» I ! *4 Th? Economy Is Essential To Success! —The two peddlers of ready — Notice the card of Atty?, Hicks made clothing, «h i were here hist and Biggs in th s ’s-tie. I )i(>n September will t e hereagain in a few WH’NEsDAY APRILS lb'5 — Miss Leia McGte has data with a full supply of gents . employed to lea?h the spring term clothing, tiiub r wear etc. rrtc» a , has the largest ciRCTEAT1ON of ,,f school in her home distrie». cheaper than the «*h«ajMRt. ANY NEWSPAPER in THIS COUNTY. ; —Th’re is a rumor here that |________________ Win. Ilurvev, xx ho dis a p'»’-ared so NOTICE I . ■ * Religious Sert ires. mxs’erious'y sev* ral months sine«, I has been heard from. I- h”re’>v giv. o.t«» whom it may Burns 1st. and 3rd. Sundays of — Ant.n Fgli if M ngoi tire ‘ cnilCf .rn that the pirt-’etship here- the month 1 1 a. in. and 7 p. nt. I N irrows 2nd. Sunday, 11 a. m. and ' <railed to J Dmkheimer thi« morn- lofore existing hit’’* en F. I ing. thiie thousand pounds of very Kii 1$ , s hury and John A. Ro* ertson 7 p. in. Silver Creek 4th. Sundav I ria 11 a. m. and 7 p. in Harney 5th fin»- yota'oes. Th. ?• potato«« wure n,l(]er the fi.nam -of King-fury ’-td without irrigation and 11 re ; !.» dissolved. Snrday 11 a. in. and 7 p. m and'rai A’ Robert» »n - t ...i««lay hi I ¡John A. A. Robertson having ie- Timrsdays at 7 p m. bef >re the Ist. j much better than if irrigated. find 3rd Sundays. Peison Creek , —Robert Drinkwabr la« sold ui ived f om Him«' Coiintv. Tlmrsday at 7 p. in. alter Ist. and ' his piopeitv in Harney, nud. we I inti <| at Dr« «•sey Oregon, ‘•Lirch I ,3rd Sundavs. nnderstar d. is go'rig tn move to the j 29, 1895. I the s irrv W. F. K ing - biry . Willamette Vale y. We are R ev . G ib - jon . j Mv t<> lo< sc Bob lie is a poo’d citizen----------------------- Pastor. County Court Adjourned Term my land an accomodating neighbor, I » A * I A good lesson may be learned by calling on J. DURKHEIMER leading merchant of Harney Valley an«l getting his ♦ stock is large conipl« l? <fc only first rias? qualities, best terms. I buy all goods for Spot Cash «t the following prices talk . March 25 Hi. I j —The Havana press drill for i I I -a’e at the hardware store of C. H. —Latest st vie of ladies hats 111 | Voegtlv i« a new one, Mr. Voegtlv iI Rep at of roa«| di-trict No. 9, J. eastern prie» s. r Gearhart supervisor appr. offers it for lers than cost for c»sb, J Dmkheimer. | I • Improving th«* court house block i because he wants th«* money. The eontrr.ct was 1 LADIES ami s reel«. SHOES $1 40 SOLI) ELSEWHERE AT $2.50 I —L' u’e Woldi nberg of Harney ; — Mrs. Alta Sizemore nut with; ¡given Cal G. er 225.1 0. • 4 4» 4. 4b an accident th- litter part of last' 1.10 was in town ye‘t«rdav. 2 00 The report of r«»ad supervisor 4b 4b 4b 44 —Sevi ral of our citizens visited week from which she suffered very; David Carx’ district No. Il.appr.' MISS 1.10 2.00 much for several day®. She aeci- Ilarnev last, week. Road <li«?rict N<>. 9. Samuel Jen- CHILD »4 44 .88 1.50 I dentally run a nail in her foot. kit • supervisor bond appr. | —Rev. (dbfon preached to the 4b bl 44 Sb 2.50 5.00 — Dr. W. F. Loder a \oung phv- In the matter of issuing coiintx- pe< pie of Harney last week. I ’c:nn Lit« 1 v from the east is in our warrants the court allowrtl bills BUCHING HAM & HECHT BOOT $4.50 ELSEWHERE ifG.50 — The miliiia have receivid a 1 town, looking up a p ace to locate ' aggregating $1039.72. 44 i 44 »4 44 o. JO part of their cat airy saddles-. 5.50 He went to Drewsev last week Undertaking of A. Gittings in, —E. E Gmut gave us a plea«ar.t • h'tikir.g p-ob,-ihlv he woild stop the »um «»f $10 00 as tax collector cal last Friday. 'Imre but found »in M. I), already app-. t o'H'td . t tbit place. II«.- then. in tne matter of the final settle-, — W. F. Kingsbury of Drews-> was in Rur”s t wo or thr.e days r. turned to this place and thinks moot of P. L. ’•hideDr ex ponntv 1 o! h eating at Harney. clerk, it was ordered and adji:lg-d 1 l ist wtek. —The qmstion of th«1 extens on that h- and his sureties upon h s —M -«rs Cuninfm and IIiifTin« n ollicial undertaking were r< 1» a«e«1 both < f Diamond Vall-y were in of the O. P R. R. to i*s terminus, from forth« r liability town tl e h tter pait of last week. is ng tin agitated and some of cur i exchanges speak hopeful of the w —Chas Fry has traded for the' IIitiiHtmtoii To The Front. t work b"ing done the coming sum Lob Reed property in the w< st« rn mer. There has been so much • part ol town ami now has po«s»s I xv ifeii, published, and talked of' To Patrons—Huntington »? now fi ‘ii. having moved there last i t'cs II 1?. I'l’ii'g compleh’J a r.( ¡jthei'nvv o; emnpc'ing points in a Fi ida v. 1 ,1 hing b« en done that we do not 1 Railroad s«,is* in particular, we CÄ3 A late improved singer sew ini’ j :: ve an.- news r g oding it as a u- ha'<• advan'at-o ovoi- all, we ».»<• 1! "i-hii.e, nearly new, and a , ’ ntic or rcFable. now a competing p«»int f f two It. font extension oak table, for s ! R lines tlw Union po-ifie and O. ], —1 he Hotel Burns has again trade for grain, or bacon, | I»’, and N. Co’s. '.Ve have the chanjei hand«, Mr®. Britipn will' l.oin it Bros. Iliiri s lak«’ charge, i he 10th of thi« month. I i C mice of two roads and each one t-ir Local ]■ «liter had 1b« | |.is |;,dv ha.-, been « ng i,. d m the i after yell'- business, No I etter rate pl aHireof hung present last S.itiir oo’el I u«ines fo- a numi»« r of v ars- c «n l>e gotten :H ati v J o*i t than •lav i xenii g at the literarv ’•'land has teen v.rv successful!, so i here on xv.iol and o'ti’-r goo Is semi Hat rex, which he affirms was very ■y | we can assure the public of courte your wool to H unti'igt m and get | interesting and enjoyable p,’‘‘eS ',*<>ivt'd b-v «»” ' ous entertainment and a good table,be'U*fit Mrs Haskell's garden. at het at this hotel under this i1(jv>s; rate’’,i'ber r,,ttd ,b ' O. R. <<r Ni Co. will prevail on you to ship to refidetice on the hill, is laid of! it. ma> agement. 1 other points on their road th in> terraces or steps, and very nicelx I —Terms of Circuit Court 9th. Huntington thereby controlling "s.'<‘ l. In a short time she «il. I judicial district composing G • rant, vour ship uents and cut.ing off the have plenty of 11 »wers. ! I Harr.iy and Malhurr counties. U. I’. R -. and the O R. <t N. Co. “During ths meetings held her«’ «•rant county 1st Monday in May | agents may v’8>t you and make by messrs Gibson ami Sherman I an iin * I 1st 4» »«otiday owl av in Oct. • Lilhuer | statements tn the contrary but heart Lip i-t miiu-ters Mr.«. Jones, wife 2nd Monday in June and L«t .Mon- in mind they are looking for th«irl Register Jones, Miss Na ni.- i <lay in Dee. Harney 3rd Monday own interests not yours. No joint. •’ residing auout five miles i in M iy and 4th Monday 1 ofiers greater advantages than b in town on the Harney load. Dr. The local in mir la»t issue giving I Huntington. None can work f.r -''b Pneeters and Mr D. Jameson the the te rms of Circuit Court was not I comet. ’*-» last residents of Burns, were Van Or. Mar 2Gth.; "‘"'I buyers, our charges as low or '' I ''"I in ihe church l»y 1 iter. I Spring has got here at Ja«t. '1 over than others, this being true -Ilarnev very nearly had anoth- Cha« Co« bran «t Brother Dan'] ifc I’08"’1'1« c »nsidering a’o . e I »rdaHinging fire y.aten|av afh.r. , conditions arc visiting fib-nds in thi« neighbor- ;cond,”*,n* that "tat any an v point point can do d<; a« ;; CASH no n Aman unlu.idmg hay and hood the former has applied fur the 'vdI ’>V V<” *" Huntingto, ? W / w WARRF.NTS & NOTES. squar»- «le»i!s <>ur past r» c«»rd is our '■"' king at Up Mnie Woolf Creek schnol. and give you 'OMnoke.you knov] the r. suit We l-rlo-ve Prof, ‘ rook? is soon the hay . aught »»n fire from the reernnmendati m. Don’t be misl.d to commence svh »ol in th«, Pine I"?-al «1 of course the pa ,r pipe had by agents or other« statement. cret-k distr.i. ’I'*“ e to l>ear.»1,»-mxn.«mt»l fhip your g.»ods, wo.,1 ttc in <mr, 1 • ■'•«« altogether innn<*< nt. I Mssrs Krih A- Rrck'or care. I Poor I'w<-!| ;uieh»«l it moved th« .r families «,n th. ir ranch had Reap*. "'•>-r l-eei U»rn, and the man • lire - n.tlo« l»e|ow Van. I Local News. 44 » 4b ■ I AM PREPARED TO HANDLE THE TRADE OF have.,..,e STOCK MEN & FARMERS. M ake liberal A dvances on W ool , - buy C uunty O.t <» * ‘"U-'l to f,r,Mij it Hn(| Luy n new James Mines fa reported quite th*t Wouldn’t catch 'hay on ill. ______ but thought latter of it and i —** * v«4 smoking th- .Id ¿i|^7buV ^«•»••oceaMo„,||v u f<ir ’"•g the h.y on fir.,. No«B»«mtve ■mr„?hny buri.?.', a.,,| in* HP awf dly as:,4llu.j „ jUlf 4 I J ><W TOCS. Ct I FlR./tfeo I Please call my liberal terms vrill be sure to meet with your approval. ' •—*-«■<'.••- .JA »w»* •-•Mxr’-. attiiM W«WCMA«OI3 'TIN. -» • * ♦ . K «4 •