WASTED. isi 5S Locals. Agent- toeell our choice and t ar- ry Mock. We bave mani special varieties. both in fruit» and ornamental, tooffer. which ar« T ka at the drug «tore —««C‘.‘> m.tn.ll- ! onlv by u«. We piy or salary. Write usât on<e ¡ ,- term«, and secure choice •f H. M 1. 1 U • —S«‘h >"■ •be.ip for at jtv uf < -k* and atattonary i of tern torr. •». at the Hardware 'I ay ¡• uotheh «. Nurserymen, Rochester, N T • V »-gtly. __ bai lier, de. fun: •,««• hl t Henry Cheatham .a part of your pat- Nervous • i resU'C t“1 t2* r»7-’ • ’ ’ • 1 Tn T re - tor tbeJ Pure Biood H© oöjs » < • • • *» given brand* cf . , -re and cigar. the Iwet I .1 I . ,.. . e. . It make. th. bluto pur. and b«m-X PIONEER DRUG [W. E. G race ’ s oi . d stano ] Proprietor. ÄS . Sarco parila »»" ’ 1. Lie«.»« ’"J'" .o>e«rr> i«.rt .4 ih« • a boiflr ? all Tsr’a , .nd ark lor Mr. *H«Ulu. . p.a*4taka**«<berkn»a. ............. ......... - ..... A fuH 11 Nuts and fruits. i ggpMail orders promptly hilt. . SurQ to Get Hood’s — Hr Cabr i« kept pretty bury « Hood'« B,«wps;ilU.cured our toy ot The ui.if ’.al good drntiatry atone sì ut him h i« gained for the Dr. Jotavon Avenue, T LiU.d, Colorado. , I — laatin« n putotion eonvti?* •'The N’»l i imcwiial World.’ pub Iirhed at .wp >kaiMr. contain, ud ver ti.emeut* froiu ladie. and gentle M |llir remoi. 1 f -1-e - >--o-, man w ho want to corre.i».md for >, instantaneously, without Ì ' paetinie or matrimony, gaod iv»-." I Knot l-'‘"‘. Ekc,ro Chemical Fluid.! for *;» nplr ci-py to Bow ' Leave» Bum« daily at 6:30 p m . ' ’• .we I 1 llnorderto prove superiorilV. —Tonrorial parlo» Ed M alton I S|>okane, Wa»h Arrives at Ontario in 42 hour« ’ will fur neat . /VZN 1__ - __ 1 <.«». 90 days vend sample u... . proprietor. All work in bis ljn« —The Elite Saloon ha« again |1 Otll le and I» stimonial* free, on re-> guarente«d to l«e first «’uis.. Cal ( Fare One way »6.00. Round trip $11-00- « hanged hand« The proprietor!, ccipt ,* nineteen cent» U> |»av p"‘1 The| grr • f’ald well and Hmih. •gv. Lh-ctro Cheinn ■!( o., Through freight 31cts. a pound. bliikl .it milergotie a complete 14th St. New York lhc| Veil'll .itioii, ibis liring «Ione by T.0 d.V. notice a, anv P. O. on the »out. and <^»U Komelinie ago I wan trouble«! will« I prieinra. The I .*r hx- I' • I*’ ii attack ol rii» umutu«m- ^1 |l!N I* |MM»I l.ll ! e. p c'ui.s eie fruii» v l-— « — vivi» <1 many of my friend« ami Bl'RNS. Ilic Caldaell OREOOS P am « Msreh 3—'Iheyear Ih'J.j eu«t<>u.» t» to try the r» medv ami to «.II 1« » r» «uarkable nn* Ix.tli *1' ■*'* l.'ghly of it Simon G<>l la .¡urn, San i. i« Hey. Cal. For f ... »< Hetrvhoniical and r. |igi<>u<* Tne recent change made l.v ir.t p >lllt of viaw. On Gnod Fri fai I «ale i»v II. M. Ilotton. New York Wirklv World in u > mi I Barber «hop 1 STORE. Pure Blood WSUrTaia» -it, devil........... . th* new hotel ‘ . —T im « build :g. Rn-hardaun and Siephrnr , P’ .prirt » • nicely furnished and it- rttwt»».'.rra *M. ■ I Makes a M ..,el.«a l»te»»ver> Vrea t’ _ ‘d » hl’ knot* <4 I building hardware al the Burn., b. rd w an rt .re, at bottom p’icee , fvr cwai. — Builder. o * teed to be first class- and all other blood d.-^ses, bee- Cf***^*^* i 1 figures and 6""“- M U—<«. » la **• ”” “Xu <"A“- “ ..............-» •»•/ ... ......... „to Armory Hall Burns, Oregon. Sarsaparilla For Sale Or Trade. new barbershop. dd/.li.» plumbers, & Electri Tinners, cians« , j... ol ita W e.-J fwvr,d p.rt...IttaUo<A no“ „ knows tbs atandird b.ooa P — *00 sere« of fine fruit land in vou couldn't Ret —Who ... 10 acre I 5 mile* south of Eugen. good flavor» i < igar in town fur C'e Oreg m, 1 mile of Spenser t the Citv Drug btort •» ' t ’ Hutle. Uta at 1400each Horae. and in . fcn.-i rattle P*rt I»«»’ •“ eMC'* *°1' _ h„ rtly offer. . Ilav.„o. Il.e M -> d..i«. For r«n p... C. D. R oberts ii it (April 12). the heavenly l>o do. Hi , h gravitate round lh< run I wdi tw in ei.ctlr th» -ame po i to :; . orial parlor . Burns Ontario Stags Line ing two I' ll* Tf-a »<•< I. in p’aw i f on* < is inerting aith great favor The propL* appreciate the change' I’nor l:ou they occup rd in the firma JOHN ROBINSON ment ihe day Chn.t died on th< Cr.^a Everything in my line guaranteed to l>e done antiwfaetorily. I' »ill l»e the firat lime each a The onlv place in Burm. you thii g ha. occurred aitue that great can g.-t hatha. d.v.juat IMG.’ «rar. ago Tbit • a. t' v .131 year »»f tlir Chr e'lan era, wi.icl» date« from the birth «»I Jraua Chriat Al 4:A) in the •noruiug (Pari« time) about 112V I’ M April II (New York time), |tw> ii <t.>n wi|| Iwfore \ |rMit,|. |SptVi| and hid. that constellation for uv r an hour —Sun Dr. I’rke aCream Baking l*u«dct A.*M ^4 M.aa MUvtMe t«. M. t . m .«* anil are taking advu; lag«* of it. > Keep iiifortntd of whal in going, <> i in th«- world and particularly in . yonrcw n fnuntry. Congnss is« now in semdon. Ev.-ry movement will I h ' of the great»-t interest. Keep al irvaat of the times by read mg th* TWh E-.\-WEEK hard «•*•$ ' * * •w * • \\ ORI.I*—l«u pap» r- a wiek — KM riiy&tuiMii <\ surgeon. paper« a war for only 11 00. W W Arrang* iiient. 1 » have been mad. A graduate nt the Iowa State Univ, rrity and .’««ll ge of Physi by which we can f -irnith Ulis p.l|H-l SUPERIOR and I tie Ta ice.v ell New York cians alld Surgen«». \\ i<rl.ll«>ih l >r 4‘J » n war. like oiOVLo Ofiice at rrs.d. i * « in Burna advantage of tins idler and ge,| v<»ur own local paper atol l|,e 0 ALFO DEA' ERS TN- - PAlMT Oil.'5 Cl.AS > DOO? ?.. WIN r*oe a We. k World at this special | GEO. S. siz.EMORK. DOWS «rate. Tu« H ekai . h . ATTOHXkY. AMMUNITION 2nd ** 4u •• 1 rUiu vL- .V r‘ TiAiVARF, GRAN. ... O«*ooa M - &5 - I Brans, W are Coll»« _v.n., Ian<! nr«. »i»«! K.«l MFI . - 1 AND GLASSW\RE GARDEN SEEDS, FA* W hi.e al i’'.-k'kiil. N Y., Mr J 4th - M) ** i K.I.I, »»Müler t*n*«u|41» • o*nU«U h> ^all and u 7 h " I U’OI'i VN DERT«'KING CO .)D9 A Sen ven. a prvmimnt manufiei blh “ fl MV *• ' an ai.u .»e »ur tlomlav g«a ds. urrr.ii Nrw York Cue, pun ha- .1 Mtmtriths Elementary Geography a Imtilr of Chamlwrlain'« Cougi. B«[. Monteiths l oinprvhrn.ive I ¡Uiiiedy. Such g i 1 r«-ult« u.i. I ’ I .»blalue.1 from it. u-r that lie s. ., I (•rainmar BOeu Hille Grammar t-ack to the dru<gi«4 fr>.m wh«»i:i hi t Sori« And al, other »<-h<w»| books l»a I at tained il f .r two more hot 1* pre portion alM| aiter u,,, d-|r , lie* ot the MU,«. -, toedr. \\ , «ill m -II school !>uubs at the al. ve i on have a cvu. , ■ d give thi- prices tor cash and for cash only H M. HORTON, ..................... a in.,i ai,.| like Mr Orders by mall prom|Hly atle««ed Proprietor S-ri«r.. y.«u will w*t.t ll when ag <m ' b< Dated this 1st day of March 1st Beaders at 2\ts* SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. I C. »I Vofeurt t I I t 4 ’ gas I m t «4 MB ft* b* * i I * . * l • • h 4? L»> • afeli* <4 « I n A 1 * ■ ba* •-Mb « • /i«r i • •»«* - «se-J i I c Oity in nr. d of such a u <«. i .- i :» c . I i u I I a reuo-«tv <*j gres, « î*. :: and t. .MJ eei.t iotilr* f..r Sale by II. M Hurt on. HUM 1 li I a 81 cnnv . . - A,A PATENT MEDICINE? A F akcvt ^ DIA>,OXI) nYES CH°lCE PERF( MES * FANO TOILET ARTICLES. TOBACCO. CIG ARM ETC. I ¿ w Bxjjs. Uqucrs Tx Medical •URNS,................................. Oregon ••-Pmcriptio«. aératele enmendad I ATTORNEY• a T•LAW, Eirat Clam Dental Work I\»M Purpoin Pi