VOL. Vili. BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. MA KUH 27 1895, NO 17 Ths Horall I , C-1-, holding on to the damper i —Mrs. Mary Matthes is sole me Justice of the Peace for the —Timothy seed for sale or trade PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY in stove pipe—‘Parson I have to agent in this town and cotmtv for al above named District, County and for grain, hv G. W. Young of this Attend constantly to this damper BY when we have a tire in t hie heating I New York firm for the sale of lace, State, of March 13th. 1895. place. stove, it draws so hard there is window curtains, pillow shams.! W. C. B y an, P ublishers and P roprietors . danger of it drawing up the > con- p irtieres, table covers bed spreads Justice of the Peace. , tents of the room.” 1 SUMMONS. and laces, and at prices so low as I Parson — ‘ Oh, that is nothing to In the Circuit Court, of the State SUBSCRIPTION RATES: to as’onith the most incredulnuss ! Petition for License, a stove in the house of your neigh One Year ..................................................... >2.Ou of Oregon for Harney County. Mrs Matthes s dicits a call trom fix Mouth« ................................................. 1.00 bor where I stayed last night, it To the Hon. County Court of P eter F. S tenger , Plff i Three Mentha ................................ . ^75 I i ' drawed so hard that when we got her neighbors and examination ofljj VH ( arney County Oregon. HERALD CLUB LIST: . up this morning we found the stove goods. | We th- undersigned legal voters A lameda S tenger ,Deft.) Jerald and HarperS Magazine........... 5.00 tieraid and Harper’s Weekly ............. 5.20 on top of the hotine, the pipe d raved | of Drewsey precinct, hereby petition Herald and Harper’s Bazar................. 5.20 so hard it just took the stove up To Alameda Steoger, the above your honorable body to grant h Herald and Harper’s Young People.. 3.75 named defendant: In the name of and deposited it on the roof. NOTICE. Herald and Alden’s Manifold Cyclopedia, . .2.90 ..... license to A. I. .Johnson «t Bro. of t he State t f Oregon: each additional volume after Vol. 1 56 cent«: Sealed bids will be received by Drewsey Oregon, to retail vinous, 10 cents extra tier volume, postage. —John Sweitzer,car pen ter, under You are hereby summoned and Di’lard Clerk School dist. malt and spirituous liquors in less required, to be and appear in the gUp-Copics of all the above works can be ex taker and cabinet-maker. His work IT. A amined at leisure in the Reading Room. quantities than one gallon at their shop is the old restaurant building. No. 1 at Burns Ore. until Saturday , place of business at Drewsey Oregon above entitled court, on or before the first day of the next regular JEXy Publisher« of periodicals arc «elicited wwenu clubbing rate«, a copy of their work for Mr.Sweitzer guarantees his work at ^Pr*l 6th. 1895 for the construction tor the period of six months from term thereof, to wit. the 20th dav our Free Beading R .Qin—We file und bind the prices to suit the hard times. Cof •of a certain school house at per May 5th A. D. 1895 and for which of May 1895. latter at close ol every half-volume, en<j v«v «> •opies bv advertisement. fins made to order. Will take pro I plans ct specifications, row on file we «ill ever pray. Then, thera, therefore be you, and Dated at Drewsey Feb. 16th ’95. aoswtr, tir otherwise plead to duce partlv for work and balance in ‘with H. E. Thompson each bid to NAMES NAMES ADVERTISING RATES: plaintiff’s complaint, in this suit be accompanied by good and suf E I j Robbins ca-d:. arici: j 1 wk 1 2 wk J 1 mo j 3 mo J 6 mo Jesse Bartlett filed against you, or for want there ficient Bond in the sum of $1000, H IT Masterson J T Moflet J'.rtch |$1.50 32.50 35.00 38.00 | —J F. Boyle, photographer, is of, the plaintiff-will take a decree I “ 8.00 4.00 -¡.50 12 03 311.00 that in the event of getting the T W Lucas 18.00 Wm M-.flet » “ 1 3.50 5.00 8.00 15.00 24 00 still here. A rare opportunity against von for the relief as prayed 1 4.50 6.00 10.00 28.00 Willie Altnow for in plaintiff’s comph-int. contract a sufficient bond will I he J R Johnson 50.00 Wcol. 6.00 9.00 15.00 28.00 22.00 is presented to all who have not 4M 00 54.00- Geo N Rann 12.30 16.00 28.00 48.00 80.00 1x0.00 given in twice the amount of the Geo Cap 1st: That the bonds of matri r «« 20.00 30.00 40 00 60.00 110 00 140.00 already supplied themselves with A E Duncan •J R Dre wet t mony no.v existing between plain • ’id, and a further bond in the i su tn W 1» Robbins samples of his excellent work. Re M E Anderson tiff'and defendant be absolutely ) of $3000 for the payment of all (’ T Griffin •JOB WORK Geo Morgan member his prices, $3.00 uer doz. annulled, cancelled, and set aside, labor and material used on such Jacob Wright S B Stewart Of every description executed with neatness for cabinets, lie guarantees and a decree of divorce, absolute, be to »nd despatch, at reasonable rates. A W Alim I contract wben due. S W Hamilton granted. please even themost fastidious. Circulars, Posters, Pamphlets W A Robertson Envelopes, Bill Heads, Said bids «ill be -pened at 2 J H Wright Letter Heads, 2nd: That plaintiff by said de statements, Nule Heads, Cards, TicKcts. W F Kingsbury A F Masterson h '- cree, — W. N. Jorgenson has just re • ' ’ 1 be awaid-d the care, cnst.ulv o ’ clock P. M. of sai-ii day. The Memoranda, Invitations. Dodgers, Etc. KJl lUW’-WiJfiTrc IV Hll'l Hli Ollie. ceived a supply of fbwtfJ — ereeffent T he II eiicld is kept regularly on file for re- | "3rd: That the money and proper- i•I'«"'.'« aCiG «1 - By order of the board of directors. Al Weatherly I ty taken by the def-nd'.int, ns al selection of violin and guitar Lou C Bradfield leged in the complaint Ue decreed A. Altnow strings. piNAL PROOF to be the entire interest of defend i OFFICIAL DIRECTORY • —Get one of I. S. Geer & Co’s. ant. as alleged in the complaint be » I premium purchase tickets. This LAND OFFICE AT BURNS, OREGON. decrei d to bo the entire interest of NOTICE. NATIONAL ! Miirih 25, 1895. defendant in lieu of dower, in all | firm agrees to give the holder ol ......... Grover i 'leveland Notice is her-bi given that the fol’owl g President .................... of the lauds and property of the ............ Aillai Stevenson such tickets a fine life size Crayon name«! FdtlvrhnH filed notiue of hi« liitentiui. Vice-President. LAND OFFICE AT BURNS OREGON. plaintiff'her» in. ami of their joint . Walter Q. Gresham Secretary of Stale io i nke final pru»»f in aupport < f hind iuhj . ......... John G Carlisle ' Portrait absolutely free of any ihftt Mii<i provi will lc mitt’c before ^1«* * lecretary of Treasury FEBY. 25 1895. ................. Hoke smith and community property. lecretary of Interior mim I Receiverat Bun a Oregon, on Ma* 4. I« b. ....... I'aniel 8. Lamont charge, by purchasing $20 worth via J oseph Z. IB- gvn . Îecratary of War . ... 4th: That the land nt the defend Complaint haying been entiled . Hilary A. Herbert Hd No. 1>7 for the 8J4 NN>andN^jSW1.« ecretury of Navy _■............ 1 . Morion " "'i of goods for cash at their store. lecretary of Agriculture .J. Sterling L ant and the land of the defendant Sec. B‘2, Tp. -1 S R 26 E I at this Office by J ohn G ilcrest Richard S, Olney Henanuathe f> inwiug lowing wiiiow« w H ihfrb ... Attorney General , . i 1 , lie naint B rue to . J cultivation .. 1 foprove I 4 a ■ oi.-.v .. . 4 . .. Wilson 8 Bissell is not necessarv that the WDOle ] h R c„tlt|nU„u(l reBh’enee ... upon n id against F redrick V iedernell for, and her three children jointly, men- Postmaster General I of saidi iaiui, viz Ki< hard M iller , R obrkt J. STATE—OREGON : amount should be purchased at one W illiams . G kokgk M- W illiams , J oskph A. I abandoning his limn- -b ad Enlrv tioned in the complaint, be decreed J. N Dolph W illiams , all ol Riley Oregon. I No. 867. dated Sept. 11, 1887. upon to be for the use and benefit of the gettatori. J. H.Mitchell. time, but any amount from 5 cents TH o MAS JONES. Registeor. 'the SW i SV\4 Ni S\V-4 Sec. I ami children mentioned in the com (Binger Hermann (W. R. Ellis to $20 as explained upon the tick V,»ngre«smen •NEI SE{ Sec. 2 Township 19 s R plaint the issue of said D'.irriage, NOTICE—TIMBER CULTURE. . . C. M. Idlemati Attoruej venerai Win P lord ets. ioveriior Harney County, On-gon and that the same he held in trust I U. 8. LAND OFFICE LAKEVIEW OREGON. |31 E, in . II R Kincaid Secretary of State .with a view to the cancellation of 'for them, by the plaintiff herein, ___________ R .. ..Phil. MctBchan Feb. 13. 1895. Treasurer ML8IC. G M Irwin ïupt. Instruction < . Public ..................... Complaint having been entered at this Office I gajd entry, the Said priltiesare here ami that defendant be decreed to R. . . .. . W H Leeda Alate Printer by Elizabeth 8 Merritt agaii at L. R. Gar.-iaon - - Having permanently located in have no right, title or interest there I (or failure to compì) with la« ss to Timber hy summond to appearHt this office » K- 8. Bean. laird . T Wm. P. Lo I Piano. Culture Entry No 914 Baled June 7, 1888. upon on the 5th. day of April, 1895, at in. whatever, ai d that the decree «npreme Judge« Burns, w.ll teach music on ’ F. A. Moore the W'i SW'i 4 NEV« SW'4 See. 24. Tp. 21 8 R Organ, Violin and Guitar, M usic 28 E, in Grant County Oregon with a view to the 10 o’clock z\ M, to respond and herein, when made end entered, SIXTH JUDICIAL district : I’ani ellation of said entry ; conies ant alleging D . . . . M. D. d*FFOKi> '• furnished for balls and parties, that the entrvmnn has failed an-iy.eg'ected to furnish testimony concerning said I stand in lieu of a deed, for the pur district Ju-tge Jamis A. Fee. poses mentioned herein. break 10 acrea of land <»rauy r. timber vf alleged abandonment. !aii"ron"said to ofacres be done. J. L. Rand terms to suit the times. Oistrict Attorney ..n sold tract, fruct or or caused rniiKod same name to dh done. . D And la«tly, for such other and THOMAS JONES, Kegi«ter, I foint-Represeutative (R) O. L. Patterson I or to plant to trees tree seei's. ruota or cuttings toint-Senator .(R).............. A. W.Cowan E. A. Scherer. any number of »i res of said t-aet. or c aused further relief as to the court may same to be done, bui that ««id trai t ia in ita i a ural condition, the said partii« are hereby seem ju«t and equitable. COUNTY—IIARSKY : John Day fhltTr al C. H- Voegtly’s summoned to appear before A. W Wateis a piNAI, PROOF C. P. Rutherford., Oounty ejdge....... You will also take notice that the Notaiv Public at hisofllceat Buri 3 Oregon, on P. L. Sliideler for sale at $5 50 a barrel, cash ...(D).. flerk .................... K lh ilavoi Mavl«9-'i. at 10 o ’ clock A M. to re Summons is served upon you by I. 8. Geer Treasurer ... AT BURNS, OREGON, LAND OFFCE . (B) . T. A. McKinnon This offer holds good for the next spond and furt iah t< atimony concerning said Surveyor ............... publication, in the E ast O rfgon alleged failure, am! the hearing of the case will March 18 1895. A. GiltingB Sheriff (R) be cor tillered by I his office on June 8 >895, at 8. W. Miller thirty days. Notice is hereby given that the fo’lowing- H erald printed and published at ...(D)... Assessor .C has . Newe 1 nameii settler has filed notice of liis intention School Superintendent ,.iR) 10 o « lui k A M. a wilshire . Register. C. II. VoERTLY, R J. ¡vers to make final proof in support of Ills claim, and Burns, Oregon for six consecutive Stock Inspector that said proof will be made before Register A weeks, weeklv, hy order of the Hon. A. B. Marks CD) I Agent. Receiver at Burns Ore. on April 25 1895, via: dommissiouors HR Sita. S R ichard N M ii . lkh . 1 Morton D Clifford Judge of said A good ranch belonging to H. G. lid No 114 for the NU NW1sec '.9 BE'i SFJ4 SUMMONS I Court, and that said order was HAKXH r. ». LAND office : Sec 19 NE‘4 NF1, sec Ul Tp 21 - R '.7 E. He names the following « I to sses to prove made and dated at ('harn’ ers in ....... Thomas Jones Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 Register continuous rcaldenr e up .-.andeul Iva on of .A. A. Cowing Receiver Tn the Justice Court for Burns his miles south east of Burns. This said laud, viz: W«.H II. it sX. ZatHAXIaM Canyon Citv. Oregon Jan 30, li*95. Oregon . District Harney County I H ogan . J ossfh A. W,r.Ll iHs KoiirtT I. W ILL- i rarnih has about 100 aci-.« vf good I ams al) of Kiley Ore. Hyde it Pack wood. SOCIETIES. W. J J ohnson I’ltfl THOMAS JONES, Register. Atty, for Plff meadow land. Price $800 or will vh ? SYLVA REBEKAH Degree No. 13. A lmeda S tenger Deft) trade for sheep. ' I ..........■■■■■IQ - — Meet« every 1st and 3d Wednesday. Lucy Rr.sk, N.lt. B yrd K ino . i To the above named defendant I M I. I<ewis. Rec. Sec’y Almeda Stenger: In the ■ name of Notice Of Dissolution Of Part- »he Mate — of Oregon . yon are re- A. O. U. W. Burna Lodge, No. 4* quired to appear before 'he -ind-r- nership Maetaevery 2d and 4th Thursday « OREGON. 1-igned -.jgned a Justice of the th'* Peace for BURNS, 11 M ll.-rion, M. W. J. W Beyer, Rac'd Know all men bv these presence | |h* 1)ifttrict .,f(,r,..iltid on th« 27th. 1 EE LUCAS. P roprietor This large and comfortable hotel is well furnished and the pr j ie- that the co partnership, heretofore (lil ..av of April 1895 at ten o’clock in BURNO k IA HONOR l odge. N o . 8 I existing and known as D. L. and the fore noon of said day. at the ior uses everv < ff< rt possible to m.-ke his gut-Ms fed at home t tC. Meet« everv 2d and 4th Monday. The tabic is at all times supplied with everything the m:.’i • M re, Sayer C of H W. H. Shirk is this day and date office of said Justice in a,<| District to answer the above i m.-< <1 Plff- in fords. February 9th 1895 dissolved by a civil action for the recovery of, HARNEY LODGE, NO. 77, I. O O F. Give Mr. Lucas a chll and we feel assured you will contim.< Meet« at Odd Fellows Hall, every Saturday mutual consent. Furthermore money. his guest when in town. I 30 p m, J. C. Wooly N. G. W. C. Byrd, Secy. that each and not one for the other, The Deft will take o ice that if| E urns-Canyon Stage Line she fail to answer tin- complaint but each foi himself shall assume H 4 RNEY POST NO. 48, G. A. R. will take judg Meets everv 1st and 3d Wednesday of each hie own obligations and lhat neith herein the Plff ■•inth. ar o ld Fell.-wa' Hall. All Contrada T. A. M c K innon , contractor. ment against her for »he sum of la good standing!« vited. er shall stand n» ^surety for the $76.05 and for the costs and dis Carrying U.S Mail" and Eastern Oregon Express Co’s I other. In witness whereof we have buraeiuents of this act. >n. , Ü. 8. MAILS, City, set our hand and seal, this 9th day This sn Hiltons is , - >hed in > Stages Ix*avi' pure » * • . ' a « » • R'-d intermediate arwxs— vali : the wetkiv E ast O f < H eraid „ fzon Rio «.Ji. of Feb. 1895 rrivesand .erari« laity. W. C. BYRD &, SON. . _ 9 ■ - I I II QI IUVVIHS I