« » w —To all subscribers of the E. O. H erald ar.d those in arrears, who , I------------ Administrator's Notice. I ÙÀ * —» ‘ _______ Having purchased the entire stock formerly belonging to Cal I Tn the matter of the Estate of T. PP «,l<1 renPW’ "e "’’’J/"”! WEHNHSDAY MACH £7 tSfS ; the Semi We< klv New Yoik World I -------- II. Glaze, deceased. Geer, comprising all lines of Kditur. i Notice is hereby given that th» free for s'x months. For reliable w . • . i» V K n undersigned has been unpointed by \ews there is no better paper than HARDWARE, CRCKERY, GLASSWARE, TINWARE, -------- the count* court of Harney county (he World. 'T he Tribune of Salt Lake City Oregon, Sitting in probate, admin STOA i HARDWARE, SUNDER1ES, A CARPENTERS in a recent issue give an account of istrntor of the estate of T. H. Glaze, decee -< d au arte.- an I"HV of water at a All persons indebted to said Estate I have two littie grand children ; I offer the same for sale at greatly reduced prices for CASH. depth of 1073 feet This well is are requested to settle the same who are teething this hot summer known as the Rio Grande Western’s immediately, and those having weather and are troubled with, C. H. VOEGTLEY. Artesian Well. The Tribune savs claims against theestate will present bowel complaint. I give them to ’,ie> ; my residence in “the sinking of c. this well the meth- ^h^ni Chamberlain ’ s Colic, Cholera and I Burns, Oregon, with the proper od of boring and the stratification vouches attached,within six months Diarrhoea Remeny and it acts like: to a depth never before penetrated from the first publication of this | a charm. I earnestly recommend _ in Salt Like valley, should prove notice. l it for children with bowel troubles. of equal interest to agriculturists Dated December 5th 1894. H. K ei . i . ey , I I was myself taken with a severe and geologists and this interest Adrninistatorof the Estate of T H. rd tack of bloody (lux. with cramps; should be shared by all who are i Glaze, deceased . and pains it. my stomach,one-third i interested in the question of draw-1 of a bottle of this remedy cured me. ing on subterranean water for irri- p - pati .- pp O hio , Within twenty-four hours I was; | ss. gation.” ' C ity of T oledo . out of bed and doing my house’ A How of 120 gallons permi.ute; Frank J Cheney makes oath work. Mrs. W. L. Dunagan, Bon- with a force of 4 feet above the stir- f})al |1P j8 tfoe senior partner of the For aqua, Hickman Co, Tenn, face, was struck at the depth al- firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing sale by H M. Horton. ready mentioned. Messrs. West- j business in the City of Toledo, Corner of 1st. and B Street. _______ :_______ I phal it Candee struck the flow, the .County and State aforesaid, and Proprietor i M. H. BRENTON ......................................................... vame Westphal who was here and ' that said firm will pay the sum of assisted Kellogg in our effort to get ¡ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for; While tn Topeka last March, E. LIVERY S T A B L E Darber, a prominent I newspaper j an artesian well. , , each and every case of Catarrh that'• 'Ih well was commenced with a cannot be cured bv the use of man of La Cygne, Kan., wa taken with choler morbus very severely six inch pipe and at the depth if Hall’s Catarrh Cure. The night clerk at the hotel where 500 feet the six inch pipe was FRANK J. CHENEY. abandoned and a four inch pipe Sworn to before me and sub he was stopping happened to have : Chamberlin’s Colic,1 i substituted. When this change .scribed in my presence, this 6th a bottle Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was made Wes'phal it Candee took day of December, 1S83. and gave him three doses which chaige of the work, and they intro relieved him and he tinks saved duced a method of boring ahead oi ! J A. W. GLEASON. his life. Every family should keep the pipe instead of iinving ll. Notary Public This apparatus is a revolting co. I Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in this remedy in their home at. all mim of two meh pipe running in terually and acts directly on the • times. No one can tell how soon ir side of the will, ami adjusted so as nlood and mucous surfaces of the may he needed. It costs but a trifle to he raised or lowered nt pleasure, system. 1 he Proprietor of the White Front Livery Stable as­ Send for teeti nonials. and may be the means of saving sures the public that he is prepared to accommodate nt the lower end a cutting tool is free. much sufieringand perhaps the life I in every way in his line of business. utta. lie I ;.»u! the piiimiptd of F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, O of some member of the family ’ ^•~llsy and gram constantly on hand, and careful help. an auger and the upper is connect­ ^F“Sold by Druggists. 75c 25 and 50 cent l otties for sale bt j ed by hose to a powerful pump, II .M. Horton. Passengers taken to all parts of the country. Hearse and Job Wage» which ioices waler to the bottom » n coi nection and washes out the borings. It is further state»| the flaw is constantly | » incteas-ing sime boring has been 13 THE BEST. I diccontinued Accurate measure ' (¿Lyhlj NOGQUCAKIHCi «3. CORDOVAN, merits taken three days apart show FRENCH&ENAMELLED CALF. a i actual increase «4*550 F1NECALF&KAN6ARU1 per minute and an POLICE,3 S oles . I pres.-u re. Tbtre has never been a doubt in *2. * IZJ B oys ’S chool S hoei « A Wondrrful Dliteovery, •LADIES» «»*i n.iid as to the result of this* '•^•' bestdongo ^ S. RATLEY, Proprietor. co nly’s t fiort to obtain a big fiow i Dr Checini’s Electric Spavin „, SEND FOR CATALOGUE * oi artee an water hail the» fiort been , Cure positively removes Bone Spav­ PW>L* DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. wins, Liquors, Cigas and Cigarretts ca-r.ed Incompletion what, we mean ( in, Ringbone, Splint or Curb in 48 Yon enn save -nnnry by pnrchasiug U. L>. Ii.iitttlnn KhocH, f,v completion is re.i.oye the t< ols . hours without pain. $500 reward Becans-, v? are t.ie largest Good Billiard tables, Pleasant Card Rooms, etc., etc. manufacturer'-, of I taoea in the world, and guaraute* --------------- ~ . nnd "b.-tract ions from the hole we' failure or slightest injury. Th. advenise the value by s'.ampinir the name one , ______ a prke cn Saloon is first class in every particular. Experience bartender the bo'.to-n, which p-otccte you against high have already in the ground and we zreatest wodder of the Nineteenth ' prices ,------- ... ---- tr.iddleiaan jj . . ’» pro: -»¡it». Our shoes and the . * »mini nucfAin as»r»r Lr in sfvl#» <• Lave a large (low of water. The Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. ig qualities. e have them sold even-, itd . ,,eK . th r i at lower price3 for the value given than 'ft'Tt marly carrird to tuccisr ♦ntire veterinary '•orld. Circulars » where nnv other innkc. 'J' ike 1:0 substitute. If you.- ind testimonials free. Dr. Gut i dealer i-annct supply you, w: can. Sold by si Proprietor. bal to our prosperity why not bring’ Situated on Silvios river 1 mile East of Burns, near the bridge •l before the people and let them | I W. Ln 3JWGE.AS »-r. Liiv uuau.u, wiiivii p yu bukin S rLOuH & S aw mill , or not , ----- tax- ’"U the citizens for lhjR p,.rpo8e or not. D we really desire this county *’ td’ >1 and developed our actions ertami, speak to the contrary. Schools Attention. THEST.LOUIS REPUBLIC FREE! I Customers wil receive GOOD FLOUR from Good Wheat TWICE-A-WEEK 16 PAGES EVERY WEEK. Notice is hereby given that I am ’,o* spared to exchange the ■AT SEMI-WEEKLY, ONLY $1 A Y EA • *' g B ’oka which have I«,,. of the O regon H erald can get The Twice-a-1 Wapi.n tor the following rixvi-ar* ¿ Any ‘Ï/ ’ reaber 'Ti" ’ Z" ‘T E ast VKK «n-'< »«» J\, -, i k. Republic free by sending in three * Ex Price. • Republic Vith $37" ... ........ .. ,ww 'early subscribers to The first lk.uk i — in English .25 „ I ..I ,n.,»dd,,,,""to"b,»’""'Sl»>egr'»lr»t new« WM.I, in Am.riM ...rv introductory E Sng. Graiu. ,i.j »ub«r.1>«r io Th. Renn ,|ic lti|| ( Advanced *» »• .» 35I mor. ...ry ,e»r by .hoywioloffer- ......I.rob« ribir. iron, dn.Tlin”! ^‘er.n,,., Civil Government .« . tT T1’"” of Th. «.pobllo «,11 b. mm anyone n,”n of posul