in aqua, Hickman Co., Tenn, tary of rule clerk hire, or rather he arm with the bankers, corporations sale by IL M. Horton. Corner of 1st. and B Street. wallowed for clerk hire, $15 560, and shylocks of the world, He, Proprietor this is preposterous, neverthel ss M. H. BRENTON ........ big I,people, little you. He pro I ______________________ true. School Supt i- allowed fur ] poses to send out a few of his kind I While in Topeka last March, E. I (I LIVERY S T A B L E clerk hire and traveling expenses OFFICE I $4.600 . | ¡over the country to if possible stillT. Barber, a prominent newspaper | l~* ¡j j| j furiia r ‘‘gull” the people into the man of La Cygne, Kan., wa taken ;l| |! The i ffice of Atty. Genl, is $6000 i with choler morbus very severely. btli f that he is right. per annum which all of us help to His great financial abilities were pij a d t is not worth one farthing j .shown in the recent sale of bonds he was stopping happened to have i toanvofus. Maintenance capital I to, his pets, the Rotbchilds «-it a loss a bottle ‘ : Chamberlin’s Colic, I $3.340, lighting the same there is Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I of $9 009 000. $9.200 more all wed. There is al j 1 D< es < h velaiid think the people and gave him three doses which so $6000 appropriated f r E st of tbi- g< ve> nirient no nothing al out relieved him and he tinks saved Oregon Fairs, ai d we chi not see the h:st< r . of this country, and the his life. Every family should keep for our lives where we are benefit d depression that immediately fol-1 this remedy in their home at all j the fair business is a farce, but it is low» d the demonetization of silver , times. No one can tell how soon it u good place for sporting men to may be needed. It costs but a trifle , meet, gamble and horse race and in 1873 and has continued to th» The Proprietor of the White Front Livery Stable as and may be the means of saving1 1 present t:me. we pay for it. sures the public that he is prepared to accommodate The financial policy of Jackson much sufferingand perhaps the life I The public printer gets $60.000 in every way in his line of business. of some member of the family. ‘ when we belieye any sensible man Jefferson and our fore-fathers subs jpgrHay and grain constantly on hand, and careful help. should say the third of that amount the pf ople of this country admira 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by | bly. And we believe every honest H ,M. Horton. »n •««>».. t.V'o.w cniliniant Passengers taken to all parts of the country. Hearse and Job Wagen And so on it goes until the man who rs’posttu win agier ...m. n connection amount of useless expendit -res us. appropriated reach half the state I tax. ; —The Best Week'v Paper in IS THS BEST. Anu now we come to the militia, Califo'nia. Only $1.50 per year.', Q(JI VllUL NOSQUEAKING. for its share of condemnation, here f5. CORDOVAN, Address . FRENCH& ENAMELLED CALE is a larg« amount paid out for no T he B ee ; I 54.*3. so FINE CALF& KANGAROl earthly purpose. While appropri- Sacramento, Ca | $ 3.49 P0LICE.3 S oles . 8'i ig for the military, why did they l ot further, or not begin at all, ap ♦2.*1Z? B oys ’S chool S hoes . props ¡ate pay for the men? Then at •LADIES’ S. BAILEY, Proprietor. A Wonderful Discovery. iiast it would do a few some good, SEND FOR CATALOGUE '•at the men get no pay, but glory, WL'DOUGUAS, Dr Checir.i s Electric Spavin vtins, Liquors, Cigas and Cigarretts mid of course the drill and et her BROCKTON, MASS. Jure positively removes Bone Spav Yon can oave money by purchasing W. !>• Good Billiard tables, Pleasant Card Rooms, eta., ®to. utecsiary lime taken up in militar . Dougina Shoe«, Because, we are the largest manufacturers of i q „ 1 • c.,,. „1____ • _ •• , ... in, Ringbone, Splint or Curb in 48 p rformauces, interferes just that advertised shoes in the world, and guarantee ~a,oon is nrst cl.lss in every particular. Experience bartender uara f price on | hours without pain, f" •$500 reward ' the value by stamping the name and —1------- '““‘•h with the busi. ess and calling . . I 1 the tne bottom, Doitom, which wmen protects protect« you yon ag against high j failure or slightest injury. Tht I prices and the middleman’s profits. Ou«-shoes Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. <4 »ach mem I er. , , . equal custom work in style, easy fitting and treatest wonder of the A meteenth I wearing qualities. We have them »old every- i • It» ... 1 8hakesp«re said, ».- 1 ’ n r * subjects . • . . , .. ■ where at lower prices for the value given than were1 ( n Century, <ent __ astonishing as it dbes the I ¡>tiy other make. T ike no substitute. If your »ise, kings Wouldn’t wage war.” »ntire veterinary world. Circulars '’‘ealtrcannctsupp:yyou,wccan‘ How true the reruai k. tnd t» stimonial3 free. Dr. Guy | I hecini, 378 Canol St. New York. » mJ W. L. D ouclas ' , fvei - and in bin letter to the I liicagc committee sa vs: "What1 Iu‘e(l»d more than ain thing ' ■' a plain aad simple presenta- ll^’n of the argument in favor of •o^nd „Oney.” In 11)i8 of "‘i’ orttine and depression the ppo- ‘ Wi'.,inK lieten to *n.v r< tn I '“.• or th irimfonunatecondition.” ‘ »‘» Policy before and since the ^»‘“f the Sherman law so he I f,’r* sound, good a||d (,uble| • h’ sjjid and still adheres to ’’ •*« he is opened to free coin- “ He confidently pre- * return to good times on ■ lb. • they Mit-ving he "‘•tnanimou, enough to puiinS rLOun & S aw mill JOHN SAYER, Proprietor. Situated on Silvies river 1 mile East of Burns, near the bridgf Customers wil receive GOOD FLOUR from Good Wheat * of co„. would be' GEAT SEMI-WEEKLY. ONLY S i listen to | I— ‘ reaber of the E ast O kego . n H krald can and ap- Week Republic free by -..... sending « — in three ------ ’ “«* Vean, « far coinage bill. Republic with 13. ’“ilr, the In addition to obtaining the greatest news w<» klv coinage Pie whr’°fC0"greee Mnd tl'.e |>eo- I subscriber to The Republic will save ten times tin* phc< ’ho put Cleveland in more, every year by the special offers made subscriber r h>s pres- Sample copies of The Republic will be sent »• ;nt Pomtion, r- _ were disappointed. < f postal card request. Address all oidere, ’ of Ruwia wuuld'not dare BLACKSMITH & WAGON SHOR M K & * ray:rg °f ;h- THE RirULLi c innon kenyon burns ' y . * i, or i< lime Shop opposite the Brewery All work in onr line done neatly and with di.natch guaranteed , Give us a call. Satisfactijn