Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1895)
I —We had the pleasure of visiting Harney and being present at the closing exercises of Prof. Newells WEDNESDAY APRIL 10 18?6 winter term of school in that place, i arrest circulation of (lust Friday. The pupils of the 1A8 THE school acquited themselves very ANY NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. creditably, indeed, and the school reflects credit on pupils, teacher, Religions Services. Rums 1st. and 3rd. Sundays of and patrons. —The Havana press drill for sale at the hardware store of C. II. Voegtly is a new one. Mr. Voegtly offers it for less than cost for cash, because he wants the money. —The two peddlers of ready made clothing, who were here last September will be here again in a few ' days with a full supply of gents the month 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. PICNIC. underwear etc. Prices Narrows ---- 2nd. -------- Sunday, 11 a. m. and 11 76 anniversary of the I. O. O. F. clothing, ,,----- , , . , Silver Creek 4th. Sunday will be celebrated by Harney Lodge ; cbea P er tban be chea Pe8t- 7 p. in. 1 11a. m. and 7 p. m Harney 5th No 77 on April 26. — [ In n a letter received from our Programme consisting of vocally friend Geo Duncan, a resident Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m and I and hand music and an oration by Thursdays at 7 p. m. before the 1st. Mr. Geo. W Barnes of Prineville.. of Silver Lake, he informs us that) and 3rd Sundays. Poison Creek There will also be a game of Base Mrs. Tony Labree one of the victims Thursday at 7 p. m. after 1st. and Ball immediately after dinner. of the Silver Lake holocaust, died Everybody invited and all A good lesson may be learned by calling on J. DURKHEIMER 3rd Sundays. are of her injuries the 20th of last j expected to bring baskets. R ev . G ibson , ball atArmoryHall at night. I month. , Doc Snelling , , , ’s little , g'-rl j the leading merchant of Harney Valley and getting his best terms. Pastor. J. Grand W. Sayers D. D G. D. Master of 18the on,-v one left’ who was badIy I buy all burned and it is doubtful if she gets My stock is large complete & only first class qualities. ceremonies. J. S. Bowen Grand Local News. | Marshall By order of the com- well. H i writes the winter has been J my goods for Spot Cash & the following prices talk, at mittee. —Latest style of ladies hats fine there and stock wintered wall. | I W. Y King, eastern prices. There iB a good deal of farming this, i I. S. Geer, J Duikheimer. | spring quite a large acreage of W J. Johns in, grain sown Chas Comenger, a res- C. E. McPheeters, — Fine oranges at A. C. Worting-’ M L. Lewis. dent of this county had been in that ton’s Com. community a few days before and LADIES SHOES $1.40 SOLD ELSEWHERE AT $2.50 —Mr and Mrs Isaac Foster were bought a small band of cattle. 'He I WEDNESDAY’S FIRE. it « u in town last Sunday and Monday. G G 1.10 2.00 ' writes thatTeel Duncan is breaking' <€ « • — Mrs Wyatt of Harney is very ; G i two connor colts 3 and 4 years j MISS G 1.10 2.00 The citizens of this place were sick 4« K «» rudely awakened from their slum old respectively, for the summer CHILD G .88 1.50 —Quite a numbe- of our citizens bers at 2 o’clock Wednesday morn racing. His Mongolian pheasants C4 <C G MENS G 2.50 5.00 are suffering with “grip.” ing by a vigorous ringing of the wintered well and stays near the en . ranch. He says it is quite a relief. BUCKINGHAM & HECHT BOOT $4.50 ELSEWHERE $6.50 .... bell. ----- No one needed to —County Clerk Kenyon has ap-■ fire - , ' to the tax-payers that the 72 re-| U U (I pointed Miss Rose Hembree deputy quire for the location of the fire 3.25 “ 5.50 for the city jail and the open build- publicans, 8 democrats and 10 pop-. clerk. ing adjoining it. the old engine ulist, who held out at Salem last —Willis Jordan, the young man I wpre a mass of flames . winter, had been sent home. who left here with Mrs Stenger died house, v ._ „ ____ ____ ____ of typhoid fever in Nevada City, i Since the drill of the fire company' Huntington To The Front. last week, some one had been tam- N v on the 9th of March To Patrons—Huntington is now 1 pering with the engine, and it was — The List two weeks here has 10 minutes after it was set at the the envy oj competing points in a been a period of accid-nts. The cistern in front of Fuller & Co’s. Railroad sanse in particular, we most serious of which was that of brick before it could be made have advantage over all, we are Cal Geer and little Perry Maupin. work. * now a competing point for two R —Several Harney citizens were Conflicting statements were cur- R, lines the Union pacific and 01 in our town last Sunday,both ladies | rent among the crowd about a man • R. and N. Co’s. ’.Ve have the ' and gentlemen. They did not re-, being in the jail. Some said there < choice of two roads and each one turn until after evening services at 1 was, others denied it, but on the | after your business, No better rates 1 the M. E. Church arrival of Marshal Dodson, who | can be gotten at s —Seth Smith was kickid on the lives in Newsom additicn, the mat- here on wool and other goods send ! f c ■ oi e day last week, by a mule, ter was put to rest. Mr. Dodson your wool to Huntington and get the upper lip receiving the heavist stated that just prior to retiring, at * benefit in prices received by cut part of the kick. Beth has a very 11 o’clock that night, he had arrest-1 rates on either road the O. R. & N Sore face and tnournsthe loss of two ed Frank McNally for boisterous i Co. will prevail on you to ship to or three teeth. conduct at O’Neil’s saloon and lock-] other points on their road than ed him in the jail. \V hen this was Huntington thereby controlling Kate Hackman a little girl re made known, the building was en- j your shipments and cutting off the i Mding here, was run over in front 'fthe Red Front livery stable, by tirely enwrapped in flames, and ■ U. P. Ry. and the O. R. & N. Co. I nothing could be done to rescue the I agents may visit you and make « two horse team, hitched to a bug- to mv the vvuiiaiji contrary Mil but V bear I vu VVF R.v, last Sunday, fertunately she es man confined in the burning o V jail.. statements ir> minrl thnv urn After the engine begun to work, the i n mind they are looking for their ' caped without injury. flames were soon subdued, and sure own interests not yours. No point) —The surveyor general of Oregon enough, the charred ramains of offers greater advantages i than has awarded the cotraot lor sur ey McNally were found in the embers. Huntington. None can work for ing the lands embraced meander li t i . *ithin ,he He w‘8 b’’ng on his lace, and both less wages, i o point will have mere J H X r°nLake Malheur’ to feet and handft burned off, his back I wool our charges wool buyers, buyers, our charges as as low low or or Countv. Diamond Harney’and shoulders were badly charred I lower than others, this being true' I and/he skull was mostly is - gone. - • is R it possible possible considering considering above above —Mrs Alice Kenyon came in on 1 How the fire originated will prob- conditions that any point can do as t e< »ntario stage yesterday morning ably never be knwn. From the state-' well bv you as Huntington? We Mrs Kenyon has l>een in Salem for ment’ th08« who discovered the I j are here to stay and give you tight months past.where she has had fir«./he jail was surely fired from square WWMD U1 past record is our deals „ our her children in school,two girls and tbe in8ide> and 11 is onlY reasonable' I recommendation. recommendation. Don’t be misled * three bojt. 1 wo of the boys came to.up|K« that McNally ,cl (he'by agent, or olher, ststenlenl, ,lume with h«r, the girl« and one ,Iran tick of the jail bed o„ fire, |,hip y„or good., wool etc. in our are «till in Salem. either intentionally or accidentally, care. I Coroner Pringle took charge of i ?R oken leg —Last Thursday Res pt. wy Maupin, son of Geo. Maupin and held an inquest over the re O. C. Co aiding near this place, had his mains, summoning J. P. Combs. t Token. He was horse back Ed. Harbin. 8. T. Black. T. R. Curl Koing home fr.m town in company C. W. Elkins and J. N. Guiltord as «’OHM F. STRAY TOM’S After enquiring into the »'th an older brother, and we b-- jurors. CELEBRATED C* ’ ITARS. particulars of the case,the jury ren- •eve two or three others. Perry is o,d’ an(l *6 *e understand derded the following verdict: “Ferdenand McNally, aged 38 Imp-n er of u nd «.all of them were running their WlMMcul« Dealer in alt kind, of years, 0’^. Perry lest control of hisL : came u to his death bv burn- • ..tU3«CAL MERCHANDISE, hort*‘- the bridle rein broke -nri ,ng the C,ty Jail W^"eBday Last »th St.. New York. morning, March 27th; cause' Joint F. « tlattom J ,‘ni*d from his ho-sc resulting in of fire unknown.” to«. The remain8 remains or of AicAallv McNally were * ’ * ¡eg. r We .r» . . ' fur »he lad. ne - is i-a bright burried 1 in Prineville cemetery 1 Wed- low. and the pain of /hr b,tIe fe|- ^d*y afternoon, Elder Wade con- *hardtoU.r * b ken 1,mb ducUn« aerviaes— Prineville Rev-! musical merchandise • - a a a. a — a a I 1 4 N L. ZY V» ZY 1 zl ZX«X 4 4 lA 1 A A 4 1 ZX »XrX , vvw - viijvii c I Please call & my liberal terms will be sure to meet with your approval. lew. **—•••• Cultart. Sanio«. m ’ Yours truly, J« Durkheimer.