'•{anjeas IVTcgazic. I L . U S T R A T E D ILLUSTRATED. C AV t Al 0,1MUL aw COPYRIGHTS. ~ Fjf;TH. f-RIC-1 OF ONE. — — Our Premiums 101 THIS YEAR The Simpleton. « new noael bv T homa » H- k v, wlllbe begun In the December Number, is I an 1 continued to November 18G «.ho ever in»' beoue'g favorite among hi gdeh Nov dis g. it will be concede I bv #11 criticg that Tn ua HARi-v stand, forem- gt of a master artigt in fieti u and The Simplefot g may i-e -•M-ected to ar use enthiigiame not infenhr In degree to that which has marked Trilby—the most giicceggml st- rv of the year. Another 'eading feature will be the Fersonal Reeollec tiut sof Joan of Ate, fn the Sieur Louts ph < - n i g, Her Page and SecreiHry. under which gu g the iii-st papular of living Amerii an ma -«zine writa-s will Present aha »tori of the Maid af Orleans iti tile January Nu uber Will appe-I a I oftig-b illug'ratee paperoil Charleg and-he < aroliuai, the first of a seiies of South-ru Papa-g, Neathern Africa ig attracting more attention a'any other time since it was rht- seat of em pires. The next volutnts of H ARPe-g MA'IV ZI n E will four illugtra ed arti- leson thigregin, a <i three of them will depict the present life titre. itLlkN R- lpii will p-epare for the M (GAZINE a series of eight sr.-rhs. depicting -ytd-al phases->f Chineie Life un-l Mam er.« l egidestle o g stories, toere v. lll begin in the January Number tht tbs' Chapter i f A Three Par' Novelette, by Kt ha KD Ihsl-lMl l>ivt.— lheloiiges’ work yet attempted by this wii er < -uni- e e shout stories by popular wri'eta Will - o- tii tie to be a feature of the M AG AZINE SnS.V.’i;XS'lSS&E“,'g: tlor.g ttrlctly confidential. A J*“" j y, Ob- formatlon conoernmg Eatenl» «nd tain them gent free. Algo a catalogue or mecnan leal and gcientlfic book, »ent free. receive Patent, taken through Munn 4 Co. receive gpecial notlcemthe ••rli-ntiiic Aiiieri« nn, tfcu. are brought widely «-¡Rre the publicw^- out coat to the Inventor. Th.» »o'end'd Wler lMue.1 weekly, elegantly llluatrated,barty far He largest circulation of any gcientiSc_"<,r.k world. S3 a year. Sample ,r w'n.le THIS PAPER— -----WITH — That. veti tn Move I'oilill THE S N FRANCISCO Weekly Call! 1'KICK SI. 33 EFK V> AH. ----- <>K----- iHE SAN FRANCIS 0 Morning Call! i rec. THE DISABILITY BILL IS LAW. Soldiers disabled since the war are Entitled Dependent widow* und Parents now de pendent whose sons died from the efleers of army service are included. If you wish HARPER’S PER Of ICS PKIC'k. Sfi.O > ri K YEAH. I) ) Co., Agis. T.IIE SAN FRANCISCO fIZ WEEKLY < ALL MtyN 1« a liandgtrni* eight- 510 MONT GOMERY CT., b. F.. CAL pagi- paper. It la l.iued every Thuredav, a--d contain, all of toe linp'-rtant new» of the week, gla.med from even <iu tr ier of the globe, eonipli-te up Il (ur to dale of publication, u labra tile latent and most reliable Önxnelai news -nd market quotation*, a- d give* aprclal attenti h to hortlcul- tural and agrHUlturxl newg, and la in every r*--i eci a draf- 5la»-i fainlly paper, appuml g pithr intrreat of every uien-t-er nl tile h"U->rlH>ld. W.L. D ouclas £ *> CU^F W n VL Per Year: ---------------------- faTHr srsr. FIT FOR A KING. >. CORDOVAM, FMNCH AlNAMtLllU CALF F ine C aw k K ancaros ♦3 »P POLICE, 3 SOLES. »2.»I.™BOYSSCHOOL5HO£X • L ADILS • HARPER'S MAGAZINE .. HARPER'S WEEKLY II ARPEE S BAZAR .................... HARPER'S Vol NG PEOPLE Poseige Erre io all StihscrilaT I'Ili4» <1 States, ('aliada, or Mexico. known Everywhere Sold Everywhere. Grown Everywhere. fiRRYS 5EED A*k Mi ir dealer fbr them Ferry’s Seed Aiiniml for 1SR5. In valuable tout! piantersand lovers of Fine Vegetables and Beautiful Flowers. Write for it-Free. ». M. Fl Itin X co., iC-trolf. Ml<h. I #(.'• t.(* . . 1.0 2.1k in tll> The volume« of (he Mnga/.ine Begin witl lie Nuiuier-i for June and Deeeiulier <> vac li yeur. W hen no lime |. >i v intil. <ul cri|.tion« will begin wi ll ilie Nu-nl-r cor- rent at lime of reci ii t o oriier. Hound volume« of il.irper' Magazine fo . li i ee yeai > ba- K, in neat elo li In minig win be ent l»v m. il, po«,-paid, on receipt ut •i r volume. < l-uii ('a a -, tor binding -■en.-em n by mail po-t-pai-i. I.'eniitrani i « -boiili! be made lx I'o-tofii Momv Order, or Draft, to avoid cliaiic '<»>s. A high cla'»» illustratedmagag lie magfizine in the home is no longer a luxury. It is a necessity, and to meet the demands created by this necessity, THE COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE, giving yearly, as jt does, 1536 pages of reading by the ablest living authors, with over 1200 illustrations by clever artists, has stepped into the breech, with a reduction in its price that has tartled the literary world . The H erald , fully aliye to the needs of its patrons, has made special arrangements with this superb monthly, whereby it will receive orders for yearly subscrid- tions to both publications combined for the sum of $3.00. The price of the great illustrated monthlies in the past has been $3.00 and $4 00 a year, ana they were to be found only in the more pretentions homes. Our offer fur nishes a help to all families, r-o matter how modest their means, to keep in touch with the greatest minds of the world, as The Cosmo politan today the strongest regular staffof any existing period ical. Send orders to T he H erald , Burns Ore. STOCK BRANDS. Addie» HARI'ER .t BROTHERS. Net ork. ------ -4-------- BROCK TON MAM. Over On« Million People wear the f I» MOUSING cm, C r< aa Ixaeu * w ■■■ i I. a live in-troi-oilt-u daily. It la n e MOS I RF.L1 V RLE. and I» ie<'<M">»d a« b- I iip . tilt- LEADING NEWS- I’At’ER I th* Paria.- Const, W. L. Douglas $1 & M Shoes All our ahoct« aro equally i ullsfae tory Th.y gKs the best value for the money. They equal custom shoce In at> le ami fit. ThMr wearing qualities are un.urtia.gvd. The prl- e. ar- uniform,—stamped on »ole. I mm Si tn kt »ive 1 t-v« r other makt-e. If your -Ic.ilri < ami-1 t.up;-ly you we can. f uldby “liealnr. even a bore Warned, take virtu.lie .ale for tlo. vlcli.lti .1 Ol|< V HARPER’S PERIODICALS RA3Ö1T ¿NJ 1 - get I r: -, ex, Ivshe d-sigr.s for Gir-dom .............. I -i-v1 >« s.-raivti iroiii W okth mod " '•»..............'■ H'd < H ai - uis , are au imp.-r au eii-,1-- Ih-► • nppcHr eve:y week, «.compati leil b. um ui-. iij,ij,,l!R Rl,,| ,1.,:,,! b I'm is . et er, l>> katii a his r t-g F-.- kest ic-'kd trai ». r;pi of ihe iatt s- s'il, s uitu’e ryg ill then de, 1 t..;e. the li-npoi Ne v -I'Blii.-i K, I- uni ,i,si r.p loi s mill full paatieu- ms me giv:- bi -, sh ,p. ». tutuh-s. iriiiiniinsk. I. Il,. . -O S I s -if the ■ --S' mm a oi weil ert ssi-il ' i l-i oui»' I-. hing re- etves ;- ih - ti- nl ■ ii \ lorit.igliii, I'.td-ni Hu,.,.) mi ,,., ,. ■o-i t entibies readers t-.-ut mil m rke t'leir own OW ti the a Olli a li who tak » || \ 1; rE ,p \ pre: Hi-e-1 f,.r ever- ->< i a«-l-n in Ilf,. ,.e. » ‘'.'i,i''."" r 1"i',r""‘1' " llvr‘- beautiful dr.-». Either of the ab--'a i a|H-r. w-- will send po-lul-l a.r a pie. Uilnnt on reerl t iif the follow, tug aubacrlpiluii price* f-.r ti « l ombli.all-in : t DAILY C8LL AND I HL I Al’. , p:.t YEA-1, tJ.OO IS 1SUM» Fvlt El KTIlr » The McMtllca Wovenv.- •i;» N. Murk. 1 F HHH BRAND COLI MN. flora brwnd bar’en <>n >eft ah-.ui-ler; 1 s ’« bar ten , n le-‘t hip and upper clip oh !»•> I- cara. T. A. de Riti noti, Buri.» Ore. Hardin A Ki ev, caMle i-ran-le-l V->n taf: s :• lorae brand r lefl ai ìe. r <>. BurnS.-*r< g ì ■ Al V k N( K. PER YE Mt; 4 I I 11.< I YOUR FUTURE II \R!'EI1 WEEKLY II AKI'i:i. ......... M XG.YZlNÉ h a Ri'KR’h- H azy i ¡ harde .. 1 YOUNG y... .... I’F idle Poetile 1 ■ („ h Ì i ' s - i i scribers in the Uti Mams , ,„ yi^i,,, thIhmV?'v"'” '*’*"*' "' k >'■ « H Uli And Ibi> Pip , p r tr, n 4l M Attorney. H a ^IIIX i . H»N I» < . ai C I'LDHEN. I WEEKLY CALL »I I Udr'i tn 1 • I F <N J I ».» KN, • *»i. iu d »»»n WIDOWS, PARENTS. *2 50 .1-1 1 * ■ ■ -.1' -, -M* ■. tin , 'tn. ,f > - or 1 - > r N - - sinew i- - -r "■! • ■ war- -<f 1-Vt-J I > IM'A «nd n-.w --mir.1 -0,1 «nd re'r i--I elitwi. - I o.nti ondi led u- bleher vile*. W «w». k eti.rge fur advice. X > fee -'Hill-- |-»f|l JI, nn |.,f, ri' JV-der bi II c'tear. it ■■ H ope in ri h ear Home I rani 1 hi righ s ule. R E. i. a . Wlilisms I’. • tile- t-r Wh n . ' ?"" ' ' ,or -'"busu „ ,, i * '• mentioned, sul s rj, i„ cci‘pt,.,f*nïer,he NUm,Mir ,-urrv1'- '**•> •I J’T,"1 '■>,i«""K>f Harper's Weekly for -Ì m. n'o' , l”'h binding. wi|] t, 3 ('a't'e diamond on left hip: horses CV on taf shoulder. Charlea !l. V.H-.it'- . Hur: s'-re to Horse I ran-led Pon right shoulder. tattle F ••n righi hip. R. A. Ileudrli ks. P o.I.awenOi ttn’*' ",,iubl- P-« -i'«bl. -It '"■I'iing w"n L'tar.n’t*>'h eelpt'-Ul b> Scientific America* Agency for Horae brand tlii on left ahonlder. a’a > thru» Iota.', in shape of triangle, ea'tle brandedaania I • F. Hr..nt l.urna Or. -»;’eby p-.« o Vi 1ns. iiAK1•k•:¿Bl,<^'r?¡VRS*,'^','1■;• W.v'i TW A DB MARKS, . DiaiQM FATINT«. COPYRkCHTK, »toJ I «ÍÍLÍ2L* IV-»M Ik-'ib.K \aw <M4.W« l-utwau f.w M.-wri|W pi.1,1. tn a»,«,,— JE"’ r1'." «*• M “» '• '«-4A '”f ~ Lk- t-uU.«t, . maw. givat. trw ,.f cUnug. lu » £(irntific ^mrriran ............................... •J • F ^•newn tant ait _ rwiAie tat tuo o > at y mail con -Jini.t, 'till MIMI BIKUI 1 liiiltl CIKM4. «U < I J.P Dickenaon rattle brand .1 P connected in left hip. Hone brand anvil on left stifle P. ’’ l.«w«n Ore. I' time/ R|? *,’ì itm\l*eì .ri*?" h 'r> oi cattle brand figure Ton either hip: mark light of crop off ea-li ear, glip Io each ear, and watt ..r e. '* °» ‘J««ta-rip'i e text of the hlgnee, on left jaw. H lrae brand figure 7 on either hip J. H. Bun yard. Bur nt Ore. Tt.e manner i„ wh|,.h ,(uri, k, . ’• ‘ 4 hr chi >a .» Raih >i.i l ’ ’•eo Williams. homes and niulea branded rounding wt on tight stifle. P.O. Riley Oia I L L T S T R A T E L). ■ & tiw & w Maw cQ.owfccM^ IN YOUR OU N HAND, Ftimletrv aawime. to tell »I at the liue» In rotif iJt'Mte >« wu. If t» lu o Ua Il win will a :< o -r you. if i no:I • .lt, I . ' .............. 1 ’ J » ' • - • 'i» Ü-- I he hfth of the I S <»►' | lEK mdkatr« probable n I HOMI SKU ING MA i « li I >r Each llRACFl KT ■J'*« r<M* thirty ' vegrs. W. I uii-k-Hi LINK of CHINI CO :: Marta -- . ilK\l» denoiea '» I"'- char LINK of I'aictic Sau Erimcir*co Cal FURTI’NIC fi » -w m ri- 1-. « I' . h combine-i im-sg MCCrs* In î|fr ; bur you ni-i-1 I, ep nt. » u h n .d. rn Dv|'»rtuieiit. Mea« Io win , n „ ”• I> . I- - nt.v of there in iKuuorv t a Family Mua.|ue »<> at ra< y pt« that r • ery ci n, er -.f the family I» enter. talned 11 * '-• " ’ ■ » b> - n< Al I K\R t»l X K Ob' i - • a .hl USE GF FATE r -- ■ li e the rete w It ov*-*«wi A ' •».. -Len» "■ I I'-I OF HIM r fl gpsr- • voe d«ei..l(- »,. , ; • o »III the I- « tn bint« “> th- -re». • « N a , t . r » - s: Vili e p t.li'hea go •im. «i ri.*» to it t-r— t,,* i ome cinle YuewUl »••ubtaci town „ „y i t b -I Irli» or d -iH-od •*> if v«e a-»- tn* -.i|:i,| i K GF \ KMh well ta»-k,,| k<*«*p up ,,, ir . l-y ha«o g Dyn ..rest'» l'a- »I- ki -IT-vt. V . b-atM-d ud all Psi Ma ,- m a» i« »» . j n • nbu r t-- it t.-r i-er eai bo-mmo n-Mv.let t, r (Nrn , I wg. ywr »I r-v V» » .- >u.rr „y rumi» te work, -q »rt Out 0« . .» OeomW. u g qe^ •f cr-»t valu* hr, ,1 , , ta no mina, pktum rxe.-t-.--iw«. i m, p i- , v!" w hkh le a moa I a o-g] “ 1 "♦ ' ,b •»-yr* l-vlrnl ta lew t ai. iksl th,we «•*»<»•* iVvin U «»h kni-v gtai 11., uv« <•(. ... - al - d palaorg »bkb **o. i- Ara»-:» or photo.. »>th dmertn- r O'””" ” ' a --------------- .cgneei gs'iss i < >r th>t carino« ’ « '.Me -V M.I rv*. of J.«™ m. ¿F’’». '.** • l -- ** u -J . . tr * - “ — — »• »r <h-r Ne M due i ,-lHK . <M>.arw4 re an I •ub* -I t loattrt p a; wii he-n matter tig; »'ll ke e A F.mooo- It. w i,- <>;>(,,., Fateoia with y- » . i »V!» « e¡_^ L’".PT<a' "V” ,h» "r ’ ' » *>r- » d » I the F»""7' fermai c-'eal» la »»air -vaultv. <w _ • g d 1 ta2L¿,, rt^r. .. ,,y |. i,,,., a¡., , -I , th tautwh »2'' ** ,r, erv»< ab the ’ t*'»a. ».-at A.i ir*»« A r»7 *k - • laterratirg ' jrg.!i«f rr»V .t / • ''''"e-' .' •' •»* t IW-UiMY«!' »*• I« •».»! a faihkw- taaruin», •U pa» • ar • »* r«-¿ • d y- • ft • -th i¿ Os*eerte Pa«<-M Oeki. * ». XiF^gv 3 C. hw of aM th- v>a ». T r w * - h to a# »• < h*« IM vaa» u4 m ir y • •-I* ch* »- _ » a I* . rtw tuM t p<h*n tt m < f f ?® f»d í T- M A N*Mr W. Je«»»> ♦, ]» ti >5 K am »*• TJ** ^«•►d c-^pt A h»nj ». a \rpe TRI _ I* *'■ .,,n ”8 tax’ll - .an’rCiv.;; .»«•K r» Ukick jquAkt a v • ■ ‘ i •- j» « »V k ma». «» h ' . a . ..va ua FOR bALX DY Min Ib-sa Ill-k'-t-son Horae brand anvil oi ef- i-i ',. - attie branded bar'll on left hip. f <>. lAwen Ore. W Hau’s . ’•I fMatSp weoowwRK i -rai i< ' -• ’.ni ) i on lt-f- aorte. Cuffie lira d. (ouïe hip. Marlon liuti) ard, P O Bur » * *» C. A.SNOW&CO. ••N’. an •overflew *; w\Vs R ' '”4w I»» »»VI « . ; *■» WrvgkX,,m. •» We re-.^1 T k? r ' n? »»d Mkkv t KT ••» y. ta« Ua< atad va.aa¡ta Horae brandy on right stifle. ■"''»'Itami, th- *" ' 'I « < I T’, 4 ......................... eg. >h.-»ea- of war. ■■ V. ..1 h*”'1 n Hilft- IC» w s » V-, « ' "" 1-h I" Semi • d ll.iw raiT.,, ' ' ’"''"«•'e informa It H lit PER’S PERIODICALS James Rouai« P 0 luma Ore Horae brand bar ni on left shoulder; t'attia brand bar in on left hip and riba. Catherin« Marshall Po NarrawaOre. Horae brand on left ahonlder S Mita !*»ra Stanclift, Burna Ore. Horae brand J on left alioulder and same o* l‘< r Year II iKi-EK s II 'KPEK': R izar I Ik M I/.IN F tKPLK'! I th * Er Kl V flAKPr K : A YOl Nd pK,ip, 4 lk »’ a age I Free to alt _ _ 0 wtanihm in the 'tat-g - ua la. or Mexir Polte. • «••lk • <> lh« Ha»»* «— mnaele of right bind leg. Ore. Phil Smith Burna 8. Lampahire an I Son cattle bra id Q connected. Ear mark (wallow fork in right rai underbit in left, p, o. Burna On-. Horace and Cattle branded J P on left »boul der s-me b unde-1 JP conn-cted Mary J- I rice. Burna Ore I'd 1 a '’f'-TJa u,r .f.L *<l* ’r,’h 'he fin ’•’* Iv 'Ven I,.„et. «tLi ¿r*r " »>en W i ; h; x.taber eerrent hr t'ime of"^ O'lUd V ’n» ,g ! (| i_'rat ch«h Idn.lini . I ■’ U '’’r i*1’*’ ••rp M' - r : , exprès *“» »» mai ' ici ’h» fryirh d-J» n , f r'' *«pe»»e P L» "'»e ■ r »'aT„" ' »x‘’•’'J "he dol BEATTY’S PIANOS^ w !• »logue Eg uavor *aahingt.in. New Jeruey. ’*•» - rìiraf i* aù»'1«* »! r"et'»ffïe •ta W.WM.» E"“ tTavjis- •* Ue 2eU*»‘ . *® "‘P* »»y -•r Bor -..„r o;p¿rr¿T-^« iranici F Beat! WSORGÄNSä W aah ',,r«» H»n *aahiiir.,n Sfw Jtrw, »•