Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1895)
A h'g'i cla s illustratedmagiz . lit LizbiP hi the home is n;> |. ■ -ar ■i ¡nx’.irv. It is a necessity, and o meet the dem.tnds created l.y this I IL. i; S T R ATEO necessity, THE COSMOPOLITAN ca ÍEATSJF¿UÍ «?*< ILLUSTRATED. MAGAZINE, giving vearlv, asil COPYRIGHTS.^* The Simpl toil, a lieu po.lel b¥ T hou is U.K i, wl 1 he I t gim In 1 lie In <Hiller Xum' er, does, 1."><36 p iges of reading by the |h 1 > .finned to Xi,i-mber Who- ih wiih over ■ ■ ■ : cvcr Ilia, be .■lie's filler e lllllollg E's 1 I’ll N"V- aides' living authors, ' '■H i:::'. A ‘.Lob. ,. I, S n M'i'l I <• nmcnlf I <■' «II • ti i< K '.hat inrimiinn «onii' I’ item« ■•“"* b!'™ !. hiL. Tu >a o i ii •' s’uml» fori nit at of n iniisir 1*200 il’u orations by clever artists, i .U Item "t 're“. Also a catalogue U msiUan- te.lnn.l 1c K h .H.- i nt fiec. , r is i i flati ii. an I Tim simplcli,'s o « ; e breech, with Pati *■> talleri V' mi A Çn. je«1 lac id tour use cull,'sia h ii . t in''i rilir in has stepped into the , I noti« ■ . " i S ».!•»•♦• ', .. >I>'g ii-m 'Im w Im bias liuitked Tri'bv — ’ he : ... |.;.,': riit Wh ■' bef« : Ite i,'11*1 '« 1 ' . i reduction in its price that haj lues' sue, i ... ’i ry * f ll'.' .’ c.l.'. Atio.h-.t , . '■ I i ■ ' r. i.'.ii g feuntri > i!; > e l he l'er.M,nal lie'oiler 1 . i -, . .: i."- ' • ■1 f *• , J I : .IH. uf ai*y x «• ite work la lue II .»<(.1 II . f AH', h. the .'.I lit Lol ls I 3 tartled the lit ••¡rrv wori I . tu rd. s.i a ■ «r. Saii'i.:'-. colera aen*. tree. . ,N i. IL r I’ iiuc «rd set re ur . under which Buildln« I d : on. Him rbly..- J«r vear. Smit e The 11 eha i.i). fully alive to the s ilu- ■ ■ s’ prpulir •( ’Iv'ig Amermii ro ■•- -‘ó ecu’s. Fvcrv nani'er coutil i peau- z i ■ tvriia s s .'II 1' es : t n’.i- »inri ,.f lhe I ,':l -, . . coIm -, ■ .i f . ■ . u» ■ ' ' patrons, has made y’uid af (» e rr IntlieJa nar.t Xu uh< r W ill needs of its I .as, w 'b plana, enaii u- . er» to*• ■"» t-« ppe i a d . fusel i i Illis’ ratee paper on i liarle» ¡an'«! ili- i: ns unJ secure i onira. i* Anitn ss special arrangeu.t nts with this ML.XN & CO., .Xi.'.v ÏOI.K. 3<»1 en Io in i.ui t. lie f st of u seiies of S. H III r: l'li] i> r, X.iilu'i’ i ii i. ii is iit'iHciii mote n' s’lprrb monthly, whereby it will i ii I:V et tier I in e .i I i e it wns le seul oí ein- subscrid- p u s I ! t-ne'I i ' linn a cf IIA K i'e a M V« V receive orders for yearly z.i.xl e. ili foin illua rn t-il urlìi es on t hi» remili, cihie-iif lem will di pat the preaent lile timis to both publications combined T.1E DISABILITY BILL IS A a lan. iiLiix Ku.l'H >.ill pepine for the MAG lit M n M-rii a oí eight mori a ilipii L ik f >r the stun of 3.00. LAW. pl arci .f < In i eie life ii'cl Miii.ei's Soldiers tlisalded since the war are 1 iiin The price of the great illustrated ehi'h-s i ! e o gti.s o. (•«'■ '• I: i begin in I lie i.iueiy Xnniier Ihi fielt lir.pterof I Time Entitled past has been T. r .X'Vea-lle I" Kl< IIAKH II au ! IMI liuti— monthlies in the llepi ndelil widowa and Parent» now de I.- ..tigen u ■ -i k j ci s ii- h ce : n . his wri er. |>eiiileiit who-e Mina died fioul tilt* t'He< r> of L3 00 and $4 00 a year, anti they . . |. i- e »laut s .nit s lu )i pti'ni' wi i i "s Will »run wnice are im ludid. H yuu wi-h 'n! I ii u<' to I e a li a nicol the M .VI AZ I .X E I i army were tn be found only in the more ICS 1 pretentious Imines. Our t iler fur« I 1 iiishes a help to all families, no matter how niode«t their means, I.IP Pill's MAGAZINE lAllPEl.'s WEEKLY t.»M u> keep in touch with the greatest IAI I Ki.'S I1AZAI1 . .. . known . . . 4JM HA 111'F JI'S Yol N'G PEOPLE .. ?JM Evcryw here minds of the world, as The Cosmo« Po- iigc I rec o al! Snli-cril ■ in U h Sol,! lA'crvwlierc. jioln.m luii today the strongest I nia d s a'«'-, t'ai ad i. or Mi ihi . Crown live! vwbcrc. ! r. gtil ir staffof any existing period Tl «• Voll»;MO of Ile Maya tile begin will ical Send orders to Lv Nimrers for I line aie I [ ieii mi cl o •nr li \fur. 'Vi en mi imi i ■ • eelhiil, i I T he H erald , Ask your <l»*:i1<‘r L>r 1 ' <n for riipii« II* i a ih begin wi ii he X ii ni» r cur l‘<,rr» *’iril K m IIU h I lor I ML>. Burns Ore. rem nt lime o ri e i¡ I o o, Inva'Hidbi* tou l p .nit» : '.’ili I I iw- 1893 Y 4 S KI3 uF Jit. Í r. C| Í c k C . VI rO. THI • !'E‘H t : I -LO3G c. 1 THIS PAPER even ---- WITH — l.<> > > A'loiit f\ bout About liuti ; etter till TLE S N f^ANCIS'O Move l’mlall e Ulti « . < . o o —OK If vour i ro.’cr doesn’t keen i send us h . n.iine with icx and pct a I ir el > and a valuable t. inilv hoi .ehold book tree. Hi SAN FRANCIS 0 Do: TJkin & Co., Affts., HE SAX' HfANi'lStO WEEKLY CALL i« a I. a ’ • <1 - «• III«- eigllt- 519 MONTGOMERY 8T.. 8. F., CAL. W. L D ouglas «’x'l ' QMtUlF ytrhwiL 13 TH hE3r* fit a kino . rot. Í* 3. CORDOVAN, CUCOCMP. i ¡■4‘’3k,’FfMCCAtfll6u«:.-..'M ‘ >3.QP POLICE,3 SOLES. ^< o 52.V/0RKIN gm E u -, V>* »CXTRAFINC« °« c ^ izpboys S co S hoex ■ I-ADI ■ • T '‘tc 5 t # nc V p.i««« paper. It la H-m d «very i liiirsdat, ad conlnlna nil of t •» imp'riant new» of 1 hr weak, ala med from every <iu tr ier ol the globe, eoiupli'te up to date uf publication. ft fur- nialiea the latent and umst reliable tin uioial new, »nd imu ket quotatloiia, ■■ d given >|»Tlai attenti ii to Imrticul- mial »ml a.rnulturnl new*. hihi ia in every rroaei a lirv- • aax Inmily iiurr, app"iii g I" the llilrregl uf every llle.ol.ei I tile huUxetlold. ' ••ruorcncAiAipjuc V L. ÜOUGLAIJ. (I. i i vz.L.J ■ I ’ry ' • r ■ I i». u ri rm pH»!il;4 V“ unie- UMH’sel ol f|.ii liui' . r ' Mîlg.izi.'IV Io Jure |i;tCK , ill ¡ m ; i . ; < h blliólllg Uli ' ’ F v in i,. ■.<.> .) .tic. (,n receipt 01 $ i •< r (’loh (’at*, for l»i ><:ing .’»(! •> -By mail ¡ o-t-panl. I iiuii I. !•< e* *ÍH »ii’d 1 c m.utc |»v Po'lotir Mom y (huer, or Uran, to noi.I cJianc o < u . Pvt C t, Ml. h. I I < i . ' i < 11 i r' . *c i- 1 fit. • o.'I'.. uri . . d. - hi .-.. ’ -pe f i •! aule. 1 Overol* r m !.. a. ..ul .. Jy »euauuii. i oUby i ? C» Mtric x i xu r n r, -( hi 1‘r«« isaum « W bkk ) I. u liva ii tint toil h llHlIt li ia ti>e MOsI ItF.Ll \- a. l»I.E aiid i« reroiiiiirr I li Illg the LEAIHXG NEWs I'Al'F 1’ I the To ift.1 C« .-I. Et bri ni Ihr «loie Kpff- W. Will Wild OO'tl' ill «< a i it«, lulum mi rieri I of D im folio ». mg aub-ci I i > i luu priera for iLu raiublnatloii : I ’ M i I c i i x< It si\(. ll.'i I.aliai! 1..I.C is, .rust z a It ii i r,'i ’ll V ipi.n: I ,C ' Ci as iip i.a H ! ù S I I il ll.'I.X '■ I" i o, i be i.t 1V. i, I ’ i orí 11 d< »' I p I > ' " ► -- ............. «. H i -.ft i e . os- i,. u . Í Me' eris. ! : I " ¡e H i o h i g ir. cis es pi >p a ai 1 1 "11 * 1 111 '■ i’■ e : » ta i I - o i p r ” ' i :• » o. ut »,|.| , ,./u . • • I’.II. u a.i lai, » :| \ J; i h .. 'Ù ., x nred f..r <•. i r. o,, a»i .p ¡a ||,e< , e t l i ram «lure oeim iíii. úrea» DAILY G’LL l»iu> i. i ,. . r I • H.H> lx Il I % « OM 4* I X X . ■ . ’• M Vili M ' 'S I» i WEEKLY GUL ¡JAIÜ’EI. ; J I I I. Al'! El. Il A i.i'i.l; * ■.; Aud Ihb P p , P ;• Yu; » i K*M VMM* I ’ »M !♦ ? 50 WPOVE I. P»*l‘l»T'*, i MVo*« I m . Ml » yeah : WEEK! ï .- M \I1A/ i xi-; ■ i.A/Al . s y()( X(i pj.. ! •"'" “ I WI H’ rlbers tú L F»»1»»», rattle hninrt son ri^m ii 'bi-sf ! ru on left sh *uMvr. »IC (•ii ,i 111 " " 11 K "> le W • e. It m 11 Iql I W in h ’ ■ '" lor J*11 "ol ... < i r tn- a ,L J"’"1’ ”‘l ►' ri) to Numi er enr.em at 'jln < eipt of,,,.I, r >t.lM,'11" ' G u iiesof'a We.'kh for ' ' «iHrr M i ■- a i • i oil .1 <• 4. r?1 I. I rl... , I"1- SoknllAo American Agency for ..L' ir. ' h Ï.L i TÎV:: .?', m’f .o « >.-.n¡, 1 ' . « for ea. h " ' y. ,, 3 w *1 'fie . RLtnMf I- em'". «»al I1-1'! loR V W Ihtfs . «... C*VIATt, TH*OI MARK), . OCB.CM PATBNT«, | COFVWIOMT», .tow , . , * . 1 " •' s‘» 1e«r. i 5w i < \ vn ii.wn. —Z n - x ..mamm .».e**«, - m «« K««af. -» a _ •* -A_ «•».••«•»»» • .* rOH &ALX UY H Ml ' A*-^**> tAcaAA.1L». ■ I' M \ Cunt* e ' it t..» lb.«a In yon» •< you. it Oe i h „ U.f t ■■ «'pain, li-..: Th. I I. h lino.*!.|»n ------ ’»»«hie Ea< i I’It \< l.| ET V • I. X ' vr c • Rr LINK <»F h coiufinv«i Birati ¡•li »uh i. « 41« ru I ' III) e’ lb,„. IB ■ • • • ■ Em I.i I» rm r. • i ■ io A ' 1F \ R «t«'Hl*im» a-ir ._ht • I INK uf ir \i i ;i ’ll »II tin ■iMhr n Ukhta rm » Cirri Y.^ «ID i »11:1.» iw d .|orwf Ul « > '••«»■< Pe nW- y io It r x<mt- i» ». » » art ’ rb or. mln«, piso ’ r* r*» • hi.ti I» a no *: a <*l I «II yslp tnj »l ieh i b. t r it. t tut P at »I Ira ft »•! «.a da::'» >« b an h al., «t • lair-rMlur r,lt f«a th« «h.-'« 1 w, 1« * « f i-hk'» » am t> a 4 y ■ r t U It, 6» J i « r i Il rf the CHINK CO.. 725 Mutko Si , «Scientific ^mtrican T. : i . . itU ilkuA, Hail Kr.tiwiM o 1 al I ►»•part luetit ’ sJT1 vPTîi.mrîi; • 4* aj, ’s n«4 a 4 It* ■ « VMI • »'f ' At ! ' .VW' MM 1.4 F- ■-------- — ftiitsrt raiarto sr w*n lUwrw: «e rxw I» .• g J V t ■ f, MIM l 11X4X11 tat .lit, vllUUJ ex < él la C.A.SNOWœOO. » C A ¿*4 •aree K. •M »Me »’Y» . C*w» ’ tM ***r i ywu ' r •« -f « If a - vi n n\i » K rm mu c ■»-•w fkax 1I .ThilnI laììTl H’.a.r’ euer .¡tat«. 0* FREE IIRAXI) <*OI.VMN. II in brjpiH b«r tv't (»n left uhoii -h r: < n *'w •uric1 on h*ft bjp upper clip t»n b«» b •Hrg. T. \. '•!<■!<iiiiidii, Burns Ore. ’Inrdin X Ri’ev. cn’t'e bran lei Von let? s' I* IntNe hrnttii , lefi si 'e. r. <>. Bur r . »n »•• Al l Oil *'Ei; ' STOCK BRANDS. Sb s:. :! ■ .'l.MZ J. X. r the ut l’fo<» \ «ü»‘l ;b'»’s UI|(| iL’.iunlul Howers. V.’rifo L*i It— Ti ec '*"**•■ w HaP«^ • «Ma «■ «Mwaara tv | ht W t _- 1 • r UtMl ■ Wil 1IMMIL CMUU u «Î I ÎMR HK’; i r titnv., h ••* n p • ► * I li n T »e « ' I» 'i pi. tor al Ii at rv - ' 'er. i n|t.rinllt V1 " 1 ' x:i ma (• e > i . 1 ' Ti l mi «e M ‘1 V « III III |. h, Ir hi» ’ ,r‘k.a n .1 H ’J 'hr hi . - <1 unt ....t of li III ' ' a 1111 a nni » 1,. i e known cm,!, "i •! <••«, '-'I ' il ! writer , , | ..U, II .» f r ’I" li. uh i « I,. n it « I h’ r U II • li ” K’ •’■ Ha ph in Si nd • ’ KE Ki. uY t ii,i..Ini#. Il H il Uu rail i. A II M.’i’l'i; s I’ElUOhicAl.s ' 'Hile 1 ••■tl |i, nn h b rO ti”(’er hi’ ix ’ * ‘‘Hr, ii • « pe in ri li vir n.«rsv l-niu ! 1 »" ri-ih b i e. R E j. a ilHams P, •». K i I e ,i < * r florsi s, f on lef« »«lile. i'a''le Lrn■ <1. •“I <>ii led hip. Murioii Butiyanl, F O Hun ». ’ it’tli dltiTnoipl on left hip: horge« eV on 1«! -hi.n der. < hnrlefi H . Voegtl’•. Ihtr » Orexot lorsv >,r«m!e,i I’ on rl.’h* »li"ii1i!er. int’le P •’ll right h p. K. A. Iletirtrit kit. P.O. Laueti Or Home !>r«tul X6 on left ».h.iuMer. «'»■’ 'hrei d'**« in »hapeof triangle, cattle !.r»'ule'i a i ne l h. '.rout burn« Ur. Mirs li. an Dl< kei a.,n Hora«- brwiid n”* fl o« ’”»1 !e. i attic In bur Ron left hip. » i O. l.nnen Ore ■ I' I’L ki-ra.m r uttle brand ' P • onneeted ■ n tup Hone brand anvil on left »tillc I*. 11 I «wen tire. < attic brand tlg’ire 7on either lilp: murk liuht CTupiifTea h ear. a It. i i each ear, and w t’1 on left jaw . H <rai-l>;a,’| ngtire 7 ot t-i her hi» J. II. Bun)ard.Bur, « Ore • co Wll’lunn hornet and nin'ea I at'"rd r. iim.ii,x w.„tl ttMht s.lhe. P. O. Hi e> Oie. Ho ae brand J on i* 4 ) |P. lA’ll.’S I’.o ■»• I ' > l’uri a i ire H -H-I,rand l.a«on on left nhonl 'er: <’«*’ • . « irm.n ’eft hit. and rile, fktberli.« l i o Narrouaore. Ilorae brand on left alionidcr S M.’M Laura -*■ aneti t. Lure.» Ore. H- ra, I rand a on left a'iouldor and name > • Per Year *1 I kpkk H IH I* ■ H 4 Kl*r* K H IKi* K phil gB|th Hur:» 1 '!» he a-i i - n caule brand « •> 4 <k 4 «4 »!• r. US-r»tn the t’nhv. a Ci FT 1 •» *' ht i "*e e«i. with. M14TM (I kn*l, • ” h «ear. Wh-.. • X * r m-r nt at thetim,.., r^,. —.ip • »Í nr •»■h f ’«7 'frei » • p ' ■ ernt b« n al •w ’re. ei^, r »M«« ir >2h - - n < ■ -xM „n» «kj • Irt »..Iwrnei , *«• ’ • hi n»*r ‘ • II ’ . • •••■'»»Ne far b|,d "« 1 ►•panila ne,,/"., • < «I *'O'» .. ,.f rlgh, h-Ml lei Q ’ .’ ■;•• 1- Far mark awaUow fork in right car UU. .. r' | > > ,.f, ,. o 1<unw ure ! • « m • racle I ran ici J P on left ah. ul • - me !. -tp’ei jg ,„„ncc.i Mat) J. • f-ce. Huma Ote r fu . . ’» îürï'z- '¿»pi ’’ ’•»' 'n-« _Mrw iiJi.. |T* * r-»tnrr of i. a 1Ä-X ’• * HR •niFK.a »•’VI ta, aawva a. . • •air - - — •' ■' < kpkk "Î ho r’/),;; Ur KW PIANOSsl