A high cluxs illustraftdiuagag Iie magazine tn the home iw no longer » a luxury. It is a necesMity, and tu ► i '{anjeas IVTagazic. meet the demanda created by thj, F I L . [J S T R A T E D 1 » ^rrrXTisl I ’HlI 4 ! 1 b"T»iw. j necessitv, THE COSMOPOLITAN CAv t A l o, i n«uL ILLUSTRATED. MAGAZINE, giving yearly, as it COPYRIGHTS.^ The Simpleton, a new novel bv T homas CAN I <’BTAJI*n'hoi,e^tTopind’nf writ?« H arpy , will be begun In the December Number. does, 1.536 pages of reading by th* 18'14 »nd continued to November 1Hwho­ ever m»V beoue's favorite among Er giish Nov ablest living authors, with over elis s it will be conceded by all critic» t.mt formation concermng Patents «a me<,han. Tin’NA- harpy stands foreui. st nt a mazier 1200 illustrations by clever artists, tain them sent free. Also a catalogue artist in fleti u mid The Biinpletoi » may be teal and scientific books sent tree. receive Patents taken through Munn » la «" expecled to ar use enthusiums not lnferihr In has stepped into the breech, with special notice in the Hclenll jc Amerlcaii^ degree to that which has marked Trilby—the thus are brougnt widely before the public who most succesBtul story of the (car. Anolhet a reduction in its price that ha» out cost to the Invfntor. This splenaia pape 'eadiug feature will be the Personal Recoiled issued weekly, elegantly in the H ops of Joan of Arc, by the Sieur Louis na tartled the literary world . largest circulation of any scientiflc wora m CoNra, Her Puge and Secretary, under which The H erald , fully alive to the gu »■■ the no st pr.pular of living American mil ’“Zine writO'B w 111 Present ahe store of the bouies. witfe plans, enabling builders {o Maid af Orleans ln the January Nil uber Will needs of its patrons, has made mipeu nd ofus.dv illustrutee paperon Churle» latest designs and secure^contracts. with thin :. i and .he 1 aroliuat, lhe first of a seifes of | special arrangen. ents MUNN i CO., N ew YO kk , 3bl Bauauwar. Southern Papar», Noathern Africa is attracting more attention I superb monthly, whereby it will a'any other time since it was the seat of em­ Tbe next Volumi» of H A RPe”» .MAGA­ receive urders for yearly subscrid- Pensions, pires. ZINE will four illustra'ed urticleson thisregln, I id three of them wtll depict the present life I tions to both publications combined THE DISABILITY BILL IS A a here, iulian R h . ph will prepare for the .M AGAZINE a series of eighi stori.s. depicting ' for the sum of $3.00. LAW. typical phases of t'hineie Life und Manner». The price of the great illustrated Soldiers disabled since the war are I elides lle o 'Kstories, toere v.’iil begin in the January Number thi first Chapter of A Three I Entitled ............. .. Part Novelette, by Ri. harli H ai .IH s 'G D avis — | monthlies in the past haB been Dependent widows and Parents now de , ! the longes’work yet attempted by this wii er I pendent whose sons died from the eneers of, ( ,,lnp e:e ghoul stories by popular wri'eia Will .f3.00 and $4 00 a year, ana they I army service are included. It you wish , continue to be a feature of (lie MAG AZINE were to be found only in the more I .................. ...................... . HARPER ’ S PER Oí 1US pretentious homes. Our offer fur­ I nishes a help to all families, no Per Year: matter how modest their means, HARPER’S MAGAZINE IlARl’Eli’S WEEKLY to keep in touch with the greatest HARPER'S BAZAR .......................... K nown HARPER’S Yol Nil PEOPLE. . minds of the world, as The Cosmo­ Everywhere. Po.siuge Eree io all Siibserilier-. Sold Everywhere. politan has today the strongest l’nil« <1 Slates, ('miada, or Mexico. Grown Everywhere. regular staff of any existing period­ The volumes of Hie Magazine begin wit! Semi orders to i ical. he Numbers n»r .lune ami December <> T he H er alo , eac b year. When no time is >ve,,i!it, rinp*s che per Polish ,.o ri., us li lid.er THE S N FRANCISCO Weekly Call! FKICK SI.»J PE« Yr.AR. ---- OR---- iBi SAN FRANCIS 0 i lot und . V doable i rue. Morning Call! PHIUE 96.0 > PI K ¥EAF. Dr 'Cuan & Co., Agis ------ ------------ ffiF'HE SAN FRANCISCO ¿liX WEEKLY CALL jlftf Is a handsome eight- page paper. It is issued every Thursday, and contains all of the important news ot the week, gleaned from every qu ir- ter of the globe, complete up to date of publication. It fur* niahes the latent and most reliable financial news and market quotations, a'd gives special attentin to horticul- tural and agricultural news, and is in every resiect a first- jlass family paper, appexii g to the interest of every member of the household. ------ ------------ 519 MONT GOMERY 6T., 8. F.. W. *1 L. D ouclas CUrt KT C IS THE BEST. wO WnvL FIT for aking . CORDOVAN, I. FRENCH ACNAMELLED CALE 4.*3.5-0 F ine C alf «.K angaroii ♦3.50 POLICE,3S0LE3. .^«. workingmen ’ s -EXTRA FINE* ’^» 52>I.Z?BOYSSCHDOL5HOE1 LADIES’ SEND FOR CATALOGUE (L-DOUGUAa- BROCKTON,MASS. > FtaS 5 eed 1>. M. FFKItV A CO., Iletrolt, Mich, W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Siwes Is a live metropoiit ih All our shoes aro equally satisfactory daily. It is ti>e MOST REL1.A • They give the best value for the money. They equal custom shoes In style and lit. ThMr wearing qualities are unsurpassed. Tho prices arc uniform,—stamped on sole. From Si to S.t siveit over other makes. If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Hold by RLE. and is recognized ns being the LEADING NEWS- PAPER ■ f the Pacific Cmist. Either of the above i aper-w« will send po-.tu.id as a pie- uiitini on recei. t of the follow­ ing subscription price» for the combination: "Dealors everywhere Wanted, agent to take exclusive .ale for this vicinity. Write at olli e. RABBIT AHÖ ; . L’nh DAILY C«Ll .'..ii ! j N AU tt' i mí nib is.’-. , p :. i ra t^S»!N» FOK ITRHli’R The McMnüen Woven ' t - I <8.00 11»» nai’ WIDOWS, PARENTS. II ARI’ER WEEKLY flARl'ER’S .MAGAZINE HARl’ER’b B AZA I:..................... HARl'EliS YOl Nil PE’H’l.E TOUR FUTURE And Ibi» Pip ”, i* f ïjir, ¡~*ïFÂo Poatage Free to all hu .gcrlberi in the U ii Mates. Camiibi or Mexico. The Vulumeg of the Weekly w 11 l(ti o'V "rKt -’•'»"■her for Jitnuaix o when uo time ih mentioned, su> t rii i<> begin with the Number eurreiu at iim eeipt of order. Bound Volumrgof Harper’s Weekly for year» hack, in mat .loth binding, will b b> mail Postage paid, or bv expresa free pen»e (provided the freight does uotexee per volume) for $7.00 a volume. < loth cases for each Volume, gnitabl“ ceipt"d$ll beSeUt by "lail P’^ ’l'uld, .m t i>\ 1 - » -n.l S.tllors tllsnbled In the line of vu.iar \rniy ( r v «litre ih> war. •’ ■ Indian wnr- of 1H.ÏJ to 1812, and ’ , how ntitlpd Oldnnd relveied claims \ I 'USHnda entitled to higher rite«. ” •twa. Xi’ cbargo for adrlce. N j fee >> . je« al Scientific American Agency for D Moori , tMitmt bureau Tor semiring patents In America. Ukrn 0,,‘ "T “• •' brought before tbe pubmtby a imuoe glreu tree ot ciiarga in the ^rirufific American L«'1*'I »L»"Ix’m’iuh\UtAddr?'r'si >l.ausuiua.Xei Broadway. New \oruei£yY' (ÇTli tfS I- . iw month by »0*- härmte»» herlm /"'N rroHHllo, that do r t lu * \ u Juro ths health or latertrre with one s tmsii. Ll’’,»ure I, blinds up and init-r..., s Uie a, V> W.inkleaor tUbbin.-a toll . tin. tr. u Kinloraed by phrst. isns ai, I 1. ».ling ►. b (. , W JJL MAIL CONFIDtNTÍkt "•"»«CM,. ,u .|.r.r h ’eft Rh.nifdcr; «'n '« barten < h left hip ami upper u.'tp «m boi’ ears. T. A. MeKintoni, Bun.* <>re. Hardin A Ri’ev, < nftle ’»rände l Von left s > torse braiKl T left al ie. p »>. Kurna.* »r» ¡¡ > • Remittances should be made by Post (> ■Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of L lol Address: HARPER A BROTHERS, Ne A’ I. (', EoS“’, ualtle brami -on rignt ft fr. Horse brami -on lef'sh.mlder. '’attic I',‘ hu , i II , on left r(> iv-.:cr 14 la e.'t ear. u s’ ope in ri h «a- florae 1 rau I 1 on rieh suie. R F. i. i. Williams I’. ’»■ tiler ( • r ! Tht.R ? " h ’«‘ . hums <>re'.»; Horse branded Pon right shoulder. < a’tle r on right hip. R. A, Henrlri* ks. P O. Lauen Or fl'.rav brand ;!G on left shoulder. a's« three lotsin shape of tdangle, cattle branded sam“ E. F. (front I.urns Or. W Han’s . C.A.SNOW&CO. < f'f r * A ‘ . Miss It'Ba IIurRe brand anvil '» l ’ eft «.’¡D p '’attic branded bar'll on left hip. i O. Lftwen Ore. I i J. P Dickenson r attic brand .1 P connected <_». t left hip. Horse brand anvil on left stifle I*. (l I L L T S T R A T E D. ! i.wwvu lire. l.awen Ore. 'pN(W fWseÄ'Wc I IS IN YOUR OWN HAND. II A RPEK’s Weekly is a pictorial history of <’**11« brand figure 7 on either hip; mark liglu -w -- I Palmistry assume- to tell what the lines in your c H ì C aoo . ?5 UNION SqUARf. N. Y »I**• | betimes. It presents even- important ever ” each ear. slip In each ear, and watt eveit t 1. crop off hand indicate. It will a n -e you, if noiliii. u.oie. pump X. accurst.’!...and exhau’.ii-e’.y hi^il ar J wvho . »»* ’»»-“»•* «WV-KHa FOR SA1 Ail*«« _E QY «A- 0*iïﻫ* “VOITU. I The above diagram alm -t explains it-elf. The m^ aii n and deseripiive icxt of the hlgnegt ! | on left jaw. >1 irse brand figure 7 on either hip length of the LINE OF 1.1FE indicates probable J. If. Bunyard.Burns Ore. NEW HOME SEWINi; MA axe to which von « ¡1 1 Each BRACELET 1 i.e manlier in which, ilurii g lsn.i p «-,■ gives yon thirty years. We 1 marked l.INF. OF C.eo, Williams, horses and mules branded UIHNE CO., 725 Market St., ii'id the Chi >a«> Railr. ud .'trikes m d ilie denotes ..rain pov,■ h combined mean .•'■io i was aole to throw on Koieatheinafaiila teu- Success in life; but von niu-t 1 yen np with modern Horse brand'j' on right stifle. James Rousx« 1 n wakdlneieu |O that lit. le-kuown couutv Department. Ideas to win it. Yon «i i n ... plenty of these in D.’in.'r.’ t s Family Magazine so at’ractivey pre­ a'eexamjdes of I a a in. si boo d’esa resotin <■»' P 0 'urns ore Jill an Ba pii, .1,. ,,.n i.imusntd writer ami sent.’.I that every mem ,r of the family is enter- ,hv ’■ HF\l(Ti>e«;. d s tenderness: » straight and iliere joine i ny c |i. Weldou n..w f ,r brand bar-in on left hip and ribs. Catherine LIM Of F.VIT. p accf-il life: the reve ae il Marshall P O Narrows (ire. cn>. . .1 a we.I .lefln.d I ISE OF HEALTH spares you doctor»’ bl. - . so will tile lea.tn hints Horse brand on left shoulder S Miss Laura m De nore». -, No ot . r magazine publishes so manv st ries to interest rim I ome circle. You will Stancllft. Burns Ore. be subject to extremes of Idgb .vlrlts or rh -qiond- HARl’ER’S PERIODICALS e,ic'1." T°° "ive the GIIIIH.E OF VENUS well Horse brand on left shoulder and same oa marked kcepnpv.uir • -n-l.y having Den.orest's (S', u and r-!id. ' . ..biatncL iridali Pat Magai’tie to re.ia. By nil», ribii g to tt for lfSM muscle of right hind leg. Phil 8mlth Burns cut e .-it. ..ndui te l f<.r Moderat» I eea. you will r.’ce ve a g Here of exqnls re works of art !Vr Year Ore. mir (Hire is Opnostte U S. Patent Office. or ■’• It vahie. bcs’.l si • rd pn mfiin. picture, J1,? 7” ,eS!rr I"“*’'" ln lv” ‘han those 1. XL. Inches, •• I’m a D ,i-y!” w bicli is almost a real ■emote from « aehington. 8. I.ampshire »ml Son cattle bra id Q eqn.lt .the oiiL >t »1 <,|1 painting which (RIER’S RAZAK b, nd model, drawing ..r photo., with deecrlp- cost S»»; and yon wi I bav a magazine that cannot I! i (» II \ It PER ’ S 1’’Ç sd' lae. if patentable , r not, free of M \G AZINE connected. E ht mark swallow fork in right e»» oe equaled hy any in tho w od.t for Its beamiful 1 Of a 'b' s r fcc,-no‘ '.h patent i« secured underbit in left, p, o. Burn» Ore. ■llnstrationa an I •ulij.-ct matter, tl at will ke< D '¡ARPER’S WEEKLY 4 Ot HARPERS YOUNG PE.ipi r .... F .msbiet ’llow to Obtain Patents. " with you posted on all the op ca of the day. n d all tbe . 0 •‘»nies «factual client« iu your ■■‘ut., . mut»,or P. s age Free to all subscriber» 111 the Cuite. Horae» and Cattle branded J P on left shoul u '¿,IT,’'ent Bern- of interest ah. nt the town, sent free Address, “ ..«r der s .me b anded JP conn. eted. Mary J. Bonsehold. beside» film -hln » interesting reading 'Ut. s (.'»liada, or Mexico. Price, Burna Ote m*.itter:., » eT’TI’ '"'ll e!lv’ ,or ,h<’ «hole family ; »Cd Whi'e De imre-t’a I- . „ U.hlon tracazina A’r” ” ric‘’ »’ «> y " rot with iu Opposte Patent Othc« WaiMiryti J C. free oi cost, all the pa t rn v o wi-h to use .doing I™, TeaL “d ■ n *’■’ •”’(■’< h. o-e ml your aubserption at m ...... y j»w nIld ,or „ U| ^h?rew°7r " A dn-s tV pub. h-her W Jennlng- ]> . . r.-t. Ea-r li st, u' w Torn, ir mg P un-cpnalnred with the ,•7- /TTf ¡I' "r.T "fO'I’e” ..n.mpv A InrgeQUvD- SIXULH mean- h.m.■- »; a 'urge TIHANGI F »... r í’l}T*,O!n,e ------ - - r •!%••••/v Ü! Ex-Mayor Daniel F. Beatj «U «K . V» k i-.- t» I c,t ilt J j. geneto-tv Io. - F BkT |IIV1»!<>N OF TIII'MR II'R win'bT.7ni 7for blnd Washington, New Jersey, atroncwlll; 1ONQ SF.'oxn DIVl'-ON »I .’«< h by m*u cn receip of “1* ' <*“ »w*M»W ...VF B U. ... « , r, ,T'..Tt,e yniAT JUPITER hetokens * list» i *A aut... < yu ■ am. It on ; th»t<.fs\T' RN. prnrt i ■ • the M N M Ai* r ®* 'YW-vd» ar« H.p* ... 1? I b ^ M ia l M.^^oMeToíS I? t on’’fVP\ntwri * Muo'i’ ims’-’l"» * V r ^U s 1-’ biteli’iJn«1 » 2”,,f •«’’ MERCI RY, Ji T'hc *'l‘r »ti'lee as abave and »o» aHof the orÄ »aove ^RPl^T». Z’*. ’ m ' l <> CO py B ny °"* 1 nor sure to posses- the h,t moM *LO ll'MI inalili II11ML CIIUi.i lu .«pnm l“ ' TV »ESP ^TTAd\M.ENT§: THl^lNtST" * WOODWORK CAVEATS, »Dt MARKS, » IH PATENTS, I COPYRIGHTS, etoJ HARPER’S PERIODICALS f. « rui I p:>ti vx< lvsi\e ih signs for Oip-dooi and Imiooi T.»iierieg. uravvn irom W orth mod h by S un , . z tmd < H aphis , are an impor au lerltue- .these appear every week, ai eunipan let! bj minute oeR< liplionp ami K atharine de F orest , is n weekly trm r . ripl of the iaf<.«» fiksuixi eapr.- «t f i:i Hie rn «ie, 1'ioiei the I k up of Ne v York F'l'Rhii.jis, p Hill (hg( r.p lui.R ami full paj’.icu- arg a»e given ud <» shupt s. labiius, Iriminings. and accts* shsof t be eos!uim s <>t well erewied women, i hiitirui ► < h» hing ref eives ;»i h < t icai aUemitm. a tortLightij l>Mtlern-Kheei supp'e* .nent enables readers fount mu i mrketheirown g»>wh The woman who tak g HAltPE..’> BA Z \S is prei ared Jor ever) oeuasi m in lite. <»e- ic.noi.it'iis • r iuiiirmal, where beautiful dress h rtqu slit. PER YEAR: WEEKLY CUL I l.i sT l:i:t> FOR I Market i. 11 AIV a .NCK. CU'LDREN, STOCK BRANDS. !, hk mokmng cai . i , (S kvhn I ssubs a Win) Over One Million People wear the : ' 0lï»S, Bound volumes ot Harper’-Magazine io three years ha< K, in neat clo.h binding win i be sent by moil, post-paid, on ru< cip( of $ > ■■»er volume, (’loth (’a-e*, for binding V) eenis eacii- by mail !»o>(-paid. Remittances should ne made l»\ Bo-rofli»-. Momy Order, or Draft, to avoid chanc o *oss. Addro.- T1AKPEK .1 BROTHEllH. Nev York. of Fine Vegetables and Beautiful Flowers. Write for it—Free. i 11 BEÂTTÏ'S PIANOS® BEWSORGÄNS“ for caialogee Adres», Hon waahiiigti.u N»w Jersey. V « Da ilei F. Bea'.»’