un r*»ND f a ith uur • #>C UÍ % F j FJHJRB.OF-N ft • » 9 I w * • J Our Premiums h ( 101 THE ÏEÜ » --- -+----- —THIS PAPER— î t « ---- WITH — r Than ner ’'love r ’«•a>h THE S N FRANCISCO Weedy Call I to • FMI«. » •’ -B3 FKK ï . A*. ---- <»K---- > r » « •> '.IE SAN FHANCIS 0 nd Morning Call! t PHI« ►. •'! II > 1*1 K VKAH. • • --------- -+----------- '•4 ’< f t I , •«. f‘. -T" HL >AN FRANCISCO d z n n hi i < • 1* * haud-i>liir right, page paper. It it i»'Uer- ler of the globe. c< ini't- lr up to date of t>ubi cation. It fur- tilahe« the lati-4 and Hio»l reliable tnitn-ial new, »nrivullurnl newt, ami i, in every re.tact a fir«’, ••a«« family laier, app-«>i g to the intrreal ul every utciolwr of tin' li u«ehi>l4. ------ ------------ ^*L. D ouglas C *1 CU/1KT ISTHCBCST. VhJ rj lìvL riT Fon a mng . . CORDOVAN, ran.cMAt«AMCuxo calf ♦*3S)Fiht C aiì I i K-". -:a ♦ 3.*P P0UCE.3 solo . | «■'”?. ;... i:^. '»2>IZ?BOYSSDiOClSiaX •I-ADICSi. irsoror CATAIOCUC W L DOOC LA«- r 1 < run r asì . Over One Mllllon l’eople wrar thè A high-class illustrated magazine magazine in the home is no longer :{i!T3p's Magazie« a luxury. It is a necessity, and to meet the demands created by this C S T R A T E I) necessity, THE COSMOPOLITAN CAit.*cò. ILLUSTRATED. MAGAZINE, giving yearly, as it COPYRIGHTS.^ CAN I OBTAIN A wr?e »• The -imple-oti. a new n i.tel bv T homas U,K v.'.i: »• begun In the December Number, doe«, 1536 pages of reading by the avrrrM as»*er and an t . «< « .ear,’ Si A & I «a. inued to November 18#6 Who- t... n. ,e .‘¡eg favorite amongEi gliah Nuv- ablest living authors, with over A Ha»4to»kU- t (tl t ri be«on del i.y all criliea that a- ma i »tend» forenn •• of a mapler 1200 il u trations by clever artists, a.-i»t in ticti n.airl The Simpleton, may '>e (-it. ar. use etithuBiama not inferibr in has stepped into the breech, witt dtg-ee to that w liich hag marked Trilby—the m.4-»ueceMful »tory of the year. Anothet a reduction in its price that hag ..a featur. »il tethe Personal Recollec u ■«••( J »■ "f Arc, b\ the Sieur Loris l>M tarried the literary world . . s k. Hl r Pave at d -ecre ur . under which The H erald , fully alive to the . » ,- i" »t fpular if ifvi: g Anieri' an * J-^Tn ~í<3 ar-t - : write i- will Freaei t ahe alary of the .Vai l »f Or eai a In the Ja' miry Nu uber Will needs of ita patrons, has made b- aae*. - th p ana, enab.ingtai d*r* U* «PI* t a i'"fu«-ly ill us -a ee paper o:t Charles - a»d xcure c*UrtftA. _Aui*r*5?. _ with this MLNN > CU«. YütíX. Jttl B b - va DWAT. ami he uroliua«, the first of a series of | special arrangements .".'hr- I afs. N. a hern 4 frit a i» attracting more attention superb intuit Ely, whereby it will a-any o-hertiii.e siiue it wus the seat of em- pir«» Tt e '.ext Vo utm s of H A KPe’S MA'iA- receive oiders for yearly subscrid /.is E ii il, four iIles' ra i-d arlie i son this regin, a 4 three of them will depict the present life tions to both publications combined THE DISABILITY BILL here ¡ ilias RiLi-H will prepare for the M 4 AZ N E h Seri, s of eight sori« S. depicting for fhe sum of 13.00. LAW. ■ ; 1 s phase, of « liinete l ife ami Mum ers. The price of the great illustrated Soldiers disabled since the war are . |\s i'li e l m ; I>4Vts— monthlies in the past lias been l>e|-«-ndent widows and Parent' nui de ■t.- "i ns' work ye- H'teinpted bi this v.’ii er. I emletit whoMr sons died from the tier» <>f tol.'l < •■ sl.ojt s ories by p ipu ar 4Vii ers Wi'l r3 00 and $4 00 a year, ami they army ?*riiie are included, if you wi-li .••'.■ ■ • a feature of the MAGAZINE were to lie found only in the mort HARPE RS PER (>• K S pretentions homes. Our offer fur I nishes a help to all families, no Per Year: tlAIU’FRS MAGAZINE.. . .<».<•= matter how modest their means, HARCEll S WEEKLY . Í.D io keep in touch with the greatest HARPER> BAZAR .. 4.01 IIARI’LI.".' Vol N< ; PEOPLE.......... '.’.IK minds of the world, as The Cosmo­ Er rvaierc Postage Free io all Sub«« rila r.' in tie politan has today the strongest t liileii s ates. Cal ad a. i or Mexico. F Gr> •■■■ r-- regular staffof any existing period- I . i Miliinies ut' thè .Mupnzine ln-giii viti Send orders to (‘<1 lie Ninii ers ti r .iti:.e ami Deieinber r dewier for tlw-tn Snl for . • :i] 1 'li' ili lii eiu ni li thè \ umber eur- Kerr« *• "red lunualínr I-'HA. d Burns Ore | ri rii at timi <•; ree i| t o oroer. > fiRRYs -S eeds K lava to Fivwrr". V - Il u -«.III MOilXI MJ (' ll.l. (eavs-i l«»i’ aa * W aaar 1« a live no troi-niit •» llwilV. I «1 e Mil" i ULI \- iei',{ii'xe I a« Ill E. niul 1« lWo(li'lr b**h*«i the LEADING NEW x- I’A K t lite I'art be (.’••.i»l E.tiler ol the al»>*ia aper» w will .end |H>-lii id a« a pre- niluni mi e cel I 't I' r toll i- lag •ub.erlMth.il pile.» <<'t the rombili« I >■■ : W. L. DougLis $3 & M Skoes All our .«hocaero cqtulty .■ ...i ..-.<.tory 1 hry gl ve thè bri t vaine f r t •-■» ir" «ry. T hry equa! cualoni «l.oca 11 ,t « l< an i (il. 'I h Ir wrerlng qua'ltl -, are Hnniipu -, il. The prlir* are uni- vmped on aule. ,i 1« «, »'fi ov re eli-, r m -k a. il ymir ik-ak-i laiiuut vupply )uu wvvan. huMby •*l»vMl v mai! post-paiil. la-m • t (■•■> »In.uh] l,e ìmme |>y Postoltie» M. iiiy Oiiier. or Drmt, toavoid eiuun- o II»'. v ire.- HARPI’R A BROTHERS. Nei York. «gay ut HARPER’S PERIODICALS. l bt hi . i s. t si.e ihaigi K f.,r out door ................ i . ■ •►. ira.v!i tro.n WoKTlt mod . ' 'is z tn i i ii ire i s. are an important 1 ' • "Pl < ar •■ . eri week, ii • ,imi»-.i,- • ' : .11 i •• •.. h , iiptioi.1 aril de'iii s ' » > i •: > K v T h icink i,K I'oUKsr • ' I'’ ‘>‘ lull r rika and e '*■ de. Inuei the ‘ ' map il <4 f I .a * 1 1 New a » V i ’i ik ' ' ’ ‘ I u- ‘il "■ T P loi H II ni filli paJtii u - ' •’i-bupi *. lahrli a. trimming» 'I ' • i «» f 0 .if the . „ ..f « e l'-e!. hm -.I 1 1,1 " ' « ' • lPnit re. eives-, uhi tirai ,..... , ' "'rtinth' • Paite t alieei ."ni p e '-il ut amlmiketiieir.'iv. FREE BRAND COLUMN. '-■■'•h il1' ui.iiiu uhotHk e 'i UtPFI/s lt \ • 'Sia pn-iared lorevery occaal >n in li.\. (.e- Hors brand bar ’eti on left »boulder; C*"« ■ h'» I ii.n, rumi, »here t.emi; I fu dreeil bar ten on left bip and tipper clip "" no.» *» rtqu.bi V. ears. T. \. McKinnon, Burna Ore. . ui I DAILY C‘U ?.. ui AMD. KI > Lu . , I' 'IMI n li I : ..iHrit IMI,. ;• The Mí Mullen I Gid Ml ’A jvii Vtiie i All. PER YEAR: WEEKLY Cl’ — «»ai a ¡iiorn*|, WA»in>(.ros n.c. r I r tl. «I mc «- •• n t r-uHlnr kr Torn FUTURE '• AI.I Ei:> MAGA, INE H \ RI’El; s B AZ A I;. II A RIER s Y ' » I NG PE »]>i I’. n age re» tu nil » ( s rlbers hr (T|, ;s. « a . huh , , r Mex.m. II - 4i..um. s,.fihe Vie. kit „ 11'. 1. 50 lift*» •> . Ill » » j n «f Ì’ > ft.« .'I.';,.... . ..... ..'.i. ~. ï «srett sraas-wv Mm e"’ ."' '” '* ---- hv .'ogt Pu 4) J ' < \ .»r... r or u nü.t,. av<«i chnnc •vid l I chance KdlriM H AXPFK di BK-I l’.i Etb, \v uf ¡.,, Y •r r>r>T- » CAV1AT«. VftAOC MAIO, I DIBICH PATBHTaJ COFVRICMTS, ««J g. . •. . Ì41 M â «vl, b I to»«* an* «v. haw tog«, V * toivww f •« W .«! -a Ito. , u tw Awwoito fi*T^rt11."* J««." •■■ « i-’ w*j» t*^*^1 J* ' — American IN vori: O\V N HAND. «.»«, HiaomtCs' . •»« H . a »» * r ,*»«»wuto to».« ««^ ...to« «* »«..*»«* FO» bALX t»Y NEW l|m\|| -IWINl, \| \ <’HIXE CO., 72.'» Markrt St., I'hirfic S.io FrancitH«». Cui l*r|4irt nit-tit. A'Mreea ur b«w t l|Ut|, - f C «»rala •ai K'*» toMtaaWaa briUafN >*lm ll .l to «kl» « • an «toa» a . Ib . » w r ealw' ■ t... i fl ¿N w, • .4 a» I*r». la^a aw.1 .................................... jp raiiyan ta««UB ni» «*»t COMieiiiito V fi • I MTMfi* «Wfill filMfillfi. CfiKMl ll « .«reti « î h ^*Niinv’" to le.i « I ai the line-« in yotu MM Ihd ate ¡t *ü| • i '* )Ott. If httlhiug bwrc lîw a-H vr ■ rn -! exp mn« U*r*t Th« b-t.gi:. of Oie I \ ; pg I.I1K inde nte» pr. '» , «.:♦ to wl. ,h 4.. i » Il F» h ukai HI KT Vi»tl t •i -y 4|.jr». V, ! n,»ihr-< I Ml of ’’ ’ — e» ™w. in» n . jo»,» ; girar LINK tig FVKl't’XK l peaty of ib«»e in IK •»» re ft FtmHr Mi i —• al ráelo i i ••ttle i ••'. rerv tn rr of t family I» rntrt. » 1 Ur A i I K \ H U ■ aiw»i»~ a . .i.t U M. • kl ’ P 11 e rr ■ - «c if amo«, ' • .d LINK Of HP 41 Til » ui .t.acloft bl . , M will tto I, , i h,llU (U |> . ’ ‘ N • ■ ■ • • j uto» aa b •»'. Í ' r”‘' \ ..,ìi * ‘ '«»e v r,n girvi. ■ " ~ w •>. jeei lo evvr-nee vi I . •h A ay ,i Irti, ,:ong- .^.g, Irti» or ••<■' 4 ’ - ve Ito < IRDI K OF » I ■ evo •« tu rv ,J %» •» I* u II AHlf ft i~ mt-» • A F aao» ♦ I : M.n i I. <’. F.•'>•• , cattle hrand = on rlgnt «1'1« forse brand ~un left shoulder. '•«tile br»n*. II., on left rtl under bill* «-.'■ ear, u , •« s’ >pe in ri ■ir re H.»rwe hr« ' i on right a ole. R E J. A. William« r. ”• Rile) Or Horae« branded )-( on left atifle. e«l )-( mi left hip. Marlon Bnnyard, P O r" Cattle diamond on left hip: horaea • ahoulder. Charlea H. Voegtlt y. Burn« I res tf i«4 Â4ÉI t«e |4«« I« n . * HA 4«-*» tip» ■ *’ ht «< tt**4 frvr .«< <• I IB .'•lem •• n >rufw>A. * wnB • J •A b Î ?•%•••» «vwtMty, «K C.A.SNOW&CO Csv»-* • PaM □•<* » a c Horae brand 3fi on left ahoulder. \, •I"'» m abapeof triangle,cattle brami»1« E. E. tirotit Burna • lr. Miaa Ro«« Dicken, >n llorec brand i left ,-lfle. ''attle branded bar R on en Blp O. Lawen Ore. I 1. LT ST R A T E D. I’ Dli kenaon rattle brand J P |i left hip Hor»e brand anvil on left all11* • ,.»l ry «f; Lawen Ore. ■ ■ eve t cattle brand figure 7on eitherhlp: in crop off each ear, afip in each ear. and I ■ ' • on left Jaw. H ,rae brand figure7on **’**i‘L The manner D which, du-in. i, . . J. H. Bunyanl.Burn» r « -t’h. < o a:.. Kail,... >,?lk ' h,” I Lift» .lipa . Wt- \\ t ,1 • • »4 « * * H il I Ilf i' W toabie tom K.^aitoT« Of ,Uh' Oeo Willlama, horac» and mn‘et.lbai7i)t«| r> unding w. uu (]ght alifle. P.O R1‘ ’ I" «»»di». tL -i ekn'.?'"'““'*' ’ -JJ'J "rJ,: Horae brand 7 on right atifie* Ja n** I ■ it' «e tiranti | W Han’s . .«« riM£>T> «»O0* >RK I >-• . |l »'• I »«Hu >i bum «»*« tdt Hardin A Hi lev, cattle bran led V on lef’« ■’ lurae brand t left aide. p . o. Burua.(>r»i,,! Horae branded Pon right ahonlder. •>n right hip. R. A. Heudrit ke. P.O-1 *’* ’ Sdeatiflo America» Aaeacy far ^rirntifir STOCK BRANDS. ' w t|e » * t ’• j»rv n t ■ w i v • vT 1 ear r» toaV'Zu** ' 1 " ’ l> >» • »•••• a -vai **’** *-'’’—-'I «*’ awr.m.Mtt *reae<, •» ■ : i' ■■ ’ a- • .. tow-lM4, tondre fura.,.», tairrrweg erto a« tonto,« j-j.rJJ..'-,:;,:;: j h hr> «j « P O Burr.» l ire II IKPKR'S HU IR Il 4RPFR » M Ui I ZIN F < (M H AKI-t K> WKFKI Y 4 «4iMh*g ’ *•’• eh «*r hi X_f ' n« • U A v A »' pa#» x* «t. ì Fw> I«< si , »'H • l> th« a t»’t»yr t» > triiLi k •>»■ Till VI .'.r,eV.,hT,V“V¿ra" Horae brand bar m on left «honl'ler. brand nr m on left hip »nd rii*. *• Marshall PO Narrow» Ore. Horae brand on left »boulder 9 Mi«* Stancllft. I'urna Or«. H r»e brand on left ahoulder and •*** "-'wle of right hind leg. HH' smi*> Orv. S. I amf«htie and Soa cattle bra ' BJ c- • •«.. tc|. Fa, math »wallow f'’rki«**J un-lerHt In left. I*. O. Burna ore. ’1<».»,'» »nd Cattle branded J F °? '*'»»•'1 «.me t> «11 lied JP conn cted I I’ri-V, Burna (He I -t h to Nt.Mtore.rtom «•' .«<• lo ud« ’ '."i»a.4< Hsrno • k ' - -hrto ► Pu l- r bi etprUl b*’i’a‘ 4 » < ’•led th« fn i(h- d.w n «Ti ", e,l*n»e ‘ ‘l'U h’ r ume ’*• *'• •« h. “ ►•K.lv* rvect. of M.V'V ’XT. to. I th« atoV» r - —‘"Za.*'* wi iuoji th. BEATTY'S PIANOS; ’■ ' • a «hH.nr Fl uà ver WaehlaCtoa, New Jeraey. à »