didn’t ¡ng of the willows and alders to the I ing blankly after us. II ‘ light. A h she reached the bridg» J HOXIE. 'attempt to f.llow, however, and m a few minutes Roxie and I stood she heard a clatter of harpe-hcofi, From re.plc’i Homv J. viual. alone and out of breath at Joe and directly two riders came dash CHAPTER IX Blake's door. The stars were shin­ ing side by side along the dusty I must sav that Roxie behaved ing bright and thick overhead tht high road—Philip Trevor and hi» betrothed wife, Miss Clay. The ' beautifully. She made him a cold n « .! - full of fire-flies; flash- ga New York heiress was mounted dn .bow and said. “Good evening, in; ¡i, and out of the lilac bushes, just as she might have done to any an | the scent of barberry blows the squire’s favorite white man*. She wore a lovely navy-blue lidino I of the mill hands. and v. ib! loses sweetened the air. He seemed a littie taken back, -Hoxie,” said I—she was leaning, habit, ami her fair hair and |0Bg but he fell into place beside 1:'“, whit • and spirit-like, against the veil fluttered together in the wind. and savs he: rickety gate—-“you’ll get over it in They swept by so near Hoxie that I “It’s a sight for sair ecus, as the time 1 had an experience a little she heard Miss Clay say, “What a Scotch say, to see you again. I pretty face! Do many nf you» like yours once, but I outlived it. Ply mi ton rustics look like that. never knew before how intermina b- ’Twas years ago. and '.he man I 'one short we. k — under certain e n loved was Philip Trevor’s own Philip?” Roxie dui not catch his answer Id'tions,—may be!” father, dead and gone now. I lived She answered not a si Hable, 1 —they were gone like a Hash, in a fool’s paradise for a few weeks, It is first class in every respect Th’- proprietor having been raised ¡filled uv the awl;«ai l pause with H and then he went away and mar­ i round a In-nd in the raid; and in a sudden panic, an overwhelming in the business knowsjust how to conduct it Meat at. retail and wi.ole cough. ried the woman who is Philip’s ;1 1 “ Roxie, ” mtn inured Tret or, in 'dread to meet them again, she sale prices You can buy by the quarter, less or more, and at prices ¡mother—went without word or I coaxing voice, will lou no' spm as low as you would have to pay ranchers Ih ef.Pork,Mutton, Sausage warning, and left me to tight out sprang down the bank and fled etc K. A. M atthes , Proprietor. to me? Good he., veil-1 1 his is scarce- 1 mv 1 attle with the pam and misery along the mill brook till she reach- I ly fair, you know ! F<»rseven days 1 as best I could. I’ve never put led a dump of pine-wood just below ' have In en bin goring for on. glimpse | j faith in a human being since that the saw mill. She .-at down them of your face. I am harassed and person. The J time, Roxie; least of all would 1 like a half dazed • ! perpl» xed and bored to death by I smell of the pi. ch scented the damp trust a Trevor.” And then I people I detest. 1 am al;ogi ther ' wind, the buzz of the mill filled her ano I er miserable; and will you treat me tramped away without tars, the wnterzof tho brook rippled ’ word. ■ like this?” not fir away, and, of a sudden, Have »old to consumer» for Cl yeara, Well, time went on. and .Sandy “Does your betrothed wife lore saving thorn tho dealer's protic. Wo aro the someb .dy started.out from among Ol.lr.t anil Laifril tiru.ufu. tnr< rs in Ami r- Ica aeillng Vehicles and 1 In ru ■ st!, in way -ship . u?” said Roxie, in a cold. bcoro- Blake sulked round ¡the cottage a ihe gummy tree boles and moved with privilege to oxae Ino b'lore any money is paid. We pay frclrrlit b< ill ■ ivsif not satisln - goob deal, smoking his pipe and toward h r with a stealthy, creep- ■ful voice. tory. Warrant for 2 year ■ > p y an agcntflO to (M to order for you? y i-own erde-. Sand? tdake in Lin Boxing free. Wo take nil risk of damage in i Dark as it was. I could gee (ht watching Roxie, and Squire Trevor’s , ¡ng sound I shipping. guests still made merry at the hall working clothe«, with a gun on hi« WHOLESALE PRICES. blood leap into his face. Spring Wagons, $31 to SCO. Guaranteed I.0.7.1, Surrey. Roxie shoulder. The sight made her Finally, oue afternoon, r n.io feiMliforaoetoi: Surrey^, SC3 to CtCJ ‘Yes, decid'dly.” he answered I $28 start. No.37. Surrey líamela. aarne as sell for 1100 to lil'O. Top BugCiec, S37.5O, as (loo u. ml I B f l. tono.i nb with a short laugh. “Co f ssion ¡8 walked over to Plympton post-ollice to SIOO. Farm Wagons, Wae.onette-.., ‘What are you doing here?” lna’l a lePer to ljer brother Jim. Milk Wagon», Delivery V.' >• ,r>. ■"' 1 r- i go.ul for the soul, an 1 I will noti^° l„. Carts. ili vtLis roil Jil x, non. » * tm./.o.. sai 1 she. I h sitate to make it. Send this W(> He gave her one of his sidelong wo- . who was mining somewhere out in Ffl ‘■'rs. * ’ “ Qv z(\ V- L'.ui'. V. agon. turned straight looks that al vays made her blood Our man away”—this was in a tone n | Nevada. She HarncM Are -old at intended for my ear—"I want t(, homeward as soon as her errand burn, and answered: “Shooting crows. Have you seen Manufuv« No.tl8^, Top Buggy. whs done. ’Twas about four talk with yon alone, Roxie.'’ turcr’a any in the wood ?” Pc. rm, $43.00 ° ricca. She stopped short in the roa(jt o’clock, and the sky was covered 01 J tu No!’’ said she. sharp and short, and says she, quickly and liimlv: with clouds, and a damp south- j and turned her back upon him. No. I, Fann Harner>. KIDÍ5U K tDDIJZS and I” r NETS. Elkbar; Bb’/r’.e, 2 d wheels. “You have notniug to sav, Squire wind blew over the fields of ripe When she looked vp a few minutes t.;v.*. • < “• <’b3 G percent, otr for <»a«h •”«’ . - Send f.i p.ici ... “1 .dbing, Urin» füTüHtxü. 8tA.injK Lu puy poMaire oa 1’? ;o c^.aiogtie. ©tee I’revor to which I cr.n or will, flu,nmer grass, and turned the lin- after, he had vanished, No. J, Fara Wagun. Address W. B. PIRATT, Gec’y, ELKH m RT, l*D lis.eii. I jlu V c me. and d »n't come coNrixt ed . near me again. Though I am no-. ..oily but J.it- Eiak. ,s dniight. r, 1 i .can. perhaps, f el an ii suit as keen- ‘ ly. and recent it as quickly, as Miss lav even. G >od night and g.-od 1 by —for ev.-r! ’ I He stood as if pi trill, d. I 1 , I’o every p r-oii sen 1 “Roxie w..it one moment — give I • ng m t he a in >n it <»( J me a hearing— ’ But she grasp, d one yearly subscription t > fn? II pjiai . o t >g • i with t • i c its extr ., Disease commonly comes on with slight I u.y hand tigi.tly, and we scurrn d symptoms, which when neglected increase .. 11, leaving min there in the dark we «ill rend free a copy of 1’he W >rl I \|.,, „. 1<; for 1895. z Suigle copie* , < ad, fixid m tns tracks, a d s ' i . i - may be orde-ed at this ollie. f.,r 2*> cents in extent and gradually grow dangerous. ELKHART CARRIAGE and HARNESS HFG. CO Stt.oo Do You FEEL SICK? i’S II you SUFFER FROM HEADACHE. DYS­ PEPSIA or INDIGESTION, . . . TAKE RIPANS TABULES If »ou are BILIOUS. CONSTIPATED, or have LIVER COMPLAINT.................................. TAKE RIPANS TABULES If your COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, or you SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING. TAKE RIPANS TABULES For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL DISOR­ DERS OF THE STOMACH. . . . 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It is . . . 1 •» a nun- ture for aU «uffedng fr.„n these cau.-s, _______ J amzs K. Wan«. Sold on a Positivo Guarani.. , D r . MILES’ pi LLS.50 Doses<5 ?3iCE, postpaid b , mail, - 25 CENTS Address THE WORLD, New York CHy« rf.-, Uj, (i G Zu ?;