Mta I WASTED., Business Locals. HOTLE BURNS That Tired Feeling Agent» tot-el] our choice and har dy Nursery Spx’k. W " have many new special vanities, loth in fruits Means danger. It is a serious and ornamental- to offer, which are condition and will lead to disas trous results if it is not over controlled onlv bv us. We pay come at once, it is a sun- sign —School hooka nt the drug store <-ommi««ion or salary. Write us at that tiie blood is inijioverisheil •f II. M. Horton once for terms, and secure choice ■md impure. The best remedy is stationary —Sch<»ol book» and of territory. M iy B hothekh , Nurserymen, •h<*ap for cash. at tin Hardware Rochester, N Y. •tore of(L II. Voegtly. — Don’t forget Henry < 'henthnm For Sale Or Trade. bm ber, <b »ire- a part of your pat Which makes rich, healthy blood, ami thus gives strength and elas ronage, nt fix- new barber .«hop. — 1<M) acres of fine fruit land in ticity to the muscles, vigor to the brain and health and vitality —Who said you couldn't get a I 10 acre lots 5 miles south of Eugene I to every part of the body. good flavored cigar in town for five Oregon, I mile west of Spenser Hood's Sarsaparilla jiositively cento? Call at the Citv Drugstore | Butte. Lots at 1100 each Horses •nd inquire. land cattle part pay en each lot. if j —Chas Voegtly offer* a Havana ,h” P"r'’h;'***‘r desin*. For fur | OREGON BURN’S. MR T. M. Á’ MRS. E. E. BRITTEN, P hoprietohb I HOOD’S Sarsaparilla pnes grain drill at h ss than cost U"‘r i"f,’r,Mati,,n “t ^i* office. for cash. — Builder» tool* and all kinds of I»..-, * i »iirriH building hardware at the i»■ 11 • *. hardware store, at bottom 1 for cash. i A M bthv I ou * l>i»r.>%rry Free ** °L!’ W kli .T kikd R kmkd Y. — Mr« , rUp llMl ,vvn i|ge<i f<»r ■ in • • • > .. • • licit uhlhtrun w hilv with perfect uuu< erv. It h . h •• Li m He ridl»i. *> ' ent the k* iHm. tilin' 4 all pHin,« tin ► w Ind colic, nnii 11» the best reine Itido! ^“r pleaantit to flie tn«te 11 *’ * ; Sold l»y l»r iKg.n m in every part of the world. I Tweli!' tl\r . t ii!n 11 bottle If 11 \ allli IH ¡IIVHls Ini - Be »«re and ark for Mrn WindBlow^t I "toothhi k Syrup, und lake no other kind. I I The ,able i, at ,11 li.«, .»pplieó »fit ”‘rr‘h,n« ,,w ■**« I ford*. I lliv„ The I’.urn, a call and >ve feel aaanred you » ill continuo,I. it- guest when in town. Makes the Weak Strong “ I suffered with tired feeling and run down condition, and i was generally out of order. I am now taking my third bottle of Hood’s Sarsaparilla and the tired feeling is gone an<l I feel like a different limn. I recommend Hood’s Sarsa parilla to all who suffer as I did.” J. F. R k .'E ckek , Sliaw, Oregon. d comforlable hotel is well furnished and the i Z èli. rt v-il.l.' to O.A.. their gut-U feel Ot ho,.., , rs I . The Roberts Bros. I E. B. and C. D. R oberts ■ I Tinners, Plumbers, & Electri- 1 edans. I I On the corner next tn Armory Hall Bums, Oregon. I Ail work in their line done at very rei s in ibl • fig ires and ¿uara I —The Saloon, in th" new tee I to be first class. I building, Richardson and Stephens pr .pririors. is nicely furnished and Its customer» is given the best ---------- ---- - -—————— and — Dr* i-i k pt pr.tfy busy brands of liquors and cigars. I done I'he universal goo I dentistry . Marriage piper free containing < its fr(> in i ' h’,n uaimd for the Dr. a [W. E. G race ’ s old stand ] cont. doing ad vertiseinento from lasting reputation I ladies and gentlemen who wish to Hood’s Pills I Proprietor. , copy , Superfluous hair remove I per- c rr< a|M»nd Send for sample !<■ ■■■<«■ —— j i c Worthington to Bow Knot, Cpokane, ', Wash I manently, instantaneously, w ithout Dll’ GS, BOOK: STATIONARY, DYES, PAINTS, PERFUMES Barber Shop * Ladies advertisements inserted free pain, by Electro Chemical Fluid. Inorder to prove superiority, we —Tonxorial pnrlo» Ed Walton | ’ ES. AND NOTIONS, | —The Elite Suloon ha« ii ARTICL1 ’ vili for next *.»0 days -end sample proprietor. All work in hi» line TOILET A full linf of i-chool Books and School Supplies. Confection! I < bunged hands Tim pro, ri< ' I 1 bottle ami t. stimoiiial- free, on re- guaranteed to lie first class.' Call ( Nuts and fruita. are now Culd vi || and Smili. >.IV post j ceipt of nineteen cents to pai und see him. I uilding has undergone a coin fiF’M.iil < ree - k ou ptlv filled. ige. Electro Fl< i tie Chemical Chemi ■ A, Co., i <<■ ‘2Ô Ea-t T< novation, this I ing d n> I v j ai i es Edward”, I Ith St. New York p a«« nt proprietor«. The bar Hood’s ; PIONEER DRUG Only Hood’s Burns Ontar ’.o tore», poo! table, pictures etc the Cnldwi II saloon have moved to th>' Elite. Give tic call STOKE. Stage Lin 3 Sometime ar o I w i- troubled with i I at* attack nt i lieum.iti«m. 1 used 1 t'hamberiuiu’- 1‘al i Balm ami was lll’BNM. - - - OREOOS” 1 completely cured. I have s.nce - --------- !. I...... B <1.11, .1 0:30F u. Arri«. UOntario in 42 hour. advised many of iuy friends ami ' customer* to try the remedí and to New York Wnklv World in is«u- Fa re One w ay *G.OO. Round trípili -00. A Woman Who M ill H oi k speak highly of it. Simon Golda ing two pi persa wt ck in p’aee of one W W ITI» in every county to in-1 haunt, San Luis Rev. Cal. For is meeting with gr-at favor Through freight Biota, a pound. trod lice the Celebrated ‘llig'ia «ale by II. M Hollon The peopl? appreciate the change Two day? notice at any P. O. on the route i id c >vare leu ' \\ lists *br all ages. This waist Keep ii I ru . f ” >• - eoit _■ ,i.e furnished for passangers. Il- A. illianto. I ' sup'tcede« the curvet, and ba« re ceived the unanimous approviti of T01ÎS0RIAL PARLOR, on in the world and particularly in P hop vour own country. C >• gr« ss is plivncinns of Aim rie*. » lot» out- JOHN ROBINSON tit free. Any energetic woman can now tn h «*i >n. ’is I’.v-rv movement make from $15 to $50 w«<kly. Everything in inv line guaranteed w ill l»e of the greatest ink r< vt. i 7 - ---- r- < ~ f A • I_ Send for circular» and term« to l>v done s itisfactorilv. Keep al>iea»t i.fthe times by read HYGEIA M’F'G CO . 87'' St . New yW“The onlv place in Burns you ing the TWICE-A-WEF.K’ i can get baths. York. WORLD—two paiiers a .nek—Its M m i Actur* r p.i|M-rs a 'ear for only fl U0. Tinware & Sh-b* Arrangements have be n mad< Schools Mtentioii. by which we can furnish lid« pa|iei ALSO DEALERS IN' • iiyMutMti <\ surgeon. and the I'wic- a-W»ik N< w Y«>rk Notice ts hereby given that I PAINT World »»»I h f»r 12 2-5 .1 vear. Tak> H ARD- now p epafed to exchange the fol A graduate <»1 the Iowa State lowing Book» which have been University and I'ollrge of Physi advantage <»f this <»fl r and get OIL your own local paper and the ndspteit fur the full <wing si wears cian« and Surgeons. W.XRE Twice a W k W orld at this special Ex Price Oiliee at rvSidci it in Burn« CL AS^ superior rate Tin: H krai . p . Maxwell* fir»’ B > <k in I .g'lsli » At DOOR* Introductory Eng Gram. :to I I » Ö i U V E. -> “ Advanced " “ “* GKO. S. SIZEMORE. Whim nt Peekskill. N V., Mr. J rixjsy* & WIN Peterman» Civil Government l> ATToHXMV, A Scrivm, a promin -nt manufact A C. Wo> niix«.rox Bl HN«, O k F go X urer -tf Xew Y >rk Cilv. purchased DOWS 1.1. GEER i EO. ' i < liti joli» |.«ivi bu in»'». «lui tuatlrr |>r»itu|'iK «itemlihl U» Kr«l Dr. Prie«'» Cream Ikikmg l*oxvdci A««rA*4 A m AI Mr»u. Fax» 1st Reader* st 2 Act» •4 2nd 40 55 Sd. •• HO 4th 5th fl OU I« M »iteiths Elementary Geography Mete. M on tri th« Comprehensive Geography 4125 Clark» Normal Grammar Mieta. Sill» Grammar 6’»ct» And all other »cbod '««vk» in proportion and after tin« dale I « ill »«*11 « c I hsi I Kok» al the ahove price» for casti and for cash only. Order» bv mall promptly attmted Io. Dated ibi» l»l day of March 1KU C. II V obotlv SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION » • G RE. a Imttle of Chamls-rlain'» Cough 1 . a w a re . gka MT Remedy Such g>«>d remit« weri AMMUNITION ä i obtained from il» use that he sent A A RI < < » • * X r. '.. \ ...... v. ' ' ARE V ,. r. . » >. v GARDEN . ■ 8EED8, - - MI KS’ À ME< HAN1CS’ TOOLS A- UNDERTAKING GOOP»- bnek to the druggist from whom hi t ali and see uur Holiday goods. had obtninvl it t >r two lucre but lì«» of the min’ teimxlv. Wlvn voli Ii..v« icvii,’ <>r co.d give ibi-1 preparati, n a trid and ike Mr ’ Serivcu va', will want it wh. nagain ' tn t<«« d of »net, a medicine It is Proprietor H M. HORTON a rvu . dv f great w -rth and merit .ui i, ' i ixutlea for •»!• bv IL M I m Cvffh Otre !• •tory of ! le arti He« • x f » « «* ti W A ■ • «a r* •r e i • h < xu - F tt » i»t « *Wkl e*a».ta, ► TXkreit, or tir, » i«t« >«. tf jrM» nw r«r». tf )-on d-oo.1 U ’ *»Ml e-u» .1 .«»•■• I v.*««ip»kM. «ve * fnt • ’'C»«. A st y*»-wr »-. • • >i. Ita Ir. .. i I« <4s » • re *•*• «M « h*r» _ la*«, M - I sa» Kitrb't hww *• M «•”• l>n< HKxW • Mg. gì»*» m U 4 ef « A I DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDI ta Colo* ent. 'TtTlONF.RY. DIAMOND DYES. CHOICE PERFI M? I. w aiuti*. Ben«» Hicks A Biggs ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, A FANCY TOH F.T ARTICLES. TOBACCO, CIG AR* KT ’ Fine Wines & Liqucrs for Medical Off ce* »t i Atiyvn Citv and Bum» , f rrwnption» accurately enmp nnd*d. Fir»t Cla«« Dental Work Done purpww’