Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1895)
Ÿ BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. —Timothy seed for sale or trade __ Mrs. is sole --- ... i-. Marv Matthes ............ ... me .... lustice of the Peace -------- for --- the - —The little Gem Saloon, is a agent, in this town and countv for a j above named District. County and for grain, l>v G. W. Young ot this "gem” in e>erv particular. Bob UH.iSHll) EVERY WEDNESDAY place. Reed proprietor. Bob says,‘’come New Yoik firm for the sale of lace, State, of March 13th. 1895. BY I I shams. W. C. B yrd , window curtains, pillow and see me.” W. à Justice of the Peace, I I 'pirtieres. table covers bed spreads SUMMONS i P ublishers and P roprietors . I —Mrs.Mary Matthes has received and laces, and at prices so low as I In the Circuit Court, of the State her spring styles of ladies hats and to as'onish the most inert dulouss I letition tor License. |of Oregon for Harney County. I ¡a full stock of milinery. Don't- SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mrs,Matthes solicits a call trout I To the lion. County Court of P eter F. S tenger , Plff.) >ne Year .................................................. |2.0u forget to call ami examine her ßix Months ................................................ .1.00 her neighbors am! examination of Harney County Oregon. vs > Three Months .. .75 I stock and bear her prices. A lameda S tenger , Deft t We the undersigned legal voters' goods. HERA!.1> CLUB LIST: of Drewsey p: ecinct, hereby petition! — John Sweitzer,carpenter,under To Alameda Stenger, the above erald ami Harper’:- Magazine........... . 5.00 your honorable body to grant a j named defendant: In the name of erald and Harper’s Weekly ............ . 5.20 taker and cabinet-maker. His work erald and Harper’s Bazar.................. 5.20 ¡license A I. Johnson dr it Bro. of the State of Oregon: license to A. NOTICE. ctaldund Harper’s Young People .. 3.75 shop is the old restaurant building. Oregon, retail vinous, j ! Drewsey to erald mid Alden's Manifold Cyclopedia,. .2.90 i You are hereby summoned and Sealed bids will be received by each additional volume after Vol. I 55 cents: | Mr.Sweitzer guarantees his work at i j malt, and spirituous liquors in less requirtd, to be and appear in the to cents extra Der volume. postage. A Dillard Clerk School (list. prices to suit the hard times. Cof quantities than one gallon at their above entitled court, on or before f ^-Copies of all the above works can be ex o. 1 nt Burns Ore. until Saturday place of business at Drewsey Oregon the first dav of the next regular Will take pro mined at leisure in the Reading Room. | fins made to orde”. ■ r;l G h. 1895 for the construction for the period of six months from term thereof, to wit, the 20th dav duce partlv for work and balance in Publishers of periodicals are solicited of a certain school house at per May 5th A. D. 1895 and for which of May 1895. send dubbing rate«., a copy of their work for ca-h. hr Free Reading R «'Hi—We file and bind the Then, ther?, therefore bevou, and i plans A specifications, row on tile we «ill ever pray. iter at close ol every half-volume, e°d «*“' t1 Dated at Drewsey Feb. lGth '95. answer, or otherwise plead to —J F. Boyle, photographer, is ipies by advertisement. I with II. E. Thompson each bid to N a m es I plaintiff*8 complaint, in this suit NAMES 'still here. A rare opportunity be accompanied by good and suf E L Robbins Jesse Bartlett tiled against you, or for want, there ADVERTISING ' is presented to all who have not JT Moffet the sum of $1000, II II Masterson of, the plaintiff will take a decree ficient Bond^in 1 1 inc 8 mo r» niu 4U •ME r « k _'_Lr ' already supplied themselves with Wm Maffei | against you for the relief as prayed T W Lucas the event of netting the that, in I 00 1 111.00 ix h 41 .0 Í2.50 45.00 Re n Willi'* All now [ for in plaintiff’s complaint. J R Johnson 3.00 4 00 0. i>0 12.Uli 18.00 i'.voi samples of his excellent work. i contract a sufficient bond will hi 3.50 5.00 8 iX) 15.00 24.00 40 1-0 s Geo N Rann Geo Cap 1st: That the bonds ‘ of matri member his prices, $3.00 per doz. 4.50 0.00 10.00 k'3.00 82.00 tw.oc 1 given in twice the amount of the A E Duncan 1.00 15 00 28.00 18.00 54.<» J R Dre wet t col. 6.00 mony noA- existing between plain He guarantees to 12.90 10.00 ■-S.00 48.00 80.00 1.0 0 for eabinets. •• lid, and a furihi r bond in the sum W P Bobbins M E Anderson I tiff ami defendant be absolutely 20 00 80.00 40.00 00.00 110.00 l-W.Ot I please even Hiemost fastidious. i Geo Morgan annulled, cancelled, and set aside, I of $3000 for Gm payment of all C T Griflin 8 B Stewart and a decree of divorce, absolute, be —W. N. Jorgenson has just, re labor am 1 material used on such Jacob Wright JOB WORK I lamilton 8 W A W A Ilin ! granted. Of every description executed .i h neatuis. ceived a supply of first class violins, ((.nn(riU.t W A Robert son J II Wright 2nd: That plaintiff by said de »nd despatch, at reasonable rates vio in bows, and a very excellent ■ Said bids will t e opened at 2 Pamphlets A F Masterson cree, be awarded the cart*, custody Posters, W F Kingsbury lirculars, Hill Heads, Leite) Heads. selection of violin ami guitar | o’clock P. M. of said day. The EJ Howard nvclopes, R Drake 'and control, of each, and all of the C. BYRD SON. 04 ! I btatemeuts. Memoranda. Note litiKis, Caros. I'I ckcis Invitai ions. ■ Dodgers. Etc. L N Stallard directors reserve the right to reject A Hassett J a mes Sin 11 John 11 Wright ■mv and all bids. —Get one of I. S. Geer it Co’s M F Howard By order of the board of directors. Al Weatherly premium purchase tickets. This M J Masiker Lou C Bradfield firm agrees to give the holder of A. Altnow priNA:. PROOF I such tickets a firn* life size Crayon < Portrait absolutely free of any , I.A.ND Ol'FldF. AT '’UNS, G'EGON. NOTICE. charge, by purchasing -$20 wiPrtL | • Van b Sb', 18'.... . • strings. 'children mentioned in the com- , plaint. 3rd: That the money ami proper ' tv taken by the defendant, as al leged in the complaint lie decreed to be the entire interest of defend- OFFICIAL DIRECTORY | ant, as alleged in the complaint be decreed to be the entire interest of ratios At.: defendant in lieu of <low< r, in all ..................... Grover Cleveland I Pressdeut ..................... Notice I k her« by given that the following It [ name-, ..................... AUlai. .Steyensoii of goods for cash at their store. /iced’resiileiit. t-i ttler has filed notic e of hi* intention o' the lands and property of the Walter Q. Greshuin Jeererary of Stale at BURNS (11 go ?.. ......... ike lit nl pro. f in support of his claim.ami LAND OFFICE . John G. ( uriisle I is not necessary that the whole that sai-1 pr-iof will I.-' mucie bef. re Register J : plaintiff herein, ami of their "joint Jecretiiry of Treasury Hoke Smith ! loci'"'ur •' of I nterior i - eby . 25 1895. .-ml Hei -'iv-r nt Burrs Oregon, on Muy I. 181’5, and community property. Diinicl S. Lamont amount should be purchased at one viz' JoSEl’It Z. 11- cl * s. I iecretar.v of War Hilary A. Herbert I lecretary of Navy Complaint haying licit) '.tired H I. \o. '. f .' Hie s' . ' W i an 1 N’._. sW', 4th: That the land of the defend .1. sierling Morton time, but any amount from 5 cents See. : 2. Tp. 21 S R 2-. E 1 lecrota ■ Ag: i -uUiiie. Richaru S, Olney kttor iev General lie names the fo lowing wltrasses toprove at this Office by J ohn <-' h - i :;- t ant and the land of the defendant PoHtinas'er Gene — l W iIs.iII S ilissell" to $20 as explained upon the tick li r cominuoiis residence upon and i nltivntiou against F redrick V iedeknh . l for and her three children jointly, men- I of su'd bind, viz RtmiAKi- M illkh . R opkk T J. STATE— OKK/iON : ets. " Entrv tinned in the complaint, lie decreed W illi ams , c . koij . i . M W illiam », J oseph A. abandoning his Hoim sti ;:<1 J. N. Dolph ’ No. 867, dated Sept 14. 1887, upon » W ii.i.'.AMs, nil of Iti ey Oregon. Soua ors ' to be for the use and benefit of the J. II.Mitchell. I THOMAS JONES. Regiateor. MUSIC. , Biiiger’Hermann 'the 8W| SW-j N’i SW.i See. I ami children mentiomd in the com 'congressmen (W. R. Ellis Having permanently Incited in NF:! SE.i s.c. 2 Towusmp 19 S B plaint the issue of said marriage, < . M, Idleman - NOTH E—TIMBER CULTURE. Attorney General Win P Lord Burns, w.ll teach music on Pi mo. •in <.... ■ r ....... Harney Count v, Ort gon arid that the same be held in trust Il R Kincaid I ( . S. LAND OFFICE LAKEVIEW OREGON. [31 E, in iecreiary of Stute ..Phil. Metschan Organ, Violin and Guitar, (■reu surer......................... R I’eb. 13. 1895. M usic I , with a vi( w to the cancellation ol for them, by the plaintiff herein, .............GM Irwin Dipt. Public Instruction having I < en entered at thin offlie gaitl entry, (lie Sllid parties ate liere- and that defendant lie decreed to W H I..ids furnished for balls and R Hate Printer parties, I hv Complaint Elizabeth S Meriitt ugali Bt I. R. Garriaon ’ 1 , ... R. 8. Bean. I I for falline to comply with law an to Timber ! by Sil 111 U lOUd t o appetl r ¡1 ti t h IS < f dee have no right, title or interest there I’. go Lord t( rtns to suit the times. . .z Wm. wm. c. <u pre Mie Judge» . - , . a , :i lull.-. ... I cultute Entry No -JI4-luted June 7, 1888. upon I t F. A. Moore W'., SW>, A NE', SW7, See. 24, Tp. 21 8 r | on tile DID. (lay or .April, .11 in, whatever, aid that, the decree E. A. Scherer. the '.. E. in' Grant County Oregon wit li a view t-> the ]0 o’clock A M, to respond ¡111(1 herein-, when made and entered, SIXTH .ICPtCtXl. ihhthict : < nn- ellation of paid entry; contestant alleging _ . , . Jiatrtet Ju-ìge I) M. D. C liffoko 1 that the entrvmiin hus failed bug neglected to | iiirnisll t(‘8tlR)OhV CORcmilI!SlllO stand in lieu of a dec«’, for the pur J aim s A. Ere. bnak 10 acres of laud orauy num her of acres- f : .1. L. Ruud District Attorney poses mentioned herein. John Day flour at C. IL Voegtly’s land on said tract, or caused same to b-done, alleged abandonment. toliit-Represencative (R) O. L. Patterson or to plant to trees tree set-!», roots or cuttings THOMAS JONES. Register, Ami lastly, for such other and W. Cowan foint-Senator............... (R) A. number of acres of said t act. or caused for sale at $5.50 a barrel, cash I any further relief as to the court may same to be-lone, Inti that said tract is in Hi COCNTY—H ARNEY This offVr holds good for the next i.aural condition, the said parties are hereby seem just, and equitable summoned to appear before A. W. Waters a .. C. 1’. Rutherford. lounty jidge ... • Notatv Public al hisOtliceat Burns Oregon, oil t ppiNAL PROOF 1*. I.. 81ii<leler You will also take notice that the Merk ........... ....... (D).. . thirty days. l(,th davot May 189.5, ai 10o’clock A M. to re .... I. S. Geer treasurer . (R) Summons is served upon you by ap.,nd ami furnish ti slimony concerning said C. II. V oestly , LAND OFFCE AT BURNS, OREGON, purveyor ............... ................. T A. McKililiull alleged failure, and I lie hearing of the case will iheritl (R) ... ...A. Gifting« publication, in the E ast O regon March 18 1895. " Agent. be consi-tered by tbiaofflce on June 8 1895, at S. W. Miller Assessor Not ice Is hereby given that the folio ling 10 o'clock AM. H ERALD printed ami published at . .C has . Serve 1 4chool Superintendent . .(R) W. A. WILSHIRE, Register. named settler has tiled notice of his n.n . lion . R J. 1 verri Itoi k Inspceior to make tinnì pioof in support of his < lai in. and Burns, Oregon for six consecutive A. B. Marks that saht proof will he made In . re R. .. isier a weeks, weekly, by order of the Hon. Jommisgioners R. R Sl z Receiverat Hurns Ore. on Aprii .-■ . viz R k ' iiaki - N M iller . Morton D Clifford Judge of said A good ranch belonging to II. G. Il-I No 114 for the N>2 N W’,. -. I’.-!', HARNEY Ü. 8. I.AXlt OFFICE : SUMMONS. Court, and that said order was Sei- 19 NE'l NE 1 , Sei' bO Tp '.'I - I: . ! . Register .............................. .. Themas Jonen Campbell, containing 1G0 acres 12 ilenaineathe following wino-, r " prove made and dated at Chambers in Receiver ........ .... A. A. Cowing In the Justice Court for Burns his continuous resilience up nami-'u r.n.ii miles south east of Burns. This [ .nid land, via: W m . II H- ii .s. Z iiahi r Canyon City. Oregon Jan 30, 1895 ¡ District Harm V County Oregon. HooAN. J oseph A. W illiams , I' i 1.1 «- ranch has about 100 acres of good SOCIETIES. I a ms all of Riley Ore. Hyde Pack wood. J ohnson Plff'^ ¡W. J meadow land. Price $800 or will THOMAS JO.N1 . I if er Atty, for Plff .vs > SYLVA REBEKAH Degree No. .3. trade for sheep. Meetscvery 1st and 3d Wednesday. A i.MEDA S tenger D«-ft) Lucy Rusk, N.G. B yrd it K ing . i To the above named defendant ' M L Ixtwis. Rec. Sec’y ’ Almeda Stetig« r: In the i name of state of Oregon, ................... .. . . you *re r<‘ Notice Of Dissolution Of Part he A. O. U. W. Burna Lodge, No. 47 luirctl to*appear before th" under 9 Meets every 2d and 4th Thutsdnvs nership. if M Horton, M. W i -igm (1 a Justice of the 1 Peace for tor BURNS, J W saver, Rec’d Know all men by these presence P roprietor 'he District aforesaid on the 27th • I. that the co partnership, her-tof *' nay of April 1895 at ten o’clock in I. t- 1 is well furnish««! and th-' proprie- This large and comt t ' " . BI’RNO f IA HONOR l odge, N o . 8 existing and known as D. L. and make his uuch I h feel t-t b t.x- ithe fore m>on of said dav. at the tor uses every eff( rt p- -il l- ' Meets every 2d and 4th Monday. Mrs, Sayer C or II. ■ 1 with everythin • - ..,1 -if- " ce of s.iid Justice in said I - 1 riet The table is at all ’ . W. H. Shirk is this dav ami d 1 : oan-werthi above named Plff. in fords. February 9th 189;> dissolved L. HARNEV.LODGE, NO. 77, I. O (> F. ■ . ’> I Io lit i civil action for the recovery of, Give Mr. Lucas a < ill ; I * f- - ! assured von Meets at <)>Iil Fellows Hall, every Saturday mutual consent. Furlhernxtre t 30 p m, J. C. Wo->ly N. G. money, his guest when in town W C. Byril, Secy. that each ami not one for the oth-r. | Th»* D' ft. will take no'ice that if- — - - . on Stage but each fot himself siin 1 ass’. :■ fail to ar *-W( r tlx* comp int *- □ H ARNEY POST NO. 48, G. A. R. Meets every Is’ and 3d Wednesday of each his own obligations ami that m ith [ herein th- Plff. will tak»' judg n >oth, at odd fellows’ Hall. All Comrads m* nt ngaV'st her f>r tlx* su tn good star.dtnginvited. T. A. M K in non , contractor. er shall stand as ‘surety for • 7(705 and for tlx* coats und -‘t'-rn Oregon Expr Carrying U.S. Mai'- ■■■ other. In witness whereof we incuts of this iction. 9. MAILS. get our hand and seal, th'- 9ti is ; < j11> • 11- : 1 ( i- v, ami Izmve Borns »wv-VAI F ' »«FG ’ of Feb vee anti depart f daily, Fl»-.. 5. i or. Brown, I ‘‘I ‘ t U» • rv, «I RNW— cawycm city : factor, B»*n Brown, local agenti-» an >rdi r ma- irriNCFfiP'i Peparti daily, except Sunday K.< M T he H kkali - is kept regularly on tile for re lerence, lit Hie Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad frertisitiK Bureau. 10 Spruce st.. New York. gURNS k \